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Lady in Red Ch. 23

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Steve, Gwen, and Jordan rock Paris.
12.8k words

Part 23 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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Steve and Gwen woke up early the next morning, but lost track of time while they showered together. Steve finally managed to dry himself while Gwen remained in the shower, singing as she washed her hair.

Just as Steve pulled his shirt on, a light knock sounded on his door. Steve swung the bathroom door closed and went to see who was knocking. He immediately recognized Charlie Burns. He was the band member that had approached him about jamming with his group the night Gwen sang with Jack Timberline.

“Charlie? In Paris? I’m really surprised to see you, but come on in and have a seat!” invited Steve warmly.

“Thanks, Steve. Yeah, we’re doing a gig here in Paris. That night you played with us at the hotel helped get us some more recognition. Our drummer’s cousin works here in Paris. She showed a small club here the video from the night you played with us. Naturally, they liked it a lot and hired us. They were a bit upset when we showed up without Steve Hammer. We still did pretty well and it worked out okay.

“Last night as we finished up our final set, we were approached by a guy from the Olympia Theatre. I don’t know if you’re familiar with that place, but they’ve had some great acts play there. The guy told us that you were in the city this week and if we could get you to play with us, we’d get to do a set of six songs. That offer’s good every night that you’re willing to perform with us.”

“Wow! That’s some deal. I’d love to do it, but I need to talk with Gwen first and see how she feels about it. Would she and Jordan Quick be included?” asked Steve thoughtfully.

“My God! You can’t be serious! You’re asking if two of the best singers in the world can join us? Of course we’d love to have them, if they’d be willing to appear with us. Can you talk them into it?”

“You just did,” interjected Gwen from across the room. Neither of the two men had seen Gwen emerge from the bathroom and sit down on the bed. They both stood immediately.

“Gwen Anderson! I don’t know if you remember me but we met briefly.”

“Of course I remember. You had that really good band that Steve played with the same night I sang at Jack Timberline’s concert. You guys are very good. If you don’t think I’d embarrass myself or your band, I’d love to perform with you, Steve, and Jordan. It’d have to be in the evening since we’re booked up for three more promotions and taping some commercials this week.”

“Are you kidding? I’ve heard your songs and I saw the ads for your TV shows. The guys would be honored to have you perform with us. Is Jordan in there?” asked Charlie as he nodded toward the bathroom.

“No,” laughed Gwen. “In spite of all the stories you may have seen on TV and the internet, Jordan does not spend nights with us. She’s a great friend, and we love her, but Steve and I are in a very monogamous relationship. I’ll call her right now and see if she can come over.”

“I didn’t mean to suggest anything! It was a stupid question. I shouldn’t believe the crap I see on TV, although it has to be true if it’s on the internet,” chuckled Charlie. “I can’t believe that I’m going to meet Jordan Quick. She’s one of the best singers and most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.”

“Good, because she just heard every word,” stated Gwen with a grin. “I was on the phone with her and she was listening to what you said about her. There she is now.”

Steve opened the door when Jordan knocked and ushered her inside. “This is Charlie Burns. I jammed with his band once back in the states. He has a chance to play the Olympia if he can persuade us to join his group for a set or two. Interested?”

“Are you kidding?” demanded Jordan. “That was one of the places I wanted to see while we were here! It’s had some great performers appear there over the years. I’d love to play that house! I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

“Your modesty is very becoming, but hardly necessary. You’re one of the best talents I’ve ever heard! I can’t wait to perform with you live!” enthused Charlie. “Steve, can we all get together to go over some songs, and maybe practice a little? The club we’ve been playing at will let us practice there until they open at eight.”

“We’re available today, aren’t we, Gwen? I know your family wanted to sightsee, but Kate, Steph, Diane and your mom can have a good time doing that while we work on this gig.”

“I should think that would work,” acknowledged Gwen. “We’ll need to spend some time rehearsing our numbers. We don’t want to make total asses of ourselves. Normally, we’d practice for a few weeks at least.”

Gwen, Jordan, and Steve joined the rest of their group for breakfast a short while later. “Don’t tell me that Jordan spent the night with you guys. I thought you’d stay exclusive for a few more nights, at least. This’ll be on the evening news, won’t it, Amber?” questioned Kate with a devilish grin.

“No, it won’t. Nor will your comment about Steve’s talents that you made last night,” assured Amber with a sly grin of her own. “I know where my bread is buttered. If Gwen and Jordan want to share Steve, it’ll go unreported by me.”

