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Lady in Red Ch. 18

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Steve and Gwen expand their horizons.
8.5k words

Part 18 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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Gwen and Steve were up early the next morning. Gwen was going to attend school while Steve planned to take the rest of the week off to recuperate. He expected to return the following Monday. He hoped that his face would be back to normal by then.

As she gently washed his back, Steve heard Gwen begin to sob. He turned and asked, "What's wrong, Gwen? Why the tears?"

"Seeing these awful bruises makes me realize how bad your ordeal must have been. Look at these marks, and these stitches in your cute little butt. I don't know how you managed to stay alive and come back to me, but I'm so glad that you did. Have I mentioned that I love you a lot?"

"You have. Then add the fact that you're standing naked in the shower with me makes me realize how much you love me. You're extremely beautiful and I couldn't possibly love you any more than I do."

"That's sweet, but you may love me even more after you start feeling better and I let you take liberties with me. I want you to enjoy and use every inch of me any way you want, as long as you don't do anything that could get me pregnant and piss my folks off, of course."

"That's leaves a lot of room to practice and experiment. Did you say I could do anything as long as you couldn't get pregnant from it, or did I misunderstand?" questioned Steve.

"You understood me correctly but now I'm beginning to wonder just what your perverted mind is thinking. But a promise is a promise and I'll never break a promise to you, even if it bites me in the butt," assured Gwen.

"So you can read my mind? That wonderful smooth, heart shaped ass of yours holds a tremendous attraction for me. The good part is that it's a part of you that can't get pregnant, so your mom should approve."

"I wouldn't go that far, but you can ask for her approval if you'd like. My suggestion is to just use me as you want and skip asking Mom's permission. There're some things parents don't need to know and don't want to know, and probably won't approve. I trust you, Steve. You'd never hurt me or embarrass me. Mom knows that, too. That's why I'm able to be naked in the shower with you right now. I'll do anything you ask, anything at all, and it's because I love you so much and trust you implicitly."

"When you put it that way, I think I'll forgo asking your mom. It's a real burden to be loved and trusted by a beautiful woman. I feel like I have to live up to everyone's expectations," admitted Steve.

"As if that's a problem for you! Look how everyone, even my grandmother, thinks the sun rises and sets on you. We trust you because you've proven so many times that we can trust and depend on you. My dad sure wouldn't have agreed to you staying with me if he didn't hold you in very high regard. You know that."

"Yes, I do and that's why I feel so strongly that I can't disappoint him. He's been super to me and I respect him a lot. He's a great dad and takes super care of his family. He's a great role model."

"Steve, I'm standing in front of you naked and you're talking about my dad! That would seem a little weird to a lot of girls. I understand that you hold Dad in high esteem, but how about holding 'the girls' in some high steam from the shower?"

When Steve and Gwen sat down at the breakfast table, Paula placed a large plate of food in front of Steve. Then she placed several large pills next to his plate. "After you eat, take all of these pills. That's doctor's orders. We're trying to kill the infection and build up your strength, although I wonder if that's a good idea with my daughter sleeping in the same bed as you," stated Paula as she turned and went back to the stove.

"Mom! How can you talk like that? You know very well that we want Steve to get his strength back for a lot of very good reasons. The one you mentioned just happens to be the best of the bunch."

Paula smiled to herself as she considered her daughter's metamorphosis from a conservative dressing, reclusive A student to an outgoing, confident, courageous woman. Paula had to admit that the term 'sexy' also applied to her daughter. She understood that while Steve didn't make Gwen that way, he had drawn it out into the open. He had been the catalyst for her transformation.

Steve spent most of Thursday and Friday napping and gaining his strength while Gwen was at school. Paula refused to allow him to help her with any of the household chores. She was emphatic that his recovery was the first priority.

By Monday morning, Steve was feeling much better. His face showed some discoloration but was healed for the most part. The bruises on his torso were fading and the areas that had been stitched up after removing the metal were healing nicely.

Gwen had been washing Steve's back when she asked him to turn around. To his surprise, he found her kneeling when he turned to face her. "I've been building up the courage to try this. I hope I do it right. Tell me if I hurt you, or it doesn't feel good," stated Gwen as she took Steve's cock into her mouth and began bobbing her head on it.

