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Kiss the Darkness Ch. 06

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Christian and Alexander return to Avimur.
10.8k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/10/2020
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Brother Neil held the lantern high so that Christian and Alexander could see through the thick darkness that covered the monastery grounds. He led them to a small cottage within the courtyard behind the gardens. "The guest house has already been cleaned and made ready." He smiled at the couple. "Breakfast will be served in the main hall at sun up. I've taken the liberty of having some fresh foods and wine placed in your rooms though." He pulled a key out from within his robes and cheerfully unlocked the door. "Well then, I will leave the two of you in peace."

"Thank you friend." Christian bowed. "I plan to make a large donation to your Abby before the week is out."

The monk chuckled. "Your generosity is always welcome and appreciated your majesty." He bowed to them both and bid them a goodnight. "Peace be with you majesties, and may the Gods favor forever shine down on you."

He turned and left them alone as he returned to the monastery. Alexander turned to look at Christian and he smiled with great happiness.

Christian pushed the door open but before Alexander could enter, he quickly scooped him up in his arms and carried his blushing groom into the house, kicking the door closed with his foot. Alexander yelped then giggled as he felt himself being lifted off the ground. Alexander hardly had time to take in his surroundings as Christian carried him through the sitting area and into the bed chambers. All around them were lit candles and the hearth in their chambers was already burning brightly with a fire that warmed the room. A large bed sat in the center of the room. The covers had been turned down and rose petals sprinkled over the mattress.

Christian carried Alexander to the bed and gently laid him there, against the soft sheets and many pillows piled up against the head board. "It's not home." Christian whispered. "But it will suffice for tonight."

"It's perfect." Alexander told him. "And very romantic. Were the rose petals your idea?"

Christian grinned. "I might have put the thought in their heads. This is a special night and I wanted nothing but the best for my love."

"All I need is you, and I'll be the happiest man alive." Alexander told him.

Christian leaned over him and kissed him on the mouth. Alexander put his arms around Christian and pulled him down against him. He kissed him back, feeling Christian's tongue slip into his mouth, exploring his mouth with that tongue. Alexander moaned against him, closing his eyes. He allowed himself to become lost in the kisses, savoring the moment. Christian kissed his lips, then his face, moving to his neck. More and more kisses. Christian slid his hand beneath Alexander's shirt, pushing it up as he kissed his belly, and then his chest, encircling his nipples with his tongue. His nipples were hard and his organ too began to rise and harden inside his trousers.

Christian unclasped the cloak and lay it open. Alexander leaned his head back as Christian kissed his throat. His kisses felt wonderful, sensual, but he wanted more. Alexander slid his hands down over Christian's body till they rested on his ass. He loved touching him and he loved the feel of Christian's body pressed against his. Christian's warm breath against his exposed flesh sent waves of heat through his body, down to his loins. He could tell that Christian was excited as well. The hardness of his organ was evident through the thin material of his trousers.

"Um..."Alexander moaned more as Christian devoured him with kisses. Each one sweeter than the last. He began to shiver and felt light headed as his breathing increased.

Christian kissed him once more than slid Alexander's shirt up and over his head, dropping it on the floor beside the bed. Christian rose up and began to undress. Alexander watched as each article of clothing was carefully discarded until Christian stood before him totally nude. Alexander caught his breath in his throat as he looked Christian over. His body was amazing. A thin layer of light colored hair covered his chest down to his belly, encircling his naval. A soft trail of that hair dipped down his nether regions and formed a tuft of sandy blond hair above his organ. Alexander let his eyes drift over the organ, taking it all in for the first time. It was large, thick and hard as rock. Alexander suddenly felt a bit nervous as he realized just how big Christian was.

Alexander sat up and looked away. Christian noticed him trembling and he knelt down on the bed close to him. "What's wrong?" Christian asked, growing a bit concerned.

Alexander blushed as he looked at Christian. "I...I really want to..." He sighed, feeling like a coward suddenly. He wanted to slap himself. "I'm just...I'm not sure that I can take you."

