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Krissy Ch. 05: Rapists punished

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A nasty situation brings out some newly discovered interests.
3.8k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/22/2019
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I don't remember whose idea it was to go to this party. I'm also not sure if it was a very good idea. We were in a bar close by when somebody said it would be cheaper to get drunk at his house nearby. That was some time ago now. It was fun in the beginning. People got drunk, then later too drunk, got into fights and finally went home. And now we ended up with just four of us sitting around the kitchen table.

Krissy has been dancing all evening in her own special, challenging and above all teasingly slutty way, winding all the guys up, making them undress her with their eyes but never letting them come close. She has that habit of really heating parties up. I danced with her for a short while but when she tried to stick her tongue down my throat I cut it off. I'm not in the mood and what I feel for her I don't want to flaunt in public at a party.

Now it seems she's passed out at the kitchen table, snoring like she's cutting down a whole forest. So it's just me and these two guys trying to keep the conversation going. I don't know them but they seem ok to me. Actually I think they're both quite handsome, if they just wouldn't have been this drunk. I don't know their names and I didn't bother to ask. Besides, the conversation is going around in circles with the guy opposite of me talking about a race car he's building in his shed and then moving to that one time he played spin the bottle and asking me if I'm interested. But I don't think so. I decide it's time to call it a day and go sleep it off.

"You know what guys," I say, "I think it's time for us to go home."

I get up and walk to her, trying to wake her up. No reaction at all.

"Sweetie! Wake up, it's time to get you in bed. Come on now." I say in her ear, shaking her.

No reaction. Shit. She has totally passed out. I think to myself.

One of the guys, the one with the black hair and the short beard (was he the owner of the house?) says, "We can put her to sleep on the sofa. It'll be ok and you can go home."

He obviously tries to sound trustworthy but something about the situation just doesn't feel right.

"I think I will call a taxi." I reply.

"There are no taxis in this neighborhood," he says, "it's too far from the centre. Just go home, we will take good care of your friend."

'Fuck.' I think to myself. 'I can't just leave her here. These guys are much too eager to keep her here. And although this is probably Krissy's own fault I feel kind of responsible for her. Most girls think she is a bitch and most guys think she's an easy slut but now that I've gotten to know her a bit better, it seems to me she's mostly clumsy. And over enthusiastic too. She would've probably tried to have talked me into a slumber party and have a foursome with her and these creeps, if she were conscious. But even if she gets us in trouble sometimes, I like her. A lot.

Hmmm, if I find a way to bring her back home with me then I'll be her knight in shining armor. She could sleep it off in my bed. Who knows what will happen?' I take a look at my phone. 'It's four o'clock in the morning. Who can I call for help?' I make up my mind.

"You know guys, I guess it's okay. I can go home alone too. Can I just visit the bathroom before I leave? All these beers you know?" I manage to squeeze out some kind of smile that feels more like a grin. I'm getting quite nervous now.

"Yeah, upstairs to the right. Have a safe trip home," one of the guys says.

Once in the bathroom I immediately call my brother for help. He picks up the phone after a long time and asks with a sleepy voice what's the matter. I explain to him the situation and he immediately tells me he's coming to pick us up.

"I will be there as soon as possible," he says, "just make sure you wait at the end of the street so I can find you."

Ever since what happened in the work shed, he has been like putty in her hands, I think he's trying to make it up to her. He is such a sweet guy. Since he has to come by bike it might take twenty minutes or more so I sit down on a street bench and wait.

Suddenly my phone rings. It's Jessie, her brother. "Hi Monica, can you tell me where my sister is? Our mother is very concerned. It's almost four in the morning and we haven't heard from her. And you know the kind of trouble she can get herself into."

'Boy do I', I murmur to myself. I explain to him what's going on and that Micky is already on his way here but he tells me he's getting into his car and will be here in five minutes. 'Thank god,' I think. 'I have a bad feeling about this whole situation.'