Steve watched her for a little over a minute when he warned her, "I'm going to cum! I'm getting close!" as Gwen maintained her pace and tightened her grip on his buttocks.

Unable to do anything else, Steve emptied his seed into Gwen's mouth. By the time he was completely drained, his knees were shaky and he had to grip the faucets to remain standing. Gwen stood up in front of him, smiled, and then opened her mouth to show there was nothing left.

"I've heard other girls talk about that in the lockers all through high school. I always thought it sounded gross, until I fell in love with you. Did you like it? If you did, I think we'll be doing that a lot!"

Steve wanted to pick Gwen up and carry her to the bed, but didn't dare test his cracked ribs. Instead, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed and pushed her down on it.

"Steve! I'm all wet. We'll make a mess of the bed. Don't you try getting on me! Remember my promise to my Mom and Dad! Ooh! I guess that's okay!" relented Gwen as Steve kissed his way down her body.

Steve had seen a few x-rated movies and listened to a lot of stories from servicemen about their sexual exploits. He knew exactly what he wanted to accomplish with Gwen. He settled his face between her legs and slowly ran his tongue around her labia. He forced himself to go slow and to be very thorough as he gradually began to work his tongue inside Gwen, and around her clit. He knew he was getting the desired results when her thighs locked around his head. Still he kept on as Gwen began to thrash and squirm, requiring him to use both hands on her ass to hold her still enough to maintain contact. When she finally went limp, he kissed his way back up to her ample breasts and suckled them for a few minutes.

Eventually Gwen showed signs of life and pulled his face to hers and kissed him deeply. They held each other for a few minutes before Gwen released Steve and told him to get back in the shower. After a quick rinse, they dressed and headed for the breakfast table.

They were stunned to see Charlotte and Billy sitting with Kate and Paula at the kitchen table. The four of them were red faced as they stared at Gwen and Steve. Charlotte stood and hugged Gwen.

"Now Billy's going to expect me to nurse him back to health using your special techniques! Are you okay? We were wondering if we should dial 911."

"Did I make a lot of noise? Were you here then? Did you hear me?" blushed Gwen as understanding swept over her.

"I've told you two that you had to use some common sense," stated Paula sternly. "Your two friends, as well as your sister and mother, were sitting at the kitchen table listening to the loudest, most erotic moaning and caterwauling I've ever heard. All we could do was sit here and blush."

"I'm sorry, Mom. It was all Steve's fault, anyway. You wouldn't believe what he just did to me. I couldn't help it. I'm still weak in the knees. I'll wear a gag or something next time. Steve, you need to apologize to these people for what you did to me, and how you made me scream."

Steve was a deep red as he looked at his friends and Kate and Paula. "We seem to keep messing up, Paula. I'm really sorry about that. Kate, you shouldn't have had to listen to that and I apologize to you. I'm feeling a lot better. I should go back home with Uncle Joe."

"No one would argue that you're feeling better. I just wish I felt as good as Gwen does now. Look at her glow," observed Kate. "That was totally awesome! I knew you'd be good, but that was unbelievable!"

"Now you see why we need some discipline and restraint," interjected Paula. "Kate turned 16 a couple months ago and shouldn't be hearing what she just heard, what the neighbors just heard, and what the people on the next street probably heard. Now she's eager to enjoy something that's she's too young to experience. Poor Charlotte and Billy had to sit through it, too."

"No problem here!" laughed Billy. "It was an honor to hear the maestro at work as he conducted the symphony through a rousing crescendo!"

"There's another reason to regret your actions," stated Paula with a straight face. "We get all these double entendres from hormonal young men trying to make jokes. I'm going to have to ask Ted to speak with you when he gets home tonight, Steve."

"I have it coming. I'll pack my stuff and be ready to move out, although he'll probably throw me out first. I'll apologize to him, too."

"You seem to misunderstand me. I want you to explain exactly what you did to Gwen so Ted and I can try it," deadpanned Paula.

"Mom! I'm sleeping upstairs now!" cried Kate. "I won't be able to have friends stay over if you start screaming at night like Gwen just did. How embarrassing would that be? I have an idea. Steve can show me so I can tell my future husband how to do whatever it is that he does."

