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Krampus Night

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A bad man pretends to be the demon Krampus.
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"N-No, I do not wish to anger he of Christmas punishment," the woman with a strong German accent tells her friend. Well, I'm assuming the woman she is with is her friend, but for all I know it's just a coworker or something. I'm not even sure she's German, she could be Swedish or something.

We are all crammed together in a Park and Ride bus, you know the type, where you drive to one of the satellite centers, and get on the bus that drives you into downtown so you don't have to fuck with the traffic.

I've actually seen the German lady before, mainly because of how smoking hot she is. She's the type that is insanely hot but doesn't know it, nor does she dress like it. She always wears some baggy sort of business suit or clothes that hides everything. But I can tell how built she is, and how huge those boobs of hers are.

"Oh Emma, you are in America now. There's no such thing as Krampus or Christmas Punishment," the friend tells her. Despite this, the German chick doesn't seem to care. It's sort of amazing in a way as her face shows a true fear of the legend of Krampus. The only thing I know about Krampus is that horror movie that came out a while ago.

Thankfully I'm two seats back from them, so they have no clue I'm watching or listening in. If they did, I'm sure they would think me a creep. Well, they would be right. I am a creep. I'm the sort of guy that does check out any female that gets near me. The type of guy that no female would normally sit next to. The sort that when I sit next to a female, they start to feel trapped, which is how I like it.

For the next fifteen minutes, the German chick talks about Krampus. At some points, her voice quivers as she speaks, showing just how scared she is of the legend. In my entire life I've never even heard of anyone being so scared of just the mention of something. It'd be like me getting scared of the hook man that broke out of the crazy house the next time I fuck a bitch in my car. It's really quite unbelievable.

"Krampus will beat you with his many sticks and nothing can stop him. It is for the best you let him do as he came to be, or risk making it worse for nothing can stop him," the German chick, or should I say Emma, tells the friend. Hearing this actually makes my cock move a bit as I see the image of me smacking her bare ass with a stick in my head. Oh how I would love that.

Her friend every so often tries to tell her why she is being silly, but I can tell she knows that nothing she can say will change her mind, so it is best to just let her talk. Some people believe some stupid shit and nothing you can say can change that. Just like Emma believes Krampus is a half goat but somehow looks and acts human.

"But after tomorrow night, all will be safe for December 5th is Krampusnacht. For that is when he comes. And after, he will sleep," Emma tells her friend.

At hearing this, an idea pops in my head. A truly horrible and beautiful idea just like the Grinch got. It strikes me so suddenly that my dick gets knocked stiff in an instant. What if Krampus did visit her? I bet she would be so scared that he could do whatever he wanted, like fuck her over and over.

The bus finally pulls into the Park and Ride Center where everyone's cars are. Most everyone stands now, including Emma, where my cock throbs at looking at her body again. When she reaches to pick up her purse, her top strains against her breasts. Those tits man...they got to be at least D cups. And she's small, but strong, like made of muscle. The sort of body that is built just for fucking. She has to be what, 29? 30? The perfect age where they know all the things they should know, like how to suck a cock, how to take it up the ass, and how to be a good girl.

The bus empties like normal, only this time I find myself following the pair of women instead of heading to my car. I keep a good distance back so not to be noticed by anyone, especially them. I don't like to brag, but this isn't my first time following someone...nor my first time taking what I wanted from a female.

The pair separates and I keep following Emma. I follow until she reaches her car, where I copy down the license plate number. Then I notice my own car isn't too far from here, so I hurry get to it. I'm very pleased to discover she hasn't left by the time I get into my car, so I am able to follow behind her.

I follow her home like this, with night falling to make it easier to not be seen. I'm not sure what she does for work, but she must get paid really well because she lives in a house in a very country part of town. Her two-story house sits on like half an acre of land, where you have some serious space between your neighbors. When I see this, I get more and more excited. This means no neighbors to overhear anything or to notice any running or thumping like in an apartment.

A smile forms on my face as I see there are no other cars in her driveway either. I knew she didn't have a wedding ring, but she could always have a boyfriend or kids, but from the look of it, she doesn't. She's all alone. She's the only one in the house.

