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Lady in Red Pt. 02 Ch. 07

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Changing the status quo.
14.5k words

Part 39 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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When the man's face came into stronger light, Steve spoke in a challenging manner. "You'd better holster that gun, or use it."

"I don't need a gun to take you down, Hammer," replied the man as he tucked the handgun into his waistband. "How's Kate? Is she okay? I'm ashamed to admit that I was a little slow back there. Is she hurt?"

By this time Gwen was next to Kate, looking at the blood on her face and asking her questions, and listening to Kate's response. "Three men grabbed me. I went to the car to get a jacket and when I started back, they pulled me into that alley by the bakery. I tried to fight them off, but one guy slapped me real hard and another one yanked on my shirt and ripped it.

"Then this man came down the alley. He told them to leave me alone. One of the men attacked him with a knife, and he just grabbed the guy's arm. Then it looked like he made the guy stab himself. The two that were left let go of me and pulled out guns! He shot them both! I started running because I was so afraid, and he chased me. I knew if I could get to you, Steve, I'd be okay. I'm sorry if I put everyone here in danger. I was really, really scared!"

Steve once again pulled Kate close and rubbed her back as he spoke calmly to her. "Always come to me when you have any trouble. That's what brothers are for. You're not in any danger now. This guy's not only ugly, but he's also harmless."

"Those cartel guys didn't think I was too harmless when I saved your ass a week ago," replied the stranger as he flashed a dazzling smile. "Maybe I should've let them shoot you in the back. It would've served you right for staying behind without me!"

"Why am I beginning to think you two know each other?" asked Gwen as she looked from Steve to the stranger as understanding suddenly washed over her face. "You're a SEAL, too! You were with Steve in Colombia! How come you were in that alley when those guys attacked Kate? What about those guys? Should we call an ambulance?"

"Unless I miss my guess, they're beyond any medical help now," responded Steve as the man quickly nodded his head in agreement. "Chip wouldn't have left them breathing after they treated Kate like that. We do need to call the police and report it."

"Chip? This is Chip? The guy you talk about so much?" quizzed Gwen of Steve before turning her full attention on the man standing before her. "Tell me how you wound up in that alley when Kate was attacked."

"I was pretty pissed at your pretty boy here, when he dropped off the chopper and went back for those kids without inviting me along. I called in some favors to try to find out where he was and to see if he needed me back in there to save his sorry ass again. My cousin is married to a guy in ONI, so I asked her to find out what she could.

"They couldn't tell me squat about Steve, but he did tell me that three men that had ties to Flores had recently boarded a flight for the US. They were scheduled to layover in Dallas and then catch a connecting flight this way.

"I was waiting in the local airport when they got off the plane, rented a car and headed for Sparta. I followed them. Steve already had enough on his plate at the time. He was pretty busy in Colombia, while I had been given direct orders to NOT go there for any reason. I thought I might be able to best help him out by keeping an eye on his family. I've been in Sparta three days, following those guys around. They acted like regular tourists until just a few minutes ago when they attacked your sister.

"I did take the time the other day to stop at the police station and inform Chief Blanchard why I was in town, and that I was carrying. I showed him my military ID and my permit from home. He had no problem issuing me a permit here. He said that the police couldn't do much unless the three men broke the law."

"Were you sent here by the Navy, or the CIA, or somebody?" asked Jordan in amazement at the man's story.

"Naw, I had some leave coming, so I took a few days off and hotfooted it up here. If something had happened to one of you, I never would've been able to face Steve again. Plus, he's always bragging about how smart and beautiful his lady friends are, especially Gwen's little sister, Kate. I thought maybe I'd see for myself," admitted Chip.

"Steve told you I was beautiful?" reveled Kate. "I didn't think he ever even noticed me. Not with Gwen, Lisa, Ashley, Nadiya, and so many gorgeous women around. So you think I'm beautiful, Steve?"

"Is that all you took from Chip's story?" marveled Steve. "Because of me, men were sent here to hurt you and your family! You should be wishing you never met me."

"Oh, don't get all melodramatic," responded Kate. "You're the best thing that ever happened to this family, and this town. You're probably the best thing the whole country has ever seen, at least when you and Gwen are together. Where are your manners? Shouldn't you introduce me to my protector?"

