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Kim's Marriage

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Kim falls prey to her Father in Law.
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He had to admit, Kim did look absolutely stunning in white. Virginal, sexy, submissive and fucking hot all rolled into one.

The fact that this was his future daughter in law marrying his son didn't worry in the him in the slightest, and being the one who was the "stand-in" Daddy to give her away just made the whole thing even more erotic.

Paul, his son, had been something of a disappointment so far. Sadly, he reminded his father somewhat of Karen, his ex wife...Paul's mother. Karen had tried hard, but never really grasped what was important in life, and had never really "understood". She had been a pretty little thing, arm candy someone had called her once, but once those looks had faded with motherhood and housework, he had discovered there was nothing more substantial to hold his interest.

And, he had to admit, as he had progressed through life, his own interests had certainly become more deviant and dark. Since the divorce he had dated a number of girls, pretty, young, and what could only be described as "submissive." They were never more than pretty toys for him, picked up, played with, pushed to their limits, and then discarded. The chase, the conquest, the breaking down of resistance was a thrill...but once achieved, they had become too....compliant. They had actually liked being submissive, and for Richard, that took some of the fun out of it.

While his father was developing his more refined and sadistic tastes, Paul had bumbled along in life somewhat like his mother. He was pleasant, at times charming, if a little diffident and lacking in "bite." He was a loyal but dull employee at the bank where he worked. The girls he had brought home were almost invariably female versions of Paul; pleasant, vaguely attractive, and completely forgettable.

However, when Kim had appeared, life suddenly became a whole lot more interesting. She was immediately and stunningly pretty, in the way that only a slim Chinese girl can be. Her dark eyes were bold and seductive, with a look that challenged you to see how far you could push the limits. She had that famed "oriental submission" about her, she knew when to bow her head and look up through her eyes in a way that signalled a willingness to be a total slut for the right man, yet the strength to deflect any one who presumed to try their hand. She was respectful when she needed to be, but had obviously quickly found the measure of Paul, and had him wrapped round her little finger.

Not that she despised him, she was obviously very fond of him, even thought that she loved him. He was industrious, (a plus in Chinese culture), and attentive. He had a future at the bank, and he wasn't chasing other girls. For her, he was a catch, and she intended to hang onto him.

Paul's father, however, slightly unnerved her. To her he was invariably polite and attentive too, never acting anything but the proud father welcoming a potential daughter in law. But there was also something mysterious about him, his easy confidence, that slight reserve that said he had something to hide.

If there was anything she could put her finger on, it was the fact that however hard she tried, she could never manipulate him. Most Chinese women instinctively learn the art of guiding their men folk so that they do what the wife wants, but think it was their own idea. Her future father in law, however, seemed to be immune. If he helped, it was on his terms. He took charge with his ideas, and he was the only person who could somehow persuade Paul to take his side against her without creating friction.

But, he was generous, if not wealthy, and there wasn't anything wrong with him, apart from those times she caught him looking at her, through her clothes, seeing her naked, and making her cunt wet with a sense of naked vulnerability.

Kim had met Paul at work. She was part of an bank audit team sent in to do a snap inspection lasting several days. Paul had been assigned to look after the team, and somehow they had stayed in contact after the project's conclusion. (Somehow, of course, because she had arranged it that way. She knew quite early on that this man was just what she was looking for.)

Within two months they were a solid item, and were naturally planning a life together. She had hastened the process along by not sleeping with Paul as such, making it clear that she was saving herself until the marriage night. Not that Paul minded that much, her cunt may have been off limits, but her mouth was very creative, and she was very responsive to the working of his fingers and tongue. The sight of her slim naked body with the boyish hips, pert high breasts and firm peach rounded bottom was itself nearly enough to bring him off...and when she knelt and worshipped him with her lips and tongue...he reached nirvana within minutes.

