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Lady in Red Ch. 24

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Back home, benefits and bad influences.
10.9k words

Part 24 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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The travelers were exhausted by the time they piled into the SUV Sunday evening at the airport and headed for Sparta. As Paula drove, Steve spoke on the phone with Clyde Davis for quite some time. When he finished the call, he related his conversation to the group.

"True to his word, Clyde has the completed screenplay in his possession. Now he's concerned about our schedules. I have to be in Annapolis in late June for Induction Day. Then football practice will take up any possible spare time I might have. He thinks we're going to have to record our songs while we're still in school. I guess you all know that the songs we sing in the movie will be recorded in a studio, for quality assurance," grinned Steve. "Clyde's looking around to find a studio that we can reach fairly quickly. He wants to do the recordings over a few weekends."

"When do we start filming the movie, where will we film it, and what will our parts be?" asked Gwen.

"We'll do a lot of it in a studio, but some of it will be on location. He just hasn't decided where. We'll do what we can before school's out, and then really push after graduation, especially for my parts.

"Here's the interesting part of the story. Jordan is going to be the sweet thing I'm enamored with. Gwen will be the tough, willful, conniving bitch that's out to land me at all costs. It's going to be shot in a beach town, and either coast is a possibility right now."

"Don't I wind up with the hero?" asked Gwen disappointedly. "This isn't going exactly the way I thought it would. They probably wanted a beautiful blonde to be the heroine and Jordan fills that bill. I have to admit that."

"Clyde also mentioned our gig in France. Apparently he kept a close eye on things. He wants to market posters of you in your Wonder Woman outfit. He said he has some great photographs of you. He thinks they'll be big sellers and help promote the movie and our music. He mentioned he saw my jungle panties, but never said anything about trying to sell posters of me wearing them. I wonder why?"

Kate quickly raised her hand, but Gwen and Steve studiously ignored her. "There's another thing. It involves Jordan and I think she'll want to hear this. Clyde likes the sound of Charlie's band. He's going to audition them to play for Jordan when she goes on tour this summer after the movie's done. If they're as good as he thinks they are, he'll sign them to a contract."

"Really? That would be great! It would be nice to tour with people I like and can trust. Could you guys meet me on the road and play with me a time or two? I told Clyde that I was going to try to go to college this fall, but I'd be willing to play weekends and holidays. It wouldn't be Stanford or anything. I was thinking the local state school or even a junior college for a couple years. Does that sound pathetic to you two?"

"Jordan, I'm so proud of you I can't stand it. You've come a long way from the swearing, smoking, obnoxious, drug addled little trouble maker we met a couple months ago. There's nothing wrong with a junior college. Just keep working and learning and you'll do great! You're smart and very talented. That's a real good combination."

"Gwen's right. There's no shame in improving yourself and working for a degree. You know you can sing and make money, but how about investing your money? What if you lose your voice, or get into an accident and can't perform? You're being very smart by going to college and I'm proud to have you as my friend," praised Steve.

"It was only a few weeks ago that I made a fool of myself with Steve at that hotel party. It's still all over the internet, but it helped me smarten up, so I consider it a good lesson. It didn't seem to hurt my popularity or Steve's, for that matter. I guess mistakes are forgiven by people, if we try to do better and learn from them. Meeting you both is the best thing that could have happened to me. I'm going to be on TV, in a movie, and on tour. I have a big hit song and I've done some modeling. I've met the presidents of the US and France. Who'd a thunk that rehab would have worked out so well for me?"

"There's more. We've been pretty busy, and out of the country, so Clyde's been handling a few things for us. Some kids in a high school in Becton, Georgia made a YouTube video asking us to perform at their prom. The band they had scheduled broke up a few weeks ago. Clyde agreed to their request. He told them that we'd play at their prom in two weeks. He thought we'd get some great publicity. He had Charlie's band, 'The Rising Tide', in mind, but he felt he could hire some studio musicians if Charlie's guys couldn't make it.