They arrive at almost the same time. Jessie and Micky, two strong studs of men ready to help me. The thought alone gives me a tingling feeling in my belly. I show them where I left her and we walk to the house. The door isn't locked and we decide to go inside. It's not easy to find our way because the whole house is dark now, except for some light and noise coming from the kitchen. I open the door and let out a scream. I can't believe what I see. My friend is spread on the table and one of the guys, the little fucking bearded hipster wannabe, is fucking her with his pants around his ankles. On the other side the other guy, the dark blonde one that I earlier thought was quite cute, seems to be trying to stuff his cock into her mouth. Alarmed by my scream they look up, straight into the faces of the big guys behind me. The blonde one is so shocked that he freezes but the hipster tries to escape. Being drunk and having his pants around his ankles, it was a lost effort from the beginning. He trips and falls with his head against the cabinets. Out!

While my brother lifted her off of the table to carry her away her brother punches the blonde guy in the face. He also falls on the floor and stays there. With the situation under control the guys want to get her home as soon as possible.

"We can take her to our house," my brother says, "it's closest by."

"And these boys?" Jessie asks,"shall we drop them off at the police station?"

"I don't think that will work," I reply, "there's no evidence about what happened here and they can claim we attacked them in their house. It doesn't look good. We'll have to teach them a lesson on our own, one they won't forget. I've got some ideas."

They help me tie the guys to the stove, a good old fashioned cast iron stove that weighs a ton, and pull them back on their feet.

"Thanks guys, I think I can handle it from here." I say and while I do I feel my anger decrease and replaced by a strange sensation of excitement.

'What the fuck am I doing?' I think. I turn to Jessie, "You bring your sister home." Adding to Micky, "you go with him and if anything goes wrong here, I'll call you immediately."

With a concerned look on their faces they decide to do as I say and the last thing I see is Micky carrying her over his shoulder out the door. It's a shame she's knocked out, I think, she would have loved this.

I turn around and look at my little rapist friends. They look like they're almost crying. Well, the blonde one at least. The black haired guy seems to be somewhere in between too drunk and angry. He looks like he wants to say something but one look from me changes his mind.

"Well boys," I say, "aren't you two little losers."

I'm not entirely sure what I am doing here but there's a voice in the back of my head that seems to know and tells me how to act. I walk to them and the hipster wannabe starts pulling his ropes and demands to be set free.

"Oh, you want to be free do you?" I say. "I can take care of that for sure but first I need your cooperation with something. I didn't catch your names yet. Can you enlighten me on this? You, you miserable piece of shit," I point at the hipster, "you can go first. What's your name?"

"J...jari..." he mumbles.

"And you?" I ask the blonde.

"I'm Jani, Miss."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I say, "Jani and Jari?! What are you? A comic duo?"

"No, Miss," Jani replies, "just friends."

"Friends? Well, you got yourself a great friend in Sir Rape-A-Lot over there!" I almost shout to him.

In the back of my head I'm surprised how much I'm getting into the situation. I always thought of myself as a little wall flower, but this feels great and I think I'm actually having fun!

"Well Jani and Jari, my dear rapist comic duo, I want to make a deal with you. You like sex don't you?" No answer. "Don't you?!" I say louder, with no room for disobedience.

"Y-ye-yess..." they both stutter.

"I didn't get that," I say. "What do you like?"

"S-sex, Miss..."

"Well, that's great! I can work with that." I say. 'I'll make you sex loving rapist comic boys a deal. Since you like sex so much, we're going to have some sex and whoever orgasms can leave. Is that a great idea or what? It's very simple, who cums, goes!"

The pun makes me giggle. I have no idea where this is coming from but now I'm convinced there's a lot more in store.

"But..but, what?... how?" Jari dares to ask.

"Well my dear boy," I say close to his face so I can whisper it to him, "First you need to know that boys who speak without being spoken to don't get to cum. Am I clear about that?"

"Yes." he says.

"Yes who?" I ask.

"Yes, Miss..."

"Now that's better." I say. "Does Jani want to say anything?" I ask.

But he shakes his head. He seems to be getting the idea much faster than his buddy here. I might start liking him again.

"Soo, Jani my boy, since you are the obedient one I will start with you."

I walk towards him and start stroking his chest. He smells good. Very manly and not with the sour alcohol smell his friend has. I grab his hair and pull back his head so I can stick my tongue in his mouth. The boy seems to be terrified of me and doesn't dare to kiss back. With my other hand I grab him by the balls and I like what I feel. His crotch is big and heavy.

