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Kitchens and Rope

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Emma encounters an issue at work.
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Mick sat patiently in his car smoking, he knew the routine of the people in the shop behind him. He'd been formulating his plan for almost a whole month and he was confident he had it down to a tee.

The kitchen shop opened at 9am every morning, 6 days a week. He knew that the people inside arrived approximately 10 minutes before 9 and he was stationed, as he had been so many times over the last few weeks, across the road in the pub car park. He knew that the older guy who owned the shop would leave around 9.30am with his son and spend the day fitting the kitchens they sold, he also knew that they would leave the daughter, Emma, alone for the day to deal with any customers that visited the shop.

When he'd been in the shop almost 8 months ago he could have spent far too much because of Emma, she'd flirted with him for the whole time he was there and had teased him until he would have paid well over the odds for a kitchen. He'd been really put out when she refused to go out with him and he'd regretted even entering the shop apart from seeing Emma.

He was going to ask her to be his today and there was no way she was going to refuse him this time.

He knew that Emma was mid-twenties, around five feet tall, she had blonde shoulder length hair, green eyes, a slim athletic figure, nice breasts, a curvaceous bum and a lovely smile. She was funny and they'd laughed together as she'd almost persuaded him to buy a kitchen and all the added extras that would have cost him so much. They would be perfect together if only she realised that.

It was just after 9.30 when the dad and his son came out of the shop, climbed in the van and drove away, Mick lit another cigarette and waited some more. No need to rush, he knew they wouldn't be back till after 4pm, he had plenty of time to talk to Emma.

He waited until a shade before 10am before exiting his car, he picked up his sports bag from the back seat and crossed the road toward the shop. He opened the door and made his way inside. He'd walked around the shop with Emma before, there was a large square showroom with all the kitchens on display, nothing more than little booths really with the kitchens all pre-built, they obscured the view of the back of the showroom.

Towards the rear of the shop the showroom went off to the left from his position into a smaller area which also had some display kitchens in and then beyond that an office where he'd discussed ideas for his kitchen. It was set out like a large upside down, back to front letter L. This had originally been 2 shops that had been converted into one huge shop and the bit which went to the office was behind the newsagents next door. He knew that if he was there he could talk to Emma without anyone seeing from the road outside, there were no windows in that section.

Emma was sat in the little office out in the back of the shop when she heard the front door to the shop open, she'd been busy texting her boyfriend since he'd woken her with a phone call on his way to work at 7am, she had been waiting for a reply for about 30 minutes, this wasn't unusual, her boyfriend was at work and he had an important job so she knew he'd probably be busy with something and would text her when he could. She was glad of the distraction of the first customer of the day and made her way out of the office and into the showroom.

She spotted the tall, well-built man looking about, switched on her best dynamite smile and spoke confidently,

"Hi, Good Morning, can I help you?" she said

Mick turned towards her "Hi, yes I'm sure you can, do you remember me? I was here looking to buy a kitchen from you about 8 months ago." he swiftly looked her up and down, Emma was wearing a pair of light blue denim jeans and a plain white shirt, her blonde hair falling loosely around her shoulders.

Emma paled slightly, she remembered the guy, he'd chatted her up while she'd showed him kitchen designs and then he'd asked her out on a date. He was a nice enough guy and she'd got on okay with him but she had a boyfriend whom she was madly in love with and would never do anything that would jeopardise that, she'd told this guy the same thing but he'd not been happy when she refused his offer of a date. She wasn't one to mix business and pleasure anyway. She didn't want him to see he'd rattled her slightly so with her best saleswoman voice said,

"Yes, I remember you, how's it going? Did you want to place an order for your kitchen?"

"Yes, I came in to talk to you about the kitchen, when would your dad and brother be able to fit it? Actually that's a bit of a lie, it wasn't the kitchen I came in about if I'm honest."

"Oh I see, was there something else?"

"Yes, actually there was, I came in to invite you out on a date with me." Mick said

"Oh" Emma replied "Erm, I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend. Did I not make that clear last time we spoke?"

"Yes, you mentioned the boyfriend, you never said it was serious though. I just thought I'd come to see if you would accompany me for a meal and maybe some drinks afterwards?"