"Then things went to hell in a hand basket. The school was hit by a tornado yesterday. The town of Becton had a fair amount of damage and a couple dozen people were badly injured. We're going to play the nearby Laredo County fairgrounds instead. It's going to be a fund raiser and a night of healing. The place will seat seven thousand and that doesn't include the show ring. They're going to put a dance floor down on part of it and the kids will have their prom while everyone in the stands can watch and listen, or dance on the other end of the arena. We'll need enough material for two full hours or more! And a lot of it has to be slow stuff so the prom kids can dance up close and personal," chuckled Steve.

"Wow! That doesn't leave us much time to learn some more songs!" worried Gwen. "At least we'll be able to fall back on this benefit so when we play our prom, we'll have some new material under our belts."

"Clyde's going to have us work on the songs we're doing in the movie. We have to get them down so we can record them, as well as be believable when we use them in the movie. We just won't tell anyone that they're getting a sneak preview of our sound track. It'll be interesting. That's for sure.

"Clyde's arranged for Charlie and his band to come to Sparta for the next two weeks so we can work on our music after school. He said that the TV movie with Nick Fallon will be out a few days before the fund raiser. Our first TV show will play Sunday, the night after the fund raiser. The advertising for it is ramping up on CBC. It should ensure a full house in Georgia, so we'd better be ready to rock that town."

"I've played that county fair a couple years ago," revealed Jordan. "We performed in a big arena that they used for rodeos, team penning, and 4H horse shows. They set us up in the middle of the show ring and the fans were all around us in every direction. It was exciting, and a bit daunting. I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and give those folks the best possible show we can. We can make this a great opportunity."

Gwen, Steve, and Jordan returned to school Monday determined to accomplish their studying and complete their homework assignments in school to free up their time to practice their songs in the evening. It was Wednesday morning when Charlotte met them in homeroom with surprising news.

"Have you guys heard that Mrs. Gillow and her group of old hags are complaining to the school board about you? She's telling them you shouldn't be allowed to attend school. You three are 'immoral and a bad influence of the rest of the student body'. She's seen the posters from France and some of the commercials you made there. I heard that your old buddy, Bill Hardy, was at her place with a film crew. He was the one that showed her group the pictures and asked their opinion."

"No! That comes as a complete surprise! What will my parents think? I've placed them in an awkward position. My dad's clients live around here. He'll be upset, and with good reason. His daughter's showing off her body to sell swim suits, music, and movies. I must look like some kind of cheap tramp."

"You certainly do not!" insisted Steve. "You're in the entertainment business and you look great. Jordan looked great in that music video we did. There's no reason for anyone to complain about what we've done. Every picture and every poster can be shown in family settings. You both look amazing and sexy as hell, but never did any of us cross the line."

"That would've been true, if I hadn't danced topless on that table. Those pictures of you carrying me with my boobs exposed that are all over the internet probably are what started all of this. I screwed up and I'm taking you both down with me. I'm so sorry!" apologized Jordan with real emotion.

"That was a mistake caused by some jerk giving you liquor and telling you it was punch," reasoned Steve. "Anyone can make a mistake. I wonder if those old ladies ever had a picture taken when they were young and partied too hard? I'll say this to you both. If they try to discipline either, or both, of you for any reason, I'll be gone from here in a flash whether they toss me out or not. I won't stay in a school that would treat such wonderful students, and really nice girls like you two, with anything but respect and consideration."

"The school board meets next Tuesday and it's going to be discussed. Billy's dad heard it from Tyler's father, who's on the school board. He said he didn't like it, but all complaints have to be heard by the board at a public meeting."

"I couldn't help but overhear you kids talking about this situation you're now facing," interrupted Ms. Walker. "This seems preposterous to me. I'll attend that meeting and make my opinion heard. You're among the finest students this school has ever seen. What you've done for the hospital building fund is phenomenal. I'll back you as far as I possibly can."

Gwen worried about the situation all day. Jordan was upset as well. She felt that she was the cause of the problem and had betrayed her friends. Charlotte caught up with the trio as they prepared to drive to practice after school.

"I've been making some calls and talking to some people. I need Clyde Davis' phone number. I want to talk to him. I'll to go to the board meeting Tuesday as your friend and representative. I expect you guys to go to your practice that night, like nothing's wrong. Billy's dad and Tyler's dad know everyone in town and they've been a lot of help. This is a fight I'm looking forward to!" grinned Charlotte.

