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Ladies of the Lake Ch. 04

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Conclusion: Rick finds a way.
4.9k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/11/2010
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Rick realizes his potential as a warlock, finds a solution to the Aunts' problem, reunites with Sharon and raises a family. I hope you have enjoyed my small tale. jb7


For the next several weeks, Rick was engaged in a crash course on how to consciously tap into the magic which the sisters were sure he had. As he practiced with them, he became aware that what everyone had attributed to his skill as a salesman was in reality the unconscious use of that ability. Like the old trader, his ancestor, he had used his power to peddle his wares. Once he made that connection, he progressed fairly rapidly.

With a pair of sisters in tow, he made several trips into the city to practice on the unsuspecting citizens. At a fancy dinner club, he got them seated at a center table by a snooty head waiter even though they were in beach wear. Another time, he talked a patrolman out of writing a ticket for parking by a fire hydrant.

In early October, he took two of the sisters shopping for lingerie in the Mall. Waiting for them outside the store as they conferred with a clerk, he bedeviled the clerk by unfastening her bra as she talked with the sisters. She excused herself three times to take care of the problem. The last time, when she returned, it was plain she had left the bra off. He briefly considered trying to remove her thong, but decided it might lead to problems he wasn't capable of handling yet.

When he returned to the lake from that trip there was a message from Sharon, asking if he would meet her at the apartment. He returned the call, and, when she answered, made arrangements to meet her there at lunch time, the next day. He offered to bring lunch, and was slightly surprised when she requested lo mein, a dish she normally did not eat.

As he rang the bell to the apartment, having left his key when he moved to the lake, Rick wondered why Sharon would be calling. The door buzzed and he heard the lock click, releasing the door. He quickly climbed the three flights of stairs to their floor. The door was already open for him. He walked in and headed for the kitchen, closing the door behind him.

Sharon was waiting, leaning with her back against the sink. He almost dropped their lunch. "Omigawd!" He exclaimed, gawking at his one time fiancé, apparently five months pregnant .

"Hi to you, too, Rick," Sharon laughed. "I guess that's better than some of the responses I was anticipating." She walked to him and managed an A-frame hug, along with a kiss to his cheek. "Which sister was it that warned us about multiple births? Micki? I don't remember, but I think she put a curse on me. At first, the doctor thought I was having twins, but my last visit, a couple of weeks ago, they confirmed at least three, and maybe four heartbeats."

"When are you due?"

"Late March, early April." He rapidly counted backward.

"So, it's pretty certain it was the night at the lake. What's what's his name, Josh, think?"

"I don't know, and at this point, I don't really care. After we left you that day, I saw him once more, when he told me he had to return to Venezuela for treatment. He's been gone since Labor Day."

"You should have called me."

"I wanted to, and I should have, but I listened to my parents. I wasn't showing too much yet, and they didn't know. They were upset because you left without giving us a chance to explain."

As Rick listened to her, he had a series of 'witchly' insights. The sudden reappearance of one thought to be dead, who by all logic, given his physical condition, should have been dead. The absence of Sharon's name on the deed. His ancestry and the needs of the sisters. How his relationship with Sharon would interfere with what he now considered his mission. Her voice intruded on his thoughts.

"I tried calling your work, but they said you had resigned. What are you doing now?"

"It's sort of a private schooling, or apprenticeship. I guess you could say I'm learning to be a magician of sorts." he paused a moment, looking at her baby belly. " Would you like to come out to the lake for dinner this Saturday?" he asked. "I know the sisters would be delighted to see you again. They were very upset when I told them I didn't know when or if you'd be joining me."

"I guess we still have to answer those questions." she replied. "What do you think?"

"I think the answer to the second question is yes, and the second answer is as soon as I can get the house straightened out."

She beamed, throwing her arms around him. "Thank you. That's what I was hoping to hear. We will probably have to wait for a bit longer than it will take you to clean your house though. The doctor wants me to stop working by Thanksgiving, so I have to get stuff wrapped up and transferred. But I'll be able to join you before Christmas. And dinner would be nice. I'll enjoy seeing the sisters."