"No, I'm really sorry, I have a boyfriend, I really don't think that would be a good idea." Emma said.

"Look, I know you fancy me, you spent a long time flirting with me when I was here last, I've seen them looks before, you want me, I know you do." said Mick.

"I most certainly do not fancy you and I definitely don't want you," Emma retorted "I have a boyfriend who I love dearly and I'd not cheat on him with someone like you."

"Oh, listen to miss posh hoity toity bitch," Mick spat "Someone like me? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Ok, that's enough!" Emma said "I think you should go!"

Emma suddenly realised that during the conversation Mick had edged closer towards her and she began to panic slightly, this guy was obviously a complete nut and here she was having an argument and she was all on her own for at least another few hours.

"My dad and my brother will be back soon, you should go before they get here and find you, there will be trouble when they see you're upsetting me."

Emma sensed that Mick was getting ready to make a move and she turned to run back into the office, her plan was to shut the door quickly but as she turned Mick grabbed her by her hair almost pulling her back off her feet, he dragged her back towards him causing her to cry out with the pain. He clamped his other hand over her mouth and turned slightly pulling Emma off balance, her slim frame no match for Mick's six-foot-tall and powerfully built frame. He carried on turning until she lost her footing and he quickly put her face down on the floor, he kept his hand clamped over her mouth but used his weight advantage to pin her to the floor. He reached for his sports bag and unzipped it, reaching in for some duct tape he placed it by his side. He shifted his weight and grabbed one of Emma's arms pulling it round straight up from her body.

"I'm going to move my hand," Mick hissed into Emma's ear "If you scream or make a sound I will shut you up another way, do you understand?"

Emma made a noise that she hoped would pass for agreement and Mick removed his hand from her mouth, she breathed deeply and began to scream as loudly as she could, it wasn't more than half a second before Mick clamped his hand back over her mouth quieting her in an instant.

"You fucking bitch!" he said "I knew a fucking lying slut like you would scream."

He reached over to the sports bag again and produced a fearsome looking knife, he rested the tip against Emma's cheek and her eyes widened with fear.

"See this?"

Emma did her best to nod

"Scream again when I move my hand and I'll make sure you never scream again, OK?"

Emma nodded again and this time when Mick removed his hand she stayed silent, he pulled her other arm straight out in front of her and swiftly wrapped duct tape around her wrists, kneeling slightly he shifted his position, placing one knee in between Emma's shoulder blades keeping her pinned down, he turned and swiftly wrapped a length of duct tape around her ankles and then her knees. Now she was immobile he sat back and examined his handiwork. Things hadn't gone exactly as he planned, she was supposed to say yes to his offer of a date but that hadn't happened, so this was plan B.

He flipped her over so she was lying on her back and looked into her eyes. She was a feisty one that's for sure. He cut another smaller length of duct tape and pressed it tightly over her mouth. Satisfied that she'd not be able to move or scream he quickly got up and made his way to the front of the shop locking the door and turning the sign that said open over to show closed. He looked about and didn't see anything that concerned him, obviously nobody had heard Emma scream so that was good. He made his way back to the girl lying prone on the floor.

"Why didn't you just say yes to going out with me?" he asked even though he knew she couldn't reply "Things didn't have to be like this you stupid cunt."

He grabbed her wrists and pulled her up into a sitting position, then moving behind her he slipped his arms under Emma's armpits and lifted her until she was standing, albeit quite wobbly with her legs being tied. He lifted her bodily from the floor and placed her with her backside against one of the kitchen worktops arms out in front of her. He bent down and reached into the sports bag and brought out a length of rope, he worked quickly tying it around Emma's wrists before picking up the knife again and removing the duct tape. He wasn't gentle as he ripped the tape off and Emma winced at the sharp pain. Then he reached in to the bag again, it took Emma a second to realise he'd pulled out a bright red ball gag. Her boyfriend had often joked about buying one to keep her quiet but they'd never got as far as buying one.

"That tape on your mouth will hurt after a while," Mick whispered "I'm going to replace it with this but remember, if you make a sound when I take the tape off, I will shut you up."

