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Lady in Red Ch. 13

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The aftermath.
5.5k words

Part 13 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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Posted: April 10, 2013 - 04:29:01 pm

As Gwen hugged the president, she recalled Steve's stated desire to attend the Naval Academy. "Mr. President, I'm sure that you've heard about Steve Hammer by now. This morning he saved the school from being destroyed, as well as all the students and staff in it. He's been badly wounded, but Dr. Masters said she expects him to make a full recovery.

"He wants to serve in the US Navy, to be an officer, and a SEAL. Could you use your influence to see that he receives an appointment to Annapolis?"

"Miss Anderson, he'll require a nomination to receive an appointment. I would imagine that a nomination will be forthcoming from any of several sources. I think I may have some influence in the appointment process," understated the President. "If his marks, character, and physical condition meet the standards, I think you can safely assume that he'll be a Midshipman next fall."

"Thank you so much, Sir!" replied Gwen as she threw her arms around the President and kissed his cheek. "You'll never regret it. He'll be the best SEAL you ever saw. The Naval Academy will be getting a great quarterback, too!

"Let me introduce you to the people waiting to see their family members that were wounded in the attack today. These two wonderful people are Sam and Beverly White. Their son is a true hero. He saved my life this morning by pulling me out of the path of a bullet and then using his own body to shield me from the terrorists' guns. I just have to hug them myself!" admitted Gwen as she wrapped her arms around Sam White and hugged him hard before repeating the process with his wife.

"These are Billy Marsh's parents, and that's Charlotte, his girlfriend. Billy stepped in front of Charlotte to save her life and was badly wounded in the process. If you have the time, you should stop by their restaurant. You can get anything you want, and it usually comes with a delicious steak. This area has some really great people, Mr. President."

Gwen took the President and Governor around the room, introducing them to the families and friends of those wounded in the attack. "Sir? Do you want me to go with you to visit the families of those that died today? I know that's going to be very difficult time for you and the Governor."

The President looked at his aides and then replied, "Ms. Anderson, I would really appreciate that kindness. We're scheduled to meet with them in a private room in a few minutes and your presence would be a great help."

Forty minutes later, Gwen returned to the waiting room in tears. Charlotte rose from her seat and hugged her as she tried to give comfort. "Gwen, it's not your fault, and there's nothing you can do to bring them back. It's just a cruel damn world with way too many crazy people. We're just lucky that we've found such great guys. Imagine how things would be around here if Steve hadn't arrived on the scene when he did."

"I know, Charlotte, but my heart's breaking for the parents and siblings of Jane, Tim, and Lenny. They sure didn't deserve any of this. Do you wonder why you're still alive and they're dead? Do you feel guilty about being alive when others aren't?

"I've been thinking about it. There's no explaining what happened and why some kids died and other didn't. I'm just going to try to live my life the best way I can. I feel like I've been given a second chance to accomplish some of the things I was meant to do. I'll value life more and become the best doctor I can possibly be. I've decided that I'm good with that."

As Charlotte finished speaking, Gwen saw a worried and nervous Uncle Joe entered the waiting room. "Uncle Joe! Steve's going to be okay, as long as he doesn't get an infection or pneumonia. He was incredible today. He saved the whole school full of people. You can be very proud of your nephew!" praised Gwen as she went to Steve's uncle and embraced him tightly. "I'm hoping that we can visit him pretty soon."

After half an hour of waiting, a nurse came into the waiting room asking for family of Steve Hammer's. Gwen immediately rose and pulled Uncle Joe with her.

"This is his uncle, and I'm his girlfriend. Can we see Steve now?" asked Gwen as held Uncle Joe's hand.

"Normally, we only allow actual family in to visit in situations like this, but Dr. Masters told me that there was no way I'd be able to keep you out, and that you're welcome to visit with Mr. Hammer. Follow me, please."

Gwen was surprised at how weak and pale Steve looked when she first saw him. He had bandages across his chest and over his shoulder. An IV bag was hanging on the far side of the bed and was attached to his arm. Gwen wasted no time in leaning down and giving Steve a long kiss. When she finally stood back up, she looked at Uncle Joe and laughed.

"What're you looking at, Uncle Joe? Can't a girl kiss her hero boyfriend when he gets out of surgery after saving hundreds of people?"

