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Kirsty Torments Tina

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Policewoman take flatmate to her personal hell.
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"That's me off then love, see you tonight."

Tyrone Dobbs reached over and kissed his girlfriend Kirsty then left the house with a song in his heart, it was a long time since he had been this happy.

"Take care love, I'll just go and get ready for work."

Called out Kirsty, a slim, attractive dark skinned girl. But as soon as the front door closed behind Tyrone, Kirsty moved over to the telephone and dialled the number for the police station she was a constable at and spoke with one of her male colleagues for a short time. With a wicked grin on her face she plucked her handcuffs from her hand bag and moved out to the hall whereupon she locked the front door before silently stalking upstairs.

Tina was sound asleep in the spare bedroom. She was naked and totally out for the count after a late night drinking session with friends. Tina had lived with Tyrone for a while now, longer than he had known Kirsty anyway.

Tina was a stunning young brunette with an amazing figure. She was really nice too though a bit wild but then at only 23 who wasn't? Moving in with Tyrone had been because her Dad, Joe had remarried and she couldn't stick her new step mum but there had never been anything between Tyrone and Tina, they were just pals and they enjoyed a laugh. But Kirsty's arrival on the scene had changed everything. She had not hit it off with Tina from their very first encounter (an argument about a parking space) and things had only gotten worse since then. They were both what you would call Alpha females

Tina was naked and sound asleep in her bed, she barely remembered getting undressed and crawling into her bed, to knackered to even shrug her over sized bed shirt on before falling into a deep slumber. She made no move as her door silently moved open and Kirsty crept soundlessly into the room. Light was coming through the curtains, it was a bright day outside after all, and Kirsty could clearly see Tina's bare arms and shoulders above her duvet. Kirsty went right up to the bed and carefully placed one end of her handcuffs on Tina's exposed left wrist. Tina never stirred. Once that was in place Kirsty gently pulled the sheet back and then in one fast, sharp move rolled Tina over and snapped the second cuff in place, behind Tina's back on her right wrist. Tina's dark eyes flashed open stunned but before she could say a word Kirsty grinned then shoved a bright orange ball gag into Tina's surprised mouth and tied it behind her head.

Tina shook herself awake and tried to rise but Kirsty jumped up onto the bed and dropped herself down onto Tina's naked stomach, pining her body on the mattress. Tina thrashed her head from side to side and tried to buck Kirsty off but as soon as Kirsty lifted up her truncheon and shoved it under Tina's chin to hold her head in place she gave up and settled for glaring daggers at her.

Kirsty's bare thighs rubbed against the underside of Tina's marvellous breasts and she enjoyed the sensation of having taken complete control over her rival before explaining to her what was going on. Tina's head throbbed from a hangover and her senses were somewhat dulled but she realised there was nothing much to do but to lie there and see what Tyrone's crazy bitch girlfriend was after.

Kirsty noted the change in demeanour and removed the truncheon and explained all.

"Well Bitch here we are. Time for trash like you to learn your true position in life. You might be thinking this was very rash or stupid of me, that you're going to tell Tyrone or maybe even report me to the police yourself."

Tina had indeed been thinking along those lines and her eyes betrayed that.

"Well before you get too excited about that consider this. Your father. Joe? I take it you know about his previous convictions. Yes? Well I do too. And right now he's going about with a large batch of drugs hidden in his works van and another batch nicely hidden in the shed in his back yard."

Tina's eyes went wide, her nostrils flared and she shouted into her gag. Kirsty just smirked.

"So we are clear bitch, if you piss me off at all today, if you do one thing that I don't like I will phone one of my colleagues in the force and have your precious father arrested and the rest will be history, I think we can safely say he will be put away for some time this time, don't you think?"

Tina settled for glaring at her aggressor. That didn't please Kirsty though and she took a big handful of Tina's dark hair and jerked her head up before hissing menacingly.

"Don't you think you good for nothing slut!"

Tina nodded unwillingly but some of the fight left her. She knew that Kirsty was entirely serious, had known from the start that the nigger was trouble and now it was all coming to the fore.

"Good. So we're going to have a girl's day you and I. Going to have some good old fashioned girlie fun together. And by the end of the day you are going to learn that there is only room for one dominant woman around here and that most certainly is not you!"

As she spoke her hands reached down and began to knead Tina's large breasts until involuntarily her nipples sprung up then Kirsty's fingernails fastened around both Tina's nipples and began to twist them as she simultaneously dug her nails into them.

"Now in a moment I will remove that gag of yours, I can think of so many better uses for that mouth of yours. But if you do or say anything stupid, like trying to call out believe me I will put the gag back in place and I will make you lie there while I phone in what your precious dad's got in his 'possession'."

Tina knew this was some sort of crazed power game being played and was smart enough to realise she had no option but to play along - for now.

Kirsty reached down to the bottom of her long night shirt and slowly pulled it up and over her head before throwing it casually to Tina's floor. Kirsty's big, black tits bounced into view but more worrying for the trapped and prostrate Tina was the wild, untamed bush of black hair between the policewoman's thighs. Seeing her rival's eyes suddenly go wide Kirsty smirked and delivered a mocking light slap to Tina's cheek.