"Let's see what we have here." I say and start unbuttoning his trousers. Squatting in front of him, I pull them and his boxer shorts down in one move, revealing his sweaty cock. The guy might be terrified, his cock on the other hand, seems very happy to see me. I softly blow on it and it starts to grow with little shocks. I stick out my index finger and pull my nail along the underside from the base to the tip. This is the first cock I've seen since summer camp three years ago. But back then it was just kids play. This is different. And nice...

"Hello Mr. Cock," I say to it. "Are you happy to see me? Do you want to play? Oooh, is that a yes?"

I lightly tap it from the side and it grows even bigger. I hear Jani let out a sigh but I ignore it. I'm having a moment down here now. He isn't important. I slowly pull back the foreskin and blow on the top. He shivers. I pull harder until the tip gets all red and shiny. I must admit that this little rapist boy has a beautiful piece of equipment here. I stick my tongue out and softly touch the tip while grabbing his balls with my hand. I tighten my grip until I feel I'll crush them and hear him moan loudly. Without letting go I get up and whisper to his face.

"Dear Jani, I'm gonna make you come but I need you to do one thing for me you understand?" He nods. "Just before you cum you need to tell me so I can pull away, got it? If you don't tell me in time you won't be released. Am I clear?"

He nods again. His breathing is now heavy and deep and he is shivering from the excitement. He seems to be into this just as much as I am.

"Tell me, am I clear Jani?"

"Yes Miss, yore clear." he mumbles. He looks like he's gonna cry soon but looking down I see Mr. Cock is very happy with how the situation is developing.

I put some extra force on his balls and grab his cock with my other hand. It's very hot and a bit sticky, with a little drop coming from the hole at it's tip. I pull back his foreskin as tight as possible before I get down again and take it in my mouth. He starts moaning again and tries to push his dick further into my mouth. I set my teeth in it to prevent him from pushing and he immediately gets the message, leaving me in charge of things to cum. Pun intended, I think to myself. His cock is so big it fills my mouth quite well. I swirl my tongue around it and feel him react. I still have his balls in a vise grip and don't plan to let them go. I stick my tongue in his pee hole and lick the tip, sucking it in and pulling back again. He starts moaning louder and I take over with my hand, wanking him while I push my nails deep into the skin.

"Tell me when you're ready." I tell him. "Is it coming?"

"Almost!" he says. "It's coming!!"

I let go and slap his cock with my hand with full force. "No cumming!" I say. "Bad cock! Bad cock!" And I slap him three times more.

I look up and see Janis eyes roll back in their sockets. He moans and sighs like he's giving birth but he's not coming, I notice with satisfaction.

I stand up and say to him, "Jani, you have been a bad boy, you raped my friend while she was drunk. I don't think you deserve to cum." He is totally out of breath and looks at me desperately. He opens his mouth to say something but I stop him. "Uh uh, no talking boy." I say, and he gives up.

I decide to leave him be for the moment and turn to his friend who looks at me like a deer in the headlights.

"For you I have something else in store my dear Jari Rape-A-Lot," I say.

His pants are still down but his cock doesn't look happy to see me. Well, with the plan I have for this guy he won't need it. He is disgusting and I'm not interested in his cock. Neither in making him cum by the way. I take it in my hand and start wanking him.

"You really like girls don't you?" I ask. "Would you like to see my boobs?"

He nods.

"I didn't hear you." I say louder now.

"Yes please." he says. I pull up my eyebrows. "Miss..." he adds and I smile.

I let him go to take off my shirt and bra, giving my titties some fresh air, which makes my nipples hard. I can see him stare at the tiny rings and I feel his cock react. 'Good.' I think. I wank him a bit more and pull back his skin. His cock is small and the skin is too dark for my taste. I think it looks ugly.

"You look like a guy that likes it hot, am I right?" I ask.

He looks like he wants to nod but doesn't move. He just looks very scared at me. Oh my god, I love this feeling of being in control, of having this kind of power. Why didn't I know about this before?

"I'll ask you one more time, do you like it hot? Tell me!"

"Yes Miss," he says, "I like it hot."

"Good." I say.

Still holding his cock I reach behind him for a bottle of Tabasco that is standing there and in a swift move I pour it on his cock. He starts screaming but I slap him in the face to get his attention.