Christian's eyebrows raised as he looked at Alexander. He laughed loudly as the awareness suddenly sank in of what Alexander was telling him. "You're scared?" It was more of a statement than a question really. Alexander nodded. Christian reached out and touched his hand as he came to understand his apprehension. "You've nothing to worry about." Christian told him. "I know you're a virgin. I don't want to hurt you. On my honor, I will take it slow and be as gentle as possible."

Alexander felt a bit more at ease, though he knew that it was still going to hurt some, no matter how gentle Christian tried to be.

Christian pushed the cloak aside then lay Alexander back against the bed. "Just relax." He told him. Alexander lay on his back and closed his eyes as Christian removed his boots and trousers. The warmth of the room caressed his naked body making him feel that much more aroused. Christian slid his hands up along Alexanders naked thighs to his hips. Alexander placed his hands above his head as he allowed Christian to explore his body. Christian began to kiss his midsection, planting kisses down along his hips and just below his naval. He placed his hand between Alexander's legs and cupped his sex as Alexander slid his legs apart, drawing his knees up.

Christian pushed his legs farther apart then situated himself between his legs as he leaned in and gently kissed the tip of his organ. Alexander bit his bottom lip as he tried to hold back a moan. "Relax." Christian whispered again. "This is going to feel good." He took Alexander in his hand, stroking his shaft. He could feel the organ pulsating in his hand and he smiled. He wrapped his lips around the organ and gently began to suck on the tip. He'd never done this to a man before but after having many women preform the same act on him in the past, Christian knew exactly what to do. He astonished even himself at how good Alexander tasted and how badly he wanted to taste him.

A year ago Christian would never have even entertained the idea of having another man's cock in his mouth but the moment he saw Alexander's sex, hard and inviting, he suddenly wanted to devour it. Alexander was smaller than Christian, and easy to take in. Christian loved the feel of him in his mouth and from the sounds Alexander made and the way he was writhing on the bed, Christian knew that Alexander was enjoying it as well. He cupped his balls in his hand and gently massaged them as he continued to suck, Alexander's whimpers and moans further fueling his passion. He began to move his mouth faster over the organ, taking it in deeper, until Alexander began to squirm and shift uncontrollably. Christian knew that he was close.

"Oh Dear Gods!" Alexander moaned loudly. He gripped the sheets in his fists and arched his back. "I can't...FUCK! I can't hold back!" He cried out suddenly. Christian almost choked laughing as he'd never heard Alexander swear before, and he'd suddenly wondered if this was the first orgasm Alexander had ever had. He continued working his cock, tasting the prelude of what was to follow, then he allowed Alexander to fill his mouth with his seed. Christian drank him in greedily until he was spent, then he rose up and kissed Alexander hard on the mouth, sharing his taste with him.

Alexander was panting heavily and his eyes were wide but then, as Christian kissed him, he began to calm himself a bit more and he wrapped his arms around Christian tightly. He could feel Christian's organ pressed against the inside of his thigh and the soft fur of his chest as it brushed against his own chest. He realized at once how much he liked that feeling, Christian's naked body pressed against his as they kissed in the aftermath of Alexander's peak. "I want you so bad." Christian whispered in his ear, dragging his mouth from Alexanders. The driving force of Christian's kiss was shattering. It sent a searing need of desire throughout Alexanders body and he looked into Christian's eyes with engulfing emotion.

"I'm frightened." Alexander confessed to him. "But I want this as much as you do, please just be gentle with me."

"Always." Christian whispered as he kissed him again. He slid his hand over the tight, lean, muscles of Alexander's belly and planted light, feathery, kisses along his abdomen. Alexander squirmed beneath his touch. His legs quivered, his entire body ached for Christian's touch and Christian fulfilled that need with every stroke of his fingers or lick of his tongue. Alexander was in pure ecstasy, the aching tension between them built as they pressed their heated flesh together.

Christian took Alexander's hips and moved him a bit closer, then gently touched his sex. He slid his fingers down the soft line of hair between his legs, and cupped his ass in his hand. Alexander moaned. Christian was held captive as those smoldering, violet, eyes drew him in. He encircled Alexander's opening with his thumb and watched as he shivered. He was small and tight, but so enticing. Everything about him from the firm curve of his ass, his long, slender limbs, to the soft purring noises he made as Christian touched him drove Christian mad with desire. His member throbbed as he longed to delve deep within that hot, dark, little void.