"I'm just amazed at how you two got together. I've never seen a better match," declared Joe as he stepped to the bedside and shook Steve's good hand. "Son, I saw your girlfriend on television about a dozen times today. To hear her tell it, you're just about the best thing since sliced bread. I'm damn proud of you and your grandfather and father would be as well, if they were here. I'm sure they're smiling down on you from above.

"I'll get a nurse to take care of you as soon as you're released, so don't worry about coming home as soon as you can. All you need to worry about is getting better as fast as you can."

Gwen heard Joe's comment about a nurse and made plans to speak with her mother. Who better to care for Steve than Gwen herself? She was sure that her parents would agree, but knew the wisdom of discussing it with them first.

The door opened and the Governor and President entered the room. Joe immediately stood at attention and Steve tried to hitch himself up higher in the bed.

"Mr. President, Governor, this is Joe Hammer. He's Steve's great uncle and retired from the Navy. This pale looking specimen in the bed is Steve Hammer, all around hero and my boyfriend," stated Gwen proudly as the President shook hands with Uncle Joe, and then Steve.

"We won't keep you long, Steve. I just wanted to thank you personally for doing what needed to be done this morning. All the reports I've received thus far indicate that hundreds of students and staff could have been killed if those bombs had detonated. Governor O'Leary filled me in on a lot of your history and I'm getting reports from the Navy as well. I doubt if there's another student in the entire country that has all the skills and training required to have ended this tragedy so quickly and with so few deaths. Your country and your President thank you."

"Steve, you've saved our state hundreds of lives and an entire school building this morning. I was in your debt to you before today, but now I owe you big time. If you or Gwen ever need anything from me, please don't be afraid to let me know. If I can do it, I will," added Governor O'Leary.

"Another thing before I leave," added the President. "Gwen explained to me that you hoped to go to the Naval Academy. I've spoken to a few people and it seems pretty certain that you'll be a Midshipman next fall. If you're as good at football as Gwen seems to think you are, you'll make me look good again. Thank you and get well soon."

Steve thanked the President and Governor O'Leary for their concern, but his focus was weakening and he was becoming sleepy again.

After the two politicians left the room, Joe sat down in a chair in the corner. "I served in the Navy for 30 years and never met so much as a senator. Steve comes to live with me and I get to meet the Governor and the President. And they both call you and Steve by your first names!"

Steve was acting very groggy by this time, so Gwen and Joe promised to remain close by and left the room. When Gwen returned to the waiting room, two men in suits approached her.

"Ms. Anderson? We're with the FBI and Homeland Security and we'd like to ask you a few questions. You've been difficult to track down. In an incident like this you're not supposed to speak to the press before you are interviewed by government authorities," stated the shorter, younger man pompously as he ran his eyes over Gwen.

"Well, excuse me all to Hell!" retorted Gwen impatiently and loud enough for others in the room to hear. "Let me tell you what's supposed to happen. You guys are supposed to stop these lunatics from getting into our country, never mind into our schools. If you think you're going to make me feel badly about your failures, think again! I've been here, or at the local mall all day. You've obviously seen me interviewed on Channel 5. I sure wasn't hiding from anyone and I categorically deny any wrong doing by telling the truth to the people of Sparta and the country.

"I'll gladly answer any reasonable questions that you may have, but you'd better be polite and show respect for all of us victims. We're not the murderers. We didn't look for this. It came to us, but we sure took care of it, without the FBI or Homeland Security. You're far more than a little too late to tell me, or any of us, how to handle a situation like this. I think us Spartans, especially Steve Hammer, took pretty darn good care of this 'incident' as you called it."

"Ms. Anderson, my colleague from the FBI was out of line. I apologize for his poor choice of words. We'd like to speak with you in a more private setting, if we could," requested the older agency man soothingly.

Everyone in the waiting room had heard the exchange and most were nodding their heads and agreeing with Gwen. The older agent quickly realized that the bulldozer approach would not work with Gwen Anderson. He could easily tell that those within hearing were supporting Gwen's position. Things like suicide bombings, especially by foreign nationals, should be prevented by law enforcement. That was the purpose for creating Homeland Security.

Gwen answered questions from the two men in a small room off the cafeteria for half an hour. When she returned to the waiting room, she found Paula and Lisa.

