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Lady in Red Pt. 02 Ch. 12

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An election, a concert, testimony and an attack.
12.9k words

Part 44 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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"Excuse me, Madam Chairman," repeated Virginia Senator Russell several times before the din abated and he could finally be clearly heard. "May I suggest a recess so that the committee can discuss this situation? We could reconvene after lunch."

Once again, an aide stepped forward and spoke into the still livid chairman's ear as she slowly nodded. "Very well, Senator Russell. We'll adjourn until one o'clock this afternoon. Ms. Anderson, Lieutenant Hammer, we'll expect you in your seats and prepared to answer questions at that time. You'll still be under oath."

With that statement, the lady chairman brought the gavel down. The senators and their aides stood to leave the chamber. "That went well," observed Kate drily as she and Ashley joined Steve and Gwen. "They don't seem to like your brand of truth too well here. They'd be pissed if you didn't have any proof, but they're even more pissed that you do. There are at least a hundred reporters waiting on the steps to ask you guys questions. Want to find a back door or something?"

"I don't think we do," replied Steve. "We need to remain completely transparent and truthful. Let's go get some lunch."

As the group stepped outside, dozens of reporters hurled questions at them. "Did you exchange yourself for those kids with the intention of killing the terrorists?" shouted a man standing in the forefront of the legion of reporters.

"I had no idea how it would all play out. But I was quite certain that with the tenacious support of my friend and fellow SEAL, Chip Martin, we'd have a better chance of bringing them to justice than that group of school kids would," replied Steve. "There was no plan, per say, so much as an agreement between Chip and me to do all we could for the kids and for each other."

"How did you know that he'd be able to find you? That he'd be able to rescue you?" questioned a different reporter. "Wasn't that leaving a lot to chance?"

"I didn't, and yes, it was leaving a lot to chance. Fortunately, Chip beat the odds, which really didn't surprise me. I've never seen his equal," praised Steve.

"Was it your intention to decapitate that terrorist?" called a tall woman reporter from the second row.

"It was when I brought my foot down," replied Steve calmly.

"Why did you send that email? Did you expect your friends to show up at that warehouse?" quizzed another reporter.

"Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. That said, I wasn't overly surprised at the results. I sent it to find out what would happen if I gave away our position. I'm certain that Gwen didn't send in that Hellfire missile," grinned Steve as he pulled Gwen closer. "She never received the email. Who has the ability to monitor emails, and to intercept them? Who has the ability to use Hellfire missiles? Who can transport me surreptitiously to Iraq without the U.S. military, or government knowing? That list is pretty short, and it's the usual suspects."

"Do you believe that the CIA tried to have you killed?" asked yet another reporter.

"I think the evidence points to a person, or persons, in the CIA dropping that missile on that warehouse with the intention of sending me straight to Hell," admitted Steve. "I'm holding out hope that it was a rogue operation and not something the Agency condoned. That remains to be seen. Now, if you'll excuse us, we need to catch some lunch before we return to testify before the committee."

Steve and Gwen strolled down the street with Kate and Ashley following. They were constantly recognized and greeted as they made their way down the sidewalk. Most of those they met were tourists and delighted to see the famous couple. Cameras and phones constantly snapped photos. Many people took the time to thank Gwen and Steve for their efforts on behalf of veterans, and for standing up to the powerful senate committee.

"Word gets around fast," stated Ashley as they group sat down at their reserved table. "It seems like the everyday Joes are pretty happy with the way you two are handling things so far. This is big. You're pretty much accusing the CIA of trying to kill an American citizen that's an active member of the military; a Navy SEAL, no less."

"When I asked if I could have the afternoon off from class to attend this hearing, my instructors couldn't agree fast enough," stated Kate. "These hearings are extremely interesting to people that teach at, or attend law school. I just watched history as it was happening. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to give a verbal report on everything, unless you're still testifying. Then I'll be here again to watch."

"People in medical school aren't quite as excited about this stuff, although I had no problem getting permission to take a few days off from class to come to Washington," admitted Gwen. "The real problem is that med school is hard enough when you attend all of the lectures. Missing class is not the way to pass the exams. Luckily, Charlotte's got my back. She'll take notes and record the lectures, but I'm going to be working my butt off when I get back to Stanford."