"Like it, eh? Well don't worry once I take that gag out of your filthy mouth you are going to get a nice long taste of it!"

Tina did not like the sound of that and shook her head as vehemently as she could but Kirsty just wagged her finger at her.

"Now Tina, what did I say would happen if you disobeyed me?"

As if to emphasise the point the dark skinned girl picked up Tina's mobile phone from the side of the bed and dialled a number into it.

"That's the number for the station in all I have to do is press CALL and your Dad is heading for the slammer. Shall I?"

Of course Tina had no choice but to comply and Kirsty grinned as she saw the defeat and despair in her rival's eyes. Tina gave a beaten nod of submission and a gleeful Kirsty unplucked the gag from Tina's mouth. After a gasp for air made a final, desperate plea for Kirsty not to do this. The policewoman took a great deal of pleasure from watching the pretty brunette squirm and beg beneath her but that was counter productive to Tina's hopes as it just turned her on more and made her hairy pussy even wetter. She shook her head dismissing Tina's pleas and slid herself forward over Tina's heaving bosom until her cunt was just an inch or so from Tina's disgusted features.

"Now I'm going to slide forward a bit more bitch and you'd better get licking and get me off or I swear to god I will grass your old man up. Understand"?

Kirsty moved forward and pressed the wiry hairs of her cunt into Tina's nose and lips and waited for a moment before Tina's tongue tentatively began to probe around her. The next fifteen minutes were horrible for Tina. She was still fighting off the after effects of her drinking session the night before so her head was pounding and her throat dry. Then she was engulfed by two strong thighs and she struggled for proper breaths as she lapped away at the hairy, disgusting mess and the slippery cunt lips beyond. The taste was vile, the smell awful, the sensation nauseating and perhaps worst of all the humiliation total and complete, this was just about the worst thing Tina could have imagined doing. Kirsty, meanwhile was having a whale of a time and was very soon having to fight to hold back her orgasm. A reluctant Tina was no champion carpet muncher but just the knowledge of what she was doing and the power she held was driving Kirsty on to an overwhelming orgasm.

It finally came in a rush, spraying out urgently covering Tina's surprised face from her hair down to her chin, dripping off her nose and some even went in her mouth, the taste making her try to spit out.

Kirsty slid off Tina eventually and the brunette could keep silent no longer. Her anger and embarrassment clear to see.

"Well is that us done now? Have you had you're fun? You cruel, spiteful bitch. I hate you! What did I, or my dad ever do to you?"

Kirsty smiled nastily and picked up her truncheon from the floor before climbing back onto the bed, this time facing the other way, towards Tina's bare feet. With one move she shoved her black ass back until Tina's face was between her ass cheeks and then she reached forward to rub her truncheon along the length of Tina's (wet?) snatch.

"Finished? Oh no slut. We're barely started here today. For a start you have another hole to clean up with that nasty tongue of yours! But don't feel too bad bitch, I'll make you feel all excited as you do it. Now come on and lick my asshole!"

Tina was totally grossed out but very quickly realised she had little choice but to comply. Kirsty's black flesh engulfed Tina's perfect little button nose and mouth and began to smother her and it wasn't until Tina's forced her tongue out and began to tentatively lick at Kirsty's ass that the policewoman lifted slightly to allow a small amount of air in. It was clear who held the power and even Tina had to acknowledge it and she reluctantly began to increase the ministrations of her tongue to the dark girls asshole. Disgustingly as she did so Kirsty let rip with a massive fart that went right into her mouth!

Kirsty got up and off in a laughing fit as Tina lay there fuming and choking on the ass gas.

"Right Bitch, I suppose you'd better have some lunch, you've got a busy afternoon ahead of you. After lunch we can shower and get dressed."

Kirsty's tone changed very quickly from having fun to all business again. She attached the leash to the collar and jerked Tina up onto her knees on the bed.

"Ow! Watch it!"

Snapped Tina but much of her usual bravado and spikiness was gone from her voice. The hopelessness of her situation was fully dawning on her and she had already accepted that she would do absolutely anything to protect her father. Kirsty had made it abundantly clear that she was a nasty bitch and that Police uniform just gave her all the power she required to make Tina do whatever she demanded.

Tina crawled miserably after Kirsty's black ass, cursing her under her breathe as her knees scraped along the carpet in her bedroom and then awkwardly down the stairs. Tina panicked a moment when faced with the front door that her tormentor would suddenly open it and usher the naked brunette out but that passed as Kirsty tugged her along and into the tiled floor of the kitchen where a horrible sight awaited her.

Beside the wooden kitchen table, on the floor were two dog bowls. Tina recognised them as the one's Tyronne's dog had used before it had died, she had thought they had been thrown out. Worse still they were filled - one with water and one, unmistakably with dog food. Tina looked up at Kirsty and shied away from the gloating glare she got in return.

