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Lady Clarissa Pendleton

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If you're a lady, act like a lady.
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Lady Clarissa Pendleton, eighteen, quite lovely, genteel and refined, eloquent and gracious, cultured and popular, virginal and wealthy.

That's the Lady Clarissa Pendleton that everyone knew and the young lady Brian was currently dating. On the night in question they had been having dinner at her apartment. A delightful meal, prepared by her own chef and served by her maid. (Lady Clarissa liked the simple life so she only retained the two servants.)

As far as Brian was concerned, this was going to be their last date. And it wasn't because Lady Clarissa wouldn't put out. (Which she wouldn't. She saw her virginity as another asset and she wasn't going to waste it on a casual date.)

There was another side to the beautiful Clarissa. She had a shrew's temper and an arrogant disregard for anyone she considered to be part of an inferior class to her, which tended to cover anyone who actually worked for a living.

In public she hid it well. In private, Brian had seen the fangs come out, the claws emerge and the blood flow. She would savage unmercifully anyone who offended her and she was damn quick to take offence.

He'd actually spoken to her a couple of times about the way she treated some people and very nearly been savaged himself. Only the fact that she saw him as a potential asset saved him, and he didn't think it would save him a third time.

Not that he cared. Brian was quite capable of giving as good as he got and he'd just about has it with Lady Clarissa's tantrums. The only reason they hadn't already broken up was because the chef had rung him to ask his favourite meal so that the chef could prepare it. Brian thought it would be rude to cry off the dinner date after the chef went to so much trouble. (Besides which, that chef could really cook.)

The trouble started after dinner, while they were enjoying a final glass of wine. The chef had gone for the night but the maid was live in and Clarissa used her as a general dogsbody.

Marie had cleared the table while they enjoyed their wine and was in the process of removing the empty carafe and a couple of glasses. Clarissa had suddenly shoved her chair back and it had cannoned into Marie, jolting her, with the result that one of the glasses fell off the tray, spilling some water.

That would have been enough in Lady Clarissa's books to justify her giving Marie a reprimand, even though the accident was Clarissa's fault. (Clarissa assumed that anyone of the lower orders would read her mind and know instinctively that they had to get out of her way.)

The real disaster in Clarissa's opinion was that a couple of drops of water had landed on her when the glass spilt.

Clarissa lost it.

"What the fuck are you playing at?" screamed the gently refined Clarissa. "You stupid bitch. You've spilt water all over me. I'm drenched. My dress is ruined. How can you be so fucking careless? I'll be taking the dry-cleaning costs out of your wages, you clumsy cow."

That was just the warm up. She ripped shreds off the poor maid, really letting her have it, and poor Marie just had to stand there and take it. Brian tried to head Clarissa off once or twice and was almost spat at as Clarissa continued her rant.

To finish it off, Lady Clarissa had snatched up the glass that had fallen and pitched it at the maid, who made the mistake of ducking. The glass, a very nice crystal one, had sailed across the room and smashed.

"And I'll be docking your fucking wages for the cost of that glass," Clarissa had screamed after Marie, who had finally seen the light and bolted.

She turned on Brian as soon as Marie was gone.

"I'll thank you not to interfere when I'm disciplining one of the staff," she hissed at him. "If you don't let these people know who's in charge they get lazy and careless. Just look what that idiot has done to my dress."

Brian was quietly furious. He liked Marie. She worked hard and always did her best, even if she was unappreciated. The accident hadn't been her fault and, even if it had been, she didn't deserve to be treated like that. If he had needed an excuse to say goodbye to Clarissa he now had one.

However, saying goodbye wasn't enough to Brian's current way of thinking. As far as he was concerned Clarissa needed to learn that actions had consequences. If she was going to act like a bitch he'd treat her like one, starting with a good beating.

He strolled over to where Clarissa was indicating the couple of little drops marking her dress. Reaching her, he sat, and with no warning he pulled Clarissa across his knee.

The first indication Clarissa had of there being something wrong was when she found the room spinning around her, resulting in her being bent over Brian's knee. A hand flicked her dress clear of her bottom and then her panties were yanked down around her knees.

Clarissa had barely taken a breath big enough to scream when she lost it as she felt a hand descend upon her bottom, hard. By the time the second and third spanks had landed Clarissa had better control of her breathing.

She shrieked at the fourth spank and screamed frantically for Marie. Who, like the obedient servant she was, came. Not that Clarissa noticed. She was too busy shrieking and kicking to look around. Brian noticed though. He saw the door to the kitchen area open and Marie's head peep around it.