"Sis! How's Steve doing? I couldn't believe what happened. I heard about it when I came out of my first class this morning. Kids were telling me that they saw you on TV telling the nation about the attack by suicide bombers, that they tried to shoot you, and that Steve ensured that they were at least successful with the 'suicide' part of their plan. That boyfriend of yours is incredible. How is he?" asked Lisa as she hugged her sister.

"Uncle Joe and I got to visit with him for a couple minutes. He's really weak, but he seems to be doing pretty good considering he was shot twice this morning. Governor O'Leary and the President stopped in to see him before they left. The President told Steve that he thought it was very likely that he would get into the Naval Academy!"

"So besides being on national television today, you rubbed elbows with the Governor and the President?" marveled Paula. "I heard he was in town. Roads were blocked and security was super tight. I should have guessed that you'd meet him, Gwen. You seem to growing in leaps and bounds right before my eyes. You and Steve have become household names. I don't think anyone has ever seen anything like the way you two are. You're building reputations for doing what others don't even dare attempt."

"Can I get in to see Steve?" asked Lisa. "I drove here as soon as I could and it wasn't easy with so many roads blocked because of the President's visit. What room is Steve in?"

"Ladies, I'll see that you get to visit our hero, but first come with me," insisted Laura as she walked up behind the Anderson women. "I want you to see something."

Laura led them to a small locker room. She opened a locker and pulled something from her handbag. "Do you recognize this, Gwen?"

"It's the locket I gave Steve at Christmas. Did he lose it, or did you have to take it off to operate on him?"

"You're not looking at it," countered Laura. "Open it up and look at it! Really look at it.

"I can't get it open. It looks like it's been smashed, or hit with a hammer or something. I just can't get it opened," responded a frustrated Gwen.

"Gwen, Steve has a nasty bruise on his chest, right over his heart. That locket in your hands was hit by a bullet. It would've been a fatal bullet if it hadn't struck the locket! It saved his life!"

Gwen clutched the locket to her breast and sobbed. Lisa pulled her close and joined her in shedding tears. "You two were meant to be. There's no other explanation. As long as you're together, you're unstoppable."

"That awful terrorist was pointing his gun at me and smiling when Steve burst through the doorway this morning. If Steve had been seconds later, I'd have been killed. He saved my life and the locket I gave him saved his," sobbed Gwen. "I'm so lucky!"

"I think it's more than luck," observed Laura. "There's a connection, a force at play here that we can't understand. But it sure seems to be there. You two are destined for greatness and you make everyone you come into contact with better for it. Except of course, murdering terrorists!"

Laura took the Andersons to Steve's room. He was awake again and smiled when they entered. "Steve!" sobbed Lisa as she rushed to his bed. "I was so worried about you! You came through for this family again. This time it was hundreds of people saved by your courage and decisive action. Gwen and probably Kate would have been on the list of people killed by those bastards. I hate that you were hurt, but I'm so grateful that you saved my sisters."

With that Lisa leaned over and gave Steve a gentle, but rather lengthy kiss. Tears from her eyes dropped onto Steve's face. When Lisa finally disengaged, Paula approached the patient. Smiling, she leaned over and kissed Steve almost as long as Lisa had.

"You've saved my daughters. I can't describe how that makes me feel, but know that I'll always remember this day and how your bravery and skill prevented some demented individuals from taking my girls. You're an amazing young man."

"Paula, you, your husband, and girls have taken me in and treated me like one of your family. I can't tell you how much that means to me. If I can ever help any of you in any way, I'll be there. Remember that Gwen saved me from drowning in that river. I love all of your daughters, but especially Gwen. I'd gladly give my life to save any of them and not feel bad doing it. You and Ted are a special couple. Kate, Lisa, and Gwen reflect that."

"That's the way real heroes are," choked Lisa as she wiped her eyes. "He saves my sisters and acts like it's what he's expected to do. You said that you love me? You already know I love you, Steve. I told Jason that he'd have to accept that fact if he wanted to date me. You know what? He said 'okay' and that he'd get Gwen and Kate to love him, like I do you!