"Can you stay the night?"

She laughed. "Are you sure that's a good idea. Look what happened the last time."

"Well," he said, in a mock serious tone, gazing at her abdomen,"it sure can't get much worse."

Back at the lake, he called all the sisters together. "Ladies, either you are totally unaware of the scope of your powers, which I absolutely do not believe, or you have lied to me." When they started to object, he raised his hand and quieted them. "I saw my fiancé this afternoon, and while talking with her about her experiences since that night, I had a number of insights.

"I don't know if it was chance that sent me down Gold Lake road that day, or Fate, or if somehow your enchantment recognized a relative and called to me. But I am pretty sure that everything that has happened since has been manipulated.

"Stevie, maybe you didn't check out my ancestry, but your cards identified me as the individual you all needed to accomplish your goal, right?"

She nodded, slowly, and started to speak, "But..."

"Not yet. One of you, Micki or Patti, came up with the idea, after meeting Sharon, of reviving her dead lover and returning him to her, just long enough to get my participation. I'm guessing Patti. Right?"

Another nod, this one with some tears.

"Don't cry, Patti. I'm not at all angry at what you, all of you, did, and I guess I'm not even really upset at how you did it, or that you had to deceive me. I realize that if you had tried to approach me while my relationship with Sharon was intact, I would have reported you to adult protectives as being in need of some sort of psychotropic medication. The only remaining question, is the love I feel for you, individually and collectively, is that love the result of a spell or enchantment?"

Bobbi spoke. "Rick, there is no question that we were unconscionably devious in our initial dealing with you and with Sharon. But since you have returned, the only enchantments that have been in force are the ones which keep us looking young. The only spell you are under is the one Nature creates. And I think I can speak for us all, we are under the same spell. We love you as much as you love us." Rick nodded his understanding, heaved a huge sigh, and smiled.

The sisters laughed and sighed with relief. Their interaction with Rick over the past several weeks had had the effect they wanted, he was in love with them. There had been an unseen side effect- -they were also in love with him. All of them.

"There is some good news, a lot of it," Rick started. "Sharon is coming for dinner Saturday, and will probably spend the night. She will probably, also, be moving in with me around the first of December." He could feel the chill in the room. "And I think she may have an answer to how to better accomplish your goal. She's carrying quadruplets. Micki, she thinks you cursed her. Did you?"

"I wish. If I could do that, we wouldn't have had to deceive you the way we did. Are you thinking of us transferring to Sharon's babies?"

"Can that be done?"

"The problem is what to do with the old bodies, and how to explain to the mother what is happening."

"Does she need to be awake?"

"No, just available."

"Is Saturday too soon?"

"A bit," said Bobbi. "There's some business we have to take care of, transferring the bank accounts and rents to you, setting up a story to account for our absence, getting the new deed recorded so there isn't any problem for you when we've gone."

"And," interposed Micki, "we really need to review the process for transference. Rick, you are going to need to know how to work it, too, because you will be doing the last one of us. As I recall, it's not all that complicated, but if you make a mistake, there isn't any second chance to make it right."

They spent the remainder of the week getting the business tasks completed. The deed giving Rick title was duly recorded, and he became the receiver of the rents from the leaseholds in the village. The sisters explained to the villagers they came in contact with that they had decided to travel, taking a two year trip around the world, and then they were planning to settle in Europe. Rick was a member of their family, and would continue things in the valley as they had been for so long.

Bobbi became his witchcraft instructor. In addition to rehearsing the transference spell, she had him practicing other complicated spells, building up his skill, power, and confidence. He would need all three to be successful in making the transfer.

They decided to make the transfer on Thanksgiving, after the meal, figuring Sharon would be most likely to go into a deep sleep after eating. When Bobbi called to invite her for dinner, she learned Sharon was already committed to dinner with her parents. Bobbi then suggested Friday, explaining the sisters were scheduled to depart for NYC, to begin their trek, on Saturday. Sharon readily agreed to the date.