Kim's family were not going to be able to make it to the wedding. She hadn't been close to her parents anyway, (they had never really been able to hide the disappointment of having a daughter, but had been loyal enough not to try for another child). When Kim had moved to London, initially to study, and then to work, they had expressed dutiful pride at her achievements. Her choice of a Westerner for a husband, however, had disappointed her rather rural and traditional parents, and so they had found ways of not coming to the impending wedding. Excuses were made; mother was not good at travelling, Grandma was poorly, father was working very hard as a manager at the local clothing factory.

So, one evening, after a dinner at Richard's apartment she had asked him if he wouldn't mind giving her away at the wedding. After all, she pointed out, he was contributing a significant amount, and it was only appropriate that he had a starring role. He had smiled, apparently delighted at the prospect and said with great charm,

"My dear Kim, I would love to give you away. I think you will make the perfect wife for Paul, and I feel almost like a father to you anyway."

And so, it was agreed.

In the lead up to the wedding her father in law had been a source of inspiration and helpful advice. He had graciously opened his wallet when extra funds were required, and called in favours when something special was required to make the ceremony that much more fitting.

Paul, meanwhile, had carried on working hard, feeling that at last he was making his father proud, and was thus agreeable to both Kim's and his father's advice about the wedding. In fact, if someone had watched, and observed, it was almost as if it was he, somehow, that was the bride; the rather passive partner in the whole affair.

And all this time, Richard was getting to know Kim, becoming a friend to her, gently working his way into confidence until she really felt at home with him, even relaxed, and trusted him. Sometimes, (not often, because a well brought up Chinese girl always maintains a certain reserve), she would even let herself be vulnerable to him, and seek his help when she really needed it, and every time he had been a true gentleman in return.

The wedding ceremony itself had passed off without a hitch. The celebration afterwards had been a roaring success, with over two hundred guests wined, dined and entertained in a very pleasant hotel in somewhat rural surroundings. The day had been perfect, except for one small, but understandable hitch.

Paul, being hard working and industrious, was not much a party goer, and if he were honest rather nervous at all the attention inflicted on him, had fallen prey to the wine and champagne. He hadn't created a scene, or been an embarrassment. He had, sensibly, excused himself and headed up to their hotel room...and promptly fallen asleep on the bed.

Thus, at 2:00am on the morning after Kim became Mrs Kim. She was sitting in the bar with her father in law, a little tipsy herself, and rather enjoying herself.

Paul's father, who she had always called by his surname, was now on first name terms with her. He had entertained her with stories about some of his travelling adventures, and had encouraged her to talk about her own life. With everything that had happened, and the alcohol, she was even seeing him in a new light...not as a relation, but as a man, and she rather liked what she saw.

Not that was going to do anything about it of course...oh no. But still, with her inhibitions sandbagged with the cocktails he had been buying her, his charm was certainly having a very nice effect down below. And anyway, she was horny because it was her wedding day. She had been expecting to finally lose her virginity, graciously bestowing it on her new, and suitable, husband. Instead, Paul's father was here, and he was doing very well as a fantasy substitute...older, charming, with an air of seductive danger about him.

When, finally, they had risen to walk up to their bedrooms, she had giggled and almost fallen into his arms and he had encouraged her to hold onto him. Feeling his strength and his confidence had unexpectedly jolted her. A spark had lanced into her pussy when he had caught her, and deftly placed her on his arm. The way he had taken charge had opened a girlish, vulnerable side to her, and she had held on a little more tightly than she needed, enjoying his strength. She loved Paul, she told herself, but his father certainly had an attractiveness about him.

Of course, she reassured herself, he was far too much of a gentleman to take advantage of her...which was a shame she said naughtily to herself..because part of her actually quite liked the idea of being taken advantage of.

As they walked, or rather she stumbled and giggled, up to the floor where they had booked rooms across the corridor from each other, she felt almost a little sad that soon he would be going into his bedroom, and she into hers. She didn't mind Paul being drunk, and in fact was rather pleased that he wouldn't be trying to insist on sex when neither of them was really sober enough to appreciate it.

But even she was stunned at what happened when they reached their bedroom doors. She had turned, standing very close to her new father, and looked up, and found herself in his arms. To her shock, he was kissing her, and to her even greater shock, she was kissing him back. He pulled back, still the the one in control, and smiled.