“See how rumors get started!” moaned Gwen. “Jordan stopped in our room to discuss business. If you recall, she was in your room when you woke up this morning, Amber. Keep up this teasing and I won’t tell you about the amazing opportunity we have to perform at the Olympia Theatre this week.”

Everyone became serious as Jordan and Gwen explained the opportunity presented to them that morning. “It’s one of the coolest places for an artist to play,” stated Jordan. “They often have five or six different acts play in a night. Each act may be allowed six or eight songs in their set. You get to play with some pretty cool acts. We’re going to play a set there each night for the rest of the week!”

“We’re going to rehearse all day to be prepared, or at least be more prepared, for this opportunity. That means that Mom and Diane and the girls will be sightseeing without us today, if that’s okay?”

“We’ll be disappointed that you kids aren’t with us, but we certainly understand your reasoning. Diane and I will be able to have some sisterly bonding and we’ll even bond with our daughters, too. We’ll be fine, but be sure to get us in to see the show tonight. Amber, you can come with us if you want to see the sights, or more likely, shop all over Paris.”

“Thanks, Paula, but this sounds too good to pass up. Can I watch you guys practice today, and play tonight? I’ll try to keep out of the way, but I know my station will be interested in this. It’s the reason they sent me to Paris with you guys.”

Gwen, Jordan, Steve, and Amber took a taxi to the club that Charlie had mentioned. Paula, Diane and the girls went out to shop in some of the famous stores of Paris. While the rehearsal was important, what Kate and Stephanie would discover later that afternoon while shopping would have far reaching effects on Steve and Gwen.

“Stephanie! Look over there at that tall girl in the green top!” insisted Kate as the girls browsed in a shoe store later that afternoon. “Wait until she turns around.”

“Oh, wow!” exclaimed a surprised Stephanie. “I can’t believe it. We need to tell Mom and Paula.”

Kate was way ahead of Stephanie and was already headed to the other side of the store to find her mother and aunt. “Come with me, quick!” urged Kate as she motioned to Paula and Diane. “You’ve got to see this for yourself.”

Kate led her mystified mother and aunt back to where Stephanie was waiting. “Where is she?” asked Kate as she surveyed the area.

“She sat down to try on some shoes. She’s over along the wall, sitting in one of those chairs,” pointed Stephanie.

Kate swung and headed in the direction Stephanie had indicated. Paula and Diane’s confusion showed as they followed Kate. She approached a girl sitting in a chair, while she tried on a pair of shoes.

“Excuse me. Do you speak any English?” asked Kate politely when she neared the stranger.

The girl stopped working on squeezing into the shoe and looked up at Kate. Diane and Paula both gasped involuntarily when they looked into the girl’s face.

“Yeah, I’m from Virginia,” responded the girl suspiciously. “Are you looking for something? I don’t have much money with me.”

“Oh, no! We’re okay for money. It’s just that you look a lot like a friend of ours. Do you have any cousins with the last name ‘Hammer’, or any relatives with that name?” asked Kate.

“I’m an only child. If I have any cousins, no one’s ever told me about them. My mother’s supposed to meet me here in a few minutes. You can ask her,” replied the tall girl as Kate pulled her phone and began to text.

A couple minutes passed as Kate and Stephanie chatted with the girl before she pointed to a tall, attractive woman walking toward them. “That’s my mother. Maybe she can answer your questions. I’ll introduce you.

“Mother, this is Kate and Stephanie. These two ladies are their mothers and they’re from the USA. They’re asking if I have any relatives with the name of ‘Hammer’. I told them I never heard of any. Have you?”

“No, I don’t believe that we have any relatives with that name, or even know anyone with it. Why are you asking?”

“Your daughter bears a striking resemblance to a young man we know with that name. Her eyes are striking, and appear identical to his. I’m sure you realize that your daughter’s eyes are quite unusual and extremely attractive,” responded Paula.

“Yes, they’re amazing, but several people in my family have had eyes like that. My mother’s are the same. She’s here in Paris with us. Maybe she’ll finish her shopping in time to join us here. It seems quite unlikely that you’re friend is related to us, even as unusual as Jen’s eyes are,” replied the girl’s mother.

“Her name is Jen? I’m sorry but we haven’t properly introduced ourselves. I’m Paula Anderson and this is my daughter Kate. This is my sister, Diane and that’s her daughter, Stephanie.”