Emma nodded but she couldn't help whimpering when Mick pulled off the duct tape from over her mouth, he put the ball gag against Emma's lips and for a fleeting moment she almost defied him but she knew all was lost for her and she meekly opened her mouth. He slid the ball into her mouth and tied it tightly at the back of her head, pinning her hair to the sides of her head in the process. He spun her round so she was facing the cupboards and holding her arms up high tied her wrists to the spotlight rail above her head. He reached back into the bag and produced 2 more lengths of rope deftly tying one to each ankle. Using the knife, he cut the tape from around her knees and ankles.

"Spread your fucking legs bitch." he growled.

Emma had no option but to spread her legs as far as she could but even then he kicked them wider still before tying them tightly to the legs of the cupboards in the show kitchen. Mick took a couple of steps back looking at Emma tied tightly in place and breathed a deep sigh. He checked the time on his phone. It had taken him just 15 minutes to enter the shop and have Emma immobilised and he smiled.

He stepped forward and grabbed a handful of Emma's hair pulling her head back to him until he could look deep into her eyes.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" he said "I know you're going to love this."

She couldn't reply, the ball gag preventing her from saying anything but she looked at Mick defiantly.

He laughed "I'm really going to wipe that look off your face you fucking slut."

He released her hair and picked up the knife again, he pulled the shirt out of her jeans and sliced from the hem to the neck in one swift movement, she stiffened as she felt the knife brush against her skin as he cut the neck part before she felt it open completely exposing her pale skin to him. He whistled softly as her tattoo of delicate butterflies, which spread from her right lower back across to her left shoulder, came into view.

"I should have known you'd have some sort of tramp stamp." he said "Fucking typical for a slut like you."

He slid the razor sharp knife under her bra strap and lifted it slicing the thing garment in two. He worked quickly cutting across the shoulders of the shirt and slicing the bra straps until he could remove them completely and threw them down onto the floor beside them leaving Emma topless in front of him. He leaned forward and buried his nose in her hair and traced his hands around her body, she stiffened at his touch as he slid his hands around to cup her pert breasts.

"Fuck me, pierced nipples as well, you really are a kinky little fucker!"

Instead of twisting her nipples as he'd intended he gently played with them until they were stiff, the bar piercing each one making them more sensitive to his touch and Emma could feel herself getting aroused despite her predicament.

"I wonder what else you're hiding on this pretty little body?" he said "Pierced clit? Maybe you've done your cunt lips?"

Emma shook her head.

"Oh well, just a thought. Anything else pierced that I should know about?"

Emma again shook her head, the ball gag stopped her from speaking, what it didn't do was stop the thin lines of saliva from each side of her forced open mouth from dripping onto her chest.

Mick spotted this and rubbed his hands over her breasts again, coating Emma's erect nipples with her own saliva.

He knelt down behind Emma and taking a firm hold of the leg of her jeans proceeded to cut right along the seam from her tied ankle on her right leg all the way up to her waist band. Mick whistled as another tattoo, this time of a pink rose came into view on her upper thigh.

"I can see you don't mind a bit of pain with all these additions to your body, that's good to know." he said menacingly.

Emma gave a muffled moan behind the gag. She'd often talked about being restrained like this with her boyfriend, this was one of her fantasies and she could feel a delicious wetness beginning to form between her legs. Despite being at the man with the knifes mercy she was becoming more and more horny as her ordeal continued.

Mick cut through the waistband of her jeans and it took a second for him to realise that Emma wasn't wearing any underwear under them. As he pulled the 2 halves of the jeans apart he could clearly see she would now be naked as soon as he cut the other leg. He swiftly cut the remainder of the denim material away leaving Emma completely naked and completely helpless. As he threw the remnants of her clothing into the little pile he spotted a circle of delicate roses on Emma's left thigh, just below the curve of her buttocks, which made a complete circle around her leg like a garter. He traced his finger around the design, brushing her left buttock with the back of his hand.

"I thought you had a pretty good figure dressed but naked you really are incredible. I'm really going to enjoy seeing how much fun we can have together today."