"Come with me."

His tone brooked no argument. She followed him...her brain still in disarray, her body pulled like a puppet on the strings of his will.

He deftly opened the door to his room, pulled her in, pushed the door shut, and was kissing her again...all in one smooth irresistible movement. His confidence took her breath away, and the alcohol dulled her sense of danger. He knew how to kiss, and he knew how to kiss very well, and despite herself, she succumbed to his attentions. In her mind this was dangerous, but she still had a line, a barrier she wouldn't cross.

His lips moved from her lips to her face, and then to her jaw and down to her neck. His kisses, passionate, soft, forceful yet caressing bathed and opened her to him. Her watching mind, (the observer we all have critiquing our life with a running commentary), was bemused at the way her body became aroused, her nipples hardening, her sex tingling, its moisture oozing its lubrication of desire. His hands on her back and bottom had been firm and controlling, and his fingers digging into her arse cheeks had driven her forward panting into his crotch.

Of course, with pride she had felt his hardness. What women when aroused could feel anything less than pride at this sign of her own desirability?

But when his hand had moved to her front and cupped a breast, catching the hardened eraser tip even through the soft bodice top, she had tried to stop her self before she fell al the way.

"No" she whispered, reluctant to completely break this mood. "No, I can't this is my wedding night."

Her excuse betrayed her. Richard heard her justification of why not now, but her unspoken, unacknowledged desire to go further at some future time. If he had been a true gentleman, he would have taken her at her word and let her go.

But he wasn't a gentleman, he was a dominant. He read deeper than her words, he saw her conflict, her struggle between the physical lust of the now and the emotional fear of the future.

And he was also a sadist who much preferred throwing his weight onto the side of the devil on his victim's shoulder, helping to ravage the angel of a girl's conscience.

"You don't mean that, and you know it" he growled back with just a touch of menace. "You are wet for me, and you know it. Admit it."

"I, I , I can't" she stammered, lost between admitting what she she knew was true, and knowing that the admission handed him all the power.

"I know exactly how you are. You are wet. Not just wet but soaking. Your juices are leaking down your thighs."

She blushed, deeply, and her face burned with shame at the blunt truth of his words. She wasn't just aroused, she was more turned on than she had ever been before, and though she couldn't be absolutely sure, she suspected this scarily seductive man was right about her. She had planned to give her future husband a treat by not wearing panties under her dress. As a result, there was no fabric to absorb the nectar that dropped from her cunt.

"In fact, I'll make a little deal with you."

Her heart leaped, was this to be her way out?

"Reach under your skirt and see how wet you are. If your fingers don't come out glistening and coated, I'll open this door and say good night, and you can walk into your bedroom. But once you see how wet you are, I will show you what happens to girls who play with fire."

Her heart thumped and she felt prickles of fear and lust at his implied threat.

And yet, she complied. Watching him with doe like eyes, she reached under her skirt and slid her finger up her thigh. Even as she did so she felt the liquid on her fingers...but she couldn't stop. Her fingers wanted to touch the opening, to test her arousal, to feel her hunger more directly.

Her stomach flipped as she brushed her labia, shocked at how sensitive every nerve ending was, crying out for a touch, a caress, to be possessed.

"Come on, show me."

Mutely she removed the hand from its dark exploration and proffered her fingers, liberally coated with the evidence of her need.

"Such a little slut. You are completely soaked aren't you you little whore?"

Kim whimpered. Of course she was a slut, a whore, and worse. She was ready to fuck her father in law, a man old enough to have planted her in her mother's womb, and yet she craved to have that planting in herself.

His words lashed at her, humiliated her, yet comforted her. He knew her, but hadn't rejected her. She felt shamed, yet needy. More than anything, she feared being rejected at this point, and though leaving now would preserve her modesty, she would always knew that he knew the truth about her and her lust.

He took her hand and forced it to her lips.

"Lick your fingers. Come on, lick your juices. See what an obedient little cunt you have become."

