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Kristin Continued Ch. 04

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All sales final. No returns.
10.6k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/21/2016
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Author's Note: Thanks for your patience, and for your high rating of the previous chapter. All characters are over 18.


Kristin Continued, Chapter 4

Previously from Chapter 3:

The rest of the training cycle became rather routine, other than bathing day, where each girl again masturbated a Master. That evening, the most descriptive word for the day was "disgusting." Mia gently pointed out that this was just another step in learning the ways of men. But she agreed that it was not especially sensual to watch a man grunt and spurt.

Preparations for the auction occupied the next few days. The Boss held several group practice sessions. He stood on a low platform facing the four women. Zoe and Mia acted as models for his commands as they practiced all the standing and kneeling positions. He would direct them into a certain position and say, "Freeze."

As the women, sometimes in heels, began to tremble with muscle tension, he walked behind the group delivering light, stinging swats to arms and legs. He demanded a dancer's grace and symmetry in the transitions. After two grueling hours of the first session, legs started cramping and movement slowed.

Three days of practicing, reading, sleeping, and practicing to exhaustion flew by. The crucial day in four young lives loomed. One bit of prologue remained — a personal visit with the Boss.

Kristin Continued Chapter 4

"Aisha, the Boss comes around to visit with each girl on the night before the auction. He is with Anika now, and he will be here in a little while. He will ask you a few questions and make some small talk. This is not the time to plead with him to let you go or to claw his eyes out. I think he does it to make all this seem legitimate. Like he's just a businessman. And to make sure everyone knows that he is the Boss. This is the one time you can look him in the eyes — if you can. It's not easy.

"He is just here to talk. He's not going to make you strip or do anything. One of us will come back in after he leaves. You'll probably need a good cry, and then we'll get you ready for tomorrow." Just then the door opened.

"Mia, go check on Anika. Aisha, please relax and sit on the bed." He pulled a chair closer. "My Dear, have Mia and Zoe been taking good care of you?"

"Yes, Sir. They are wonderful." She managed to look at him, waiting for his next question.

"Good. I depend on them to provide food and comfort for all the girls. Life was much more difficult for all of us before I enlisted their help. You have performed very well, Aisha. You have done everything I asked of you, and I am pleased."

"Umm, thank you, Sir." The implications of "performing" produced a tear. She looked away.

"I may not see you again after tomorrow. A new class starts in a few days. You will be well cared for in your new location, as you are a valuable asset. At first, just do as you are commanded. But you must learn the quirks and peculiarities of your Master. He will expect you to read his will in a hand gesture or a facial expression. You will learn to gauge his mood each day, to know when to be playful, or seductive, or even when to leave him alone."

"Sir, may I ask a question?" She managed to raise her eyes back to his level. "How can this all be happening? How can you buy and sell women? It's so unfair!"

He took a moment, never taking his eyes off hers. "My sweet Aisha, it is quite simple. I do this because I can. Over the last ten years, I have carved out my own little world here. A man's world. Here, you are inventory. When men are sitting at a table making important decisions, you will be kneeling beside it, or perhaps under it. In centuries past, men dominated because they were physically stronger and women needed protection. In the last hundred years, men have voluntarily given up power in the name of so-called equality." He covered her small hand with his.

"In this realm, you will always have a man to protect you. In return, you will offer him sweet devotion and abject obedience. Ancient practices have not disappeared in civilized societies, they have only gone underground. Tomorrow, you will enter a culture where men have regained superiority through their strength. These are warriors, even though they do battle today in the business world." Aisha began quietly sobbing.

"S—Sir, umm, do you know where I'll, um, be going?"

"No. I have about 15 men coming from different places. Europe, Russia, the U. S., and Japan are all represented. I know that one man is interested in you, but this is about profit. I run a costly operation here. Each client will review your résumé and narrow his interest."

"What? Sir, m-my résumé?"

"Yes, of course. We have all your information in a document. Your background, nationality, languages. We have mapped your body, highlighting your features. Your Trainer's Report from downstairs is there. I have included a photographic record of your training here. Do you remember that day in the bathtub, when you lost all control and splashed water all over your Master? That video will probably raise your price by 5,000 dollars."

Aisha had never seen anyone taking pictures. The images of her ordeal flashed through her mind. Getting a group enema, having the Trainer lick oatmeal off her face, and begging him to ravish her. She relived her "dates" with Mr. Johnson. Thoughts of her submission to Carl began when he interrupted.

