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Krystal's Consequences

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Krystal's roommate takes her to task for disobeying her dad.
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Krystal tried to be quiet as she crept through the door at one o'clock in the morning; it was only polite to her roommate, Greg, who seemed like a quiet, studious guy. It was her third year of college and her dad had finally agreed to let her move out of the family home. Krystal couldn't believe it when he told her her roommate would be a man, after all of the time he'd spent keeping her away from boys.

Krystal tried to balance on one foot as she pried one of her heels off but found herself on the floor, giggling at the warm fizzy feeling of alcohol in her body.

Greg's door opened.

"Oops," Krystal said, laughing as her handsome roommate looked her over with an expression of extreme disapproval.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" he demanded.

Krystal gave up on removing her other shoe and crossed her arms self-consciously across her chest, suddenly aware of how her low-cut sparkling top showed off her tits. In only a few weeks away from home, she was already building up a wardrobe of clothes that she never would have been allowed to even look at before.

"Sorry," she laughed, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Where the fuck have you been?"

"Just with a friend," she said quickly.

"In the middle of the night?" Greg loomed over her at the best of times, but from the floor he was a veritable giant.

Krystal pouted, searching for an excuse, before something occurred to her. She was so used to being taken to task by her father that she was automatically answering to Greg's disapproval, but he wasn't in charge of her at all.

"It's really none of your business!" she said, trying to sound stern. "You're not the boss of me."

To her dismay, Greg just chuckled darkly. "So what, you were whoring it up with some guy?"

"Of course not," Krystal said, feeling her cheeks flush. "It was a date, Lucas was a perfect gentleman."

"And that's why you're drunk and dressed like a slut," Greg said, shaking his head. "Come on, get your shoe off and stand up."

Krystal complied without even thinking about it; without her heels, Greg was a full foot taller than her, and she felt like an unruly child standing before him being scolded.

"You can't tell me what to do," she said, but it came out whiney. "You're just my roommate."

"Tell that to your father," Greg said, grabbing her arm hard. "He's paying me good money to make sure you stay out of trouble."

"What?!" Krystal yelled, dismayed. "No way. I'm 21! I can do what I want!"

"Then maybe you should start paying for your own apartment, and tuition, and spending money. I know your dad gave you a list of rules when he let you move in here with me."

She tried to pull out of his grip, but it was useless; he was too strong. Any other guy would be staring down her shirt-- his height gave him an even better view of her D-cup breasts, shown to great advantage in a push-up bra, but he barely took a glance.

"Tell me what your rules are. Now. Or do I have to call your dad?"

"No, you can't, he'll make me move back home!" she yelled, suddenly panicked. The idea was intolerable. Greg was being an asshole, but he couldn't possibly be as controlling as her dad-- she couldn't go back to a seven o'clock curfew at her age. "There were so many rules! No drugs, no getting drunk, keep my grades up... No sex..."

"I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear you're already breaking the rules after only three weeks," Greg said darkly.

"No!" Krystal felt a tear roll down her cheek. "I... I only had a few drinks..."

"You're drunk." It was a flat statement, with no room for argument or debate. "And I'm willing to bet you were off getting fucked."

"Was not! We were just kissing!"

"You'd better be telling the truth," Greg replied. "Because daddy dearest promised me an extra ten grand if the doctor says you're still a virgin at the end of the year."

Krystal blushed a vivid, miserable red. One of her father's conditions for her moving out had been that she would get her hymen checked by a doctor, but she had thought he was just trying to spook her. She was alarmed, all of a sudden-- would she still pass, after what she'd been getting up to earlier? She looked down at her feet, trying not to look guilty.

"Right," Greg said suddenly. "I don't trust you. Take your shirt off."

"What?" She looked back up at him, flabbergasted. "No! You perv!"

She tried to scramble backwards as he took a threatening step towards her, his tight grip on her arm becoming downright painful. He leaned down close.

"Look, you dumb little brat. The sooner you get this through your head, the easier it'll be for you. From now on, you do what I say. I have a significant financial investment in your behaviour for the next year, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect that investment. You have more freedom now than you've ever had in your life, and the price of that is having to answer to me. Now get to it, or I can call your daddy right now and tell him you're not mature enough to handle this."

Krystal glared at him furiously, but a few moments later she felt her shoulders slump with defeat. He let go of her.