"Do you think you'll be going back, or will that 'Madam Chairman' person throw you in jail?" questioned a concerned Ashley.

"That was just a foolish statement made out of anger," replied Steve between bites of his lunch. "We didn't withhold evidence from them. She's angry because we produced the evidence that she didn't want to even exist, never mind being seen by the public. Once she has time to cool off, she'll realize it, or her aides will explain it to her."

"After what Steve went through in Colombia and Iraq, the citizens of this country would probably stage a revolution if the government tried to punish him in any way," insisted Gwen. "You've seen how people admire and respect him. Without wanting to sound vain, Steve and I have built up a lot of good will across the country. As long as we're honest about everything, 'Madam Chairman' won't be able to touch us. Look at what Steve managed in a two week span. He saved those two American girls in Colombia, killed a ruthless drug lord, freed 17 child hostages in Iraq, and killed numerous international terrorists. That's in two weeks!"

"One of my law professors said pretty much the same thing last class," offered Kate. "He suggested that Steve's influence exceeded that of most members of Congress. We're a country of citizens that want to do the right thing, and want to be proud of our leaders and their actions. Steve's given that to us, in spades! We haven't had a lot to brag about or believe in lately, but Steve's brought back pride in country. Americans like to feel that he represents our ideals, our courage, and our skills.

"Chip told me that he'd never have made it out of Iraq without Steve pushing him all the way. I don't think I realized how much you guys endured until I watched that video. You talked Chip into living, and you used me to make him want to keep going. That makes me love both of you guys. Busted legs, ribs, arms, and shoulders and you two were talking about not letting us down and how you had to get back to Gwen and me. You just keep amazing me."

"We'd better start back," suggested Steve as he blushed slightly under Kate's praise. "We'll wind up behind bars for being late or something."

"It's come to my attention that I may have acted a bit rashly earlier today," began the lady chairman of the senate committee as soon as the hearing was called to order. "Since you offered your evidence when this committee asked for it, you did not withhold it and therefore cannot be held in contempt. However, I still feel that it was grandstanding. It was theatrical and performed to perfection by skilled actors. We're here to get to the truth and that's what we intend to do. Senator Russell now has the floor."

"I'd like to thank you both for appearing here today," began the senior senator from Virginia. "I'd also like to express my sincere appreciation for the courageous efforts you made on behalf of others in both Colombia and Iraq in recent weeks, Lieutenant Hammer.

"I have to state, Ms. Anderson, that your work with children and veterans has not gone unnoticed. You were instrumental in the construction of a state-of-the-art hospital in your home town. Your company is completely financing a similar one in Kiev. It's rare to see charitable work on such a large scale.

"Now for the reason we're here today. Lieutenant Hammer, can you state for a fact that the CIA tried to kill you in Iraq? Do you have any more knowledge than what you shared with us in that amazing video?"

"No, Sir, I cannot. I can only give tell you the facts as I know them. They would seem to point at the Agency, but they're very careful about exposing their people, or their intentions. You need to find out why I wound up on three different military planes while being taken to Iraq, yet with no one in government knowing it. Who cleared me to ride on them? In Germany, they actually delayed their departure to wait for my arrival. Who told them to wait? If the military and the state department have no knowledge of these flights, then who made the arrangements?

"Why didn't my email get through to Gwen or my friends? How did the CIA learn there were terrorists in that building? Why did they bomb it? Who met me when we landed in Iraq and escorted me to meet the families of the kidnapped children? Who appointed the fellow that headed up the CIA's effort in Iraq to find me? Why wasn't the military included? My friends assure me that our service men and women were extremely anxious to assist in the search. Special Forces were created for situations like that. Why weren't they utilized?

"When you have the answers to those questions, you'll be a long way toward determining who was responsible for that series of incidents, and if it was their intention that I become a sacrificial lamb," concluded Steve.

Steve and Gwen spent the rest of the afternoon responding to committee questions. No senator made the mistake of being overly critical, or insulting to the couple as they politely answered every question asked. When the questioning was finally completed, the lady chairman thanked both Gwen and Steve for their cooperation.