That evening, after practicing with Charlie's band for five hours, Steve drove Gwen and Jordan to the Anderson home. He escorted them to the door and went inside with them. He knew that Gwen was worried sick about her parents' reaction to the trouble she felt she had created. He wanted to be with her when she spoke with her parents. They were seated in the living room, along with Kate. Upon seeing them enter, Ted raised the remote and flicked off the television.

"Mom! Dad! I'm so sorry that I embarrassed you so badly. I know you've heard that Mrs. Gillow and her friends want us expelled from school for 'immoral activities'. They say we're a bad influence on the student body."

Ted rose and offered his arms to Gwen. She immediately ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Gwen, you've never embarrassed us in any way! I'm so proud of you, I can't even express it. There'll always be some unhappy people looking to cause problems and hurt others. Mrs. Gillow is a charter member of that pathetic group."

"What about your business, Dad? Won't this hurt it a lot? Will clients drop you when they find out what a tramp your daughter is?" cried Gwen.

"You're not too old to take over my knee, Young Lady!" replied Ted with passion. "No one calls any of my daughters names like that in my presence. You're a wonderful, beautiful woman that just happens to be my daughter. I've never mentioned it, but your exploits have increased my business to about double what it was a year ago. That's a big reason I couldn't go to Paris with you kids. Your Uncle Will and I have been swamped. We're interviewing people that we can hire to help handle the load. Hurt my business? Hardly! I gained two new clients today, and the reason was because they were upset about how you're being treated and wanted to show their support.

"If I'm ever ashamed, or embarrassed of you or anything you do, I'll let you know. But this is definitely not one of those times. I love you, Gwen. I'm the luckiest and proudest father in the state. My daughters and wife mean everything to me and I couldn't be happier with all of you. I need you to understand that and believe me."

Gwen sobbed as she clung to her father. "Steve said you were the best father ever, and he was right! It's embarrassing that he understands you better than I do, and I'm your daughter. He told me you wouldn't be upset and that you'd support me 100 percent. I love you so much, Dad!"

"Jordan, you've been like a daughter to us and you've nothing to feel bad about," consoled Ted while hugging Gwen. "You were a bit of a wild child, but we've all found out what a kind, generous, talented girl you are and we're proud to have you with us. Steve, you already know where you stand with this family. This'll blow over, so don't fret about it. The school board can't discipline or castigate three students that have accomplished what you three have done for Sparta. This is a tempest in a teapot."

Jordan nudged Gwen aside and took her place hugging Ted. "Mr. Anderson, Ted, I sure appreciate your words of support. I'm afraid that my foolish actions the night Steve and I performed at 'American Singer' might have caused this. If I'm expelled and Steve and Gwen get to stay, I won't complain."

"You can bet your bottom dollar that we will!" insisted Paula. "You made a mistake. Lots of girls wind up with embarrassing photos on the web for various reasons. It's no reason for expulsion. Ted and I will be at that meeting and we'll accept nothing less than total and complete exoneration by the board. You kids don't deserve this treatment, especially after all the effort and money you've put into the hospital fund. We're all in this together. You've done nothing that deserves any punishment. Quite the opposite."

Gwen, Steve, and Jordan worked on their music every night after school. Charlie's band was staying at a local hotel. They were enthusiastic about performing with the trio. They knew that if they played well, they would have a contract and tour with Jordan. They were finally finding success. They spent most of the weekend practicing the new material they were going to perform at the benefit. All of the music in the upcoming movie was included in their rehearsals.

The practices were held in empty wedding reception room at the same hotel Charlie and his band mates were using. Jordan was spending a lot of time with Charlie and seemed happier and more grounded than at any time since Steve and Gwen had first met her.

Sunday afternoon Charlotte entered the room as they practiced. She had her mother, Billy Marsh, his parents and Tyler's parents with her. They quietly took seats in the back of the room and watched and listened for over an hour. When the band finally took a break, Charlotte led her little group up front.

"I hope we didn't interfere with your practice. I promised Mom and the Marshes and Smiths that they could have a sneak preview of your show. Now I'm going to let them tell you what they think of your music," finished Charlotte.

"That was amazing!" effused Billy's mother. "You're all very talented singers and the music was extremely well played. I can't believe that you're high school kids. You sound so professional."

