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Kiraz's Christmas Pussy Present

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Turkish beauty gives herself for Christmas.
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No more stories about women who have themselves tied spread-eagled, stark-naked under the Christmas tree as a surprise for hubby. No even with the help of nurses.

I think the fad began with the movie of "Sex in the City," when the big blonde has her naked body covered with sushi and sashimi and lies on the table waiting for her boyfriend. Except, he has to work late. After three hours, she sits crying and eating the sushi, peeling ginger slabs off her knees.

I had invited over a woman I knew at college. Just for drinks during that slow week between Christmas and New Year's eve. I hadn't seen her for a couple years, since graduation; but the class notes in the "Alumni Monthly" said she had moved to NYC with her husband. I thought I would network. Besides, she fascinated me.

"What kind of Christmas did I have?" Kiraz began, responding to my question. "Well..."

Kiraz is Turkish. "Of course, I don't celebrate Christmas myself," she had said. "But we [Moslems] honor the great prophets Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad." For a moment, she gazed down at the small table between us, picked up her wine glass. Drinking alcohol? What else had Kiraz been learning?

Kiraz means "cherry." She is not a small, bright-red cherry, though, a little tart on a skinny stem. Kiraz is a big black cherry, succulent. I used to see her in the dorm showers. She's big, but not "plump," with ripe-melon boobs that levitate way out there but barely jiggle, nipples darker red than I've ever seen. Same with her hips and her belly. Fleshy but not fat. Never shaved her pooch, back then. Jet-black hair rushing up from between her legs and racing up her belly almost to her navel. The shimmering black hair on her head fell almost far enough to meet it. If she's an "average," then I'm anorexic. We were not great buddies. Got to be masochistic to walk around inviting comparison between my Mediterranean-diet body type and her sultan's banquet.

Kiraz is hesitating, her glass raised. I will forgive her for being Aphrodisias, Artemis, and Aphrodite. For being the wet dream of the everlasting harem, the houri waiting for you in heaven if you die for Allah. With eyes and a smile that boil in your belly-even mine, a little. Is she still thinking about her Christmas?

I encourage her. "Your husband isn't Turkish, right?"

"Oh, no. And I didn't meet him at college even though he was in our class. Right after! Totally American!"

Whatever that is. "A little too late for combining commencement and the wedding!"

"I loved the college so much! I wanted a man..."

I'm quite sure no man got a piece of her in college. It took four years of expensive education in nihilism, secular leftism, systematic philosophical scepticism, and adolescent identity politics to root out any concept of morality she acquired growing up.

I know. Cut to the chase, Ellen. I repeated, "So how was Christmas?"

"Well... " said Kiraz. The depthless brown eyes-huge, excited-and those cherry red lips so full she might have been having an allergic reaction.

I made a quick calculation. "Your first Christmas with your husband..."

"Yes, first married." The swirling, shining ebony curtains of hair swaying as she vigorously nodded her head. "And Ellen, I wanted to give myself totally, surrender myself—everything—to my husband, Johnny, on this first holy day of his in our marriage."

If I may interject a sectarian comment: Oh, Christ, this looks bad. Remember when they would call a wife who exhuasted herself in the kitchen, cooking for her man, "a burnt offering"? Well, I do. It's different, today. You order a Domino's pizza and then make your offering on a rack that stretches the pink of your pussy. Kiraz is leaning slightly forward, taking another sip. Her eyes are pools of desire and pain. She is fucking dying to tell me. What does she think I possibly can do for her?

"What did you do?"

"A woman I know through my husband..." She blushed, her brown skin infused with red and smooth as cream.

"She helped with the gift of yourself?"

"I had no one else to ask, Ellen. This woman is a nurse, the wife of my husband's best friend. I always thought she was angry at me for something. But she is sassy, unconventional. You remember how we used to say-a CT?"

No, I didn't remember Kiraz ever saying CT. Or "pussy" or "dick." Must have learned new words. Along with starting to drink alcohol and marrying an infidel-maybe not in that order. More than once, however, I did definitely hear someone call Kiraz a "CT"-and other things.

"So you knew she would help?"

"Ellen, I should not have trusted her! I could not have imagined. How would I ever know that she is not normal! I did not know how she had been looking at me!"

Lucky I have wine. Better get the cheese and crackers. This could be long.

"On the afternoon before the eve of Christmas, she came to our apartment, as planned. I loved her, then. I lost all sense of embarassment or guilt, Ellen! She stripped me. Insisted. She complimented me, she laughed. It seemed such fun. And she said that my Johnny would be honored! That no Western man knows this gift of woman. Its nobility..."