Marie observed what was happening with a big smile on her face, nodding her head in time to the spanks landing on Lady Clarissa's bottom. A glare and a 'get-away' toss of the head from Brian and Marie vanished again, a big smirk still on her face.

By now Clarissa had found her voice and was alternatively screaming at and pleading with Brian, promising the world if he would just stop and promising hell if he didn't.

Brian simply continued to spank her, hard. Now, however, he was getting chatty, telling Clarissa just what he thought of her behaviour and how he thought she could improve. The spanks, while still hard, were not so much a spanking but an added emphasis to the points Brian was making.

Not that Clarissa appreciated the difference. She just wanted it to stop.

Finally Brian called a halt to the proceedings. He simply stood, catching Clarissa as she slid off his lap and sitting her on the table. Clarissa winced as she landed on her burning bottom.

"How could you do that?" she demanded. "Nobody has ever treated as badly as that. You, sir, are no gentleman."

There was a slight pause.

"You rotten bastard," Clarissa screamed. "I'll get you for this. Wait til I tell everyone what you've done. You won't be welcome in any house, anywhere."

"Mmm?" said Brian. "You're going to tell all your friends that you had your panties pulled down and your bottom spanked?"

Clarissa looked a trifle sick. No way. No way on God's earth was she going to tell anyone what had happened and she knew that Brian knew it, the grinning baboon.

It occurred to Clarissa that her panties were still down, resting just below hers knees. She hastily reached for them to pull them higher, intending to hop down from the table and throw that animal out.

She moved too slowly, she found, as Brian's hands landed on her knees and jerked her legs apart, her panties migrating down to her ankles as he did so.

Clarissa glanced down, screamed, and covered her exposed mound with her hands.

"What do you think you're playing at," she shrieked. She was about to warm up on the subject when she saw that her panties weren't the only thing that had headed down. Brian's trousers were dropping even as she watched, with his underpants following close behind.

To counter the things that were going downwards, Brian's cock was now pointing upwards. Clarissa regarded it with horror. It wasn't that she hadn't seen a cock before, she had. It was just that she'd never actually touched one or let one touch her. She had a nasty feeling that she might not have any choice where this one was concerned.

"What do you think you're going to do with that?" she demanded, watching it nervously.

Brian was taking his time, moving slowly towards Clarissa, making sure she could see him and guess what his intentions were. She didn't, he noticed, try to close her legs, just leaving them spread the way he had positioned them. He idly wondered if it was because she thought it would be useless or just hadn't realised that maybe she should.

Clarissa's nerves were screaming at her.

"This can't be happening to me," she thought. "I'm Lady Clarissa Pendleton. He wouldn't dare."

"Wait," she squealed, as Brian gently pulled her hands away from where they were covering her and she could see and feel Brian's erection pressing against her mound. "You can't do this to me. I'm Lady Clarissa Pendleton. I'm a virgin. I'm not some waitress you can casually push up against the table and use."

"Oddly enough," said Brian, "I don't think I've ever actually pushed a waitress up against a table and used her. This will be a new experience for me."

He pressed a little harder and Clarissa squealed again as she felt her lips yield and let the head of Brian's cock push past and into her.

"Wait, wait, wait," Clarissa shrieked, feeling that terrible presence pushing against her maidenhead. "I said, I'm a virgin. Why not call Marie in and use her instead?"

"Bitch," said Brian.

A swift push and Clarissa gave a squeal of pain as Brian pushed past, rupturing her hymen. He continued to press slowly home, Clarissa squealing and protesting the whole way.

"Use Marie, you say," mused Brian, his groin pressed firmly against Clarissa's. "I suppose we could always call her in and see if she's willing. Would you like to call her now?"

"Call her now? With your damned cock so far up me I can feel it against my tonsils? You have got to be joking," Clarissa thought.

"No, don't call her," she said quickly. "You've done what you set out to do. Why not let me go now?"

Brian openly laughed at that one.

"Sorry, girl," he said, smirking, "but we've only started."

Clarissa's eyes opened even wider when Brian pulled back and then pushed firmly back into her. She gasped as it happened again.

"What are you doing to me?" she squealed, starting to panic at the strange sensations running through her.

"Relax and just let it happen," Brian advised her. "You'll find you adjust."

Clarissa eyes were firmly fixed on that point where Brian was driving into her. She was slowly drawing her breath in as she watched Brian pulling out of her, only to lose it in a squeal when he quickly pushed back in.

She was quivering slightly, trying to adjust to these new sensations. Whatever Tim was doing was building, with each push of his cock seeming to add something to what had gone before.

"Oh, god," she moaned. "You're fucking me, aren't you? You're really fucking me."