"We started off poorly, but I truly believe that we all have the same goal. We want this great nation to succeed and grow. There's no place in government for those that ignore our laws and pursue private agendas. Thank you, Ms. Anderson and Lieutenant Hammer for your cooperation and patience today. This committee will process the information we've received and proceed from there."

Once again, Steve and Gwen were mobbed by reporters as they left the Capitol Building. Before they began answering questions, Gwen motioned to a smiling man standing well off to the side. He was accompanied by several men in suits.

"Larry?" called Gwen as reporters craned their necks to find the focus of Gwen's attention. They saw several well dressed men standing near a tall fellow with a pony tail. He was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. Gwen motioned to the man and he grinned as he made his way to the front of the crowd.

"What brings you to D.C.?" asked Gwen as she quickly hugged the man before Steve shook his hand. "Is there anything wrong? Is everyone back home okay?"

"Yeah, the guys are fine. I'm in town to lobby for aid for disabled veterans. I'm here right now because these three national veteran association honchos found out that I'm on pretty good terms with you, Steve, Jordan, and Charlie. They want a favor and they hoped that I'd soften you up before they asked it," chuckled Larry Carson as the three men in suits worked their way through the crowd of reporters.

"Bill Adams, Sam Notaranni, and Ben Li, it's my pleasure to introduce you to my good friends, Gwen Anderson and Steve Hammer. I did my part. Now it's up to you three," grinned Larry as he stepped back.

"We were quite willing to wait until you were done with the press. Asking a favor in front of reporters isn't really very fair," reasoned Bill Adams, the apparent spokesman of the group.

"Sir, if it's about helping veterans, feel free to ask us anything, in front of anyone," responded Gwen as she gave the three men her megawatt smile. "We'll do what we can."

"Okay, here it goes," replied Bill Adams. "We represent the three largest veterans' organizations in the United States. We've made arrangements with the Park Service to have the use the National Mall on Veteran's Day. We do this almost every year. We have speakers lined up. They're..., you know,... the usual Veterans Day speakers. What we'd really like to ask is if you could manage to work your schedule so you could perform..."

"Absolutely!" responded Gwen before the man finished his request. "We'll make the time. I'll need you to give your contact information to Ashley. She'll be in touch with you. We'll need to know where you want us to set up, how long you want us to perform, and any special requests you may have for us. I can't speak for Jordan and Charlie, but I guess I'm speaking for Steve, aren't I?"

"Feel free," laughed Steve as Gwen looked to him for his reaction. "You know I'll do anything to help our vets, and even more to remain in your good graces."

By this time, Ashley was exchanging information with the three delighted men. She entered their information into her phone before she gave them numbers and emails they could use to contact her.

"We can't thank you enough!" beamed the man introduced to Gwen as Sam Notaranni. "Our turnouts have been getting a bit light with the usual predictable speeches and ceremonies. We've been watching the news and saw how well you treated the veterans in your state and what you did to help Larry's organization. We ran into him at a meeting and persuaded him to come here today to see if he could introduce us to you. He managed it without putting out much effort. He appears to be a genuine friend of yours."

It was at that point that everyone realized that reporters were recording the exchange. "I guess you heard everything, but that's a good thing!" declared Gwen as she faced the reporters once again. "Steve and I have agreed to perform here at the National Mall on Veterans Day. I'm sure that Charlie and Jordan will be with us, if their busy schedule allows it. We hope that everyone will have a wonderful time, and the people of this great country will show their pride and appreciation for the sacrifices these men and women have made for us. I'm dedicated to helping our veterans. We'll be here in Washington, on the National Mall, celebrating with, and honoring the men and women that have risked so much for us. There's no more fitting place to honor these people than here in our nation's capital."

A few minutes later, Gwen, Kate, Ashley, and Steve returned to their hotel for a 'quiet' dinner. "Maybe we should have reserved a private room, or eaten in your suite," worried Ashley as Steve and Gwen were interrupted for about the tenth time by well wishers and fans.

"This is fine," insisted Steve. "Gwen may be a Congresswoman soon. She needs to be seen as accessible. She can't become part of the establishment, where she's only seen at photo ops and political events. In fact, I think she should avoid the obvious situations where she'll be seen as pandering or politicking. People need to realize what a smart, honest, beautiful woman she really is. She has to keep her humility and natural charm front and center. It's what separates her from all of the clowns and jokers we have in congress."

