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Kojak: In Sickness And In Health

Story Info
Bobby gets some of Theo's TLC.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 10/22/2006
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Kojak 3: Sickness and Health

This story is dedicated to Milliemoons.

In the subdued lighting of their living room, Theo and Bobby moved in concert on their settee to give and receive pleasure. They traded soft, loving kisses and tender caresses as their arousal grew slowly. Finally the need to unite to share their love proved to be irresistible. Theo arose from his position between Bobby's spread thighs and held out his hand to the smaller man. Wrapped in each other's arms, the couple moved into the bedroom, Theo nuzzling Bobby's neck, feeling the heat from his young lover's body. Naked, they tumbled onto the bed. Theo could feel Bobby's panting breaths as he leant down to suck as the exposed throat. Bobby's breath came in hoarse rasps and a husky groan was elicited as he arched into Theo's broader body. Theo's lips captured Bobby's for a deep kiss as his hand slid to caress a lightly furred breast.

Theo moved from Bobby's mouth to lave at the cinnamon nub and map its tiny contours with lips and tongue. He rolled its neglected twin between thick fingers before treating it to the same oral ministrations. Theo noted the thin sheen of sweat that already made his lover's skin glow in the muted lamp-light. Moving lower, Theo licked the crease between thigh and groin, encouraging Bobby to spread his legs wide. He relished the husky groan as Bobby's legs bent at the knees and drifted wide apart to invite deeper intimacy. Honouring the invitation, Theo firstly lapped at the velvety sac before taking first one then the other precious orb into his mouth. He lapped up the silvery trail of pre-come before licking a stripe up the rosy erection from root to tip relishing Bobby's shudder and mewl of pleasure. He suckled softly at the head, probing at the tiny slit and encouraging Bobby's salty-sweet essence.

"Please, Theo," Bobby's voice was hoarse. "Take me now. I need you in me."

Theo noted absently that Bobby's voice was deeper than normal, but was too caught up in their love-making to consider the implications. He quickly coated his fingers and an oiled finger nudged at Bobby's tightly furled rosette. Theo's shaft throbbed as he heard Bobby whimper as the smaller man tried to take the questing digit in deeper.

"So tight, baby," Theo crooned as he slid his finger in and out to begin preparing his lover. He inserted a second finger and began to scissor and stretch. Bobby's small, incoherent cries that heralded his protests as Theo removed his fingers were immediately replaced by harsh panting as three digits pressed deep.

Theo lifted Bobby's legs to drape over his shoulders, kissing each ankle lovingly as he oiled his shaft generously. He licked his lips at the sight of Bobby's glistening portal. He gazed at Bobby's eyes that seemed over bright as well as fully dilated.

"Love you, baby," Theo growled as he pressed inside. He groaned as tight heat slowly enveloped his arousal.

Bobby felt the blunt head of his lover's sex nudge at his entrance and he gazed up at Theo to indicate his readiness. As Theo slid inside him, he felt his channel cling to every inch of the hard flesh. He couldn't stop the soft cry as he was breached, feeling Theo's slow penetration from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. He heard the quiet hiss from his bigger mate that indicated Theo was fully sheathed and Bobby panted shallowly as his body accommodated to being fully filled by the man he loved. Bobby shivered and knew that it wasn't fully due to arousal and anticipation, but refused to let anything deter him from fully participating in the love-making. He canted his hips to let Theo know his body was ready for the older man to start moving.

Theo heard the choked cry as he moved languidly back only to then surge forward. He felt the trembling of the slender body beneath him and began to move rhythmically in his mate's tight sheath. He felt Bobby's muscles ripple tightly around him and he groaned his pleasure. Theo kept up a slow pace despite Bobby's attempts to move faster. Theo felt Bobby's shivers as he brushed over the younger man's sweet spot again and again. Theo heard a pitiful mewl of frustration from Bobby as the slender frame shuddered.

"Please," Bobby's voice was barely more than a husky whisper, but the need behind the single word seared into Theo's consciousness.

Theo reacted instantly to his mate's plea. He began to piston his hips, rubbing insistently over Bobby's prostrate. He felt Bobby's body tightening around him and he pounded harder and deeper to give both of them what they wanted and needed.

