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Kristina in Training

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Kristina must improve her cleaning skills to succeed.
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Author's Note: I wrote this story together with my friend Peter Martin (Peter242) as a follow up to our earlier Kristina story. I have worked both as a nanny and a cleaner in real life for a number of families and ladies. This story is based at least in part on my own experiences. I hope you enjoy it.


Kristina was gently sobbing as she faced the kitchen wall with her hands on her head, her white cotton panties pulled down to around her ankles (the gusset looking slightly damp) and her dress hem tucked up into her belt so that her bottom, with the twelve red welts striped evenly and horizontally across it, was on show to anyone who cared to look. Melissa and Chiara were chatting happily at the kitchen table, drinking the coffee that Kristina had made for them after her caning and before having to stand obediently to attention and press her nose against the wall. They were ignoring her, which Kristina had to admit turned her on, because it showed how she was truly becoming their lowly maid and was that insignificant in the eyes of her "mistresses". As Kristina stood there with the wall an inch from her eyes, she remembered back to how she had ended up like this.

Kristina was working hard towards her deeply-desired new life of ultimately becoming a full-time domestic maid. She wasn't yet, indeed she still had a full-time job, but she was on her way to one day leaving the society she currently moved in, proud of her respected public position as a professionally-qualified and senior lawyer, to replace it with her single-minded ambition to live out the rest of her life as a lower-class maid, a cleaning lady, a domestic.

At the moment, Kristina was a senior in-house counsel for a large corporation. She was running a sizeable legal department and was involved in a string of large commercial transactions. She loved her job even though it was full of tension and pressure at times, but equally looked forward to the total release from decision-making she could enjoy as a maid, when her duties involved simple mundane tasks which didn't need much thought. She found that being a maid was ideal as she only had to follow instructions, she didn't have to think.

A year or so previously, her then lover, Heather, had made use of Kristina's natural submissiveness in their relationship by encouraging Kristina to delve more deeply into her submissive side and to clean Heather's whole apartment every week, and had overlaid onto that a strict disciplinary regime as a deterrent to discourage Kristina from slack work, and also as a means of giving Heather good cause to punish Kristina frequently by way of severe canings - something Heather enjoyed doing very much. Heather had then ended their intimate relationship, and had taken up with a series of other lovers, but had continued to "allow" Kristina to be her cleaner. By that time, Kristina had become addicted. Kristina steadily discovered that her natural wishes and desires were leading her to see such an existence as a better life for her in the longer term.

As it happened, after a number of years at her job, and following the completion of three significant commercial transactions, Kristina was worn out and needed a break. The corporation realised that too and was appreciative of her hard work and long hours of dedication. They suggested she take three months off on full pay by way of sabbatical to recover and refresh her enthusiasm for her job. Kristina thanked them warmly and leapt at the opportunity for a change of speed.

Heather had seen this as a great opportunity to get Kristina trained up to top level, and had referred Kristina to a friend of Heather's, twenty-eight-year-old Melissa, who was qualified to train maids and other staff for hotel and domestic service and was happy to have Kristina as a guest in her house for a while to be trained up in the skills needed to be a full-time maid, by carrying out that role in Melissa's house. What's more, Melissa had an overseas student staying with her, so Kristina's position there would be more like being a maid for a mother and daughter. So, it came to pass that Melissa and Chiara, the student, became her full-time mistresses and, as part of her training as cleaner and maid, she had to observe unquestioning respect and obedience for both.


Kristina's first mistake had been on arrival at Melissa's house, when she announced herself with a cheery, "Hi, Melissa, it's so nice to meet you."

Melissa, an attractive though somewhat austere-looking girl with long brown hair, gave Kristina short shrift. "You will address me at all times as Miss Melissa, Miss M or Miss. You are the maid. We are not friends on any level," she said.

Kristina felt duly admonished and, blushing as she was put in her place, replied, "I'm so sorry, Miss M. Please forgive me," and curtsied delicately to Melissa. Kristina's perfectly-executed curtsy (Heather had told her to practise) improved Melissa's facial expression, it has to be said.

Melissa then introduced Kristina to her blonde and perky exchange student house guest with the instruction, "You will always address my student guest as Miss Chiara or Miss and, although she is only eighteen years old, she can give you instructions as well, which you will obey without question."