"Do you have any more questions?"

Aisha, tears streaming down her face, thought for a moment. "Uh, I've been wondering, Sir, about the other women from downstairs. Are they in the next class?"

"Two of them are, one from Canada, one from Brazil." Aisha thought of Minou and Lilly. Shuddering, she envisioned Lilly getting a bath in the steel tub, writhing in orgasm.

"Look at me. You will be the most desirable female on stage tomorrow. Aside from your little tantrum the other day, you have performed with grace. You have dance training, don't you?"

A measure of pride momentarily overtook the sadness of the moment. "Yes, Sir. I trained for three years." Aisha held his gaze. "Thank you, Sir."

"It's Graduation Day. Make me proud." He let go of her hand and rose to leave, as Aisha crumpled to the bed.

Mia came back a few minutes later. "Time for that cry, Honey?" Already curled up on her side, Aisha let loose while Mia rubbed her shoulder. Her sobs turned to wails, back to sobs, and periods of heaving gasps.

"You have to help me, Mia."


"You have to help me. I can't do this alone."

"Honey, I'll be with you through it all. Promise."

"No, you have to help me ... " A long, deep sigh and a whisper: "...kill myself."

"No! Aisha..."

"I am not Aisha! I am Kristin fucking Holloway! I'm from Kenosha fucking Wisconsin, and I'm going to Marquette fucking University in the Fall! If you can't help me, get out. I'll figure it out myself." She flopped face down on the bed, sniffing and sniveling. Mia reached over and pushed the Help button on the wall.

"Aish, I mean, Kristin, I'm not going anywhere. Please sit up for me." Mia drew her into a tight embrace, thinking that she was literally hanging on for dear life. After long moments, she lowered Kristin back on the bed. "Sweets, you are going to get a good night's sleep. I will be right here. If I get tired, I'll just get you to move over. Now, close your eyes."

Zoe opened the door to see Mia crossing toward her. With a finger across her lips, she whispered, "Aisha's in bad shape, wanting to hurt herself. I have to stay here. How are the others?"

"Two are asleep. Ava is still crying, but they will make it. What can I do?"

"Bring me a couple of those Xanax pills. They work pretty quickly. I think I can bring her around. We'll keep 'em really busy tomorrow, but let's give a pill to each one in the morning to relax them. Oh, and bring paper and pen. I have an idea. And let's not tell Boss just yet." Zoe nodded and left.

Aisha woke up only once during the night, crying out. Mia quickly soothed her back to sleep. Mia, wide awake, had to formulate a plan. This turn of events could disrupt all of their lives.

"How are you feeling?" Aisha stretched and yawned in the gathering morning light.

"Not much different. Do you have my ticket home?" Mia caught both hands in hers.

"No, Honey, but I have thought about this all night, and I have some things to say that might bring you a small bit of comfort. First, take this pill. It will help you relax. Zoe brought a light breakfast for you." Aisha swallowed the Xanax and started nibbling on a muffin and scrambled eggs. "Here is some tea. Take a deep breath and listen.

"You know I can't change what's in the cards for today. I can't send you home any more than I can send myself. But I can offer you a small favor. Kristin, over the last year I have seen quite a few women cycle through here. But only three or four have touched me in a way that you have. You are so sweet and pure.

"Three months ago, I did something for myself that I can do for you. If you write your address on this paper, I will write a note to your family. I have only done this for myself and two other girls. I will write that you are alive and healthy, and that you had to leave. I can't say much more, but at least they will have some knowledge. It's not much, but would you like that?"

Kristin put her teacup down with a shaky hand. The pill may have been kicking in, for she looked up and said, "Yes, I would like that very much. How do you do that?"

"One of the regular 'gentlemen' goes to another city to mail them for me. Sweetie, I know this is a small favor, but it's all I can do. The Boss doesn't know about it, or if he does, he lets it slide." It was Mia's turn to tear up. "Can you be Aisha again?"

Once again, a long, tearful, tight hug between two women, caught in a cruel web. Between sobs, Aisha managed to nod, wiping her tears into the crook of Mia's neck. They parted. Aisha took the paper and started writing.

Mia whispered, "Thank you. This helps both of us." She took the paper and kissed Aisha on the cheek. "We have about three hours. Why don't you get a shower. Do you need some help with shaving your little kitty?"