Emma trembled at his words and then stiffened as Mick placed his hand onto her behind, cupping one of her butt cheeks, he slid a hand between her legs till he made contact with Emma's pussy and chuckled as he felt the wetness between her legs.

"Shaved pussy as well. If I'd known you were this much of a slut I'd have just walked in here and asked you to fuck me, I needn't have gone to this much trouble and from the look of you now you'd have probably just said yes. You might act all prim and fucking proper but deep down you're just a slut with a wet pussy who wants a proper man to take her as he sees fit."

Emma shivered, she wasn't cold but the way this man was talking to her it was if he was aware of the conversations she'd had with her boyfriend. They'd discussed tying each other up and had experimented but nothing as intense as this. Her pussy was dripping wet, her nipples and her clit felt like they were on fire and the man had hardly touched her.

"Now slut," Mick said "Let's have some fun and see where we go eh."

He leaned forward and kissed Emma's ear "I'm really going to enjoy taking you slut, I have a feeling you're going to enjoy it to." he whispered, venom trickling from his mouth as he spoke "Now keep fucking still, don't forget that knife won't ever be far away."

With that he licked Emma's ear, his teeth grazing her ear lobe and she shivered with expectation. He moved to the nape of the girl's neck kissing and running his lips over her skin before moving across to her right shoulder, he bit firmly into the skin, not enough to draw blood but enough to make the girl moan into the gag and leave a red mark on her skin, he did the same thing on her left shoulder leaving an identical mark. He moved slowly down the girl's body, planting kisses on her spine and across the butterfly tattoo until he reached her bum, he covered them in kisses before firmly sinking his teeth into each of her butt cheeks leaving marks identical to the ones on her shoulders. Emma arched her back as much as she was able and groaned loudly.

He clasped her bum in both hands, pulling the cheeks of her arse apart exposing her puckered, pink bum hole and he flicked his tongue over it before sliding his tongue into her tight, not secret anymore, hole, he pushed Emma up slightly and forward which allowed him to just about run his tongue along the lips of her shaved pussy. She tasted incredibly sweet and he realised her pussy was almost dripping she was so wet. Her body was giving her away despite her muffled protestations, she was enjoying being tied up and abused by him and he smiled. He rubbed a finger between the lips of Emma's pussy and was pleased when it slid inside her with no problem at all, he moved another finger alongside the first and Emma's hips bucked against him as he explored her pussy, he removed the fingers, using the wetness to moisten her arse hole. He slid the two fingers back into her pussy and as she tried to grind against his hand he slid another finger into her arse, her moaning increased in volume as the finger in her arse went as deep as the ones in her pussy, she was trembling uncontrollably but he didn't want her to cum just yet, Oh no, he had plans for her body first. He removed his fingers from the girl's body, reached into his sports bag and produced a quite large tapered butt plug and then some lube. Emma's body had sagged slightly as he removed his fingers and her breathing slowed as she recovered from his invasive exploration.

He squeezed a liberal amount of lube onto the butt plug, working it in with his fingers until it was slippery in his hand and then placed the end against Emma's pink bum hole, Emma tried to move at the first contact but the ropes held her tight and she resorted to shaking her head and making muffled moaning noises to try and dissuade Mick but he was not to be thwarted in his quest. He pushed the butt plug slowly but firmly into Emma's arse until with a soft plop, it was completely inside her. She strained against the ropes using the muscles in her arse to try and remove the foreign object she could feel but to no avail, it was wedged tightly into her arse.

Mick stepped back feeling pleasure at the sight of the girl tied up in front of him, he steadied himself moving forward slowly before slapping the right cheek of Emma's arse firmly, Emma gave a muffled scream and strained against the ropes again, Mick landed another stinging blow, this time to Emma's left buttock. Emma twisted in the ropes but only succeeded in hurting her wrists. Mick continued landing slaps alternately on her butt cheeks until they changed from her natural, pale skin colour to a delicate shade of pink. He stood back, panting slightly with the exertion and watched as Emma's body sagged against the rope holding her upright. There was perspiration on her forehead and she could feel it as she leaned forward, resting her head on the kitchen cupboard in the display she was tied to.

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