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Kiss Me Cate Pt. 12

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Life doesn't wait for you to stop and ask directions.
10.1k words

Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/25/2016
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I want to start off with thanking you for your patience. I hope it is well rewarded. No matter what we do, sometimes life gets in the way of our hobbies.

As always I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had writing it.

I've had a long standing love of Irish lasses. Their eyes, complexion, smiles have always warmed my heart, and a few have broken it.

Constructive criticism as always is welcome in the comments, others will be dealt with in the usual manner.

* * * *

I squirted a wavy line of lotion over her freckled shoulders and began to massage it in. She let out a low moan of appreciation.

"Can we just stay here forever?"

I just laughed and worked my way down her naked back. The here was the cliff top village of Ravello Italy, just up the hill from the Amalfi coast, in a room overlooking the sea.

"Where ever you are is where I want to be, forever."

Her hand reached out and ran up my leg gripping tightly once she'd extended as far as she could reach. I thought back to a few days ago when I woke up to the bright smile of my wife and asked her if she was happy and felt my heart melt at her answer.

"If I were any more happy I would explode on the spot." She proceeded to show me just how happy well into the morning, which facilitated our families in getting to know each other better without our presence being required.

Despite the fact they had never met before the past week both families blended well together. Our mothers were both teachers of a sort, the fathers didn't take long to start chatting over a glass of Ireland's finest old whiskey. Jimmy the clown and Shannon would soon have their comedy act polished for public performance. Sinead was showing a slightly rounded belly now, having conceived not long after our St. Patrick's day trip. She and Pam talked babies and motherhood for hours. I worried for Jimmy, but knew he'd make a great dad, just like ours, when the time came.

The wedding was everything we could have hoped for, and everything we would have wanted had we taken the time to plan out every step. The hotel came through with flying colors and we wondered just how to make Kylie, our event planner, benefit from our gratitude.

I worked down Cate's back to where the bikini bottoms were and laughed. She wouldn't go all in and prance around bare-assed in the sunshine, as she'd put it. She noted that on the hill next to this, there was another hotel with balconies also facing the deep blue of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

"The last thing I want is someone with a pair of binoculars, or worse a telephoto lens, getting a full view." She had spent the first afternoon on the small terrace in her black bikini but today got more daring and left the top inside the room, hanging from the door handle. There was a low wall which would keep prying eyes at bay while she got some sun. I was on hand, lotion in hand, to make sure that my delicate skinned white rose didn't turn from pink to red. Given enough sunshine she was tanning nicely though, freckles appearing along her shoulders.

"If you told me a year ago that I'd be here basting the most beautiful woman in the world with sunblock, I would have told you that you were dreaming. If you'd told me she would be my wife, I would have told you that we were both dreaming."

"Yet here we are, Mister Butler."

"That we are, Missus Butler."

She ended the debate, for those who had argued amiably over libations at the pub, about how she would be known after the wedding.

"Professionally I will remain Doctor Catelyn Murray PhD, but in all else I will always belong to Dylan and will henceforth go by Missus Catelyn Butler." She added broadly, with only a slight slur. Everyone agreed with her decision which she was happy to hear since the decision, as she pointed out, was hers to make.

I stood and bent forward and bit her backside through the bikini bottom.

"Mmm, just like a ripe peach."

"If you're hungry there's always room service." She laughed.

"I was going to wait for you to turn over and dine then."

"Oh really? Do let me get a few minutes of sun on the front first. I'd hate to look like a lopsided slice of toast, all tan on the back and white on the front."

I did just that after a slow massage of her breasts, stomach and legs she seemed entirely on board with the idea as I slid the bikini off. In an unexpected move Cate had gone to a salon and gotten a complete wax the week before the ceremony. To her embarrassment, and Shannon's humor, she had walked gingerly for a few days after. I, for one, was enjoying it immensely. I found it highly erotic when she was bare down there. I lavished my appreciation on her several times since and she seemed to enjoy the attention even mentioning that I should get waxed too, in front of her sister. They had a grand time teasing me about it for the rest of the evening.