Bobby writhed beneath his mate's bigger body. He struggled to get Theo as deep inside him as possible. His legs moved to wrap around Theo's waist, his heels against solid buttocks to lever his hips to meet each powerful thrust of his lover. He cried out Theo's name as the older man grasped his neglected rod, slicking the copious pre-come over its length before fisting it with a feral intensity. A bite to his shoulder was the final catalyst to Bobby's combustion. His groin liquefied and his release jetted between their bodies, his orgasm firing every synapse into a pleasurable meltdown. He gave a hoarse scream of Theo's name before surrendering his body to wave after wave of release.

Theo's thrusts were becoming erratic and he knew he was close. He leant down to lick at the glistening sweat on Bobby's shoulder and bit down. He felt Bobby's channel squeeze him with almost brutal strength. He arched his head back, his muscles standing out in bold relief as he tried to hold back his climax to watch his lover's rapture. Then with a final snap of his hips, Theo came. He felt pulse after pulse of his seed fill the still spasming channel marking the younger man inside just as the bruise to his shoulder marked him outside. Finally spent he allowed himself to collapse on Bobby's still heaving chest.

Theo recovered first and slid down the boneless body to cleanse all traces of Bobby's sexual surrender. He sucked the softened organ into his mouth, ensuring he swallowed every last drop of Bobby's sweet nectar. He frowned at the tremors that continued to wrack the slender form. He moved to lie alongside his mate. He laid his hand on Bobby's forehead as he gazed with concern into exhausted eyes.

"Sorry, Theo," Bobby husked. "So cold."

Theo cradled Bobby's body close, the younger man was far from cold.

"You've caught that damn bug," Theo growled. A particularly nasty flu bug had affected many at Manhattan South, his own department short staffed because of it. "You're burning up, baby." Thinking back, Theo remembered that Bobby had been taking cold medicine all day. He gave his young lover a baleful stare. "You've been ill all day."

"I hoped I could nip it in the bud," Bobby's teeth chattered. "I started feeling rough last night, that's why I had everything ready to take."

"Try and sleep, baby," Theo coaxed, snuggling the shivering man close to his body.

They spent large parts of the night awake as Bobby's cough had hit with devastating effect. The younger man had taken a large dose of strong medication before making love, but once the cough returned, nothing seemed to soothe it and Bobby was drained by its ferocity. Despite being clearly unwell, Bobby had insisted on accompanying Theo to work. The department was struggling with levels of sickness already. Bobby hadn't wanted anyone to think he was taking an unfair advantage by being Theo's lover. The only reason Theo had allowed Bobby into work was the younger man's promise to see a doctor and to limit himself to clearing paperwork. He was due to have two days off and Theo had insisted that they would be spent in bed giving Bobby time to recover.

Theo glanced again over at his lover as another coughing fit passed. The cough medication Bobby was taking seemingly having little effect. Theo growled as his phone rang and he took the call. He looked out into the almost empty department. The call had given the whereabouts of a man Theo particularly wanted to question. He glanced at his watch. He could take Bobby with him as there were no other detectives available, ensure his man was secure, take Bobby to his appointment and come back to work himself leaving his lover at their apartment. Satisfied with his decision, Theo went to put his plan into action.

Theo made sure that a couple of uniformed police were at the cheap motel to cover the front and rear entrances. Theo and Bobby entered and went up to the room the man was in. As they burst through the door, it was in time to see him disappear through the window onto the fire escape. As Bobby raced to pursue him, Theo ran back to the elevator, down to the ground floor to be waiting at the bottom of the fire escape. He took one of the uniformed officers with him.

As the man dropped to the ground, Theo caught hold of him and pushed him into the arms of the other policeman. With a satisfied smile Theo gave his instructions on how to book the suspect and as he was taken away stood to wait for Bobby.

He frowned as his lover didn't appear within seconds as he expected. Craning his neck he realised he couldn't see or hear the younger man either. Suddenly worried, Theo ran up the stairway. He gave a choked cry of concern as he found his lover struggling to rise having clearly taken a tumble on the unforgiving metal steps. Theo immediately checked Bobby out and was relieved to find that along with a sore shoulder, the only other visible injury was a small cut to Bobby's brow. However, Theo was concerned to find that all Bobby remembered was starting to cough, but not how he came to fall.