Thursday, the night before the transfer was to happpen, Rick and the sisters sat around the kitchen table in his house. "I am going to miss you all so much," he told them. "These past few months with you have been some of the most exciting, pleasurable, sexy times I can ever remember. If it weren't for the possibility of transferring you to Sharon's babies, I don't think I would have been able..." and his voice broke.

Patti put her arm around his shoulder, drawing his face into her breasts. "We understand, Rick. Look at everything that has happened. You and your ancestry, showing up here when you did, coming back with Sharon and getting her pregnant, with quadruplets, yet. It is as if somebody planned it. Whether it is part of the lake's enchantment, or fate, call it what you will, I think our plan isn't really ours, but part of Somebody's bigger plan."

As she talked, Rick became aware of the feel of her breasts against his cheek, and the growth and erection of her nipples. There was also the faint scent of arousal about her. When she finished talking and released his head, he sat up and looked at her. Her eyes were wide open, bright, widely dilated, her cheeks flushed. Without a word, he pulled her to him for a kiss, their mouths open before contact was made.

Practically before she knew she had made the decision, Patti was sitting on Ricks lap, facing him, straddling his thighs. While he unbuttoned her blouse, she was pulling at his belt. Within seconds, they noticed helping hands, and they were naked in a heartbeat. Patti wasted no time on foreplay. As soon as Rick's tool was clear, she positioned herself and sank down to his legs, totally encompassing his eight inches.

She propelled herself up and down on his shaft, moving her hips to maximize her stimulation. In less than five minutes, she was wrapping her arms around his head, pulling him back to her breasts, hissing, "Yessss," into his ear, as he felt her clamp down on his crown. As soon as she regained control of her breathing, she stood up, slowly pulling herself off Rick's still erect rod. Before anyone could move, Micki replaced her, engaging Rick in a tonsil cleansing kiss while she rode his dick like she was in a race for the roses. Her climax was announced by a high pitched squeal while she attempted to massage Rick's vocal cords.

She was replaced immediately by Stevie who started her climax on her slide down his pole. She continued to climax for three or four minutes, and only ceased when she fainted on Rick. Laughing and saying something about her never being able to handle her liquor (licker?), Micki and Patti lifted her off and carried her to the futon in Rick's living room.

When they returned to the kitchen to get their clothes, Bobbi and Rick hadn't moved. The two brunettes smiled, kissed them both good night, and suggested they not stay up too late because tomorrow was a big day. When they were gone, Rick stood up and offered Bobbi his hand. Together they went upstairs. "I'm going to miss you most of all," he said, as he entered her for the last time.

The time for the transfer was finally upon them. Sharon arrived mid-afternoon, to offer her help preparing the meal. Throughout the day, and over the meal, she shared the latest details of her pregnancy- - there were definitely four fetuses, all girls. The doctors conjectured that she had originally conceived fraternal twins, each of which twinned. It was a rare occurrence, but not unheard of. So far, everyone was healthy, with no complications.

The sisters shared their plans for the trip. They were planning to drive across country to NYC since they had never really seen any of the country outside their valley, and the best way to begin to see the world was to see their own country first, they opined.

It was a lovely warm night, and after dinner, Stevie suggested they sit by the lake for a bit, to enjoy their last night in the valley. Everyone quickly agreed. Even with all the stimulation, the meal, the pregnancy, and the day soon had its effect on Sharon, and she fell into a deep sleep.

The sisters soon had bared her baby bump, and then quickly stripped. Bobbi was to transfer her sisters and then be transferred by Rick. Micki was to go first. She embraced Rick and kissed him, cleaning his tonsils. "Next time I see you, you'll be my Daddy. I wonder how much of this I, we'll remember. I love you." Then she turned to Bobbi and embraced her.

Bobbi held her tightly, then placed one hand on Sharon's bump and intoned the incantation. At first, it looked like nothing was happening. Then Micki's body seemed to light up inside. The light collapsed into a tiny ball which could be seen entering Bobbi's chest and traveling from her heart through the arm in contact with Sharon.

When it reached her hand, the light seemed to spread over Sharon's bump, then funnel into her abdomen through her navel. The light was visible as it entered her womb, and seemed to concentrate in one area, then disappear. When the light entered Bobbi, Micki's body seemed to turn to dust and dissipate, the breeze carrying it over, and depositing it on the lake.