"If you told me a year ago the most handsome man on earth would lavish his affections on my naked body at the drop of a pin, I'd have told you that you were crazy. Had you told me he would drop to one knee and ask me to marry him, I'd have had you committed."

"Yet here we are Missus Butler." I drew my tongue gently between her legs making her sigh. I attempted to take my time but her hips squirmed wanting for a quick release. I looked up her body which arched, her arms over her head holding the edge of the lounge chair tightly as she lifted herself up to meet my mouth. She bit her lip and moaned softly, as I did my best to get her to cry out. Her hips bucked upward as I finished her off, leaving her in a sweaty, gasping heap of boneless flesh.

"If anyone nearby has photos or video of that I'm going to throw you off this balcony."

"If anyone does I hope I can get some eight by tens, or a copy of the video at the very least." I bit gently into the flesh of her thigh.

"As soon as I feel like I can stand without falling over I will be taking you in, throwing you on the bed and having my way with you. Prepare yourself accordingly."

I picked up the sweaty glass of ice water I'd had and drank it down sucking an ice cube into my mouth. I leaned down and placed my cold tongue against her and she yelped nearly crushing my head with her thighs.


"I thought you'd like a little cooling off." I said and laughed.

She pulled the back of the chaise up a little, her smile was nearly as bright as the sunshine, her tiny sunglasses perched on the bridge of her nose. She'd gotten the small lenses because she didn't want 'raccoon eyes' as she called them. Her hair fell over her shoulder, her nipples stood pink and very erect. She gave me the come hither finger and I leaned forward and kissed her, something I thought she would avoid after the first time I'd brought her to orgasm with my tongue, but didn't flinch at the thought of it. Her hand found its way into the small spandex swim trunks I wore.

"These need to go, now." She growled as she fought the stretchy fabric. She even made me stand up so she could wrestle them off more easily. I stood there at full attention.

"Give me the glass." She had an evil grin on her face as she took the glass, sucked one of the melting ice cubes into her mouth and rolled it around. Luckily my back was to the balconies of the other hotel at the moment and she took the line of sight to her advantage and leaned forward and licked me with her frozen tongue making me gasp at the sensation. She had me good and chilled and wet before claiming that I had best take her inside and perform my matrimonial duty forthwith. Who was I to deny a lady?

* * * *

"Only you would book our honeymoon in a place surrounded by pizza." Cate noted as we found ourselves in a little trattoria overlooking the ocean not far from the terraces that fell off to the beaches below.

"What? Naples is just on the other side of the mountain there. Some people end up at Niagara Falls and you're complaining?" I was laughing as I asked.

"We could have gone to Hawaii. They have volcanoes, and pizza, but they put pineapple on it there." I made a face and shook my head. "That's just wrong."

"Vesuvius is a volcano, and just over the hill." She pointed behind her with her thumb.

"House pizza, it sounds much fancier in Italian, Casereccia." I said studying the unusual toppings of thin sliced potatoes, wild mushrooms and thin slices of prosciutto.

Cate laughed. "I would never have thought to put potatoes on a pizza but this is really good."

The pizza was summarily dispatched along with a small dish of olives and almonds. We declined dessert and finished the decanter of the local wine. I watched her as she looked out over the cliff to the sea beyond and sipped from her glass. She was so at ease without a care in the world. She looked happy, and I planned on making sure I kept her that way for the rest of time, not because I'd promised, but because in my heart I knew that was what I wanted out of life. I laughed to myself as I thought, "if she's happy, you'll be happy." I hoped the old saying was true. She glanced at me and the light caught her eyes in a brilliant blue. A smile spread across her lips.

"What ever you're pondering must be very deep considering the look on your face right now. Penny?"

"I was back in Dublin standing at the end of a garden path with my brother standing beside me when someone started playing the wedding march on a violin and your father walked you around the corner of the building."

"Oh, that." She said and rolled her eyes. Her smile blazed. "Like the dress did you? It wasn't too simple, too off the rack? The braids, flowers and ribbons." She brushed at her hair which had eventually come free of the kinks worked in by the hairdresser who had brought it back in two braids meeting into one in the back, having woven ivory and pink ribbons in as she had then topped it with tiny strands of flowers.

"The dress was beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as the bride wearing it."

