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Lacey Returned

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He comes back to finish what he started.
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Lacey's alarm clock went off at six thirty. She had a college algebra class at eight. She cracked an eye and aimed for the snooze button on the alarm. Her right arm was sore, and looking down at herself, she saw the mud smeared on her belly and thighs. Memories flooded her mind, and emotions clogged her throat. She shoved them aside and climbed out of bed, and felt the egg vibrate slowly. He was still watching her. She took a deep breath and ripped the sheets and blanket off her bed and tossed them in the washer. She would start it after her shower.

Lacey noticed her mom's door shut as she passed to the bathroom. She cracked it open to see the bed neatly made. Mom had already left for work. Lacey climbed in the shower, and waited until the water was steaming hot, and pulled out the plug, still humming. It made a popping sound, and the egg touched her still swollen clit. Lacey dropped down into a crouch under the water spray, and washed her entire body after the tremor passed. She toweled off afterwards and went to get dressed, all her clothes in the laundry room. She always pulled her panties and pants on first. As she was pulling on her long sleeve shirt, she heard the back door open.

"Oh, God." She whispered, knowing he was just outside the door to the laundry room.

"Slu-ut, where are you?" his voice came, singsong. Lacey closed her eyes, and fought the urge to tell him to go fuck off and leave her alone. She knew he would hurt her more if she pissed him off. She took in a deep breath and tried to let it out even, but it came out shaky. He filled the door frame, looking in at her. She was completely dressed. "There you are my precious cum-sucking whore." He said, putting his hands on his hips.

"My name is Lacey, not whore." She whispered, backing away from him. He lunged at her and grabbed hold of her still wet hair, twisting and yanking her to him.

"It's whatever I want it to be, isn't it?" he asked, his breath smelling of cigarette smoke. He had probably finished one before coming after her. "Isn't it?" he asked again, raising his voice. Lacey nodded as much as she could with him pulling on her hair so tight.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"I have class. There's a test today. I have to go." She said, softly, but the desperation for him to let her go was in her tone.

"A test. What time are your classes over?" he asked, still holding her hair, but looser since she wasn't struggling to get away.

"My last class for the day ends at eleven thirty. It usually takes fifteen to twenty minutes to get here." She swallowed and licked her lips. Fear had made them dry.

"And you promise to come straight here afterwards?" he made the statement a question. Lacey nodded her head, and stumbled when he released her suddenly. "I'll be here waiting, then. And we'll fix the issue of you washing me off this morning." Lacey backed away from him again. She turned and pulled the knob on the washer to start the washer. She jumped when he chuckled low in his chest.

"What's so funny?" she asked, angry he was laughing at her.

"You know, that's why I chose you; so practical. Life goes on and you keep doing what needs to be done for the next day, even if today shows signs of tomorrow not coming." He smiled at her. Lacey noted that his teeth were even and white, even though he smelled like smoke. His eyes crinkled and she noted the true color. They were startling in their clarity. Lacey sucked in her breath and stared at him.

"Memorizing my face?" he asked.

"I'm just surprised." Lacey shook her head, "I know you." She pulled a pair of socks out of the top drawer, her dresser in one corner of the room, not taking her eyes off him.

"And how do you know me? You recognize me from somewhere?" he asked. Lacey nodded. She moved towards him, he was still in the doorway. She put one hand on his chest at arm's length and pushed slightly. He backed up and Lacey went to her bed and pulled her shoes out from under the end. She sat on the stripped mattress while she put on her socks and shoes.

"Where do you recognize me from?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"You're the guy that came in to the convenience store where I worked last year. You always bought a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of soda, and a newspaper, every morning." She said, looking up as she tied the shoe.

"Do you know my name?" he asked. Lacey shook her head, although she did. He paid with a credit card, and for the first two weeks, she had asked to see his id, and then greeted him by name for the next six months, until she got fired for money discrepancies. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up chest to chest.

"Liar." He breathed. Lacey panicked and shoved away from him, which made her fall back on the bed. He covered her with his body and pinned her.

"Lacey, Lacey, dear. I know you haven't forgotten my name, after saying so many times over the length of six months. It took me a while to find you after that. I had already decided that you were perfect." He whispered in her ear. Lacey bucked her hips under him, and groaned. His weight reminded her body the torture it had endured last night, and that more was to come.