He slid Alexander's legs farther apart and positioned himself between them. He slipped his hand beneath one knee and lifted his leg slightly off the bed then brought himself, poised, to the edge of the entrance and nudged the head against Alexander's most intimate spot. Alexander held his breath as Christian urged his erection in deeper, pushing past the tight and unyielding flesh. Alexander winced then gasped and cried out as the head began to stretch him apart. A sharp, burning sensation ripped through his bottom that brought tears to his eyes and he gripped the headboard so hard that his knuckles turned white. Christian stopped then, watching him, and realized suddenly that Alexander was in pain.

Christian ran his hand through his hair as he thought of what to do but he was at a loss. He'd never penetrated a man before and it never really occurred to him how different it would be from making love to a woman. He'd never before had any trouble sliding into a woman's moist and welcoming crease, but with Alexander it wasn't so. He was dry, and so taut that it nearly made penetration impossible. At least, not without causing him severe discomfort. He thought back to the times that he and Amos had visited the brothels. Amos had had his share of both men and women and at one point had even allowed one of the male companions to penetrate him. Christian had been appalled at the idea.

"Didn't it hurt?" He'd asked his friend.

"Of course it did." Amos confessed to him. "But there are things you can do to lessen the pain."

As Amos went on to describe the encounter Christian became less and less interested in the details; so much of what Amos had said was lost on him though one thing did come to mind, but only because Amos had mentioned it as a useful trick Christian could use with his virginal bride on their wedding night if her fear and trepidation made it difficult for he to become wet. Christian began to look around the room, searching for something he could use, then he spotted it. On the table near the window was a tray mixed with a variety of different foods from roasted nuts, and fresh fruits, to a plate of sliced breads and goat cheese. Beside the plate of cheese was a small cruet of olive oil.

Alexander watched him curiously as he slid off the bed and made his way to the table of foods. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Christian held the oil, sniffed it just to make sure it was what he thought it was, then returned to the bed. He held the bottle up for Alexander to see. Alexander raised an eye brow. "What are you planning to do with that?" He asked, suspiciously.

A naughty little grin played across Christian's lips and Alexander could see from his expression that he planned to use the oil for something other than it's intended purpose. "Christian, seriously. You're not planning to put that in my..." Christian laughed a bit as he realized that when it came to sex, Alexander was oblivious. He had no idea how any of it worked.

Christian didn't even know if Alexander had ever even resorted to self gratification, though he couldn't understand how any man could not. Even before Christian really knew about what men and women did together in private he had taken to jerking it himself whenever he'd gotten the chance. As he'd found out later, it was a common thing that all young boys did, and there was no shame in it, as long as it was done privately. Alexander though seemed slightly too innocent and a bit naive. The desire was there, and he certainly had taken great pleasure in the things they'd done so far, but there was a serious lack of knowledge when it came to any of the intimate details of the act itself.

Christian suspected that much of it was due to the fact that Alexander had no father and was raised by an old woman. Even if he'd had male friends from the village he would have learned something from them. Boys talked. But he was so sheltered and isolated that his knowledge of the world and worldly things was seriously lacking. Still, he did seem to have a basic knowledge of the ins and out, so to speak, of what intercourse was. At least Christian assumed anyway, though how much his grandmother had actually taught him was anyone's guess.

Christian smirked a bit as he thought about it, then he looked at Alexander and leaned closer to him. "Do you have any idea of what a woman's body looks like?" He asked him. "I mean besides the obvious? Have you ever seen a woman without her clothing on?"

The face that Alexander made told Christian all that he needed to know. He chuckled a bit. "You do know that boys and girls are different, right? Did your grandmother tell you how babies were made?"

Alexander scowled at him. "I'm not stupid." He groaned. "And I did grow up on a farm. I've had to help deliver a few calves in my time."

Dear Gods, Christian thought, the only experience he's had is with watching cows fuck in a field. He sighed at bit and carefully thought of how to explain the intricacies in a way that would not come off as condescending. "Alright, so, when a woman becomes how should I say...aroused...her private parts naturally become wet. This makes it a lot easier for a man to enter her, and a lot less painful for her first time."