"You already got the girl." She waved her hand, twiddling her ring finger. I laughed.

"If you expect me to stop telling you that you're beautiful just because of that, you're sorely mistaken."

"I'll take that as a promise and hold you to it in twenty years." She squinted at me, daring me to argue.

"Ten, twenty, thirty, the answer won't change, the truth is the truth."

"Did you see the pictures Pam got of us at the reception? We do make a handsome couple." Her smile couldn't get any wider. "I had to agree with her that you were one hell of a catch."

"Jimmy said the same thing to me about you."

"He was too late. Already taken." She rested her chin on her hand.

"Were you happy with the wedding?" I asked, my question tentative even to my own ears. Cate's eyes went wide.

"Absolutely! Weren't you?"

I smiled. "I got the girl, anything else was just icing on the cake." She still looked concerned. "It's just that you didn't get to plan it all down to the very detail. I thought most women liked that part." I shrugged.

She laughed. "At first I felt a little cheated, but then realized how little I worried about it. It was beautiful and I was able to just enjoy it." She thought a moment. "I never was one of those girls who had the whole thing made up in my head from childhood. No grand ball, no handsome prince, well actually I got that part." She smiled and reached across the table and took my hand.

"Milady." I brushed her knuckles with my lips.

"Be careful of the expectations you build."

"I thought I already did that with the back massages and foot rubs."

She grinned as she shook her head and squeezed my hand. "I honestly wonder what I did to deserve you."

"Clean living?" I mused.

"Before I met you very much so, since meeting you, not as much." She giggled and covered her mouth.

I smiled and looked out over the cliff at the distant sea and the islands off the coast. My expression must have changed.

"At this rate I'm going to need to get more pennies. What are you thinking about now?"

I smiled. "Concern about being the best that I can be for you."

She looked surprised. "Dylan. You already are more than I could ever hope for." Her hand gripped down tight. "Look at me."

I turned to face her, and her eyes stared into mine. "You only need be the person you have been since the very first day we met. That's who I'm in love with, that's who you are, and other than making huge sweeping gestures without speaking to me about it first, I have no expectations beyond that."

She relaxed slightly when I shrugged. "I promise, again." She gave me a little smile.

"That and if you would stop ogling the young ladies along the beach please. We are on our honeymoon after all." She added with a laugh which got louder as I felt the heat hit my cheeks. "Stop blushing. If I were really worried we would have gone to Siberia for the honeymoon."

The wine was gone but we were both loathe to move as we looked out over the tops of centuries old terra cotta roofs and terraced gardens at the white wakes of boats moving along the water. It felt like one of those moments, where it imprints itself in your memory, the sights, the sounds, the smells, the magic that is a perfect moment in time. I glanced at Cate and she was welling up as she looked around, and then back at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Absolutely nothing." She smiled. "Everything is so very right and I want this moment to live forever." We both tightened our grip on each others hand as I nodded in agreement.

"This is just the beginning of a whole life of perfect moments."

"There you go." She dabbed at her cheek where the tear fell free of her eye. "I had a feeling you'd push me over the edge you romantic fool."

"The only time I ever want to see you cry is when you're so happy you can't contain yourself. Kind of like now." I said with a smile.

"You sure have gotten the hang of it over the past year."

We wandered along a beautiful garden which overlooked the sea. My head was buzzing and I wondered if it was from the wine with lunch, the heat or the overwhelming sense of happiness I felt. It was as if I were an excited child and calm as a monk at the same time, which created some inner turmoil. Cate changed her grip on my hand and turned and sat on the edge of a wall, the sea behind her outlined her neatly. Wisps of her dark hair had pulled free and danced around her cheeks in the breeze. Her eyes were bright blue like the sky behind them and the smile was bright as the sun.

"You are so beautiful." I whispered.

She blushed. "You don't have to keep saying that you know."

"Yes I do."

One of the many things that I loved about how our relationship had grown was that we had gone from tentative physical contact and respect for personal space at the very beginning, to a nearly complete lack of autonomy. A situation that to me reflected a deeply held trust that we would never willingly harm, or allow anyone else to harm the other. It was as if our two bubbles had combined into a larger single bubble surrounding us both. A moment never went by that if we were in reach of one another that a touch was not made. My hand across her lower back as she filled her coffee cup in the morning, or her fingers rubbing my neck gently as she looked over my shoulder to see what I was working on at my desk.