Wait, where is that airline emergency bag? So, let me summarize, okay? Her friend, Nurse Donna, is super-efficient. How to spread-eagle Kiraz under the Christmas tree? Nail some spikes into the floor? Nope, thinks of everything. Two sets of dumbells, eighty-pounders. (Another compliment to Johnny, except he is going to need a handtruck to move these out of the livingroom.)

So, slim wrists fastened to one set of dumbells, pretty ankles to the other, Kiraz is spread sadisticaly wide. "I cried out to her, Ellen! To my friend. Already inside my thighs the tendons were aching. And my lips, down there, they stung with being stretched and I felt cold air on my vagina. Donna got down on her knees and examined me. Her fingers pushed aside my hair; I felt her tug aside my labia. She said this was how women show their men they were open to them...

"Donna whispered to me about her husband, Charlie. What he wanted. For her to withold nothing and hide nothing. No woman's reserve. Ellen, she touched me for so long!

"Finally, she said: 'You are the gift. Your whole body, nothing is private.' And she was tickling me, moving her finger around my... you know, my..."

"Your asshole," I said, nodding very gravely. "I wonder why."

"And I couldnt stand it."

"So exciting! Please, share with me!" (Yeah, well what would you say?)

"When I was naked, Donna shoved a pillow under my butt to push up my mons. It felt obscene to display myself like that, to thrust myself...!"

I could picture all that riot of curly, black shining hair atop the perfect contours of dunes and valleys, smoother than powdered brown sand. I said: "You must have been gorgeous! You have such breasts, too!"

"I was sticking up! My nipples because I was aroused, now.

You can't imagine how dark red an already deep-brown face becomes when it blushes. Her beautiful eyes were swimming with tears... "I wanted to be nothing and my husband everything!"

"Could you share something with me, Kiraz?"

"Yes, Ellen. Yes, anything."

I walked around the table behind her, filled her glass. I took her long hair, running the strands through my fingers. I stroked her hot cheeks. I pressed my lips to her the nape of her neck. Who said, "Never given a sucker an even break?"

Kiraz startled as I reached down, took the bottom of her sweater (black, of course), and began raising it. Her face whirled around to me, the beautiful dark straight eyebrows frowning. I said, "I must see to understand" and whipped off her sweater, tossed it over a chair.

Her head fell forward. She murmured, "I understand, I think." Her beautiful hand with the long fingers and the red nails groped for the wine glass. I unsnapped her in back like the expert every woman is and flicked aside her jumbo, heavy duty bra. She did not stir when the melons fell out. What the Christ was she thinking?

My hands slid down her body slowly. I took them. As I had been dying to do. I felt their heavenly heft. Then, with my fingers straight out and spread wide, I began to strum her titties, back and forth, like harp strings. I could have come, I swear. kiraz began to moan, rolling her head. When her titties were as stiff as red erasers, I stopped.

"Okay, I see, now," I said.


"Tied spread-eagled under the Christmas tree with the lights red, green, blue, yellow playing over your naked body? And waiting for your husband?"


"Donna had left. And you were wetting yourself down there?"

"Oh, how could you know!"

"I know about wetting and so do you." I was back in my seat. I winked. This was a very agreeable young woman. So, just for the hell of it, I had left her half naked. The big boobs rested on the table in front of her. I was looking right at the blunt ends of two almost maroon nipples.

"But Ellen..."

"It's okay, Kiraz. We're women. Stay like that," I ordered.

"But you are a woman, too!"

What did I care? I flipped off my dark brown sweater. I rarely wear a bra. To hold up what?"

A gasp. "Oh, Ellen! So beautiful! So small and perfect on your pale chest, so high! Such sweet brown tips..."

Toasts all around. I could get used to this babe. "What did you think about as you waited, there?"

"Oh..." A blush. "About being younger. In my village in Turkey. Men can't do anything to a girl who is not in their family. The men in the girl's family would attack them, even kill them. But my brothers..."

"You were younger?"

"Yes, they were 'twenties. I was a few years younger. Oh, Ellen still virginal! But so developed..."

I nodded. She said, "They burst in on me, when I was showering. On the idiot girl. I did not know how to wash! And then their hands on my breasts, and down between, with soap. Young girls idolize their big brothers. I would say, 'No!' but I was squirming, my hips never still, my breasts heaving...

