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Kiss of the Spider Woman Pt. 11

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Learning to go with the flow.
7.4k words

Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/31/2011
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"So, pegging a guy is fun?" Andrea D'Osti, newest junior wife in the commune asked Angela Phillips, second most senior.

"That depends on how you mean the question," came the amused reply, "because it certainly is fun for him. It's emotionally fun for me, too, because I get a charge out getting him off. But if you use the right equipment, it can be a lot of physical fun for you, too. Do you have someone in mind?"

"Not really. Not yet. I was just wondering. If it really is fun, how do you talk him into it?"

Angela pushed her reading glasses down on her nose and looked over the top.

"Talk him into it? Here on the commune? Just tell the guy you want to trade roles. It's not like any of them haven't done it before, you know—unless you're talking about . . ."

"Well, yeah. I really want to climb Knut's frame, yanno? Make it an eighteenth birthday present for him?" Andrea blushed slightly.

"Sweetie, for his eighteenth birthday you should be talking in terms of putting out, not taking charge." Angela looked severe, "It's tough enough being a young male living in a matriarchy without being made someone's bitch the day he reaches legal manhood. Personally, I think that better manners would be to let him into your panties a few times before trying to get into his."

"Yeah, I suppose it would be, at that. How long do you think I should wait?"

"I think you should invite him up to your studio for a siesta the day after the party and let things develop naturally. First you need to find out how adventurous he really is. He might not be interested at all in getting pegged. It took a long time for Freddie to talk Kyle into it. She finally had to resort to Surrenderone (for men). Now he switches happily with the best of them. Pay attention to your man, honey. It's a necessary part of a relationship."

"But Kyle is the Alpha male!" Andrea protested, "Of course he would be hard to convince. Knut is shy and retiring."

"Kyle wasn't always the Alpha Male, Andrea. He became it after we assigned him the position because of the work he did setting up Gaian Farm. In the beginning he was nursing an angry, hurt resentment, none of which is your business. Concentrate on Knut. And just because he's quiet doesn't necessarily mean he's shy and retiring. I think he might simply be thoughtful."


Freddi Kornfeldt walked into her bedroom and stripped. Through the open door, her co-wife Lara looked on with interest as Freddie picked up the Realdoe™ Stout from the nightstand and bounced it in her hands.

"Some guy in for it, Hon?" Lara asked with a grin.

"Kyle," Freddi replied with a shake of her head, "He spent the morning going around and around with the local agricultural agent. I'm sure they both tried very hard to come to an accommodation but our poor Alpha came home wound up tighter than a drumhead. He really doesn't deal well when 'policy' runs head first into his research. I told him to go take a hot shower and come here so I could make him feel better."

"Ooo, that sounds like fun! Can I cut in?"

Freddi thought for a second and then shook her head. "No, I think this needs to be a one-on-one, primary spouse thing. Remember, before I seduced him and got him to join us here in the commune he'd had some pretty traumatic relationships. Sometimes those scars still bleed so this is less about hot excitement and more about comfort and soothing. Poor man, he does try so hard."

Lara nodded sympathetically. Sometimes, she thought, their commune was more about being maternal than matriarchal. Even the toughest of their men needed it now and again.


Kyle came out of the shower with his teeth still clenched. He wondered if having to do business with bureaucrats was what made arch-conservatives out of normally well-meaning liberals. It wasn't that the Farm's new program of feeding soldier larvae pellets to livestock somehow violated FDA guidelines. It didn't. What it did seem to violate was the ag agent's sense of aesthetics, and that called into question a whole range of interpretations of state and county law. It had been ferociously frustrating.

Freddi lay on the bed in a classic languid S bend, her head propped on her left hand. She saw her man approach, his shoulders still obviously tensed and with a warm smile motioned him to come lay next to her.

"Roll over, Honey," she told him, "I'm going to rub your shoulders."

After crawling up on his back and starting to squeeze and pull on the tense muscles of his back, Freddi whispered, "I remember how upset you were when I first asked you about Fem-Dom, baby, and I now understand that you had a whole different idea of what it meant. This is the other side, Kyle, the strong woman's approach to helping her man."

He grunted softly in reply and then winced when she hit a particularly nasty spasm in his neck.