I proved it to myself when I reached up and brushed one of the wind-tossed locks behind her ear and rested my fingertips on the back of her neck. She didn't hesitate to arch her neck to offer me her lips. The pressure of her leaning into my hand made me draw her closer so she didn't overbalance and fall to the garden below.

"Se un giovane dovesse baciarmi così io lo sposerei."

Cate's eyes opened wide and peeked around me to an older woman who was sweeping leaves from the walk.

"Non capisco. I don't understand." Cate said to her.

"English? I say, if a man kissed me like that I would marry him." She smiled at us.

"Funny you should say that. I did just that a few days ago." Cate beamed and showed the woman her wedding ring.

"Congratulazioni e auguri." She said with a smile, as she moved to another walk way.

We made our way into the small market area where people were poring over boxes of produce and bins of ice with fresh fish. Cate bought a plum from one of the stands and brushed it off before taking a big bite of it. Juice ran down her chin, she waggled her hand and giggled as she looked for some way to mop it up and I jumped in and licked the sweet trail back up to her lips. She brushed her chin with her thumb and raised the plum to me for a bite.

We spent our days in an other-worldly stupor of relaxed existence, and our nights in each others arms, until the day before we were to leave to go back to Dublin and collect our things to go back home and resume our lives, our life.

"Would you mind very much if we took a trip into town for a day?" She had a twinkle in her eye.

"No not at all. Sorrento or Naples?"

"Nothing so grand as Naples, that would be like saying that we're just popping into Manhattan for a few groceries. I just wanted to take a peek in the shops for a few souvenirs, Salerno."

"Ah ha, shopping. I knew I recognized that twinkle in your eye."

"Darling, if you wanted to keep me on a short leash you wouldn't have brought me to the land of Gucci, Versace and Armani." Her sudden haute couture accent made us both laugh.

I stood outside of another shop with the last of my gelato and a few bags hanging over my arm as Cate made a cursory walk through to see if she saw anything she liked. The city was bustling with it being a weekday. She came out a short while later as I was wiping the last of the ice cream from my face and hands. She had a barely checked grin on her face and a dark colored bag in hand.

"Find something you liked?"

"We'll see who likes it more." The smile spread across her face.

I looked at the bag and noted it wasn't very large so what ever it contained was going to be rather small and I felt myself smiling too. Like a professional she had waited until we'd been walking a while to begin looking for larger items and here we were looking over accessories for her, the smell of newly dyed leather was heady in the warmth of the afternoon as she looked over racks of shoes.

"Professional shopping tip, always shop for shoes in the afternoon after your feet are swollen from the days wanderings." She'd said to me.

"I thought you were being nice and not making me carry them around all day." I said giving her a kiss. "Are we going to need another suitcase to take back with us?"

Cate laughed. "I'll make it work. I'm sure to find some room in your case. You didn't need any of your things did you?"

We turned a corner on to a main road and a few doors down Cate began scanning again and found what she was looking for and hauled me into a men's store.

"I often wondered what you would look like in a nice suit." I said to her.

"Not nearly as good as you do." Her eyes flashed at me as we walked around. She eyed a display of mannequins in fitted dress shirts with bright patterns, colors and tailored waists.

"I don't really need new shirts do I?"

Cate glanced at me for a moment and glanced to either side to see she wasn't overheard.

"Do you remember a few weeks back when we went to my parents for Sunday roast? You stood at the kitchen counter in jeans and your un-tucked dress shirt open to here, barefoot and drinking coffee?" She pointed half-way down my chest. I didn't specifically remember what I was wearing but I remember the late morning and getting ready to go to her folks. The quizzical look must have appeared on my face to go with the feeling I was having.

"You very nearly lost that shirt and I would have called my parents to tell them we were not going to make it after all." She said, her voice suddenly low and husky. "I nearly grabbed you by the collar and hauled you back to the bedroom, if we had even made it that far."

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