"I have class, I need to go. I swear I won't tell anyone, and I'll be back." She panted from his weight. Her assailant raised himself slightly, looking down into her scared and confused eyes. Then he pushed himself up and left her. Lacey looked down at her clothes and noticed her shirt now had slight mud smears on it. She wrinkled her nose and sat up. He was walking towards the kitchen, his back to her. Lacey shook her head, and went back into the laundry room, pulled off the soiled shirt, and pulled on a clean one. She put the dirty one in the washer, and headed towards the kitchen as well.

"Go take a shower and toss your clothes in the washer, you stink and you're filthy." She said, passing him and slinging her backpack over one shoulder and scooping her car keys from the countertop.

"What? You think to tell me what to do?" he asked, raising his voice and quickly approaching her, not stopping and slamming her into the wall. Lacey gasped and dropped her keys. She stammered out "no" and he released her.

"Go take your test, and take your notes. If you're late getting back, I'll punish you." He said. Lacey scrambled to grab her keys and out of the door and ran for her car.

He made himself at home, and stripped his muddy clothes, tossing them in the already running washing machine, then took a steamy shower. It was eight when he got out, and dried off with a purple towel that matched the décor in the bathroom. After he dried, he wrapped it around his waist and secured the end inside the edge of the towel. He went to the fridge to find some breakfast, and realized his new playmate hadn't eaten before running off.

He surfed the channels of the satellite for a while, rewashed the stuff in the washer, because not all the mud came out, and put it in the dryer after the second wash. At eleven, he checked the dryer, leaving the T.V. on MTV. He put on his jeans, then made the twin sized bed, leaving the rest of his clothes in the dryer. He smirked to see the leopard print sheets, and matching pillow cases and comforter. His chosen chick thought she was a fashionista. He did like the fabric, like an old tee-shirt. He looked at the alarm clock, but the numbers were blank. He frowned, remembering seeing her face by the light of the numbers the night before. He reached down and found the plug, then found the outlet and plugged it in. The red numbers blinked into the late morning sunlight splashing across the bed. He got up and went in the kitchen to get the exact time to reset the alarm clock.

It was fifteen 'til noon, and he was bored. There was a shelf at the foot of the bed, full of binders and spirals. There was also a shelf with an accordion style organizer. He pulled it off the shelf and pulled papers out of the first section. It was a copy of her birth certificate and social security card on top, the following papers were check stubs from her last job. He tucked them back in and pulled out papers from the second section. He read the first page and recognized court orders, and read through the following pages until he realized it was a mutual restraining order. Lacey wasn't allowed to approach or speak to a Trevor MacEthan and he wasn't allowed contact either. 'Interesting,' he thought to himself. He put it back and went on to her other papers. He found the unemployment papers and then more legal papers. Lacey was adopted. He found printed out emails, proof of job applications, and positions interviewed for, and just as many responses saying no. It was depressing just to sift through, and made him glad for his job. Ten years tenure had given him four weeks paid vacation, and three weeks sick time to take while taming Lacey. He was going to make her devotedly his.

Lacey took her test in her third class, and finished early. She didn't want to go home just yet, knowing what awaited her. She went to the library and read for her American Literature class. She set the timer on her phone so she wouldn't be late. When it went off in her purse, she got several dirty looks and the librarian stood to glare at her. Lacey scuttled out of the library, books stuffed in her bag, and phone temporarily silenced.

He heard the car door slam, and a thud on the front porch. He shoved all the papers back in the last section, and onto the shelf. He was headed towards the door when he heard the key in the lock. For half a second, he wondered if it was Lacey's mother. Then the door was opening, and Lacey was chunking her backpack across the front room into the kitchen. The front door slammed shut and he heard the security chain slide across. He moved into the doorway from the living room to the kitchen and stood. Lacey had tear tracks down her cheeks, and a smudge of something on her nose.

"What happened?" he asked, leaning against the doorframe. Lacey jerked and looked at him in wide eyed startlement.

"Micah." She whispered; then closed her eyes. Lacey drew in a deep breath and released it quickly. As she let it out, she folded down into an Indian style sit on the floor. Mike clenched his jaw, debating pulling her up for a hug or a shaking.

"What happened?" he asked again, through his clenched teeth. Her eyes popped open on another breathe in.

"I got a damn ticket." She muttered, glancing at him, and then back down to her lap.

"A ticket? Like a speeding ticket?" he asked. Lacey nodded her head silently. He fought a smirk, finding a smidgen of pride, then guilt. If it was desire or fear that brought her back so quickly, he wasn't ready to know yet. It was too soon.

"Get up." He told her. Lacey flipped her feet to the outside and raised her knees, planting her feet on the ground toes pointed out. She stood, graceful, like a dancer, Mike noted.