A trip to the hospital revealed that although Bobby had no broken bones, there was some congestion on his lungs. He was given a powerful cocktail of antibiotics, potent painkillers and a strong cough medicine to deal with the infection and injuries, along with clear instructions for bed rest. Broking no arguments from the younger man, Theo arranged to be able to take time off to nurse Bobby whilst completing paperwork at home. Where it was absolutely necessary for him to be in the department, Theo ensured his sister Maria could come and care for Bobby. Fortunately, the worst of the illness struck over the first forty-eight hours Bobby was home and Theo was with his younger lover around the clock to take care of him. As the week came towards its end, another check up at the hospital verified that Bobby's lungs were now clear. Although still weak, Theo knew Bobby would be well enough for the recuperative break he had in mind.

Bobby Crocker was a puzzled young man. Theo had packed them a small bag, tucked him into their car and was now driving them to one of the more exclusive districts of Manhattan. Bobby gazed in awe at the beautiful bungalow that Theo parked their car outside.

"Theo?" he asked confused. "Are we visiting someone?"

"No, baby," Theo said. "This is home for the next two days."

He led Bobby inside and the slender man gasped at the opulence. There was a huge sitting room that Bobby was certain would swallow their entire two bed-roomed apartment. There were two bedrooms at the back and Theo led Bobby into the larger of them. There was an enormous bed and the French windows opened onto a manicured lawn and garden. Off the bedroom was an en-suite bathroom that included a large hot tub.

"Theo?" Bobby murmured still trying to take it all in.

"A friend has lent it to us for a couple of days," Theo explained. "I thought a change of scenery would be good for you, but didn't want anything too taxing or to journey too far."

He smiled as Bobby moulded to his bigger physique and kissed him tenderly.

"What did I do to find someone as wonderful as you?" Bobby said nuzzling into Theo's neck and finally being able to smell the clean male scent of his older lover.

"That's the question I ask myself repeatedly, love," Theo confessed quietly holding the lithe body tightly. "Now it's time for your medication and a rest, baby," Theo said leading his lover back into the bedroom. "Try to sleep for a while and when you wake we'll try out the hot tub."

Bobby smiled at the fussing from the detective with the hard-man image. Only Bobby ever saw the romantic and tender soul that Theo possessed. He sighed happily as Theo's mouth nuzzled at his temple. It seemed so long since their last intimacy. Even a simple cough-free cuddle session felt like paradise.

Obeying his 'nurse's' orders, Bobby was soon tucked up and asleep in the large bed. Theo lay stretched out alongside his lover and gazed with a mixture of adoration and awe at the sleeping beauty before him. The size of the bed made Bobby seem smaller and more vulnerable and the sight brought Theo's protective instincts to the fore. The illness had drained the younger man to the extent that he had barely the strength to kiss Theo during the past few days and the bigger man had given no thoughts to love-making. Now, however, Bobby was on the last day of his medication and seemed so much better and stronger and when they had kissed earlier, Theo had felt himself harden. He reached to stroke warm, no longer hot or feverish, soft skin. He wanted his mate; needed his mate, but also needed to know Bobby was ready for such intimacy. Desire coursed through Theo's veins as he caressed Bobby's flank. Calling on every ounce of his self-control, the older man contented himself, at least temporarily, with just curling around the sleeping young man.

When Bobby awoke, he smiled to find himself in Theo's protective embrace. He gave a sigh of pleasure and snuggled back into his mate's broad chest. As he pressed back, he felt the solid evidence of Theo's desire. Bobby moaned softly as he began to rock unconsciously against the hard flesh of Theo's arousal, his own hitherto dormant flesh beginning to stir awake.

"Love you, Bobby," Theo's darkly sexy voice husked into Bobby's ear and the slender man shivered with a mixture of arousal and anticipation recognising the tone. "Just lay here, baby and let me get things ready."

Bobby whined his discontent, but pliantly lay and awaited Theo to return. He reached to take Theo's proffered hand and was led to the tub. He allowed the older man to carefully ensconce him in the hot, fragrant water, moaning with pleasure as he sank down. He was quickly joined by his lover. Theo's hands moved over his body, caressing tenderly and re-igniting Bobby's ardour. Bobby was drawn to the bigger man to sit across Theo's lap

For long minutes, Theo was content to leisurely explore the warmth of Bobby's mouth. Their tongues slid sinuously together in an erotic dance. Theo recognised the faintly medicinal taste in his mate's mouth, but pushed it aside to focus on the sweet taste of the man he loved.