"Why do I have to take my shirt off, though?" she demanded, her lower lip trembling. Then she yelped with surprise as he grabbed ahold of it and yanked it off himself.

"Because of that," he said grimly, poking at a developing hickey halfway down her breast, just above her bra. "Just kissing, hm? If you've fucked me out of that virgnity money already, you'll be sorry."

"I swear we didn't have sex!" she said, desperate and embarrassed. "We just made out, with our shirts off, and... and touched, a little bit. Please, I promise, let's just go to bed and forget about this."

Greg made an angry noise under his breath. "This is how it's going to be. You're going to stay away from boys and keep your legs closed. And don't think you can get away with sneaking around, because I'll be looking you over. When I find anything like this--" he jabbed the mark on her boob-- "you'll be punished, like the dumb little slut that you're determined to be. Now, let's see how bad your punishment will be today."

Krystal whined but didn't argue when he unclasped her bra and pulled it away to expose her boobs, knocking her hands away when she desperately tried to cover hself. There were more love bites, and he shook his head at her in disapproval, prodding each one with a finger. She flushed in utter humiliation at being exposed like this. Earlier, it had felt daring and erotic and powerful, to expose herself and see Lucas's arousal and desperation; to have Greg look at her body clinically, disapproving and unmoved, left her feeling chastised and small.

"If you fucked him, this is your last chance to come clean."

"I promise I didn't," she said tearfully. "I'm still a virgin, really. I just... I touched his... you know, /thing/, and I let him put his hand under my panties, but then I made him stop. I'm sorry. Can I please put my shirt back on now?"

"No. Get naked."

"What? No!"

"You can think about this, next time you want to pull a stunt like this. You let some loser poke around your pussy, you're going to have to come home and show it to me, so I can check if there's been a dick in it recently. Now you have two choices. You can either pull down your pants and your panties, or you can write a text to your daddy right now telling him every detail of what you did with that boy."

Krystal found herself full-on sobbing as she struggled out of her skin tight jeans. "Please, Greg, you made your point. No one's ever seen my..."

He was completely unmoved at the sight of her tears and pink, flowery panties. When he didn't immediately insist she remove them, she slumped with relief-- maybe he was letting her off the hook, after all. But then he reached towards her, and she knew exactly what he was going to do. She whined in protest but made no move to resist as he shoved the fabric down and she flung her hands over her pussy as quickly as she could, shaking with fear and embarassment.

He shoved her roughly towards the couch and forced her to sit. He pried her legs apart and knelt between them, his eyes level with the most private parts of her, hidden only by her desperately clasped hands.

"Hands on your head," he ordered. "This is what happens to sluts, Krystal. They don't get privacy or modesty."

She tried to move her hands. She really did. But she just couldn't. He sighed.

"You've already got a punishment coming. Believe me when I say you want to be a good girl right now." He grabbed her wrists and she let him move them away, her breath hitching with sobs as her spread pussy became fully exposed.

He stared, and stared, and stared. She whimpered. She bitterly regretted the time she had spent last week shaving her pussy, leaving it totally bare to his invasive gaze.

"Well, you didn't let him come in you," he said finally. "That's good. But you're dripping everywhere. All that from a little heavy petting?"

To her horror, he reached out with a hand and prodded at her pussy lips, before pressing a finger in dangerously close to her entrance. He pulled it away, holding it up to show her the fluid dripping off his finger before resuming his humiliating inspection.

"Maybe we should get you fitted for a chastity belt," he said mildly, and then his finger was inside of her.

Krystal felt-- invaded. The worst was that the sensation was pleasant, her pussy so wet that the digit glided inside easily and brushed against a spot that made her shiver with pleasure as he stroked back and forth. But this wasn't sex. Lucas had looked at her with awe, had whispered compliments into her ear as he felt around between her legs and had kissed her so gently. Greg was /punishing/ her. This was meant to be a humiliation, and she felt every bit of it as his finger probed at the most private part of her with detachment.

"Good," he said finally. "Still tight as a vice. Guess you weren't lying about him not fucking you." He pulled his finger out and wiped it on her hip.

"Can... can I get dressed now?" she whispered, her voice small and cowed.

"Of course not. I told you you have a punishment coming," he said. "Stand up."

She wasn't surprised when he took a seat and bent her over his knee.