"They did not violate me. My mother's family were feared in the village. Men of violence. Once, my mother must have given my brothers a warning. They were beaten, including there between... For weeks, they walked like men broken."

Okay, okay. I said: "And as you were thinking of all this, Johnny came home?"

"I heard the door! So exciting! Our secret intimacy. Open to him, nothing hidden."

I smiled, reached over, covered her hand with mine. Leaned in and said, "I'm excited! What a beautiful idea!"

On Kiraz's face was the equivalent of an implosion. You know, when a high-rise building must come down and the dynamite is set for a controlled collapse... I was watching her eyes, now. What in hell?

She said, "Ellen, the woman in me died, died inside. He called out Merry Christmas! But then, that was sorry he hadn't told me. But I didn't answer the phone..."

"Obviously not, you were tied up," I murmured.

Kiraz said, "He called out that he had "run into" Donna and Charlie. They were with him. Hoped it would be all right. So sorry, but he had called...and then they all came walking in, talking and laughing."

"Oh, my God!"

Kiraz raised her eyes to me. "Ellen, she had betrayed me! Tricked me! Charlie walked right over, smiling, and stood between my feet to look down at me-inside of me, the dark flesh between my lips! Even my hair was wrenched aside. And I was swelling because I was excited... He saw where I glistened with wet."

There cannot possibly be a God. This would not happen. I reached over and grabbed both of Kiraz's hands, squeezing them. For the first time, her face fell forward. The veil of hair swirled across her face. She murmured: "And then, they were laughing. At such an idiot as I am, an idiot Turkish girl."

"But your husband, Kiraz!"

She shrugged, gave a long sigh. Shook her shoulders. And at last said, dully: "Sweet. You know: 'You did this for me' and 'what a present' and 'I love you, Kiraz...'"

I smiled encouragingly.

"Ellen, I think he knew, too. Donna knew. And her husband knew. I was the half-wit girl in the harem. The houri with half a brain and double-sized boobs. And a firecracker for a clit. And at anything, I laugh or cry out with pleasure"

I squeezed her hands. I glanced at her stiff titties. So far, so good. And my junior nips were stiff. Are we having fun, yet?

Kiraz said: "Ellen, how could I cry out to accuse them?"

Why not? I sure the fuck could have! Didn't say that.

"This was my gift to my husband, unconditionally. What he wished to do with me was his choice, not mine. But I was weeping with shame."

I nodded. A woman's naked body. Always the great prize. Through all history. Seized, stripped, raped-used. Enjoyed. "Quick are the mouths of earth, and quick the teeth that feed upon that loveliness."

"And then, Donna was down beside me, laughing. She already had taken off her top. Her skin is white, blond hair. Her breasts dangled and swung when she bent over me. She had grabbed my tits in her fingers and was pinching and stretching them. I yelped. I am big you know, Ellen. She played with me for the men to enjoy.

"I looked in her face and whispered, 'You did this to me!' I was helpless because of her. She grinned. Her hand slid down over my belly-so, so slowly, caressing. Began playing in the hair on my mound. My mound that she herself had raised, thrust out for my husband."

"You didn't say to stop..."

"I could not! Johnny was laughing, enjoying this. They had whiskey, now. And this was my gift! For my husband to enjoy... I stared up at him, right into his eyes. But he said, 'My Circassian slave woman!' and laughed.

"And I whispered, 'You want this for me?' Right then, Donna's long finger slid inside me. It felt so obscene. To my shame, I was very wet. She probed me to the end until her sharp fingernail jabbed me. All the time, she was watching my face, grinning.

"Did he want this for me? I saw him turn to talk with Charlie. They laughed. Charlie was pushing down his pants and underwear. I was staring right up. He is very big, very dark. Ellen. I was wanting.

"Charlie took me, first, not my husband. His weight crushed me. All I was trying to do is breathe when suddenly he shot it up into me so hard that I screamed. And then began the ramming, and ramming, and ramming me until my lips down there were sore... I could not believe he went on so long. I wondered how long he had been thinking about taking me. And now, Donna gave me to him.

"By now, Donna's lips were on my nipples. To stretch me to show how silly were my big tits. A plaything to Donna. And, then, just as I thought I would go mad with her husband's fucking me, and I was struggling to pull away... Her lips were on mine, her tongue jammed into my mouth... A woman, Ellen!"

I drew a deep breath, lifting my chest. I ran a couple fingers over my pert titties. My eyes were closed. I heard Kiraz. "The worst, Ellen, was that with the intrusion between my legs, thrusting, the sac banging against the fur of me, I was crazed with desire down there...

