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Kylie & Dannii Minogue: Love, Lust and Incest

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Can they face the Taboo?
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Standing in her luxurious London apartment, Dannii Minogue picked up the phone again, ringing shrilly on its little glass table near one of her floor-to-ceiling windows. She'd called just earlier to try and find out whether her manager knew where her newest single had charted. It'd been selling impressively all week, and now the moment of truth was upon her. Glancing to her older sister Kylie, who sat on her plush sofa watching, she pressed the handset to her ear. Kylie smiled and gave a "good luck" thumbs up to her and crossed her fingers, looking almost as nervy as she was herself.

"That's great news, thanks. Goodbye,"" Dannii said, smiling and giving a little laugh before putting the phone down, the noise cutting through the tense air like thunder. Dannii just smiled to Kylie, giving nothing away as she sat on the edge of the seat waiting for the final, long-awaited result.

"Well?" she said, looking hopeful, her pretty eyes wide, meeting Dannii's gaze, their blue eyes trained on each other for a moment.

"Number one!" Dannii squealed loudly, throwing up her arms in elation with a huge grin.

"Yes!" Kylie shouted, almost launching herself from the sofa towards Dannii, where she met her in a hug, both of them laughing and grinning in delight.

"Champagne is called for!" Kylie said as she pulled back from her sister, quickly releasing her and nipping to the kitchen on her high heels, which she'd not bothered to take off. The bottle was chilled and waiting in the fridge as Kylie grabbed a couple of glasses before whisking it out and hurrying back to the main room.

"You do the honours Dan," she said with a smile, handing the cold glass bottle to Dannii, who quickly set about tearing the foil from round the top. Wrestling the wire off, she cradled the bottle against herself. She gave a little yelp and a giggle as it touched a little bit of her bare tummy between her jeans and black top before she wrenched the cork out with a loud pop. Kylie gave a little cheer as Dannii quickly tried to stop it going on her carpet, directing it to the glasses Kylie held up ready. She poured the two glasses, the champagne foaming up high before dying down as she set the bottle aside on her coffee table. Kylie handed her one, which she happily took before they clinked their glasses together.

"To your first number one," Kylie said, raising her glass a little before taking a sip. Dannii, unable to stop smiling, took a sip of hers as well before dancing a little with a giggle, jigging cutely round the table as she sipped her champagne. Kylie giggled at the dancing, which wasn't even drunken as she'd only just taken a sip and she was quite a drinker at times, and then joined in. Both giggling in a very girly manner, they sipped at their champagne and danced cutely round the table, wiggling and grooving to imaginary music before they couldn't go on, giggling as they both drained their glasses, standing them down on the table with the bottle. Kylie reached out and took Dannii's hands, holding them firmly as they both danced a little more, Kylie taking in Dannii's unstoppable grin as they danced a little.

"Well done sis," Kylie said with her own beautiful smile before sliding in and embracing Dannii, wrapping her arms round her sisters warm, slender figure, pressing her hands into her back as she rested her head on her shoulder.

"Thanks Kylie," she said softly, hugging her back firmly. Kylie drew back a fraction and softly kissed her on the cheek, pressing her lips to the smooth skin as she felt her sister's breath on her neck.

"Long overdue," she said as she smelt Dannii's long, dark hair unintentionally, just noticing the overpowering sweet smell of her.

"Couldn't have done it without you," Dannii replied, giving Kylie a kiss on the cheek of her own, just lingering a little before they pulled back. Their hands unconsciously slid to each other's arms, just lightly holding at the elbows as they pulled just apart. Just millimetres between their noses, they looked deep into one another's eyes, gazing right into each other's soul at that moment. Kylie felt a little tingle go through her, her nipples stiffening a little under her padded bra, her pussy giving a definite buzz as she stared at her younger sister. Dannii felt much the same, the moment capturing both of them and sending the unmistakable shiver of arousal through them, Dannii's large nipples showing through her thin black top even though she was wearing a bra.