Kirsty planted herself on a wooden chair to the side of the bowls and busied herself with spreading some butter onto a slice of bread. Tina was kneeling at her side and waiting. Kirsty produced her mobile phone and carefully placed it beside her plate looking at Tina as she did so.

"I'm having my breakfast Tina, why don't you have yours?"

"B-But... I can't."

"I'll leave it up to you to decide Tina. Entirely up to yourself."

All the time the policewoman was fiddling with her phone. Hardly believing she was going to do this Tina gulped, swallowed and lurched forward on all fours until her head was over the two bowls, her long dark hair falling forward into them. Then she lowered her head and began to lap at the water. It was cool and refreshing and gave some life to Tina's dry mouth and throat but it also came with the knowledge she was drinking it out of a pet's bowl and that by doing this she was submitting to her hated enemies demands.

"Enjoying that drink? Good. You really should eat something too. Build up your strength for this afternoon."

The implication was clear and evidently Kirsty was wanting Tina to do it of her own accord. Confused and not sure what was the best course of action the brunette seized the day and somehow found the courage to lift her mouth out of the water and plunge into the dog food. It was pretty vile but Tina managed to chomp on it a bit and swallow some and that seemed to please Kirsty no end. Her hand stopped fiddling with the phone and she just watched Tina demean herself like this. It made her feel good, Tina was such an attractive young woman, she hated that all the men stared at her so hungrily, made her feel inadequate she needed to be brought down a peg or two.

Kirsty let Tina continue eating the dog food for a while before eventually tugging on the leash and pulling her head up.

"God your breath smells vile Tina, real dog breath! Ha,ha,ha,ha! What's the matter, not funny to you? Jeez, some people have no sense of humour! Anyway, come on bitch, it's shower time!"

So it was back upstairs for a buoyant Kirsty and an increasingly resigned Tina. Both women knew this had worked and Tina's resolve was all but gone, there was no question who was the dominant female in the house was now.

The shower was a large, walk in type and Kirsty stepped in naked and stood under the shower head as Tina waited on her hands and knees outside.

"Take off your collar and leash and crawl in here bitch, I suppose we'd better shower you too."

Tina obeyed without question, she was glad to have the smelly, leather animal collar off and actually looking forward to a shower, perhaps that would waken her up and give her a fresh impetus to getting out of this horrible situation. The floor was hard on her knees as she crawled into the shower and it was pretty cramped in there and she ended up kneeling right beside Kirsty, her face nearly level with her enemy's hairy, black pussy. Tina scowled and was about to ask if she could stand up when Kirsty's pussy burst into life and started pissing all over Tina's shocked face!

There was a moment where Tina couldn't quite believe what was happening, her mouth had been open so a fair amount escaped in there and had her coughing before Kirsty started moving her hips and directing the fast, yellow flow all over her rival, Splattering her face and hair with her piss. By the time Tina had worked a way to avoid the flow Kirsty was all but done anyway and she just laughed even more manically and snorted.

"Told you we'd give you a shower bitch, just didn't tell you it would be a golden one!"

Tina grimaced as some piss dripped off the end of her nose onto her soaked tits and felt totally humiliated. Even though Kirsty turned the proper shower on seconds later and hot water burst all over them and started to wash it all away Tina knew she would never forget the feeling of complete and utter revulsion and humiliation at being pissed on by this crazy cow.

They showered and got dressed in relative silence. Kirsty put on her police uniform then addressed Tina.

"Don't think this is over either bitch, from now on you will learn your place around here."


One month later...

Kirsty stretched in her bed and yawned. She was off for a couple of days and with Tyrone already off to work she was enjoying a lie in. She decided to have another ten minutes before getting up and snuggled into the pillows just as her bedroom door swung silently open. Tina padded into the room silently and for a brief moment hatred flared in her eyes. But it was only momentarily, the last vestiges of her previous existence. She was 99.9% broken now and inured to the life she now led.

The beautiful brunette stepped forward to stand beside Kirsty's bed and slowly dropped to her knees. She was stark naked bar the black leather collar she had just fastened around her slim neck and she knelt there waiting for her Mistress to awaken. The creak of the floorboard under Tina's knees was enough to rouse the dark skinned girl and she opened her eyes, smiled and pulled back the bed covers to reveal her naked form to her slave.

As quickly as Kirsty had got herself upright and her feet settled on the carpet and Tina's mouth was open and lowered to Kirsty's feet and began to lap obediently at her toes. That lasted a few minutes before the brunette began to lick between her toes, cleaning them perfectly. Her soles followed before Kirsty stood up and deliberately turned around presenting her black backside to her former rival. Without prompting Tina reached up and used her hands to prise Kirsty's black ass cheeks apart and then leaned forward to press her face between them. Her tongue extended and Kirsty started another day with a Tina tongue rimming.

"Yeah, that's it! You really have found your rightful place, haven't you?"

A muffled 'Yes Mistress Kirsty' was the reply.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
new idea

i think a great story would be that tina is forced to work for rick the loan shark to pay the debt and she has no choice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Tick, tick, tick.

Love the Corrie stuff. Great idea, but seems a little rushed. I feel there could be a much larger story in this.

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