"Kate, this pathetic little guy is Chester Martin. He might be Chester the third, or fourth. I don't remember. Chester, this lovely woman is Kate Anderson. She's way too much of a lady to be seen with a guy like you, so don't get any ideas."

"Little guy? He's well over six foot and two hundred pounds, not that I've noticed," blushed Kate as she extended her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Chester. Thanks for saving me in that alley."

"Everyone calls me Chip," insisted the red-faced SEAL as he glared at Steve. "He knows that. Please call me Chip."

Before the conversation went any farther, two policemen arrived and began asking questions. Chip was disarmed and interrogated thoroughly. More police were sent to the alley. As expected, they found that all three men were dead. The coroner was summoned, and then Kate was questioned extensively. At three AM, the local DA walked into the restaurant. He listened carefully as the investigators explained what they had learned. Satisfied that he had all the information available from the police, he walked to where Steve was sitting quietly with Gwen and their friends.

"I know you've had a long day, but we need to sort this out. It appears that three men traveled here from Colombia to do grievous bodily harm to one, or more of your friends, probably for a significant sum of money. Your Navy friend got wind of it and came here to protect your extended family while you were otherwise occupied.

"He also happens to be a Navy SEAL, trained in God knows what. Kate states that she was forced into the alley against her will. She was struck in the face when she resisted, and some clothing was ripped from her body. Your buddy stepped into the fray at that point. Those three alleged hired killers made the tactical error of trying to kill him, so they naturally wound up dead. You can probably see where this is going.

"Your friend will not get his gun back. He will not leave town until we sort this out to the satisfaction of my office, as well as the Navy and the Feds. Are you willing to vouch for the character and integrity of this man so we don't have to keep him in jail tonight? And will you give me your personal guarantee that he will avoid any further trouble during his stay?" finished the DA.

Steve glanced at Chip briefly before turning to face the DA. "Sir, I've served alongside Chip since I graduated the Academy. We signed up to be SEALs at the same time and trained together. We went through Hell Week together. I trust him with my life. In fact, I've already trusted him with my life, and he's come through. He came to Sparta because he was worried about my friends, and my inability to care for them while in Colombia. He saved Kate's life tonight. He's a man of character and honor. He's an extremely dangerous man when provoked, but honest, kind, and respectful to everyone that deserves it. I will unconditionally vouch for him!" declared Steve with some emotion.

"That's about what I expected," replied the DA. "You both appear to be cut from the same cloth."

As the DA left to speak to a one of the policemen, Kate showed her surprise at Steve's strong endorsement. "Wow! That was some recommendation! You must really trust Chip. There aren't too many people that you speak so highly of."

"Kate, I'm serious as a heart attack right now. If you ever have a problem, if any of you ever has a problem, and I'm not around to help, reach out to Chip. We've been through some situations that test, as well as reveal character. I've seen what's inside him. I trust him like I trust Billy, Charlie, Jason, and Jared."

"So if I find myself on his lap in a hot tub, he'll remain a gentleman?" teased Kate as she appraised Chip from head to toe before she had a sudden concern. "Are you married, or engaged, Chip?"

"Not at the moment, but you could change that situation at any time," answered Chip smoothly. "Just let me know when you want to pick out the ring."

"That's exactly what I was worried about," groaned Steve. "You're a lot more dangerous than those cartel men. Kate, stay away from this guy. He's no good!"

"That's not what you just told the DA. In fact, you made him sound like the best thing since sliced bread," pointed out Kate. "He's strong, handsome, single, and he just saved my life. Don't I deserve a hero like Lisa and Gwen have?"

"You're serious?" asked Steve with some surprise. "Chip and I have a running battle of insults and competition. That's a man thing and we understand it. We totally respect each other and there's nothing more important between men, than respect and trust. He's the real deal, but don't get all muddle-headed over one incident. Don't rush into anything."

"Do you mean like falling in love at first sight at a mall? Winning a football game just for a date? Explain what I shouldn't rush into!"

Steve was again surprised at Kate's passionate reaction. "Kate, you do what you feel will make you happy. I'll support you, and love you no matter what. You know that."