"Did it work?" asked Rick.

"It looks like it worked," said Bobbi, "That's what the manual said would happen. There really isn't anyway to tell. When the babies start to develop personalities, maybe you'll be able to tell. But this is better than we were anticipating. Thank you, Rick, and thank Sharon for us."

"I will." Stevie was the next to go. As she embraced him, to say good-bye, he noticed that she seemed to have aged ten or fifteen years suddenly. She kissed him and tearfully bid him farewell, then turned to Bobbi, who repeated the incantation. Again, as the light left her body, it turned to dust and disappeared over the lake. Rick looked at Patti, who seemed to age even more before his eyes.

She moved into his arms. "It's all part of the process," she said, smoothing the wrinkles on his forehead with her hand. "The four of us together could withstand the ravages of age, but without all of us, it will take its toll. Thank you for this, Rick. I really hope it works. I want to come back and drive you crazy as a teenager," she smiled and kissed him. She then stepped into Bobbi's arms and was soon dust on the wind.

"Oh, Rick, don't look at me. I don't want you to remember me like this."

"I won't. When I think of you, I'll remember you standing in the window that Sunday morning after I moved in, the first morning we made love."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. "Just be warned," she said, "we all intend to fuck you silly when we're old enough, and I'm pretty sure our new Momma will agree."

"I'll be looking forward to it," he grinned, then frowned. "Much as I hate to send you away, it's getting chilly, and Sharon looks like she's starting to waken." He reached out and recited the incantation just like he had heard Bobbi say it.

When the light glowed within her, he saw Bobbi as she was when he met her first, then he felt a jolt, like an electric shock, as the light entered his chest. As her body dissipated and was spread over the golden waters, he was filled with a tremendous feeling of love and loss as the light sped through him and entered Sharon.

After the light dimmed, he adjusted Sharon's clothes and woke her enough so she could walk to the house. He pulled out the futon and helped her into the bed. He slipped in beside her, but did not sleep. He lay there wondering if what he had done was the right thing.

The next several years were busy for Rick and Sharon, but not onerous. The remainder of the pregnancy was problem free. Sharon elected a traditional, vaginal delivery. While lengthy, there were no complications. However, it seemed to take a lot out of her, and she was a long time recovering. She attempted breast feeding, but was not able to keep up with four hungry girls and soon turned to commercial supplements.

Two of the girls were tow heads, as Sharon had been as a baby. She expected they would darken to her honey blonde as they matured. The other girls seemed to have Rick's raven black hair, which she attributed to the influence of the Indian blood she had heard about in his family.

They were bright, boisterous, and somewhat clannish, preferring to play amongst themselves, even when other children were about. Even as toddlers, they seemed at times maturely serious, with an awareness and empathy which was uncanny. While she had no cause for concern or jealousy when it came to the girls' affections, it was clear they adored their father and preferred him to hold them over all comers.

Rick had learned how to put his power to work. He had negotiated a series of rent increases in the village, doubling them, but keeping them very reasonable. He used the increases to fund some needed improvements in the village, as well as establishing some businesses attractive to tourists, which increased the income for all the villagers.

He also convinced a couple of the better cooks in the village to partner with him in a pair of bed and breakfasts, one catering to honeymooners, the other to people who simply needed to escape and be coddled. Once established, neither was empty more than a day a month.

Using these successes, he promoted himself as a motivational speaker. He used his powers in his presentations to entertain his audience and keep their attention focused on him. Participants always left feeling better about themselves and what they were doing, secure in the knowledge that, to succeed, they just needed to do more of it, better.

He was away on one of these seminars the year the girls were thirteen, when Sharon suffered a massive stroke. She was dead before she hit the floor. Rick was shocked, destroyed.

Their relationship had been the envy of the valley. The affection between them, in the family, was plain to see. Physical contact in public, from pets and pats, to hand holding, to light kissing was common, and unselfconscious. It did not seem planned to impress, but a natural expression of their love.


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