Unable to deny the urge, the girls leaned forwards and locked lips, kissing firmly. Their tongues just tentatively probed, meeting in the middle and just sensually brushing and sliding past one another as their soft, full lips pressed together. For just a few seconds, the sister's kissed softly, the illicit moment feeling so perfect and satisfying to both of them right then. Slowly breaking apart with a smooching sound, they lowered their heads, resting their foreheads together without opening their eyes as Dannii gave a blissful sigh, Kylie giving a little gasp for breath, just making the moment last as long as possible, the tender, soul-soothing pleasure sinking in and feeling so perfect. Opening her eyes, Kylie found Dannii looking up into them, a nice smile playing across her lips briefly.

Suddenly they came to their senses and realised what they'd just done. Pulling apart, they both realised they'd just kissed their own sister, and not in any kind of sisterly fashion. Hurriedly letting go of one another, they stepped back, both unsure of themselves and each other now as they looked uncomfortably around. Dannii quickly looked out her large windows to make sure nobody had seen them, which luckily they hadn't in the light evening, the sun just setting over London. Kylie looked round for her jacket, picking it up as her other hand nervously pulled the bottom of her white shirt down to her tight brilliant blue jeans. She slipped on the tan leather jacket as Dannii folded her arms in front of her, covering her clearly erect nipples as she did so, although Kylie had already noticed them but wasn't going to bring it up, since she was hardly feeling totally cool herself.

"Well…I um…better get going," Kylie said quickly, picking up her handbag, just glancing to Dannii, unable to meet her gaze now.

"Oh…ok then, I'll show you out…" Dannii said quietly, glancing at her watch, though she needed Kylie to leave so she could stop for a minute to get herself under control. Kylie walked to the door and opened it, stepping out into the hall as Dannii held the door.

"Well…I'll…have a good night, congratulations" Kylie stuttered, blushing quite fiercely.

"Thanks, you too," Dannii stumbled, unable to think of anything else to say. Kylie took her cue and gave a little nod, then turned and walked quickly to the lifts, her heels clicking loudly as Dannii's eyes wandered to her bum. She quickly scolded herself and closed the door, locking it before she turned and leaned back against it, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, which she slowly released as her mind raced.

"Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god," Dannii muttered to herself as she walked back to her lounge, quickly pouring herself another glass of the warming champagne, taking a good gulp of it and sitting down on her sofa. She rested the glass on her knee, the bottle on the other and just stared blankly at the floor, trying to process and justify to herself that she'd just fully kissed her older sister, the forbidden incident playing in her head and doing nothing to help abate her shameful arousal.

Kylie felt the rising sensation in her body as the lift descended, shifting unsurely on her heels, gritting her teeth as she replayed the incident in her head, the way they'd embraced and the way the kiss had come about, feeling a little rush through her as she recalled the very fresh memory of the feeling of Dannii's soft, warm lips meeting her own, her slender hands holding her arms, dark hairs just grazing her forehead to tickle her pleasurably. Kylie quickly shook herself back to reality as the doors opened to the lobby, composing herself enough to smile to the security guards on the desk as she felt her nipples screw themselves up tighter, making her thankful for the padded bra so they didn't show through her top, though she was sure they still did a little bit.

Walking out into the cool evening air, Kylie hailed a taxi, the driver smiling at her widely as she slipped into the back seat. Giving him a winning smile, she politely asked him to take her home to her luxury flat as her mind raced with thoughts over what she just did, how she could be so stupid as to let herself be swept up in such a moment with her own younger sister, wondering how it'd even happened in the first place. And one thing that really was making her frown was the fact that she was unable to get the illicit recollection from her head. Reaching her home, she paid the driver with a tip and thanked him for the ride, and then walked to her front door, fumbling with her keys before unlocking it and stepping into her building as she ran over everything in her mind, trying to work out what she was going to do with herself, and Dannii. Kylie couldn't get the thoughts out of her head, about how wrong and twisted it was, how they couldn't do it, that she didn't really feel for Dannii that way. But one thought that she couldn't drive from her mind was the soft caress of her younger sisters lips as they'd brushed against her own, just before they'd locked together for what she had to shamefully admit was one of the best kisses she'd ever had.