For the first time in days, Aisha smiled. "No!" She dropped her robe and scampered past Mia, earning a playful swat on her bottom. Mia thought, That pill is working! Zoe walked in with a hopeful look on her face. Mia gave her a thumbs up and pointed toward the hall.

"Did we dodge the bullet?"

"I think so. I told her I would send a letter."

"Are you sure it's worth the risk? If he finds out..."

"I have to. You know how special she is. The next time Joe is here, I'll play on his trumpet. He'll do anything for me. Why didn't you ever send a letter?"

Zoe looked at the floor. "There's no one to write to. My folks were mean drunks. I ran away when I got tired of getting smacked around. I was living in a shelter when they got me. So I could do worse than this. That's why I hate to take risks. We only have each other here."

Mia lowered her voice to a faint murmur. "Zoe, I couldn't bring myself to tell you, but I took the biggest risk of our lives a month ago. I told Joe that if he could get us out of here, we would be his willing slaves for a year."

"What! Mia, how could you! What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything. He just looked at me and walked away. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Mia! This could backfire! We could end up in a whorehouse in Hong Kong or some other godforsaken place.

"I'm sorry..."

"You don't get it! Maybe no one could understand. This is not such a bad place for me. Think about it. We cook, we clean, we give it up twice a week. Is this so different than being married to some boring accountant? This won't last forever, but I want to ride it for a while. I have nowhere to go. You have to take care of this, Mia!"

"OK, OK! I'll talk to Joe at the brunch before the sale. He probably hasn't done anything."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eleven AM on a Friday. In a normal world, four young women would be looking forward to the weekend. A movie. A picnic. A sleepover. The Mall. But this would be a day like no other.

They were to be sold. Sold to powerful men he called "warriors" who acquired the spoils of their corporate combat— A Chiron, a Lürssen, a Lear, a woman. Symbols of opulence and prowess, all desirable, disposable, and deductible.

Mia guided the attendees from the brunch to the main room. Fifteen men, each with an iPad, took seats arranged in an arc in front of a temporary stage. They noticed a small platform in the middle of the stage, backed by an array of tall mirrors. Two camera tripods flanked the group. The small screens flickered as the men perused the women's "résumés."

"Gentlemen, welcome to our little graduation ceremony." The Boss smiled. "As you will see, we have a beautiful, well-educated class to offer. Look at the summary page for each offering on your device. You will see an appraisal of her obedience, responsiveness, training level, and a verification of her age. We don't do children. At the bottom, you will see a box to place your bid. The highest bid will appear on the screen behind me.

"You are bidding in complete anonymity. No one will know who placed the bid. We have several bidders who are off-premises and are viewing through the cameras. The starting price is stated, and bids are in $1000 increments. As always, we are operating in complete secrecy and strict security. We will now meet the graduates."

He snapped his fingers, signaling Zoe to usher three women onto the stage, dressed in their usual colors. Ava wore a brilliant green skirt, matching heels, and a white blouse. Anika, in iridescent blue, and Adora, in red, followed.

"Gentlemen, we have one addition. Aisha is well-trained and tested in all areas but one, as you know. You might say she is our new kid on the block." Aisha heard a few snickers as he motioned her into view. She wore a glittering white sequined skirt with matching shoes and blouse. He directed Ava up to the center platform. Zoe placed the other two women at stage left.

"Take a few moments to match the girls with your files. We are going to start with a little fun. We have set a price on each piece of clothing on the stage. You will try to guess that amount, à la 'Price is Right.' For example, turn to Ava's file and place your bid on her fine blouse." In a moment, fingers flew over touch screens in a spirit of competition.

"And we have a winner! The price of the blouse is 39 dollars. Patron 13 bid 35. Zoe?"

Zoe walked over to Ava and gestured. Hesitantly, Ava started to undo the buttons. A single tear formed as she slipped it off, revealing a thin collar and a white demi-cup bra. Zoe folded the blouse and delivered to the happy winner. The skirt went next, followed by the bra and matching panties. As her panties dropped, Ava's blush spread across her chest. For a woman, there are few ordeals more humiliating than being forced to strip naked in front of fully dressed men.