“Hi. I’m Janice Bennington. You’ve met my daughter, Jen. I’m sorry that I can’t help you more, but I’m afraid we really don’t have that many relatives.”

Steve and the girls had just finished several grueling hours of practice when Gwen’s phone indicated that Kate had sent her a text message. Gwen read it, quickly replied and turned to Steve, Amber, and Jordan.

“Mom, Diane and the girls are just a couple blocks from here. Let’s meet up with them and then go to dinner. I’m famished and we’re going to need a lot of energy. We want to do our best tonight.”

Gwen led Steve into the trendy shoe store and looked around for her family. Seeing her mother and Diane talking to an attractive woman, she turned and headed for them, dragging Steve with her. Suddenly she felt Steve stiffen and stop walking. Turning to see why he had stopped, Gwen saw tears forming in Steve’s eyes. Jordan and Amber stopped to look at Steve as his emotions ran across his face.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” asked Gwen with concern. “Did something happen? Are you okay?”

Steve sobbed and rubbed the back of his hands over his eyes in an attempt to clear them. “That’s my mother!”

Gwen, Amber, and Jordan were stunned at Steve’s pronouncement. They all knew that his mother had died several years prior. Now he was telling them that she was alive!

“Do you want to speak to her? Do you want me to speak to her while you wait here? Tell me how you want to handle this,” urged Gwen, but Steve merely sighed and began walking toward the woman.

Paula had been conversing with Janice Bennington when she noticed the girls and Steve headed their way. She wondered how Steve would react when he saw the pretty girl that resembled him so strongly. Then she noticed how strangely Steve was behaving. She must have been staring at Steve since Janice Bennington turned her head to see what held Paula’s interest. She saw a very tall, handsome young man wiping his eyes as he strode toward her. She expected him to stop when he got close. Instead, he took her into his arms and hugged her tightly!

Gwen saw surprise and then shock on the woman’s face as Steve picked her off her feet in a huge hug. He carefully, but enthusiastically swung her around a couple of times before he realized she was trying to call for help. He gently set her down and looked lovingly into her eyes.

“I don’t know who you think you are, but I should have you arrested! You almost broke my ribs! You can’t go around hugging women like that!” stated Janice emphatically.

Steve was stunned. Seeing his mother alive had been a huge shock, but hearing her deny knowing him crushed him completely. Slowly, he struggled to return to reality. He had seen his mother in the casket. She couldn’t be alive. But how could this lady look so much like her? His brain felt like it was shutting down as it tried to digest contradictory information.

“You must be the friend that these ladies were telling me about. You do have eyes like Jen’s, and you two look a lot alike. But that doesn’t make us relatives,” declared Janice Bennington with some annoyance.

“Did you just say ’Jen’? Are you Jen Hammer? Are you related to her?” asked Gwen excitedly.

“I’ve never heard of any Jen Hammer. I was referring to my daughter, Jen. She’s standing right there, by Kate and Stephanie,” indicated the woman by nodding toward her daughter.

“Oh, my God!” exclaimed Gwen as she saw Jennifer Bennington for the first time. “She could be Steve’s twin! I find it difficult to believe that your daughter can look so much like Steve; that he can mistake you for his own mother, and yet there is no connection? There’s more to this than meets the eye. Everything points to you being related, and closely, right down to your daughter having the same name as Steve’s mother.”

“Your mother’s name is Jen?” gasped the woman as she suddenly became very pale. “Is she here in Paris? How is she? I want to see her!”

“I’m afraid that can never happen,” responded Paula softly. “Steve’s mother died in a car accident when he was 14. Did you know her?”

“She’s dead!” sobbed the woman. She slowly began to collapse, but Steve stepped forward and caught her. He gently helped her to the chair Jen had been sitting in while trying on a pair of shoes. By this time, huge gut wrenching sobs were filling the room.

Steve found himself tearing up as he watched the strange woman that looked so much like his mother, suffer so badly. Gwen moved close to him and hugged him tightly. It was apparent that this had taken an emotional toll on her normally stoic boyfriend.

The group remained quiet as they waited for Janice Bennington to compose herself. They watched as her sobbing lessened and she began drying her eyes with a tissue. Finally, she collected herself enough to speak.

“Jen and I were identical twins. We did everything together. At least we did until she met a boy she knew my mother would never approve. I was in the living room the evening she started to tell Mom that she was in love with a sailor, and he had asked her to marry him.