"Let's not make a big deal out of this, everyone," warned Paula. "Steve, you'll be staying here until your meds are gone, which will be next weekend. I insist that you two do not repeat that performance in this house. That was just too intense. Someone might call the police. Now sit down and have a good breakfast. I shudder to think what it'll be like around here when Steve gets his strength back!"

"Steve, you will take the time to explain to Billy exactly what you did to Gwen. You will do it in graphic detail. If he doesn't manage to get the same results, you will show him, using me as your teaching aid. So Billy, you had best be a good student and a fast learner," warned Charlotte as she hugged her boyfriend.

"Now I know how urban myths get started," whined Billy.

"Billy, what Steve did to me was certainly no myth! You'd better be a quick study or Steve will forever ruin Charlotte for other men!" teased Gwen.

Billy and Charlotte razzed Steve and Gwen on the ride to school. Steve was embarrassed but Gwen was ebullient. "There's nothing you two can say that's going to ruin my mood. I've just had the best start to a day possible and nothing's going to change that. Tease all you want, but you're looking at one very well satisfied girl, and I don't think Steve's complaining any, either."

"You've got to tell me all about it later," stated Charlotte excitedly. "That was the most incredible rush, listening to you moan louder and louder and then scream. At first Kate asked your mom if you needed help. Your mom is so cool. She laughed and told Kate that you already had everything that you needed."

Gwen and Steve were surprised to see Ms. Walker sitting at her desk for homeroom. "Steve! Gwen! Please come up here!"

Ms. Walker looked thinner and paler than usual, but she still had a twinkle in her eye. She stood and met the couple as they approached. She hugged Gwen and then Steve. Steve let out an involuntary grunt as his ribs were squeezed.

"Oh, Steve! I didn't think about what you've been through. I'm sorry that I hurt you. That must have been a pretty bad week for you if an old lady like me can make you wince so easily. You two saved my life, along with about a thousand others. I just want you both to know that I'll never forget it and I certainly appreciate the risks you took for the rest of us. I've been watching a lot of TV while recuperating and you kids are all over it. I had no idea you could sing so well, or play the piano. You've been holding back on me. I heard that you donated everything from the songs to the hospital fund. Words fail me."

It was later that day that Gwen repeated to Steve what Amber O'Leary told her over the phone. "Macy's wants us to do another promotion Saturday. This time it's at the state capital. That should work great for Lisa since she's already there. We can ride up the night before and rent a room. She told me that Macy's is considering expanding the line to all of their stores and not just this area. Sales have been extremely strong in and near Sparta, and pretty good in all of their stores in the tri-state area."

After school, Gwen fielded another call while Steve rested. He woke to find her very excited. "Clyde Davis called while you were resting! He's been working to promote us. He told me he's actually arranged for us to tape four variety shows for summer replacements! He's got some big names lined up to guest star. In return, we'll be appearing with them in concerts, videos and/or TV shows."

"That's hard to believe. We don't know anything about TV shows, or concerts for that matter. When's this all supposed to start?" asked a skeptical Steve.

"That's the scary part. He's arranged for me to appear as a guest of Jack Timberline's Friday night when he performs at Lisa's college! I'm supposed to sing a couple songs with him! I'll have to go up Thursday night and stay with Lisa so he and I can rehearse on Friday. I told Clyde that I'd have to get back to him on that. How do you feel about me performing with such a hot guy? Does that upset you?"

"I think we need to reach an understanding, Gwen. I love you so much it hurts, but I don't own you and I can't control you. I don't want you to do things, or not do things, because you worry that I'll be jealous. We have to trust each other or there's no chance for us as a couple. I think we should promise that we'll not be romantically involved with someone else without first showing proper respect to the other by ending the relationship we have. I won't cheat on you and I won't share you, Gwen. I know that men will always be trying to seduce you. You are an extremely beautiful woman. It would have been easier to fall for an ugly girl. Not many guys try to steal them."

"That's what I was hoping you'd say! I know girls are after you all the time and it's only lately that I've actually come to believe that you love me and won't be stolen away. You're gorgeous in a manly way. You're heroic to a fault, smart, athletic, a great singer and dancer, and a pretty nice guy. And you have a wonderful penis and an amazing tongue!" added Gwen with a smile. "I swear to you that I'll never be romantically involved with another man before ending it with you first. That would have to be some amazing guy, because I don't ever plan on letting you go!