Unable to help it, I spy on her for a bit. I do this by parking down the street and walking towards her house. I stay in the dark across the street where no one should be able to see me. Here I'm pleased to see that she keeps the curtains open so I can see inside. In fact, there are many windows wide open as well which means easy access inside the house.

For about two hours I spy on her, watching her workout, then eat, then sit to read a book. As I watch, I think up my plan and what I want to happen. Finally, I leave once I have all the info that I need. And as I drive home, I can't wipe the smile off my face.

The next day comes like normal. And sure enough, I am on the same bus with her again. Only to my pleasure, she seems more anxious today. Why wouldn't she be? It is Krampus Night after all. When I went home, I read every Google article I could on Krampus so I could figure what he would do and how to do it. And tonight is when Krampus comes along side St. Nick where Nick gives gifts, and Kramp punishes. You would think it would be on Christmas day, but nope.

When the bus reaches the Park and Ride, I don't follow her. I don't even look at her. Instead, I get to my car and drive off as fast as I can. Once I get home, I change into my "costume" as fast as I can. Generally, it is believed Krampus comes between 7 pm and 2 am, and I want as much time to fuck her as humanly possible, or should I say Krampus-ly possible.

When the sun sets I get in my car. I wear a hoodie over myself as to hide as much of myself as possible so any of my apartment neighbors can't see what I'm doing. I've used FX makeup to give myself a darker skin tint on my face, chest and back so that I look evil. I've then put horns on the top of my head using superglue and a reindeer Christmas yard decoration that I stole. Furthermore, I've put on sheepskin pants which I had from an old theme party I went to years ago. I always kept them thinking I would use them for something one day, and how glad I am that I did.

Overall I would say I would pass for Krampus. Well, not really, but to someone that really believed in it? Yeah. I think I look just fine. And to add to this, I have a bag of all that I'll need for tonight.

I drive to her house and park down what looks to be an abandoned driveway that doesn't lead to anywhere just an open lot. From here I wait until the sun fully sets so it'll be harder to see me. But once night falls, I get out and start walking.

Being excited it takes only a few minutes before I am in front of her house, even if I'm practically walking in the woods/shadows. To my surprise, there are now black crosses on her door and windows that were not there yesterday. And inside the house I can see several candles lit in every different room. I figure all this must be to ward Krampus away.

Not caring, I walk down her driveway being as quiet as I can. When I reach the front door, I get an idea. I pull down the large black cross thinking that maybe she'll believe this is why Krampus got in. That the cross fell to the ground and didn't protect the door. That it was her fault all this happened.

The windows are shut, unlike yesterday, but this isn't a problem as they are not locked. I planned to enter via the window of her living room whenever she leaves to get something. I'll still do this, but just need to use my knife to force the window open.

As I move next to the window, my shoe, which I glued a plastic horseshoe to the bottom of so it'll look like a misshapen hoof accidentally presses against one of the dozen flower pots she has on her porch. When I look down after doing this, I see something shine off the dim light; a key.

Having to stop myself from laughing, I pick it up and then put it in the front door. Sure enough, it's the key as the front door opens. It's like the universe is lining up for me or something. The universe wants me to fuck this chick against her will.

I don't open the door all the way as I know I need to make a grand entrance. That the time is now. I need to burst in all creepy-evil-santa-like and rape the bitch.

Taking a deep breath, I push on the front door, HARD. It swings back and slams against the wall. From here, I storm in, growling in my best animal-growl which I spent hours practicing last night. I make my way to her living room as fast as possible, just in case she decides to try and get a gun or something.

When I enter the living room, everything sort of slows down. I see her, standing in her pajamas looking at me as I enter. Her blue eyes lock onto me, where they show terror. Pure, beautiful terror. Her already pale skin becomes even paler as she looks me up and down. And the expression on her face? It's better than a million dollars. It's a look that seems to scream that she knew this would happen

She begins to frantically talk in German. Her voice is high pitched and loud, showing how scared she is. And as I listen to her, puffing my chest out and growling, I want to smile. She believes it. She really believes that I'm Krampus. Oh how I thought this would fail.