"Kneel." Numbly, Ave sank into a tight, trembling pose. "Show yourself." She slowly spread her thighs and placed her hands behind her neck. "Reach back and remove your shoes." Zoe stepped in to help.

Ava's naked, sweating body, multiplied in the mirrors around her, produced a murmur in the stimulated audience.

"Thank you. No need to make an offer on the shoes. They will come with the sale. You have before you a beautiful female in her natural state. You may now begin your bids." Soon numbers began flashing on the screen, Ava's starting price was $85,000, but it soon rose to $195,000.

"Are there any further bids? Very good. As always, we will gather back in the other room for drinks after the auction. Mia will retrieve you one at a time to either meet your acquisition, or escort to your limo, preserving your anonymity."

Zoe brought a distraught Ava a robe and took her out of the room. The Boss directed Adora to the block. "Our second offering has many attributes, seen and unseen. Apart from her beauty, her best quality is obedience, as you will see after she sheds the red."

The winning valuation on the skirt was $78 to Patron 11. The red lace panties went to the same man for $18. Shortly, Adora stood at attention, arms boxed, wearing only a pair of crimson stilettos.

"Now I will put her through her paces, as it is sometimes called. Please note her grace and concentration.

"Sit and beg." Adora's face took on a blank look as she went down on one knee, then the other and curled her hands under her chin; she trembled and whimpered. "Good girl. Roll over." Going to all fours with her knees parted, she quickly flipped onto her back, rotated through a complete circle, and ended with her feet and arms moving in the air in what she knew as the "dying cockroach."

Watching this display from six mirrored angles induced a loud gasp from several men.

"Kneel." Adora managed a quick transition from her awkward pose to the familiar pliant stance. Boss always arranged the slaves' order of appearance with a goal of making more profit on each successive auction. He was not disappointed, as Adora brought in $204,000.

"We're going to take a 20-minute break at this point. Feel free to get refreshments in the other room." As the men began shuffling out to find restrooms, Mia headed for the bar to get drinks and snacks ready. As she hurried down a hall, she passed her possible benefactor. She whispered, "Joe, talk to me."

Back at the stage, Zoe tried to calm Aisha and Anika, taking them to the Ladies. "Relax for a minute and use the potty. I'll get you some water. I think you can see that he's not going to make you do anything you haven't done. We're all used to getting naked, right? He's not letting them touch you. Did you watch Adora's face while she was up there? She put her mind in some other place and just went on automatic pilot. You need to do that, too, and I'm going to give you another one of those magic pills to help you..."

Aisha interrupted. "Zoe, I didn't see Carl. Have you seen him?"

"No, sweetie, I don't think he is here. I'm sorry."

Joe hung back as the others filed back to the main room. They whispered: "I spoke to him about you and Zoe. He's not entirely opposed, but I think he likes the status quo. He doesn't want to start over. You know it's not about you. It's about him."

"Well, Zoe doesn't want to go. Somehow, she feels safe here. So, maybe just me?"

"That might work if he can find a replacement. But not today. You'll have to be patient, OK?"

"OK. You know I'll keep my word about the year, right?" She ran her fingers across his crotch. "Maybe I will catch you after..."

"I'll be looking for you."

The second half started on time. Anika stood, in nylons and pearls, before 15 leering men and two cameras. Her light brown skin contrasted with the shimmering blue skirt. Her black hair fell to her shoulders in a small curve that framed her face.

Her digital résumé described her as an "exotic beauty." Unknown to Anika, one word appeared in the summary in all caps: RESPONSIVE. Boss was determined to use this attribute to push her price above the previous mark. He had to arouse her. He motioned for Zoe to stay with Aisha.

As he approached, he drew an elastic band from his pocket. "Pull your hair into a ponytail." In an oft-practiced movement, she soon produced a high arch, a style which every man in the room associated with "slave handle."

He gestured for Anika to take a step forward. One at a time he slowly removed each shoe, subtly rubbing her arches and ankles. The royal pair priced out at $157. He carefully rolled each stocking down and off with gentle strokes along her thighs. $8.95.

She slipped off the blouse, revealing a white bandeau around her smallish breasts. He delivered the garment and stepped up behind her. Undoing the clasp, and slipping his hands underneath the fabric, over her breasts, he pushed it off. Bright blue gems hung from her nipples. Gently flicking them he announced, "Gentlemen, if you can guess the correct price on these baubles, you may come up and remove them."

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