"How long it went on, I don't even know." She was gazing at me, watching for a reaction. She said: "This endless rape. Thudding into me, stretching and then squashing my clit. I was gasping and thrashing my hips and jerking my mound... Donna would not stop kissing me!"

"Was it good to come?"

"Ellen, I was insame with having to come! I could have died!"

About here, I was ready to weep. I had known all the same stuff. The touches, the tortured tickling that never ends...and not quite being able to come!

"And next, my dearest one, Johnny, with his lips and tongue, began burrowing deep between my thighs. I was humiliated, Ellen! For everyone to see as I went mad with wanting-and they clapped. As my thighs jerked and I heaved myself up to be stroked harder, I began to cry out for my pleasure to come."

She stared wide-eyed at me. "I wonder why I can tell you this?"

I shrugged. Covered my cupcakes with my hands. I said, "You know... I knew you 'before" and I know who you are. This just shows me you also are an astoundingly sensual woman-and I admire that so much!"

She nodded. "Then, I could not even cry out. Suddenly, Charlie was sitting with his hairy thighs on either side of my head, my face trapped inches from his crotch. Of course, you know what came next. The big purple head poked between my lips. Kept poking. And then, abruptly, he shoved it down my throat till I gagged. Ellen, I sucked and sucked for what he would deposit in me so he would get off me at last.

"I was choking, my mound gettting crazier from the licking, and I felt Donna's teasing fingers snapping my poor nipples like elastic bands. And abruptly, in my mouth, were pulsing hot spurts.

"I thought: I cannot do more. Cannot! I will die now, smothered under here. Because now trapping my face were Donna's heavy, perfumed thighs and wet flesh of her whole crack. All over my mouth and face, smearing me. And I hear her laughing voice, 'Suck my pussy, bitch!' And a terrible stinging slap upon my left breast."

Kiraz said quietly. "This was a woman's sex. Ellen."

I nodded. Yeah, I know.

She said, wonderingly, "They laughed. At everything. My husband, too. For they thought I had wanted this thing."

She waited. I poured her more wine. She said, "And even then was more doing things to me." She could not look into my eyes. "They held the buzzer pressed between my legs, against my womanness. With no mercy. Donna was the cruellest, laughing and taunting.

"I was terrified I would go mad or die. This was worst... Donna was the worst to me, to a woman. She also had brought a great dildo. A huge black penis. She held it up for me to see, grinning, then shoved it up me. Not my sex, Ellen. My other place. She shoved it up there as I shrieked for mercy!"

I had become her confessor.

"Even as they stuffed my ass with agony, cramping my poor belly, they kept tickling my pussy. Teasing me to screaming. But do you know, even as I was outraged with their rape, I was crying out with desire. To come, to come!"

Kiraz looked several shades darker with blushing. I nodded. She said: "You cannot resist this thing, Ellen, this pressing down there, taunting the most sensitive..."

I nodded. "I know, Kiraz. No woman can."

"Then you have known it? Down between?"

I nodded. Squeezed her hands.

She whispered, "But when the pleasure came and shook me, tossed me until I wanted to curl up to protect my flesh, Donna would not stop. It was funny to them that I was babbling for mercy. I went mad. I flung my hips and thrust them and tried to turn away."

I felt myself starting to cry.

"This excited them, Ellen. And now, my own husband is on me, again. He is sitting heavily on my breasts and thrusting himself in my throat, again and again. And even as I feel panic at what Donna is pressing between my legs, my husband's thrusts are making me gag; I feel my face go flaming hot; and the panic of needing air. At last, he is shooting his hot seed over my eyes, my cheeks, my mouth... So Donna and Charlie can watch and clap.

"And, then, just like the animal that they thought I was, I had a final burst of pleasure so that I am yelped like a dog and thrust up my wanton hairy belly, again and again."

She looked up at me. uncomprehending. And she said, gently shaking her head, "And still Donna was teasing me. Still! She is wicked. At last, I screamed, "I will kill you!"

Then, they stop. I am weeping with knowing what they could do to me. They are laughing."

"You are still with your husband?"

"Of course! My husband?"

How about you and I go into a nunnery, honey? I don't think I want any more sex. I said: "So, he apologized to you? When he regained his senses?"

She frowned at me. What perfect dark eyebrows. What red lips pressed together. She was shaking her head. "No, Ellen, no. I begged forgiveness of him. For peddling to him the whore of pleasure I am."


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