"Jordan just called. She got my text about performing, and she saw it on the TV news," revealed Gwen as she put her phone away. "Mr. and Mrs. Burns think it'll be the perfect venue for them to debut as a married couple. They can't wait to perform."

"Will Jordan change her professional name to Jordan Burns?" asked Kate. "That would take some getting used to, wouldn't it?"

"Professionally, she'll still be Jordan Quick, but in her private life, she's Mrs. Jordan Burns and their kids will have the surname 'Burns'. I think it's a good idea. I'll always be Dr. Gwen Anderson to my patients, and plain Gwen Anderson to my fans, but I hope to be Mrs. Gwen Hammer someday, if I'm not being too presumptuous."

"I think we'd be Lieutenant and Doctor Hammer, or if I'm a civilian, Mr. and Dr. Hammer. At least that's what'll be on our electric bill," offered Steve with a grin.

"As long as I have 'Hammer' in there someplace and our kids are little 'Hammers', I'll be fine with just about anything," admitted Gwen. "Mom's been hinting that we should tie the knot at some point soon. I told her we have it planned out, but she says plans don't always work out and it might be good to just make the leap.

"I told Mom that you haven't even asked me, so she's putting the cart before the horse," stated Gwen as she gave Steve a meaningful look.

"Gwen, if you want to change our plans, I'll gladly marry you tomorrow," responded Steve. "You know how I feel about you and how I fully intend to make you my wife. If you're not happy with our timetable, just let me know. I'll be on bended knee so fast your head will spin."

"That's all I need to hear," beamed Gwen. "Charlotte and I both think that it's better to concentrate on med school and avoid the distractions of marriage, especially when it's long distance. When you and I take the plunge, we're going to live together. That's important in a marriage. It's the only way that I know."

Gwen returned to Stanford the next morning, while Steve reported to Senator Chatham's office. "You're coming to work for me after the way you stirred up things yesterday?" questioned Senator Chatham. "Presenting that video out of the blue like that really caught the committee by surprise. Politicians do not like surprises. You need to always be aware of that.

"You're going to be introduced as my attaché today. There'll be more than a few questions since you're only a lieutenant. Usually Majors or higher receive those appointments. They're normally appointed to embassies and the like. What I want from you is silence on your appointment. I'll handle any questions that may be asked. Just remember that you're still in the service and you should consider me your superior officer in our interactions.

"I guess you'll want Veterans Day off," chuckled Senator Chatham. "That was a real Kodak moment when you two promised those veterans that you'd perform on the National Mall. You two garner more good press without any real effort then my entire professional PR team can manage for me. This'll be an interesting year!"

Steve did his best to follow instructions while trying to maintain a low profile. Senator Chatham appeared to have a different agenda as she always had him travel with her and stand nearby for all of her photo ops.

Gwen and Charlotte flew to Sparta from California on Election Day to vote. Steve returned home from Washington. They all realized that they could have used absentee ballots, but were excited over the prospects of Gwen winning the election. Once again, Gwen and Steve, with friends and family, were enjoying a late dinner at Marsh's Landing. Every television in the place was tuned to a news channel. It was just past eight thirty when Amber Stahl announced that her network was prepared to project the winner of the Congressional race in Sparta. The entire restaurant became silent. Everyone was focused on Amber's announcement.

"CBC is now projecting that the winner in the 5th Congressional District, which encompasses Sparta. We project Gwen Anderson will win the district by a 2 to 1 margin!

"This election is important for several reasons. Gwen Anderson never campaigned. She spent no time, or money trying to sway voters. Several attempts were made to derail her support. Rumors were circulated that her famous boyfriend, Steve Hammer, was having an ongoing affair with Paula Anderson, Gwen's mother. That effort failed miserably. Then nude photos of Ms. Anderson and a close male friend, who happens to be black, were circulated. Gwen Anderson simply shrugged them off. She admitted the photos were real, that the man in the photos was a very close friend, that Steve Hammer was the only man she had ever slept with and that people could vote for her opponent if they didn't like her lifestyle.

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