Alexander sat up against the bed with his knees drawn up to his chest as he listened. He seemed interested if not a little disturbed by the information, and Christian could see by the look in his eyes that many new questions had started to form in his mind. He had no problem answering those questions, he just hoped that Alexander would save them for a later time. He continued with his tutorial, hoping that his explanation would suffice for now. "Though I have virtually no experience with men in this regard, it's apparent to me that you don't produce the same type of moisture that a woman does. I'm scared that trying to go in dry is really going to hurt you and I don't want to do that. You won't enjoy it and I won't enjoy it if you're in pain."

Alexander smiled some as he listened to what Christian was telling him. It really made his heart flutter to realize how concerned Christian was about Alexander's well-being. It showed him just how much his husband did actually love and care about him. "I've heard before that adding a little olive oil will greatly help reduce the pain and aide in...well...other areas." He smiled a bit when he saw Alexander blush, but his embarrassment was also a sign that he understood what Christian was telling him. "The oil is perfectly safe, noble women have even used it for cleaning and softening their skin. So, are you willing to give it a try?"

Alexander nodded slowly. "I don't want it to hurt, so yeah. Let's try it. I want to be with you, no matter what, but it will be that much more satisfying without the pain."

"I agree." Christian touched Alexander's leg and smiled. "Now lay back down the way you were before."

Alexander did as he was told and slid down the bed so that he was laying flat with his knees bent. Christian pushed his legs apart with his hands slowly, letting his fingers drift causally over his bare flesh in a steady and soothing way. Alexander took a deep breath and closed his eyes as Christian set the mood once more. Christian opened the cruet and dripped a bit of the oil on his finger. He then rubbed the oil over the outside of Alexander's hole. He could see from Alexander's reaction that he was enjoying what Christian was doing though Christian wasn't sure how he would be when he actually inserted a finger into the crevice. He added a bit more oil then slowly pushed his finger inside and gently massaged the interior of Alexander's ass.

Alexander squirmed some and let out a ragged breath but he didn't really appear to be in any pain. Christian watched his face carefully though, ready to remove his finger at the first hint of discomfort. When he was sure that Alexander was okay he inserted a second finger. Alexander winced a bit as he felt himself stretch a bit more but it wasn't an entirely unpleasant feeling. He moaned softly and gripped the headboard as Christian continued to move his fingers in and out, slowly, adding more oil and really making Alexander's bottom slick and moist. The heat from his body, along with his moans, and the look of excitement on his face had brought Christian back to full arousal. He wanted to enter him so badly but he still wanted to make sure he was ready.

He advanced his fingers further in, past the knuckles, and Alexander leaned his head back and whimpered. His entire body was shivering with excitement. His organ sprang to life and Christian grasped it in his other hand. He began stroking Alexander while moving his fingers in and out of his ass. Alexander's heart began beating rapidly, he was in a state of complete elation. The head of his dick became wet as did Christian's. He could feel his own warm, wet, fluids dripping down on his naked thigh. Alexander was ready. He wanted more. He begged for more, and Christian was more than happy to oblige.

Christian dripped a bit of the oil onto his own organ and added to the wetness that was already present as he stroked himself. His cock was fully hard and throbbing as he once again positioned it outside the entrance of Alexander's ass. Christian began probing him in a slow repetitive rhythm. Little by little he began pushing inside of him, spreading him apart with each tender thrust. Alexander absorbed the feel of him as his body was rocked with a sharp surge of desire. Alexander brought his legs up and clamped his knees against Christian's naked hips. His arms came down and encircled Christian's neck. He opened his eyes and met Christians and their eyes locked. Christian's heart melted when he saw the love and devotion in Alexander's eyes.

He leaned forward and kissed Alexander on the mouth, greedily taking possession of his soft, full lips. He could taste the hot flavor of desire as their heated flesh joined together. Molten waves of pleasures radiated throughout Christian's entire being as he was taken over by a primitive need that defied all reason. Christian moved further in, his organ sliding easily through the slick heat of Alexander's chasm. He was almost completely buried within him and Alexander gasped as ripples of pleasure over took him. One final thrust and Christian was completely devoured by Alexander's warm, wet, recess. Alexander winced a bit and whimpered. He dug his fingers into the flesh of Christian's arms. His breath came out in short, shallow, bursts.

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