Kristina grimaced internally at the realisation that at thirty-four years old she was answerable to a eighteen-year-old girl, but saw that it was right and appropriate given that Miss Chiara was a guest whilst Kristina was "the maid".

Kristina had arrived with a suitcase of clothes which Melissa just put in the corner of her garage. Melissa then showed Kristina the clothes she would be wearing, which were piled on the floor in the kitchen. They were mainly secondhand and cheap-looking, a number of short-sleeved black dresses which came to about half way down her thighs, together with a variety of knickers and bras. The bras were mainly white or off-white, the knickers, or panties as Chiara called them, white or in pastel colours, generally cotton high-waisted full women's briefs, some with pretty embroidered fronts and frilly lace. There were no tights, but there were quite a few pairs of hold-up stockings with decorated elasticated tops. There were a couple of long, warm-looking cotton nightdresses, with flowery patterns. There were two pairs of basic black flats, plain black maid's shoes. There were four white aprons, some short some long. Melissa explained that most of the items had been purchased from local charity shops. All were in Kristina's size, which had been passed to Melissa several weeks before. Melissa instructed Kristina to wash and iron them all, to use starch when ironing the aprons, and put them in her cupboard in the box room which was to be her bedroom.

Kristina was left to sort out the clothes, wash them by hand as maid's clothes weren't to go in the washing machine, and then hang them up and put them away when dry. In the meantime, Kristina had to remove the dress she was wearing and just wear her bra, knickers and one of the aprons, so that she could get used to being less well-dressed than her superiors. Kristina was pleased that she had dressed in good quality underwear that morning, although Melissa said, "Once the rest of your things are washed and ready that underwear will have to go. It is much too good for ... a maid."

For the first few days, Kristina found Melissa and Chiara a delight to be around, albeit perfectionists and strict about everything. Melissa would follow Kristina around the house, overseeing her cleaning, washing, ironing, bed-making and the like, so as to impress upon her the standards needed and where she would have to improve her skills. But Melissa would scold Kristina relentlessly when her work standard was anything less than perfect, and Kristina had to accept every telling off without any argument. Melissa had also mentioned that after the first three or so days of training, they would be moving to a more formalized method of ensuring that her work was of the required quality. "Then you will see why maids never wear tights in this house'" she mysteriously added.

Melissa also reinforced the need for Kristina to be absolutely obedient to both her mistresses. All of this excited Kristina. She revelled in her subservience and knew that Melissa'a being particularly strict was needed to help Kristina transition from being a thinking member of educated society to becoming a lower-class cleaner, housekeeper and maid.

Kristina remembered the first time she had earned a spanking from Chiara. Melissa was out and Kristina had been making one of the beds upstairs when she heard, "Girl! Come here!" from the floor below. Kristina had run downstairs and into the dining room where Chiara was doing her homework with her friend from school, Evelyn, also eighteen years old, both in the school's uniform of white shirts and grey skirts. Evelyn was pretty, with her brown hair cut in a bob. Kristina went up to the table and said, "Yes Miss, my name is Kristina, how may I help you?"

Chiara didn't look up but replied, "I know your name girl, I'm not stupid. Do you think I am...? I've dropped my pencil. Pick it up for me," as her friend Evelyn giggled and watched.

Kristina looked down and saw that the pencil was on the floor, literally right by one of Chiara's feet. Kristina bent down, picked up the pencil, presented it slightly theatrically to Chiara, and said, rather sarcastically,

"Here it is, Miss Chiara, it was right by your foot."

Chiara showed no surprise nor concern and responded, "I don't need that pointed out, girl and I don't need that attitude from you. I think you need a spanking for your rudeness and lack of respect. Have you not been listening to what your mistress has so carefully been teaching you day after day? Huh? Don't you agree you need to be spanked?"

"Oh Miss, I just thought that you did not really need me to come all the way downstairs just to pick up your pencil for you."

"Look girl, just because I am eighteen does not mean you can ignore my instructions. That would be disobedience and insubordination, wouldn't it?"