"First I'm going to get you all relaxed, then I'm going to open you up and slip one of my favorite dildos inside you, Kyle. I'm going to ride you for a long time, baby, long and slow, until you tell me you're ready to cum. Then I'll roll you over and fuck your brains out, Kyle, just the way you do me."

Years before, Freddi had come on to him in the college library with a made-up 'survey' about dominant women in a sexual relationship. It hadn't gone well. Several loveless 'hookups' before had left Kyle suspicious and resentful. It had taken lots of love and a few doses of Surrenderone (for men) before he'd been willing to accept that having his prostate stroked by a stout dildo in a woman's harness was actually a lot of fun. But he eventually came around so when Freddi let go of his back and lifted up on his hips, he was ready and anticipating what came next.

"Spread your legs, Kyle," she murmured, "I want a good view of that fine, muscular ass of yours."

From the time she'd first seen him as an undergraduate, what struck Freddi most about Kyle was his bottom. She would watch it raptly as he crossed the campus, deliberately get behind him in any line he was in so she could stare at it, and fought for the self-control to not pinch or fondle it whenever he was around. She'd wanted to grab, squeeze, rub, ride, penetrate and possess it back then and now five years, two children, a whole lot of cock later, nothing had changed. Any excuse would do and now she had him right where she wanted him.

Popping the cap on a tube of KY™, she squeezed out a generous dollop on his anus, tossed the tube to one side and spread it around and in with first one finger, then, two and finally three to gently stretch him into readiness. She popped the bulb end of the Realdoe™ into her juicy snatch and lined up the 'working' end at the glistening target. A wicked grin crossed her features. It was always such a rush when she thrust deep into him. She loved the way it disappeared inside and especially loved the moan he always made.

He sounds just like I do, she thought, only an octave deeper. I own him just like he owns me and today it's my turn.

Growling with lust she told him, "Now. You're. Mine!" and drove her hips forward. The Stout may have entered him silently but his response was far from silent. Halfway between a whimper and a moan, he told the world how it felt.

Oh gawd, this is great! she exulted, It's power, it's pleasure, it's giving him pleasure. I love it and best of all, so does he.

As good as her word, Freddi rode him—and rode him! Lara heard the happy, heart-felt moans and sighs through the door and giggled. Wendy, the third wife in their little 'harem' (funny word to use in a group that was run by the women and where everyone was essentially married to everyone else), was one who much preferred the receiving role. She'd tried pegging Kyle and one or two of the other men and decided it wasn't her thing. Lara, on the other hand, was like Freddi. She'd just as soon Top as Bottom and the next time she got Kyle alone he would be in for it again. But for now being an audial voyeur was amusing enough. She wondered how long he could hold out.

Like all the other 'husbands' in the group, Kyle was a skilled at multiple orgasms and lasted a goodly while. Finally, though, he admitted that he'd had enough and murmured into the pillow, "Okay, Freddi, finish me off."

With a triumphant grin, she pulled out, sat back, rolled him onto his back and pushed his thighs up high. Taking a firm hand on his solid cock, she jammed the big dildo back inside him and started to stroke as she thrust. Moments later Kyle groaned one last time and he shot a load up his belly. Mission completed, Freddi told herself and taking off the harness curled up next to him. They both fell asleep.


That evening after dinner Freddi told Melissa Koenig, the Matriarch, about Kyle's bad day (and what she'd done about it) and Melissa grumbled to Konrad, her number one husband. He sighed and patting her arm said, "Let me see what I can do."

The following morning, he made a call to the Dean of Agriculture who made a call to the County Agricultural Office. The result, a week later, was a letter from the office stating that the disagreements over interpretation of the law had been resolved in the commune's favor and that they were free to not only continue using soldier fly larvae as stock feed but to increase the production with a view towards providing it the surrounding stock breeders. There were going to be a lot of happy chickens and hogs in the near future.

The Matriarch shook her head and smiled fondly at her long-time partner. "Honey, you make things look so easy. I was afraid we'd have to go all legal on them and you just called Dean Sorenson. Bingo, instant resolution. Forty-five years of marriage and you still amaze me."