Emma keeps frantically talking to which I have no clue what she is saying. But then she kneels down, putting her hands together in a begging/pleading motion. I have to fight hard not to smile as there's really no fight in her at all. She is that scared of the legend of Krampus.

"Zieh deine kleidung aus," I say in my best growling voice. According to Google, this means 'take off your clothes.' I had to listen to the computer say it over and over like 3 dozen times before I got it. Even then, I'm not sure that's even how you are supposed to say it. I'm not even sure if she is really German.

Emma stops talking and stares at me. Only now do I fear that she sees through what I'm doing. That I'm just some rapist that wants to fuck her instead of a mythical beast here to punish others for not having Christmas spirit or whatever. She doesn't say anything at all as she stares at me, with the long moments starting to feel like hours.

I start to think up what to do if she tries to run. But before I even finish the thought, she stands up. Her hands move to the bottom of her top where she lifts it up so fast and hard, I hear fabric rip. When she does this, those beautiful pale tits come out. And oh, they are even more beautiful than I thought tits could ever be. They are DD's at least.

She drops her shirt after removing it to become completely topless. Each move she makes, makes those big tits jiggle and shake. It's such a sight that I bet I could become hypnotized by it. It's so powerful that I didn't even see her jerk her pajama bottoms down to expose her pussy as the dirty girl wasn't wearing panties.

Emma is naked in front of me now. Completely naked. And my cock is as hard as possible. The funny thing is that I'm not sure if it's hard because of the fact I'm seeing one fine as hell bitch, or because this stupid plan is actually working. She really thinks that I'm Krampus.

Unable to help it I move towards her, to which she tries to back up. But the silly girl hadn't stepped out of her pajamas yet, so she trips and falls backward, where she plops down on the couch. This gives me the time to get right upon her, to which I grab the pajama bottoms and rip them off her, sending them across the room.

I grab her hair in my fist. On purpose I am very rough when I do this, rougher than I have ever been. I yank up to which she screams and yells something in German. Overpowering her, which is easy as she is so scared, I turn her around and then push so she kneels on the couch with her upper body hanging over the side.

I place my hand on her back hard, letting her know to keep herself bent like this. To keep her bent over with her ass on full view like this. To make it even better, her legs are already nicely spread so I get a wonderful view of that shaved pussy. It's so beautiful that I nearly lose myself in looking at it.

My hand digs into the bag that is still slung behind my back. It only takes a moment to bring out what I want; a switch. Or in other terms, a somewhat small stick/branch.

Holding her down with my left hand by pushing on her back, I swing the stick with my right hand to swat her right across that huge, white ass of hers. The branch cuts the air and then lands perfectly across her cheeks.

She cries out at the pain, which I know has to hurt, but she doesn't try to move. She stays bent over like this, knowing what is coming. I almost let out a laugh as I remember her telling her friend how with Krampus it's just best to let him do as he wants, or it'll get worse. So that must be what she is doing as I swing the branch three more times to which she just cries instead of fighting back.

SMACK! I swing the stick again and again over her white ass. Only each time her cries get louder and louder. It makes me worried as even if we are in a house that's far from the neighbors, someone might hear. With this in mind, I look around for something to gag her with.

I try to look for her panties before remembering she wasn't wearing any. Then I pause when I see her coffee table. With a sick smile I then reach out towards her coffee table and grab a handful of the candy canes she has in a small glass.

I lean forward over her bent over body and bring my arm around. With my other arm, I grab a handful of her hair and yank on it to make her cry out again. When she does, I stuff the ends of the candy canes right inside her mouth. Only there are too many candy canes to fit, so I have to play with her mouth some to make sure all go in and that her mouth is forced to stay open.

Now that she is gagged, I move back and resume whipping her ass with the stick. I'm very pleased by how muffled her cries are now, not to mention happy by how stupid she looks with all those candy canes sticking out of her mouth.