"That's the big brother I know and love! I'm not going to run off with the guy, but he looks pretty good at first glance and he's the first guy to propose to me, so that gives him a head start. Then there's the fact that he saved my life. That's another important factor, don't you think?"

As the subject of the debate, Chip blushed as he listened to his friend and the beautiful young woman discuss his merits like a prized bull.

"If I wasn't so tired, I'd be adding my two cents. But this night has already lasted about three hours too long," complained Gwen as she stifled a yawn. "I'm supposed to be sleeping in the desert tonight, with a billion stars all around. Right now, I'd settle for a comfortable bed and one handsome star all around me."

As everyone prepared to leave, Steve took the time to shake Chip's hand and speak quietly to him. "You know what Gwen and her family mean to me. I owe you, big time. If you ever need me, or anything I have, just let me know."

"Kate's a beautiful woman. All of these women are beautiful! I'm glad to help. You know you don't owe me anything, and I know you'll insist that you do. I'll never forget when you came back for me and pulled me onto that boat. I'll never be able to pay you back," insisted Chip.

Steve woke Gwen up later that morning as he made slow, gentle love to her. "That was exactly what I needed," sighed Gwen. "I'll give you a few minutes to rest and then we'll do it again, but next time we'll make it last."

"Did you forget that I'm supposed to be debriefed at ten? I need to get dressed. I just couldn't resist that luscious body of yours. You're an incredibly desirable woman. I can't begin to tell you how much I love you."

"You're not supposed to be able to resist me! That's how this all works. We can't resist each other; we stay very much in love, and we have a family. You wanting me is what leads to us having children some day. In the meantime, we practice so we'll be able to do it right when the time comes."

"Wow! Med school is really paying off," teased Steve. "You know so much more than when I first met you. It's amazing."

"That's true, Wise Guy. I know a great deal more about love, sex, family, relationships, Russia, France, and the Ukraine, not to mention death and suffering. I also know what a remarkable man you are. Was it pretty bad in Colombia? Do you want to talk about it?" asked a suddenly serious Gwen.

"Some of it was pretty bad. I hope those two girls aren't scarred from it. They were almost raped. They saw me kill their attackers with a knife because I couldn't risk shooting and attracting more men. We lived in the jungle for a week. They were so frightened from a large snake we encountered on the first day that they insisted on being with me all of the time. I don't mean in sight of me, but close to me. Then they were there that last day when I had to engage the cartel forces to save the girls and me. I killed a lot of people, Gwen. That doesn't feel good, regardless of how I justify it. Chip's going to be doing some soul searching today, too. He did what he had to do last night, but he'll be wondering if he did the right thing. If it didn't bother him, he wouldn't be the man he is."

"I'm here for you, Steve. You'll be seeing Lisa and Jason later today and that will cheer you up, and help you put everything in perspective. Lisa's baby bump is getting bigger and she positively glows. You saved her husband, the father of her unborn child. You saved those precious girls. You even brought back a sick child to be treated at the new hospital. These are the reasons you did what you had to do, and I'm so proud of you I can't stand it," praised Gwen as she gently kissed Steve. "We'll talk this out when we have time so we can get you all the way back to me. I know that it takes some time, but you're worth it, Sweetheart."

The couple showered and dressed quickly. They found Paula in the kitchen and heard Ted outside mowing the backyard. "Maybe you can tell me exactly what happened last night after Ted and I left for home. I'll make some breakfast while you two spill the beans. I watched the news this morning and had to go check on Kate in her bed to be sure she's okay. Who's this guy that helped her out last night? Is he safe to be around? The news made him sound pretty dangerous."

"Mom, have you listened to the reports about Steve and the things he's done? No one sounds more dangerous than he is. I doubt if anyone is, at least to bad guys. You know how impetuous Kate is. She may have just found her knight in shining armor, so I'd suggest you don't disparage this fellow in front of Kate, Steve, or me.

"He saved Kate's life. He took on three armed men that had come to Sparta to do harm to those of us close to Steve. Chip, that's his name, was worried about Steve, so he used all his connections to find out that three men associated with Flores were coming to Sparta. Then he used his vacation time and his own money to get here first. He followed the guys around to see if they were planning any trouble.