Kristina was wondering how to reply when Evelyn shoved her exercise book off the table on purpose and, with a smirk, said, "Girl, my book is on the floor. Pick it up."

Kristina was shocked and blurted out, "This is just ridiculous! You girls are doing this simply to wind me up!"

Evelyn then pushed her pencil onto the floor too, saying, "Chiara says you are the maid in this house. Are maids allowed to get angry in this house and refuse to help? If my parents' maid showed any such behaviour she would be dismissed, and without a reference, my Mum told me."

Chiara added, "Well,...girl? What are you going to do?"

Kristina was livid, but realised that the situation was spiralling out of her control. Was she supposed to obey Chiara's friends as well as Chiara? She was also wondering what Melissa's views might be if and when she heard about this little exchange. She remembered Melissa's words, "Absolute obedience and respect, those are the most important things." "Oh yes, Miss M, of course!" Kristina had replied. Accordingly, Kristina was beginning to worry about what Melissa might say.

She dropped down onto her black-stockinged knees and stretched out under the table to pick up Evelyn's exercise book and pencil. Evelyn repositioned her legs like lightening so that she was able to plant her foot firmly on her book. Kristina was on her knees, unable to lift the book and very aware of Evelyn's bright pink panties looking out at her from between her grey-skirt-covered thighs, as if to say, "Girl, ask my powerful pink panties if you can lift up the book."

Kristina more or less did just that, she said from under the table towards Evelyn's panties, "MIss Evelyn, I'm afraid the exercise book seems to be stuck under your foot. Would it be possible for you to move your foot a little?"

To Kristina's relief, Evelyn lifted her foot off the book and Kristina was able to recover both items successfully. "Here you are Miss Evelyn, you dropped these things. I am very glad to pick them up for you," she announced, standing up as she did so. She handed them back to Evelyn.

Then Chiara spoke again, "You need to be punished girl. Lift up your dress and tuck it into your belt, front and back."

"Front AND back!" thought Kristina, "That's a cheek! Even if she wants to spank me I don't need my dress up at the front!"

"Er, Miss Chiara," she said, "You mean just at the back, surely?"

"All round please girl, your skirt must be tucked up all round," clarified Chiara.

Kristina gasped at the instruction, but remembered her lowly station as the maid and that Chiara had full disciplinary rights over her. And Kristina certainly knew she had no power to contest any decision Chiara made, no power at all in fact. And so, Kristina slowly lifted up her black dress all round and tucked it into the dress's belt. She nervously faced Chiara and Evelyn, who were both looking rather impressed at the fact that Kristina was obeying them, that the thirty-four-year-old lawyer was following the female teenager's instructions, that between the upper blackness of her dress and the upper blackness of her stocking tops Kristina was displaying a tableau of her most intimate region, albeit protected for now by her maid's sensible knickers.

With Kristina's dress up, the girls looked at the picture: pinky white thighs, white knickers, black hold-up stockings.

"Take down your panties girl," instructed Chiara, "just down to mid-thigh should do."

Kristina did so, painfully aware that she, one of the senior lawyers at Global Electric, was standing effectively naked below the waist at the instruction of a teenage stranger. The intimate triangle of her public hair was just a couple of feet from the face of the seated Chiara. The girls looked at it, as if judging whether her pubic area was tidy enough. Kristina had trimmed it relatively recently, and so she was glad that neither girl made any particular comment.

"Over my knee girl," ordered Chiara. Humiliated, Kristina meekly lay over Chiara's knees, so that her hands touched the floor one side and her toes the other.

Chiara decided that Kristina's panties needed to be lower down and pulled them down to her knees, and became very aware from that angle that the crevice of Kristina's pussy was glistening between her slightly separated thighs.

"Be careful, I don't want any grool on my skirt, girl," said Chiara, further humiliating Kristina who was embarrassed to be wet at all in this situation.

It appeared to be a side-effect of combined submission and humiliation, thought Kristina, maybe that was why she loved life as a maid so much. "But what could she do about it?" she thought. Her wetness was beyond her control.

Chiara, delighted to have her victim finally in position, explained to Evelyn, giggling, "Melissa canes the girl, but I want to spank her. I have more time than Melissa after all, and I love the idea of having a maid across my lap. And I am duty-bound to punish her, she was so rude and disrespectful!"