"That's some different than that ass I was with before. That reminds me. Jason called me while I was driving here today. He heard about this mess and wanted me to congratulate you on a job well done and to thank you for saving the sisters of the girl that he hopes will become his girlfriend. We've been texting and emailing a lot. I really like him. Maybe it's because he reminds me of you. I want you guys to be best friends, even if he becomes a Ranger and you're going to be a SEAL."

"Lisa, if you love the guy, I'll treat him like a brother. I've never had one, but I've made some good friends here. Gwen, how are Jared and Billy doing?"

"Billy is supposed to make a full recovery. He was hurt pretty badly, but Laura thinks he'll get better. Jared had a lot of internal bleeding. Laura says that tonight will be the decider. If he makes it through, he'll probably survive."

"They came through when the chips were down. I owe Jared for saving you. If you get to see him, tell him that I'll consider him my brother from this day forward. Whatever's mine is his. I'll never let a brother down."

"I'll tell him you said that. It'll mean a lot to him. He saved my life and he thinks you're the best. I guess we all do," admitted Gwen as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Laura ushered the Andersons from the room to allow Steve to rest. As they were walking down the hall, Gwen asked her mother, "Do you think we could have Steve stay with us while he recuperates? He's going to require some help for a while. You saw how weak he is. What do you think, Mom?"

"I don't think I could refuse that boy anything after today. If he's okay with it, and if he needs help, he'll be most welcome in our home. Will he be able to walk at all?"

"Steve should be ambulatory," responded Laura. "What he's going to require is having his wounds cleaned and bandaged a couple times a day for a week or two. He's a fast healer, but it's important that we prevent infection in his wounds. I never treated bullet wounds before, but we're taught to err on the side of caution with them. We'll see if he needs rehab on his shoulder. He had some muscle damage there, but no bones were struck. He also seems to make muscle pretty quickly, if you haven't noticed."

"Can't say that we have. Right, Mom?" laughed Lisa. "We're attracted to his eyes and his personality. We never even noticed those big, powerful muscles on his arms and chest."

"As Gwen knows, his upper leg wound was very close to another muscle, if you know what I mean. If Gwen's responsible for his care, it may be a good idea for her to go on the pill right now. He's a big boy, if you know what I mean."

"I think maybe Gwen forgot to mention that fact," suggested Lisa. "Thank God he wasn't shot any higher! I have an idea, Gwen. I'm already on the pill so I'll make the sacrifice and change that dressing for a few days. That's the kind of sister I am."

"I don't think so!" retorted Gwen quickly. "You're just jealous because I take my time picking a boyfriend. I make sure he has all the qualities I want in a man. I don't have enough experience to compare, but Laura just confirmed my suspicions. Steve is the complete package, if you know what I mean."

"Mom! Make Gwen let me help take care of Steve!" laughed Lisa. "It sounds like there's enough for both of us. Besides, she doesn't know what she's got there, and she's not on the pill, so it wouldn't be safe to allow her within seven or eight inches of the guy."

"I've already decided that the only fair thing is for us to take turns changing Steve's bandages," replied Paula with a straight face.

"Did you just say 'us', Mom?" demanded Gwen. "There's no 'us' taking care of Steve! You're a happily married woman. I can understand Lisa being so enthusiastic, but there's no excuse for you being a part of this."

"Maybe Mom won't be so 'happily married' after she gets a good look at Steve's so-called injury," laughed Lisa even harder than she had earlier. "That guy can make a good woman go bad. Mom and I are proof. Now that I think about it, Gwen, you're the best proof. You were a cross between a nun and a nerd before Steve asked you out. Now you're in the 'habit", a little pun, of being on TV in your underwear all the time. That guy has ruined you."

"If being romanced by the best looking, best dancing, most athletic man in the free world has ruined me, then bring it on. If it turns out that he's the best at a few other things, it'll be icing on the cake," grinned Gwen.

Laura just shook her head as she listened to the Anderson women joke with each other. She found herself wishing that she had been as close with her mother and sister.

When they returned to the waiting room, they found Charlotte in an excited state. "We just got back from seeing Billy! He looks awful, but he was able to smile and talk a little. His parents are so proud of him. Of course I am, too! He's amazing. He's sleeping again, so his dad wants all of us to come down to his restaurant for dinner. Do you have any idea how long it's been since we've eaten anything, Gwen?"


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