Kylie flushed hotly as she realised what she'd been thinking about, realising that she was completely turned on at the thoughts of her little sister's soft, illicit touch, and that was just from the one kiss they'd wrongly shared. She sighed as she opened her apartment door and stepped in, locking it behind her and immediately going to put the kettle on to make herself some tea, knowing it'd help. Over the evening, she went through everything rationally as she drank copious amounts of tea, getting it very clear that it what happened shouldn't have done, which she'd known from the start. Unfortunately, Kylie wasn't feeling any less aroused by the time she went to bed, and knew that tomorrow she had to face Dannii as there was a party planned for the success of her single, which had been planned as soon as it looked set to do well in the charts overall, let alone getting to number one. Having no idea how she was going to handle her sister, Kylie retreated to bed, where she lay awake for some time, unable to quiet the part of her mind that had secretly enjoyed it…

Dannii wasn't handling things much better. She'd drunk over half the bottle of champagne now, which had thoroughly warmed, since she'd been sitting just drinking her way through glassfuls of it. She was almost on autopilot as she did, just sitting on her sofa staring out at the darkening city, well the part of it she could see, as she unconsciously got lightly intoxicated, her mind running over everything. Dannii was feeling much like Kylie. Very confused as to her feelings towards sister, which she was sure shouldn't have changed, only felt like they had. Then the fact that what they had done had crossed set lines, and broken the law no less, well as good as, and she had to face her tomorrow. And as much as she wanted to tell herself she hadn't enjoyed it, she couldn't. The tingle that'd spread through her was simply electric, and her hardened nipples, which she knew Kylie had seen, didn't tell otherwise. Just the thought of Kylie's skilful tongue brushing against and probing at her own as they kissed was enough to turn her on, which would've happened if she wasn't still flustered from the incident itself. Dannii had to do something with herself, so just spent some time quickly checking her e-mails, returning calls to a few people that had left messages that she'd simply not noticed in her trance like state before she too headed to her bed, still feeling uncomfortably horny from what had happened with Kylie.

The next day was warm and sunny, though Kylie couldn't match her own disposition to the weather. She had to get to the recording studio to work on her new material and make important decisions, but she just wasn't in the right frame of mind. Despite being excited about it and enjoying it, she just couldn't put the incident with Dannii from her mind, especially when she gave herself a moment to drift away and let her mind run with it, resulting in her scolding herself for even thinking of her younger sister that way as she sipped her morning tea and looked out the window onto the street, a few paparazzi already hanging around, waiting for her to step out like usual, so they could plaster her in their papers and magazines and complain her nail polish was the wrong shade or praise her newest hairstyle. Deciding that she simply wouldn't manage to stop the incident with her sibling from playing on her mind, Kylie went to take a shower and get on with her day, since anything else would be improper of her, though she decided against sending Dannii a text message like she commonly did to say good morning.

Dannii was much the same, waking up a little later than she intended because of the drinks she'd had the night before, after the "incident" with her older sister. Though the day was nice and she had plenty to do, with photo shoots and a radio interview later on, she woke with a frown, unsure what she should be feeling right now. After all, just the night before she'd full on kissed her older sister. It was hardly something she was going to forget, even with the bottle of champagne she'd drunk her way through mindlessly afterwards. And she couldn't avoid Kylie either, since there was a party to celebrate her getting a number one single and of course Kylie was going, and changing anything now would complicate matters between them even further and might potentially draw attention to them in a negative manner, stirring magazines into saying they really did hate each other and so forth, the same old crap regurgitated and reworded for the newest issue.

For both girls the day seemed to pass all to quickly, almost rushing them towards the moment when they would be thrust together again. Kylie had been working hard, finding it good to get to work and had managed to focus on what she was doing mostly, though during idle moments her mind strayed to her sister and what would happen at the party. At the moment she wondered what her sister would be wearing she got a grip and got back to work, not wanting her imagination to run rampant with her illicit thoughts and start turning her on.

Dannii got along fine, loving the feeling of being a number one single seller, which helped her push thoughts of her older sister to the back of her mind, and given she was so busy she barely had a chance to think about Kylie, only the odd second here or there, though she couldn't forget her beautifully soft her lips were when they'd kissed, which made Dannii tingle a fraction and have to get herself back to reality immediately.