"You can't do this," she wailed. "I'm Lady Clarissa Pendleton. I'm a virgin. Oh, God, don't!" she finished with a squeal as Brian gave an extra hard thrust.

Brian kept pressing into Clarissa, amused by her constant babbling but enjoying the friction as their bodies rubbed smoothly together. She seemed a bit slow on the uptake but she finally seemed to realise what was going on.

"Oh, God," she gasped. "I'm not a virgin now am I. You've ruined me. Ahh, what are you doing? I can't stand this. Can you slow it down until I adjust?"

In answer, Brian increased his speed lightly, enjoying the sound of Clarissa's squeal.

"I said slow down, not go faster," she wailed. "Oh, god, what is happening to me? OK. Don't slow down. Just keep going but tell me what's happening."

What was happening was that Clarissa was rocking forward, trying to move to meet Brian's cock as it came rampaging into her. Instead of just being seated on the table while he slid in and out of her, Clarissa's hands were now resting on the table on either side of her, helping to push her up and forward to meet each thrust.

Her wails and protests had degenerated into squeals and gasps, and the squeals were now sounding more eagerly receptive rather than their original shocked protest.

Brian watched Clarissa's antics, appreciating the cooperation he was finally getting. She was, he feared, going to bounce right of the table the way she was going.

A quick glance noted the position of the chair. His arms went around Clarissa, clasping her bottom. Holding her tightly to him he took a step back and settled on the chair, leaving Clarissa to bounce up and down on his cock.

With a greater freedom of movement Clarissa found herself sliding up and down on Brian, concentrating on the feelings emanating from within her as she felt his cock rasping against her sensitive insides. Relishing the freedom of movement, Clarissa moved faster, urging Brian on, wanting to know what those sensations were building up to.

It was much, much later that it dawned on her that she could have dismounted at this stage. Brian wasn't holding her. If anything, she was holding Brian pinned to the chair. She could have bounced off him and run away screaming.

Instead, she'd gripped his shoulders to help steady herself as she bounced even faster on his cock.

Brian gritted his teeth and hung on, not wanting to climax before Clarissa was ready. He suspected that if she failed to climax he'd be in a great deal of trouble. On the other hand, he suspected a good climax would help her forgive his sins. Well, not forgive, necessarily, but not prosecute either, and that would be a plus.

Clarissa squealed and bounced, Brian cursed and pushed hard into her, trying to coax her over the edge, and Marie sneaked another peak and beamed with satisfaction. About time someone stuck it to the malicious bitch was Marie's opinion.

Brian yielded, letting his climax come. He ejaculated hard into Clarissa, hearing her give a startled shriek as she felt his hot seed splashing inside her, then hearing an even more startled scream as she climaxed, sitting rigid upon his cock as her body clamped down upon it.

Brian continued sitting, Clarissa on his lap, waiting for Clarissa to recover from her shock. Eventually Clarissa stirred, a gathering awareness prompting her memory. She suddenly gasped and sat a little straighter.

"You bastard," she gasped. "You raped me."

She paused for a second while she took stock of the situation. Then she gasped indignantly.

"You're still in me," she protested. "Take it out."

"Might I point out that you're actually sitting on me, rather than me pinning you down," said Brian smoothly. "I have a better idea. Instead of your bitching about what just happened, take off your top and bra. Then I can play with your breasts while you can bitch about what is going to happen next.

After all, there is no law that says I have to stop ravishing you after the first time. I think I'm good to go again."

Clarissa stared at Brian, shocked.

"Do you seriously think I'm just going to sit here and take off my top so that you can molest me and rape me again?" she demanded.


"You're mad," muttered Clarissa. "Insane to think I'll even consider it. I'm only doing this because you're not giving me a choice, you know? It's not that I want you to do that again. Why do you want to hold my breasts anyway?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Rated 3 Considering no ending...

Either do a page 2 or 3 or quit writing these stories. You've got a lot of quantity pick up your quality.

DieselJesterDieselJesterover 10 years ago
Huge potential lost

This had the potential to be one of your best works yet and you ended it waaay too early. This screams for a continuation.

ChrisTor22ChrisTor22over 10 years ago
Who is Tim??

Midway through Brian became Tim?? I agree that this could easily have continued into the upcoming blossoming of Clarissa's sex life and perhaps a righteous involvement by Marie~~ Overall, short and sweet!!

mel_pomenemel_pomeneover 10 years ago
That was just beginning to be really good and then ...

... no more! What a disappointing non-end to what was shaping up so well. Do bring us the proper ending and I'll make four stars into five!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

What on earth happened to the rest of the story? it was just warming up nicely?

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