Konrad shrugged. "The old truism still stands. 'It ain't what you know but who you know'. That's the valuable part of teaching in a smallish college in a rural area. We really are a significant part of the community and someone on campus always knows who the important townspeople are in his or her specialty. Politics doesn't have to be vicious."

"It's still amazing. Go take a Vigorilla, you deserve a blow job."


Three-and-a-half-year-old Thomas Kyle toddled around trying to carry a bucket nearly as big as he was. It was full of dried soldier fly larvae and he was determined to take it outside and "Feed chickie!" Freddi was unenthusiastic. Hungry chickens pecking small human hands to get at the poultry snacks were bound to hurt but her oldest was a stubborn little guy so she 'helped' him carry the bucket. The best plan seemed to be to carry him on her shoulders and hold up the bucket so he could throw the larvae down to the flock. Unwieldy, perhaps, but safer. The results satisfied everyone. The hens were delighted with the feed, Thomas Kyle was giggling and gleeful and Freddi was relieved that no tears (or blood!) was shed. As they came out of the yard and closed the door behind them, Melissa walked up smiling approval.

"Taking to farming from infancy, are you, little man?" She ruffled his hair and 'beeped' him on the nose, "TK, you are definitely your father's child."

The toddler giggled, pointed to the pen and announced, "Chickie like bugs!"

"And bugs make eggs taste better," Melissa agreed with a smile, "And eggs are good for baby sister, aren't they?"

Wide-eyed, TK nodded. "Mommy made devil' egg. I a'e a hol' one!"

"All by yourself? Such a big boy, you're getting to be."

This sort of maternal chatter went on until the sound of huge hoof beats announced the arrival of the team of Belgian draft horses that did the hauling and plowing on the Farm. Thomas Kyle naturally insisted on being up on the back of one and riding it back to the barn under Angus' watchful eye.

As the women watched the procession depart, Freddi turned to her Matriarch and asked, "I realize this is probably premature, but when and how do we introduce TK into the omnigamy?"

"We don't. Growing up on a farm, the little guy will simply grow into the concept of animals having sex and at some point will relate to the concept, probably about the time girls start getting really, really interesting. Sex education will be involved, too, of course, but sooner or later (hopefully somewhat later) he and some attractive girl his own age will get together and the 'practicals' will take care of themselves. By then safe sex ought to be well drilled in and by the time he's a legal adult all he'll have to do is sign the contract and you're as good as grandmothering. The first generation is the hard part. After us, it will be normal."

Freddi nodded and chuckled, "For a given value of 'normal' of course. That's kind of the way I thought. I was just checking with you to make sure I had it right."

"For a given value of 'right', of course. We can't predict the future but it ought to work."


After lunch Knut jauntily made his way towards Andrea's studio apartment. She'd promised him "something special" and after a week's enthusiastic sex in more positions than he'd thought possible he couldn't help but wonder what else there could be. However, teenage hormones would have made it difficult for a team of horses to pull him away so with eager anticipation, he headed for her place.

To his surprise, when he opened her door, the room was dark. Only a nightlight in the bathroom illumined the gloom and it was partially blocked by the silhouette of a nude figure standing in the doorway. But the figure was not Andrea.

"Hello, Knut," Sylvia said quietly, "Undress and go lay down on the bed. Andrea is spending the afternoon with Melissa so you are spending the afternoon with me."

Knut swallowed. Oliver had told him about playing 'fly' to Sylvia's 'spider' but several years of living in a matriarchal society made him obedient by reflex. His feet kicked off his sandals and his hands unbuckled his belt before his head had time to make a decision.

"You're not going to peg me, are you?" he asked anxiously.

"Oh," Sylvia replied with a smile, "Sooner or later. But not today. Today what I want is to get better acquainted with my newest junior husband. And I want to do it the best way, with him inside me. Lie down, honey, and let me get snuggled up next to you. We'll work out what comes next after that."

Knut was somewhat taken aback but as the older woman curled up next to him and wrapped both arms around his head and a leg around his waist he quickly took to the idea. Pulling her tight he enveloped her mouth with his and fenced with her tongue. Murmurs, sighs and giggles ensued.

She pulled his head down to her breasts and he sucked ferociously on one while squeezing the other. Sylvia threw her head back and keened. As he worked his way down her body, kissing, nibbling and sucking, she rolled flat onto her back and spread her thighs, exposing how her bare pussy was waiting for him.