"They hit Kate and dragged her into the alley by the bakery. They ripped her clothes and must have had some terrible things in mind for her. Steve's friend, who just happens to be another Navy SEAL, ended what those thugs started. To answer your question, I'd say he's very dangerous to anyone doing harm to innocent women and children. He's almost as dangerous as Steve. Do you worry when you're around Steve? Does he make you uncomfortable, or frightened?" asked Gwen pointedly.

"Of course not! I know the kind of man he is. This Chip must have made quite an impression on you and Kate," observed Paula.

"It wasn't Chip so much as it was Steve. The DA asked Steve if he'd vouch for Chip. I've never heard Steve stronger in his support of any man. I rely on Steve's judgment when it comes to men, and he gives this guy top marks across the board. Kate was her usually emotional self and when she heard Steve vouch so strongly for Chip, she knew that he was the genuine article. She knows how Steve can pick out the posers in seconds. Chip's the real deal.

"If Kate accepts his proposal, he'll be your son-in-law some day, so you'd better get used to having him around. He was all doe-eyed around her. If she decides he's the one, he's got no chance at all," stated Gwen flatly.

"He proposed to Kate? When? While he was saving her from those horrible men? This is way too sudden. I'll speak to Kate," promised Paula.

"Sure, that'll really help. Tell her that you don't believe in love at first sight. Or tell her that she should find a dentist or lawyer since her two sisters went for the strong, silent, and extremely deadly type. Tell her that she's only twenty-two and isn't mature enough to make her own decisions, and explain why you let me sleep with Steve when I was eighteen."

"Oh, dear!" responded Paula as she considered Gwen's words. "I may have been overreacting a bit. I need to meet this young man and see how it all develops. I'd never try to stand between Kate and a decent man that she cares about."

"Then you'd better stay out of the way, Mom, because this guy might be the one for me," stated Kate as she poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at the table. "I dreamed about him all night, what there was of the night. I'm not worried whether you'll like him or not, or approve of him. He's like Steve and Jason, and that's pretty good company. You'll see."

A few minutes later, Ashley entered the kitchen. "There are news people all over town. Steve coming home was huge news, but after the attempt on Kate last night, it's a madhouse. I see you don't have the TV on. There are reporters camped at the end of your driveway, just waiting for someone to step out. I thought I might be able to help keep this from becoming an even bigger circus."

As Ashley finished speaking, the doorbell rang. "I'll get that! Don't worry, if it's a reporter I'll send them packing," promised Ashley as she marched purposefully to the front door.

Even from the kitchen, everyone could hear Ashley challenge the visitor. She demanded she be given some form of identification before she allowed the person to enter the house.

"This is Captain Neary. He's here to speak with Steve about some sort of vague situation in some unknown part of the world," introduced Ashley. "I tried to tell him Steve was kind of tired, but he insisted that he was expecting him."

"It's easier to get into the Pentagon than it is to get past this lady," chuckled the Captain. "She's the most attractive body guard I've ever come across. You can sit down, Steve."

Steve had come to attention when his superior officer entered the room. He sat back down when he was told that he could.

"Please have a seat, Captain," invited Paula. "We were having breakfast and I'd be more than happy to make some for you."

"Thanks, Ma'am, but I ate a few hours ago. I would accept a cup of that coffee that smells so good. As you all must know, I've been sent here to debrief Steve and to determine his mental state. I am not a psychologist. I'm a JAG officer and just happened to be the closest available one.

"I was told to tread lightly, unless there appeared to be a serious issue, and to not take up too much of your time. The bottom line is that the Navy wants a full written report of your activities in Colombia from the time the choppers landed there to the time you stepped off the helicopter at the hospital. They want it within four business days, which is Friday since Monday is a holiday.

"You are not to discuss anything that happened during the week you were away from your unit with the press, or civilians of any kind. I have asked for a complete medical report from the local hospital and have been assured that it will be forthcoming."

"Are we supposed to leave you two alone? I'm Gwen Anderson, Steve's girlfriend. We don't have many secrets, but if he's ordered to not tell me something he won't."

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