I strike her ass over and over. At first I'm not hitting her too hard, but this changes the more that I do it. There's something about her not stopping me that makes me hit her harder and harder, faster and faster. Soon I am getting out my aggressions on her ass, making sure to strike every inch of it so it is all nice and red.

Finally I stop, not because I want to, but because my arm actually is getting tired and I'm out of breath. I take a few steps back, breathing very hard to look at my work. The stupid woman stays bent over her couch naked, only her entire ass is a nice shade of red, which will make sitting down for her feel very painful for a while.

Speaking on painful...I go to my bag. A long while ago I saw a toy in this porn shop that I sometimes visit. It was unlike any toy I had seen, and to be honest I haven't seen it sold anywhere but that one particular porn shop.

I pull the toy out of the bag and look at the name printed on the box "The Cock's Cock." Being as quiet as I can about it, I pull the thing out of the box. You see, the toy is basically a big fake cock.               Only you are supposed to slide it onto your own cock to make it bigger for your partner. There's a hole at the base where you slide your cock in, and it'll grip it. And then, you fuck someone with it.

The packaging says it'll feel nearly the same for a guy as the inside is "especially designed" to feel like a pussy. I hope it does but that's not the reason why I'm about to try this as I've held onto this toy for like 6 months without using it. The reason is because I want this bitch to truly think she's been fucked by Krampus. By an evil beast that will be the largest thing she's ever had up her fuck-hole.

It feels a bit humiliating putting the toy on my stiff manhood. I have to insert my cock into a hole that isn't large enough for nearly anything at the base of the thing. But when I start to push it on my cock, I can feel my cock pressing against the walls tightly, letting me know this thing isn't going to fall off or anything.

Soon enough, my normal 7 inches cock of normal girth has transformed into a 12 inch, fat dildo with bumps and smoothed over spikes all over. I even make it swing back and forth a bit to make sure it isn't coming off.

I move to her again where I lower myself some. With a smirk as she hasn't moved, I take hold of the monster-cock and place it at her opening. The moment I go, she jerks and tries to protest. It's very comical as she tries to talk with all those candy canes in her mouth while not moving from her bent position.

Now I start to push my new large cock in. Her pussy lips have to stretch some to let the thing inside. They don't stretch too much to hurt her or anything, but I know it's more than they've been stretched before. And I go slow too to make sure she feels very little bump on the thing.

She whimpered at first as I put it at her opening. But when I started to insert it, she straight up protested. Unable to help it, both her arms went behind her as if to try and stop me, but I easily grab both and lift, making it painful for her as arms aren't supposed to bend like this, not to mention her face is pressed against the edge of the couch.

I keep stuffing her with my cock, with it not even half-way in yet. By now she's nearly screaming as she feels it filling up her pussy. Hearing her muffled scream, which is a mix of fear, pain and pleasure, makes my own cock throb even harder.

Growling in my best animal tone, I keep pushing it inside her until it's all the way in. Oddly once I do it, she stopped moving and screaming. She just goes quiet and still as she takes this violation. I guess knowing that Krampus has his cock in your pussy would break your mind.

I pull back now, making it go out of her slowly. When I am halfway out, I push forward again. I have to do this slow as I can tell how tight she is. Afterall, I know this is a rape, but I'm not trying to seriously injure her or anything. But the more I do this, the more loose I feel her getting and the easier this becomes.

The smile on my face refuses to leave as I begin to fuck her like this. I still go slow at first, but as I feel her becoming more open, I go faster. From the beginning she moans a high pitch groan each time I thrust as it must be more than she can take. And I get rough too, making sure to slam my hips into her and make it go as far as possible inside of her.

Her screams and groans start to become moans now that I am able to fuck her steady. They become loud too, nearly as loud as the clapping sound of ramming into her. This combined with the fact that I can see myself in a mirror she has on the wall makes me feel like the most powerful man ever. I can't believe I'm fucking her like this.

And then to make this just a bit worse for her, I let go of her arms that I've pinned behind her, only to grab each one in one hand. I then pull back on them hard, forcing her upper body to rise. I pull and pull until her body is at a painful angle while I fuck her. I do this not just to make it worse, but now she is able to see herself in that mirror.


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