Bobby soon found himself straddling Theo's powerful thighs. Their arousals nestled together, rubbing as the two men rocked slowly together, relishing the unhurried intimacy. The lithe man's head dropped back as Theo's hand reached to pump both shafts languidly, encouraging both to full hardness. Both members were leaking pre-come copiously allowing the flesh to slide sensuously. Bobby gasped as Theo's mouth, hot and demanding, nipped and sucked at his exposed throat and he whimpered and writhed in his appreciation.

Theo relished the soft mewls of pleasure now spilling from Bobby's sweet lips. As he continued to pump the twin arousals, he allowed his other hand to move from the small of Bobby's back to delve between Bobby's spread globes. His fingers teased over the tightly furled rosette. Theo heard Bobby's whimpers intensify and felt the way Bobby now tried to push back onto the questing digits. In his position, Theo knew Bobby had no choice but to allow the older man to control their passion. The oil in the water helped provide lubrication and Theo allowed his finger to probe delicately at Bobby's hidden opening until it pulsed its welcome. As his finger started to slide inside Bobby's molten depths, Theo stroked their twin lengths hard and fast.

"Let it go, baby," he husked into Bobby's ear. "It's been so long. Let me see how much you've missed this, how much you want this. Come for me, Bobby. Come, baby."

The words, the hand on his needy erection and the finger that slipped deeply to caress his hidden jewel were an irresistible cocktail. With a wail of Theo's name, Bobby came hard. His climax wracked his body and he shuddered and trembled as his release pulsed between them. Bobby's climax sent Theo over the edge and with a shout, Theo's release mingled with Bobby's over Theo's hand and on their bodies.

Theo joyfully accepted the limp weight of his spent lover as Bobby's body went lax and his head dropped to Theo's powerful shoulder. He kept Bobby cradled safely until awareness slowly seeped into Bobby's consciousness. Theo virtually carried the satiated younger man from the tub to towel him dry and re-settled him back into bed. By the time Theo had tucked the sheets around the lithe body, Bobby was already blissfully asleep.

When Bobby awoke the next morning, he felt almost his old self. Theo had no intentions of spending any time more than absolutely necessary doing anything other than shamelessly pamper Bobby. Their evening meal had been ordered in by the older man. Once eaten, they had retired to bed to la entwined and watch old movies. Bobby couldn't even remember when he had drifted asleep. He smiled as Theo walked naked into the room. He admired the powerful, toned musculature of the older man and his eyes drifted appreciatively to the well proportioned endowments that swung between strong thighs.

"Morning, baby," Theo smiled as he sat next to Bobby.

"Morning, lover," Bobby replied. He reached to stroke his lover's bald skull before trailing his hand over the defined pectorals, tight abdominals to finally caress the already half erect organ at Theo's groin. He gasped as Theo moved to cover his body, pressing him down into the mattress and devoured his mouth with feral intensity. Bobby panted as they finally parted, noting the satisfied grin on his lover's face.

"Feeling better?" Theo asked, delighted that his mate had responded so eagerly.

"Much," Bobby confirmed. "I slept right through, no coughing."

"Good," Theo said. "Give me ten minutes and I'll bring breakfast in bed.

Breakfast was another indulgence. Theo brought a tray on which was a single red rose. There were fresh bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon and freshly squeezed orange juice. All the food was finished and Theo was further pleased that Bobby had finished his share. Following breakfast, they shared a long sensual shower. Bobby was surprised that despite their evident arousals, Theo refused to do anything other than clean them both. However, the promise in Theo's sinfully sexual voice that Bobby would need his strength for later went straight to the younger man's groin as they towelled dry. Theo took Bobby out for the morning and to a Greek restaurant for a light lunch. They indulged in a small meze of appetisers with fresh bread before Theo took Bobby back to the bungalow. Despite some initial protestations, Theo insisted that Bobby once again rested. However, within minutes of stretching out, Bobby was asleep with Theo cradling the precious younger man.

When Bobby next awoke, he was immediately aware of the changes in the room. Thick curtains had been drawn across the French windows and the room was lit only by candles. There was a faint scent of rose and the room was bathed in a subtle glow. Bobby gasped as Theo came from the bathroom. Although Bobby had seen his mate naked that morning, this time Theo exuded raw masculinity and sensuality and Bobby's groin tightened immediately. Bobby reached for the older man and Theo was happy to grant the kisses Bobby craved. Silently they moved to the bathroom where more candles were lit. Bobby also noted the ice bucket and champagne flutes at the side of the hot tube. Bobby wrapped his arms around the bigger man.


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