"I can't tell you how proud I am of you three and of Charlotte for having such quality friends. My daughter is going to Stanford to study medicine and is best friends with Gwen Anderson, Steve Hammer, and Jordan Quick. I don't know how I got so lucky. When her father died two years ago, I was scared to death that I'd never be a good single parent. I can't take all the credit for her success, but I'll sure take as much as I can. Thank you all for being such good friends with Charlotte!"

When Tuesday evening arrived, Steve, Gwen, and Jordan were rehearsing for the benefit. They struggled to remain focused on their rehearsal and to push the school board meeting from their minds. When they arrived at the Andersons' after the rehearsal, Ted and Paula had not yet returned home. Kate was waiting for them.

"Dad said for you guys to head over to Marsh's Landing as soon as you came in. He and Mom are there waiting for you and I'm riding with you. He wouldn't tell me what happened at the meeting tonight. I asked him several times but he told me to ride over with you guys and I'd find out when you did."

Steve had to park quite a ways from the entrance because of the number of cars in the lot. "It looks like Billy's folks are doing pretty well tonight," observed Gwen as they made their way to the door. "I just hope we can have some privacy when Mom and Dad tell us what happened."

Gwen soon realized that her wish for privacy was completely out of the question. Applause broke out as the three entered the dining area with Kate. Gwen saw Ted and Paula seated at a big table with the Marshes and Smiths. Ms. Walker, Charlotte, and Billy were also sitting with them.

Ted stood and motioned the group over to join them. Gwen quickly surmised that things had gone well after seeing her mother beam with pleasure. She hugged her father, then Charlotte, and took a seat. Jordan gave Ted a hug and sat down while Steve shook hands with Ted, Ralph Smith, and Billy's dad. He then sat between Jordan and Gwen while Kate joined Stephanie and her family at a nearby table.

"We all agreed to let Charlotte relate the evening's activities to you three. You're very fortunate to have this girl for a friend," added Ted as he nodded at Charlotte and took his seat.

"Well, it wasn't all that dramatic. The board conducted its regular meeting and then asked for any discussion from the floor. The meeting had been moved to the gym to accommodate the big crowd. The board sat at a long table facing the bleachers so everyone could see and hear what was going on.

'Surprising absolutely no one, Mrs. Gillow went first and ranted and raved about what bad influences you three are on the rest of the students. She called you guys all kinds of stupid names, like harlots, gigolo, porn actors, tramps, and a few other dumb things. Mr. Smith chaired the meeting. Before discussion began, he told everyone that they could speak for three minutes and she used every second to condemn you guys as unsuitable to be around us young, impressionable kids.

"I wanted to go next, but Mr. Smith was way ahead of me there. He asked Ms. Walker to speak next. She explained that the class had earned over seven and a half million dollars for the Sparta Hospital Fund and that most of that was from the efforts of the three students Mrs. Gillow was condemning. The TV deal netted two million so far and could make another couple million. The movie you're going to be making added another five million. The rest is from donations, and contributions from your clothing line. The board was stunned to learn the amount earned by the class for the hospital fund.

"Then for the really neat part. It was great theater! Ms. Walker pointed to the spot where she stood when the terrorists approached us and began shooting. She even pointed out where the floor looked a bit bleached, telling the board it was a result of sanding out her blood from the wood floor.

"She was pretty graphic in her description of the events of that day. The crowd was absolutely silent as she spoke. They hung on every word. She told the board how she was lying on the floor, holding her hand over the bullet wound in her stomach, unable to do anything to stop those creeps from shooting other teachers and students. Ms. Walker said that she prayed for a miracle as murder and mayhem swept through the gym.

"The shooting abated for a few seconds, but the terrorists were bringing their guns to bear on the kids injured and hiding in the bleachers when the side door suddenly slammed open. Steve Hammer strode fearlessly into the room with a gun in each hand. The murderers turned their weapons on Steve and a deafening roar filled the gym. She told how she had to literally wait for the gun smoke to clear to see the outcome. She saw Steve lying on the floor and Gwen hurrying from body to body, cutting wires to the bombs strapped to the torsos of the dead terrorists. Then Gwen began issuing phone numbers to the remaining healthy students and teachers.

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