"My... my dad takes away my phone," she said in a shaking voice, "Or, or grounds me, or makes me do extra chores. I could... I'll clean the whole apartment, tomorrow-- please, you can't... you know..."

"Spank you?" he said. "I think you'll find that I can."

"I'm too old!" she protested. "You can't... spank... a 21 year old woman!"

"You don't look too old to spank, with your naughty little ass over my knee, waiting for me to teach it a lesson," Greg answered.

She braced herself for a slap, but instead she squealed in protest and humiliation when he grabbed her ass cheeks and spread her open, exposing a hole that no one had ever looked at before. "Just checking this one is still nice and tight too." She heard him spit, and then a wet fingertip was forcing its way inside.

"Ow!" she yowled. Only the very tip of his finger was inside of her, but aside from the utter embarassment, it hurt.

He removed it after only a moment, leaving an uncomfortable sting behind. "Don't go thinking that because there's no hymen in there you can get away with getting fucked up the ass," he warned. "If you come home with a loose hole, I'll take my belt to it to tighten it back up."

With that terrifying threat, he raised a hand and slapped it down on her ass, hard. Krystal barely had a chance to wail in shock and pain before she was struck again, and again, and again. Greg wasn't holding anything back, and Krystal was utterly unprepared. She thrashed around on his lap, kicking and sobbing, as he effortlessly kept her pinned in place and spanked her like it was his god-given right.

"Ow! Ow! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Krystal babbled, barely aware of what she was saying. She tried to twist away from the pain, but she was helpless. Between one blow and another, the feeling changed-- whatever was hitting her now hurt twice as bad, had no give at all, and she could hear Greg snort with amusement as she begged and sobbed. "Please, I'll be good! Please! It hurts! It hurts so bad!"

"Good," he said. "That was twenty with your sandal for drinking. Now you get ten with my belt for being a slut."

Krystal screamed through all ten. She thought she might never sit down again; her ass felt swollen and red-hot, sure to bruise, when the blows finally stopped coming. She sobbed with relief. She didn't dare move from her position sprawled over his knee, her crimson ass in the air, until Greg finally forced her to her feet and put her in the corner. He positioned her with her nose touching the wall and her hands on her hand. She stayed exactly where he left her as she sniffled and dwelled on the horrible events of the night. The last few weeks had been her first real taste of freedom, of adulthood, of finally being able to enjoy herself like a normal college student without her dad to answer to. Now she was at the lowest point of her life, stripped and belittled and spanked. And by /Greg/, just some guy her own age-- someone she might have tried to seduce, under other circumstances, who instead treated her like a problem brat. The first guy to ever look at and penetrate her pussy and instead of being about sex, it was just a way to humiliate and control her.

She had no idea whether she'd been there for five minutes or an hour when Greg returned and ordered her into one of their hard kitchen chairs, chuckling meanly when she writhed in discomfort at the weight on her beaten ass. She didn't bother to argue when he handed her her phone and told her to open her texts with Lucas. He'd texted during her nightmare, just a "Can't wait to see you again, sexy. Hope you got home ok x" She began to cry again in earnest as Greg dictated a message for her to send.

"Don't talk to me again, we can't hang out anymore. I'm not allowed to let boys touch my pussy. I already got spanked hard for being naughty and breaking the rules with you. Please leave me alone or I'll get it even worse."

"Can't I just put the first sentence? Please?" she asked hopelessly, her face almost as red as her ass at the words she'd typed out.

As an answer, Greg just grabbed her phone and hit send. She gasped and cringed.

"That takes care of that," he said, smirking a little. "Now, you're grounded for the next month. That means you come straight from after school. No more volleyball or running club."

"Okay," she whispered.

"For the rest of the year, we'll be doing random inspections. That means I look over every inch of you, make sure you don't have any hickeys, make sure that pussy isn't loose or full of cum. What do you think happens if you fail?"

"I get spanked?" Krystal answered, voice faint.

"You get spanked if you don't do your chores, or get a bad grade, or disobey me. If I catch you spreading your legs for some guy's dick, I will strip you naked in the middle of campus, beat your ass black and blue with my belt, and let any dudes who're into sloppy seconds run a train on you. Clear?"

Krystal gulped. "I... yes, clear."

She was starting to think moving out hadn't been such a great thing after all.

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Probus888Probus888over 1 year ago

Poor Krystal. Well written little story.

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