"Scream again and I'll use the bread knife." I say. Tears are running from his eyes but he obeys.

"Listen very carefully to me now Jari," I tell him, "I'm going to untie you now but if you don't do exactly as I say I promise you, I will cut off your cock and balls. Am I clear?"

He vigorously nods yes so I believe he understands. I untie his wrists from the stove and pull them towards the table.

"Stand next to the table and bend over it." I tell him.

He obeys like a well trained dog. I use the ropes around his wrists to tie him to the legs of the table. He's now bent over the table with his ass sticking out.

"Perfect." I walk back to Jani who's cock is still hard as steel.

I'm starting to like the dedication of this guy. And I like his cock too. I wank him softly while I smell his neck. He smells nice. Not boozy and sweaty as his friend but fresh and slightly musky.

"Dear Jani," I whisper in his ear, "I need you to do one more thing for me and then you're free to leave."

He has his eyes closed and lets out a soft moan. "Look at me!" He half opens his eyes and finds my gaze.

"My dear dear boy Jani," I whisper, "I'm going to untie you now and after that I need you to walk to the fridge, take out the butter, put a royal amount on that beautiful big cock of yours and stick it in your friend's behind. Do you think you can do that for me? Just nod if you understand."

He looks at me with his eyes as wide as possible now and sweat forms on his forehead.

"If you don't want to participate I will put you on the table, next to your friend and I will call my guys to finish the job. Would that be a better idea?" Now I get a reaction and he shakes his head. "All right then," I whisper, "then I guess I can count you in?" A tear rolls from the corner of his eye but he finally nods yes. "And one more thing my boy," I say, "it has to come as a surprise, like it did for my friend, so don't show him what we're up to." He nods again and after I untie him does as he's told. Rubbing butter on his cock he walks to his friend and without warning rams his cock deep in his ass. Jari starts screaming and fighting but he can't win this fight. His hands are tied and he is pinned on the huge hard cock of his friend who is fucking him with a dedication that's starting to get a bit suspicious to me now.

Holding up my phone I whistle hard and for a moment they both look up in my direction to give me a perfectly sharp snapshot for the family album. Just to make sure these guys won't become a problem in the future. The emotions are getting too much for poor old Jani and he comes screaming like a bull. A truly wonderful sight. At the same time I hear Jari's heavy breathing changes to a deep growl and his semen sprays in thick jets on the floor between his legs. I guess it wasn't just all suffering for him either. With a content smirk on my face I put on my clothes. "Well boys, you kept your end of the deal by cuming so nicely for me, let's call this even. I leave now, you can have more fun together without me if you want." I head to the door and close it behind me.

When I'm at the end of the street I hear someone running behind me. When I turn around I see it's Jani. Not sure about what's going to happen I make sure I decide in a second to look as intimidating as I can. "What?!" I say. He stops in front of me and looks to the ground. "Ehh, sorry to bother you but... but.. Can I... I want to... Could you...ehhh..." Hearing his hesitation I become more at ease now. 'What is it Jani?" I ask in a bit nicer tone. "Can I have your number, please Miss?" he throws out very fast."My number?" I ask him. "Why don't you give me your number and I think about if I want to use it or not." I say. And he does.

Enjoying the nice walk in the dawn, I arrive back at home. Nothing to be heard or seen. Where is everybody, I think. I find out when I open the door to my brother's room. The musky smell of sex hits me in the face and when my eyes get used to the dark I see them lying in my brother's double bed, both men naked on either side of my beautiful and sexy friend, both with one hand on a boob, she on her back with her pussy full on display, still swollen and wet, all three with a very satisfied smile on their face. I smile too. Crazy Krissy, I whisper softly, and close the door.

I go to my own room, take off my clothes and hop in the bed. I pick up my phone and send a message: 'Jani, I need you to come to this address right away. I give you fifteen minutes to get here and when you do, you better be hard. If you're late, prepare to receive your punishment.'

I sign it with the black heart emoji, lie on my back and wait.


Many thanks to close2theEDIT for the editing and constructive feedback

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ValtikkaValtikkaabout 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks Akirababe87 :)

Akirababe87Akirababe87about 4 years ago

This is my favorite one yet.

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