Again, Kristina was reminded that Chiara called Melissa by her first name, but she, of no status, must not. So Kristina saw herself increasingly as the nobody she craved to be. That didn't help her with the shame and humiliation of going across the lap of a eighteen-year-old girl whilst watched by another eighteen-year-old girl, but was something she may have to get used to. She was just...the maid.

As she lay across Chiara's lap looking at her teenage upside-down legs and her own adult legs dangling on the far side of the chair, Kristina knew she was too old to be spanked. She was thirty-four years of age, for gosh sakes.

Chiara loved the feeling of having the household maid over her knees, She had no idea the "girl"was an important and senior lawyer, while she was just a schoolgirl. Kristina was simply the maid, the girl, as far as Chiara was concerned, and deserved to be punished for her insolence. She could feel the springy resistance of Kristina's pubic bush against the top of one of her thighs, she liked that feeling too. Chiara spanked the senior lawyer's bottom hard, with fierce spanks on alternate cheeks, each spank leaving a clear red and angry mark. Evelyn watched, mesmerized by this display of power over the household staff here. She wondered to herself whether she might be allowed a turn...

Kristina discovered that a eighteen-year-old could spank pretty much as hard as a woman her own age, if not harder. She knew that Chiara spent a lot of time in fitness classes. She lectured herself that she had to be so careful always to instantly obey anyone else in the house, or she would suffer the consequences if she didn't. Kristina yelped and gasped with the increasing pain of each smack.

Kristina realised that, actually, it was a "good" thing that she was being punished so humiliatingly, as it told her once and for all that everyone was better than her and she mustn't be testy, show attitude, or question anything, ever. It reinforced how she had to be subservient irrespective of what was said to her or by whom and no matter with what tone of voice. Once again, it was such a good lesson and pushed her closer to her goal of being an insignificant maid with no status and subject to the requirement only to serve. So, as the spanks continued apace she wanted to say a huge thank you to Chiara for pushing her further downwards towards her desired full-time life of subservience; but she knew she shouldn't as it wasn't appropriate for her as the maid to say thank you for teaching the maid something which every low-status person like her should already know.

And then, the three females heard the front door open and close, and Melissa arrived home - after about a dozen smacks had already landed forcefully on Kristina's blushing butt cheeks. Chiara paused in her task. But Melissa just smiled as she saw how red Chiara had already turned Kristina's bottom. Instead of asking what happened, it was clear that Melissa happily accepted Chiara's right to spank the maid.

Kristina was soon tensing her legs and arms as the spanking continued, and squealing like a little piglet, especially so when Chiara spanked the same bottom cheek time and again and then spanked the other bottom cheek repeatedly too. From her upside-down position, Kristina could see Melissa's elegant shoes as she stood there watching and seeing the adult's legs just inches from her face added to Kristina's humiliation.

Melissa even told Chiara, "Make sure you don't hurt your hand by using it too much," opened her bag and handed Chiara her wooden handled hairbrush, which Chiara was delighted to apply with harsh accuracy. The wooden brush was heavier, firmer, more painful. Kristina, feeling the extra pain, waxing with each strike, then momentarily waning until the next contact, was crushed and humiliated and dissolved into uncontrolled crying, both from the greater pain and from despair at the knowledge that this heavier toll might be repeated whenever Chiara wanted to.

"Evelyn, do you want a go?" asked Chiara, as if beating the maid was a fairground game.

"Oh yes, I do!" accepted Evelyn. "You are an impudent and insolent little jumped-up maid," said Evelyn to Kristina's bottom as it glowed red and bruised on Chiara's lap. "You would never get a job in our house. My Mum would have you out the door in two seconds," Evelyn declared to Global Electric's senior lawyer and head of department.

"I, I'm s-so sorry," wept Kristina, genuinely and hopelessly. "I really will try to be better Miss, I just forgot myself for a moment."

"Well, maybe, but don't forget this!" added the schoolgirl, and cracked the hairbrush five more times into each of Kristina's buttocks, as Kristina gasped and gasped again between sobs of self-pity, and her behind reddened even more in its snug resting place on Chiara's lap.

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