"You remembered my name." he said, walking towards her.

"You startled me, I forgot you were here." She replied. His eyes narrowed slightly, and Lacey wondered how she could have better answered.

"Like you forgot not to wash my seed this morning, huh?" he asked, his face mean and menacing. Lacey closed her eyes to try to stop the tears. His hand caressed her face, then wrapped around her neck and then pulled her to him.

"You know what's coming, don't you?" he said softly against her lips. She nodded. Mike kissed her, then bit on her bottom lip. Lacey gasped, and Mike ravaged her mouth with his. Lacey's head swam and she lost her balance. Luke held her up and then broke the kiss. Tears were still streaming down her cheeks when he picked her up and carried her into the living room, and into her corner. He laid her down and pressed her down with his own body. His fingers found the fly of her jeans, and then his own. Lacey held her hands fisted in the blanket. She knew better than to fight, but she was damned if she was going to participate. Mike was tugging her pants down and pinched her thigh to get her to raise her hips. Lacey cried out in pain and kicked at him. He was too close to actually make contact, but he took advantage of her movement to get her pants and panties down to her knees. He kicked off his own jeans and was naked. He wanted her that way too.

"Kick off your shoes, Lacey." He said while reaching for her shirt. After a slight struggle, and Mike slapping her, she was naked, except for socks with little pink hearts all over them.

"No mud in the bed this time." He murmured as he tucked them both in, and began running his hand up Lacey's thigh. Her response was muffled, and the nails of one hand were digging into his pectoral. He didn't stop. Mike brought his hand up and brushed over the slight fuzz at the apex of her thighs. Lacey gasped at the sensation. His fingers found her button and he flicked it. She opened her legs more instinctively and closed her eyes in shame. He dropped his head to her chest and sucked a nipple into his warm mouth, and electric shocks bolted through her and settled in her belly. Her hips moved on their own, trying to get his fingers lower. He obliged and plunged into her wet folds. Lacey cried out and her hands found his hair. Mike grinned to himself as she pulled on his hair, but not in any one direction. He didn't waste any more time, she was ready. He moved on top of her and positioned himself at her entrance. His teeth ground at her nipple as he plunged. Lacey whispered his name and groaned, opening her eyes. As he started to move, Lacey wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper as he thrust. Mike lifted his head and grinned down at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes dilated. He pumped faster and harder, pleased when she moved with him. Lacey's mind was racing, and she fought the guilt and shame at her body's readiness. She wondered why she hadn't called the cops, and why she had come back to the house, knowing something like this was going to happen. Her body climaxed just as he did, and she knew she was going to accept his dominance, admitted to herself she wanted this.

Mike dropped his full weight onto Lacey as he repositioned. He propped himself on one elbow and slid to the side, closing Lacey in next to the wall. She felt the trail of his cum across her thigh and scooted away from him, bumping her hip against the cold paneling. Mike smirked at the instant goosebumps and tightened nipples the contact caused. He scooted closer and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tight, tangling legs. Lacey blinked back tears, fighting for breath. Her head was reeling with the repercussions of his actions. She was counting in her head the last time she took her birth control and her last period. Shortly before Christmas and here it was almost St. Valentine's day. She had her period on New Year's Eve, remembering having to ask another girl at the party she went to for a tampon. And it had followed on cue the first of February as well. Her eyes popped open as she realized she was in a dangerous position. He grinned into her light brown eyes, but there was a knowing in his green eyes, guessing what she had just realized.

"Mine." he said, as Lacey squeezed her eyes and legs together tight. He had been serious, he wanted her pregnant. Lacey tried to squash the butterflies the fluttered low in her belly at the thought. Then she realized she was starving. She opened her eyes and looked at him for a moment.

"Food. I need to eat." she whispered.

"Practical." Mike chuckled, "you didn't eat before you left." He swung a leg off the bed and stood, swatting Lacey on the ass as he got up.

"Go cook lunch." He said.

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fairiekittyfairiekittyabout 6 years agoAuthor
I'm glad

I'm glad you liked it. I finally got out of my dry spell and I'm writing again. I have a third waiting a moderator's approval.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
How long has it been?

Wow, it’s been a LOOOONNNGGGGtime since I’ve seen this story. I’m surprised you remembered It, do you plan on continuing it regularly or was this just a walk down memory lane? Either way, I loved it

Justbecause1011Justbecause1011about 6 years ago
Spam comments

Are being posted on a lot of stories lately ☹️

fairiekittyfairiekittyabout 6 years agoAuthor

Someone posted a personal on my story?

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