The start of the party arrived, Dannii making sure she arrived before that so she was around to greet everybody and soak it up before it got noisy and bustling. A large picture of her singles promotional shot was hung on the wall with "The number 1 hit single!" underneath it, something that was a little embarrassing but made her beam. Dannii was wearing a short red dress, reaching to about mid-thigh, snug round her pert bum though stopping just above it to leave her sexy back totally bare except for a thin strap running round from the front to hold it close to her body just below her breasts. The front was quite subtle, just close to her body to show her lovely figure, then reveal a teasing amount of her impressive cleavage before it ran into a thin strap round her neck, underneath her long, dark hair. The party got going and people gradually showed up, half of which she was sure were just there for the free drinks, though that didn't surprise her in the least. She glanced round for Kylie as she met people and said hello. Given she was short, even with heels, most people were taller than her and had to look down to look her in the eye, and she noticed more than one blokes eyes wandering to look down her top, and even some of the women.

Around an hour after the party had started, Kylie walked casually in wearing a sexy black silk dress. The bottom was loose and flowing down round her feet and up, slowly tapering in to fit snugly round her hips and bum, where it then ran up perfectly following the gorgeous contours of her body to her beautifully slender waist, then up over her perky breasts to a straight top that concealed her cleavage, running back down under her arms to wrap round her body under her shoulder blades. From there two straps crossed over her back before going over her shoulders and down to attach to the top of the dress. She looked utterly stunning, her hair and make-up perfectly done so she looked perfect, clearly having made an effort to look elegant. Dannii glanced up and saw her entering, then looked back and almost stared, stopping mid-conversation with someone from her record label as she eyed her gorgeous older sister.

Dannii couldn't stop her mind from quickly wondering what Kylie had on underneath it before she looked up at her, their eyes meeting. Dannii felt like she'd been hit by a lightning bolt with the way she felt that gaze, the awkwardness suddenly taking over again. She gave a slight smile and was a little relieved when Kylie did the same, giving a little nod, the tension evident on her face. Dannii returned the little nod and then looked away, hoping she wasn't blushing as she felt a little heat in her cheeks as she turned back to her previous conversation. Kylie saw her sister turn away and then turned back to the people greeting her, welcoming her to the party and so forth. She reached up and took a glass of champagne with her slender left hand, using her right to daintily shake hands with people from Dannii's company that wanted to meet her.

The night got into swing, some people already drinking far too much and making fools of themselves, but it wasn't a party without those sorts of people. Kylie made the move and approached Dannii, offering a smile and holding out her hand. Dannii smiled back and took it, and they leaned in for a peck on the cheek, both quite quickly pulling away to make sure the other didn't think they had it on their mind.

"Hello Dan… congratulations again," Kylie said softly.

"Hey Kylie, thanks, couldn't have done it without you," she added, thinking of the support Kylie had given her during her career.

"Yes you could," Kylie said after a pause, before giving her hand a final shake of congratulations, a little awkwardly still, since normally they'd have hugged. The tension between them was like a wall, and only the most minor affection could penetrate it right now. Kylie slipped away into the crowd, Dannii unable to refrain from letting her eyes wander to Kylie's firm arse, snugly wrapped in the black silk of the gorgeous dress. She quickly stopped herself before she stared, lest anyone see her ogling her sister.

As the night wore on and the party atmosphere became all-enveloping, Kylie couldn't keep her eyes from Dannii any longer. Despite the fact that she'd spent all day worrying about what had happened with Dannii the night before, she couldn't deny that she'd been looking forward to seeing her, in more than a sisterly fashion. Looking across the room to Dannii, she took in her lovely voluptuous figure, her gorgeous, slender face, perfectly styled hair cascading down over her shoulders and towards her large inviting breasts, just teasing from under the red dress. Kylie had almost gasped when she saw Dannii turn round and show of her sexy back, something about it just looking so sexy, she guessed because it was so easy to imagine the dress just slipping down her legs and off to leave her naked for her to indulge. Dannii's smooth, bare legs made her pause for a longer look, unable to tear her eyes away.

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