“Mother never even asked his name or anything about him. She simply told Jen that she ‘forbade it’. We were a few months out of high school. Jen was eighteen and headstrong. She told Mom that she didn’t care what she ‘forbade’, she was in love and was going to marry the boy, or actually a young man. Mother went ballistic. She told Jen he was after our money and if Jen persisted, she would be cut off from the family. No daughter of hers was going to marry some damn worthless sailor. Jen would be disinherited if she didn’t end it immediately.

“We never saw Jen again. She left that night while we were sleeping. We never knew where she went. We didn’t even know the name of her boyfriend! I didn’t know how to contact her. I found out later that she had written to me a few times, but Mom intercepted my mail and never let me see the letters. Jen probably thought that I was siding with Mom since I never responded, even though I never even saw the letters!”

“Mom told me that she was an orphan; that she had no living relatives,” revealed Steve. “I never had any reason to doubt her. I can see why she told me that now. Her own mother turned her away because she was in love with my Dad. I never knew she sacrificed so much to be with him.”

“Your mother was the strong one. I always followed. Dad was devastated when Jen left. He and mom fought about it quite often. He still talks about her when Mom isn’t around. It’ll break his heart to hear that Jen died. We didn’t know anything about it. We don’t even know where she’s buried. I’m so ashamed!” sobbed Janice as tears once again began streaking down her cheeks.

“That makes you my cousin. I’m Jennifer Bennington. I’m sorry your mother died and that Grandma was so mean to her. I’m seventeen and I’ll be a senior next year at a private school near Arlington, Virginia. You’re Steve Hammer?”

“Yes, I’m Steve. This is Gwen Anderson, my girlfriend. This little minx is my very good friend, Jordan Quick. We’re here in Paris for the week and will be going back home Sunday,” responded Steve.

Jen looked from Steve to Gwen to Jordan and back to Steve. She became excited as she obviously recognized the trio. “You’re my cousin? Jordan Quick is your friend? Your girlfriend is ‘The Lady in Red’? I can’t believe it!”

“What’s going on here, Janice?” demanded an older woman as she approached the group standing near Janice Bennington.

“Mother, this is your grandson, Steve Hammer. He’s Jen’s son. She died a few years ago! We just met by accident,” finished Janice.

“I don’t believe in coincidences, Janice. This is more likely a scam of some kind. What proof does he have? He’s after our money, thinking we’ll be all excited to see him and take him in. I doubt he’s related to us in any way. Let’s leave this place and return to our hotel. Good day to all of you,” stated the old lady with finality.

“That’s sure a relief!” snapped Steve angrily. “The thought of being related to a miserable old woman like you makes my skin crawl. Let’s just go our separate ways and pretend this unfortunate meeting never occurred.”

The older woman looked at Steve with unflinching eyes. She studied his face and then looked at him from the ground up. “You’re an impudent young man. You do bear some resemblance to Jen, but that hardly makes you a relative. We’re a substantial family in Virginia and have always managed to avoid the conmen that wealth often attracts. I do agree with you, however, that we should go our separate ways.”

“Steve! You can’t speak like that to your own Grandmother! You were raised better than that. Apologize to her. You’ve had a difficult time here. I understand that, but you’ll never forgive yourself if it ends like this,” maintained Gwen as she looked into Steve’s eyes.

Steve looked at Gwen for a few seconds, and then turned to the older woman that had rankled him so badly. “I apologize, Madam, for my rude outburst. Your age, gender, and position require better behavior from me. I will be of no further bother to you or your family.”

“I think that would be best, young man. Come along Janice, Jen. We have a dinner appointment. We’ll put this incident behind us and have a pleasant meal.”

Janice Bennington stood, shrugged her shoulders to those watching and followed her mother from the store. Jen was almost in tears as she quickly said her goodbyes and hurried to catch her mother.

“Steve, I’m so sorry! Let’s get a nice dinner and forget about that cruel woman. You have us for family now,” insisted Gwen. “We’ll never turn our backs on you. I promise.”

“Yeah! You’re like a brother to Stephanie, Jordan, and me. We all love and need you. Don’t give those people another thought. We even have a few relatives we don’t mention to anyone,” revealed Kate as she watched Steve’s face.

“I know how it feels to have family betray you, and it hurts,” admitted Jordan. “That just makes having a family and friends like all of us even better. We aren’t related, but we’re your family, and like Kate said, we all love you.”

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