Knut dove into it, his abnormally long tongue not only laving her into juicy readiness but actually penetrating her.

"Ooo! Knut! I've never had that before. Don't stop!" The wriggling tongue tip fascinated and pleasured in a totally new way but at last she grabbed his hair and pulled his sloppy face up next to hers.

"Stick it in me, stud!" she commanded and then grunted with delight when he did. As he pistoned in and out Sylvia squeaked, moaned and chirped and when they were finally done she held him close until he slipped out, limp and lay exhausted in her arms.

"You know, Knut, much as I love all my husbands, you junior ones are so refreshing. The older men are skilled but you young guys have enthusiasm! Mmmm, we need to get together more often. And, yes, I will be pegging you eventually but for now, this is too much fun!"


The next morning Sylvia shooed Knut out the door with a pat on the butt and an order. "Now today I want you to go to Melissa's office and 'accost' her. Sneak up on her, nibble her ear, tell her you're horny and pull her clothes off."

Knut was startled. Get amorous the woman who ran a matriarchal commune? The one he'd always been careful to be especially polite to since his mother had joined?

"Will she let me?"

Sylvia laughed. "Let you? Honey, she'll welcome it. That's the whole point to an omnigamy, dear. Have sex with all the adults in it. After all, we women are all your wives and you men are all our husbands. What wife wouldn't want her man (or men) to be attentive to her charms? Now, off with you and make the boss really, really happy."

Knut had serious doubts so he went to the next older husband in the group to ask his advice. After all, Oliver seemed to be the object of considerable desire on the part of the more senior wives so if anyone could reassure him, Oliver was the man.

It wasn't hard to find Ollie. He was a biomimetic robotics student and spent most of his working days in the barn closely observing the various spider species that provided the raw materials for Angela's further research. That is, he was whenever he wasn't out in the kitchen garden that kept the commune very well fed. And it happened that today the slightly older youth was cutting weeds between the furrows of cabbages that would soon be turned into several flavors of sauerkraut and kimchi. He was only too glad to take a break and talk.

After some small talk about the garden, girls, the local minor league baseball team's chances and a few other things, Knut finally worked up the courage to tell Oliver what Sylvia had directed him to do.

"So?" Oliver asked, "Get on it, bro. Not only have the years been very good to Melissa but all those years were spent teaching and practicing yoga. The woman has muscle control like you wouldn't believe."

"But—but she's the Matriarch."

"Uh-huh, and a very benevolent one, too. Look, Knut, you kind of have a choice. Either initiate sex with Melissa or she'll initiate it with you—and probably very soon. She likes men, especially her men. And since we are all her men, she does her best to spread her lust among us. Just, I might point out, like you should be doing with all our women. Besides, being aggressive with the Matriarch gets it off to a fairer start than if she got aggressive with you. Just ask Jared. He spent a year of Mondays being her bitch. And when he finally turned the tables on her she was delighted. He'd finally grown up. So, you just march your young ass down to the farm HQ and get all amorous with her. You won't regret it one bit, believe me."

Still nervous about the whole thing, Knut walked down the hall of the administration wing of the farm's main building. At one time it had been purely a giant dormitory with central kitchen and dining area and apartments around the outside. But the experiment with separate men's and women's quarters (and 'visiting' rights) had soon fallen away. Now singles and couples lived in either the apartments or in cottages around it and several of the apartments had been converted into offices for the running of the commune's various businesses. He knocked on the door simply marked 'Melissa'.

"Come in" a cheerful voice called out, and when he entered the Matriarch grinned over her shoulder at him with a wink. "Hi Knut, how is married life treating my most junior husband?"

"Uh . . ." Knut blushed. Of all the scenarios he might have imagined, this wasn't one.

As he tried to regain his composure, Melissa pushed her chair back from the terminal and smiled warmly at him. She stood up, wrapped her arms around his neck, pushed her hips against his and whispered in his ear, "Come on, lover, don't be shy. Just reach back and lock the door and then you can undress me. Once I'm naked we'll improvise from there."

Knut turned the lock on the handle and then started fumbling with Melissa's buttons. She caught him by the wrists and kissed him on the chin.

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