"We won't believe rumors, or outright lies. We'll believe each other above all others. If twenty girls tell me that you screwed their brains out and you tell me that you didn't, I'll take you word for it. You'll take mine when I swear, or promise something."

"Good! Because screwing a girl's brains out is something I'll always deny and feel safe about it. I don't even know how to do that," admitted Steve.

"With that big thing you're packing, you could do it. You were tickling my throat pretty good this morning. I think you'll screw my brains out a lot over the next few decades.

"Getting back to the subject at hand, Clyde has investors ready to foot the bill to produce four TV shows. We'll video them and he'll shop them around. He may want us to do a Christmas show, too! He said if he sells one show, he'll break even. If he sells two, he'll have a profit and if he sells them all, well, it'll be great. Then he'll do the Christmas show for sure."

"I hate to seem cynical, but why would anyone think we could star in a TV show? You're beautiful and a wonderful singer, but there's a lot of very talented people out there. Why us?"

"That's almost exactly what I asked Clyde, except I said you were beautiful and had a great voice. He said that he believes we have 'captivated the hearts of America'. That's his words and not mine. He thinks we have the right combination of talent and charisma to make it work. He also said it's what he does for a living, so trust him. He wants to make a CD from the music we record for the shows. It's all pretty exciting, if quite daunting. But it's safer than diving into an icy river and then swimming into a sunken SUV, or walking into a room with four terrorists with guns and bombs. Even if we fail miserably, at least we can tell our kids that we tried. And failure at this will be a lot less painful than being tied and beaten by a maniac with a club!

"Jack Timberline will be on our first show in return for me appearing with him Friday and again in LA where we'll tape the TV show next month. I get the feeling he doesn't quite have the professional balls to appear next to you. Not many guys will want to be seen side by side with you, so he just wants little old me."

"I'll bet he does! Can you get tickets for the rest of us? Your folks will want to go, as will Kate and probably Stephanie. Maybe Diane and Will would make the trip, too."

"Clyde promised me a dozen tickets, so I'm going to ask Laura and Coach if they want to go. Lisa, Charlotte and Billy would use the last three and give me some support in the audience. This is very exciting to me! A few months ago, I hardly dared sing in the shower. Now I'm willing to sing in a concert, and go down on my boyfriend in the shower. That's quite a change, wouldn't you say?"

"As long as you don't get the two of them confused, you'll be fine!" laughed Steve.

"You mean sing in the shower and go down on you in concert?" grinned Gwen. "I bet that would grab some headlines! But not with Mom and Dad in the audience. Otherwise, I'd consider it. Or did you mean go down on Jake Timberline? You are jealous!"

Friday afternoon saw Steve riding with Charlotte and Billy to the Jack Timberline concert. They had agreed to meet Ted and Paula at the same hotel they stayed at for the inauguration.

"So what are your sleeping arrangements, Steve? Are you sleeping with Gwen, or is she staying with that stud Timberline?" teased Billy.

"That's not funny, Billy!" complained Charlotte immediately. "Gwen doesn't sleep around, even with really good looking movie and recording stars. After what she told me about the other morning, you couldn't keep her out of Steve's bed!"

"Maybe Billy couldn't, but her father can. He explained to both of us that our conduct in public, which includes hotels, has to be exemplary or Gwen would be grounded until she finished med school, and he'd kick my ass all over town."

"Her dad threatened to kick your ass?" repeated Billy. "He wouldn't dare try that. You've killed men, at least one, with your bare hands. I don't think Ted will be trying you anytime soon."

"Ted knows I'd never raise a hand against Gwen's dad, or any of her family. He could pound me into a pulp and I wouldn't try to stop him. I respect his authority and judgment."

"I guess I can understand that. I would too if he'd let me sleep with one of his daughters," retorted Billy.

"I was thinking you might get lucky pretty soon, Billy, but it's not looking so good now," warned Charlotte. "You're going to have to decide if you want to dream about an Anderson girl or settle for having me for real."

"Really, Billy. You know you've got a good looking, smart bombshell right here in the car. Don't mess it up. If word gets out that Charlotte's back on the open market, there'll be a path beaten to her door."

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