His words seared her, and yet she obeyed him. She couldn't understand this. He was humiliating her, embarrassing her, yet her need to please him, to placate him, seemed to grow stronger with each insult.

She stayed looking at him, her eyes never leaving his face, and obediently cleaned her fingers, and craved more.

Her compliance lit a fire in Richard's face. He took her wrists and dragged her over to the bed. Roughly her turned her to face it, then pushed her forward so that she bent over at the waist, her arms supporting her.

The speed of his urgency took away her ability to react in any way but acceptance. She was so shocked by her body's betrayal, that she was too paralysed to take charge.

She felt her full wedding skirt lifted up and thrown over her back, exposing her thighs, her sex and the glistening track of her hunger. She started trying to stand up, but a strong hand held her down.

"Just where do you think you are going slut? Shall I tell Paul that his sweet little virginal Chinese whore tried to seduce me? Shall I tell him that she threw herself into my arms and offered me first go in her tight little fuck hole?"

But, no, he couldn't? Would he? In her current mood of self doubt, she could see the shock and betrayal in Paul's face, and the loss of everything she had planned, her security, her life of being looked after. Paul would believe his father, he pretty much idolised him anyway, and at that instance she felt like a butterfly, and pretty exotic insect, caught on the pin of a very careful and calculating collector.

Her head dropped.

She could see that being in his bedroom, kissing him, her arousal, all these things were against her.

And yet, she hoped that maybe, just maybe, all that this man wanted was to fuck her once. Maybe if she complied, and even if she allowed herself to accept it as a form of divine punishment, then she could still find a way to repair the damage of her foolishness.

So, meekly, she relaxed back down, thrust her arse back a little, and parted her legs just a touch. It was so subtle, but it was an acquiescence to the inevitable, and in doing so, felt her betraying arousal yet again.

Richard smiled to himself, so pleased to see his plans come to fruition quite so quickly and delightfully.

His pushed two fingers into the swollen sodden slit of this Asian cunt and worked them in and out, pleased to hear her drunken moans and whimpers as he finger fucked her.

Meanwhile, with his other hand he unzipped his trousers and, with some difficulty, freed his very hard and fuck hungry cock.

The sight of this girl's slender legs clad in hold ups and perched on high heels was so very sexy, the bottom was firm and fuckable, and the cunt nestled below was like a ripe peach ready to burst its juices into a waiting mouth.

He removed his fingers and casually wiped her fluids onto her back. Holding her steady with that hand, her guided himself to the entrance with the other hand and eased the head of his cock past the outer lips.

Once lodged in place, he gripped her hips, and pushed himself into her virgin hole all in one go.

Kim yelped and tears formed at the sudden sharp pain of his roughness, yet that very pain comforted her. Somehow, it feeling like a rape made it less her fault. If she could somehow not enjoy this, then none of this would be her fault any longer.

But even as she thought those thoughts, the words triggered her lust all over again.

Dark, secret fantasies of being roughly taken against her will bubbled to the surface. She was being punished, and like a good little masochist, even though she didn't know she was one, the knowledge and sensation of the punishment made her crave more, to be used, to be fucked, to be filled.

So it was that as he started thrusting in and out of her freshly opened vagina, she found herself thrusting back, and clenching him with her muscles, massaging and pleasuring him.

"Good cunt, that's it, be a good little fuck toy, feel your body enjoy the sensation of being raped, of being taken by me and used for my pleasure."

"Oh god yes," she whimpered "yes, I do, I can't stop it, Don't stop, please, please don't stop."

She babbled almost incoherently as she felt a liquid fire growing inside her, almost like a clock spring winding tighter and tighter, and all she could concentrate on was not letting it release too soon, not until he was ready.

Not that she had to wait too long. For all his age, the sensation of a young, incredibly tight and moist cunt engulfing his cock along with the view of her submissive body meekly accepting his demands was driving his own passions.

He drove in more deeply, dug his fingers into her hips, and with one final thrust started to spurt his cum into her body.


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