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Lady in Red Pt. 02 Ch. 16

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Dealing with the Oscars, commercials, and a tornado.
24.7k words

Part 48 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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As she hurried between classes, Gwen was stopped by a local reporter the day after Hardy's diatribe was aired. The reporter asked about her response to Bill Hardy's accusations. Her answer was brief and to the point.

"I'm pursuing an MD. That means that I have some seriously difficult courses. I'm a freshman congresswoman. I'm an owner in a rather large company. I make movies, recordings, and give concerts. I have to make a commercial for the Super Bowl this coming weekend, and I'm co-hosting the Academy Awards in a couple of weeks. I simply have no time for baseless accusations. As usual, Mr. Hardy offered conjecture and misinformation, but nothing factual. I really can't be bothered. Now, please excuse me," finished Gwen. "I'm going to be late for a lecture."

Even though Gwen, Steve, and Lady in Red Productions publicly dismissed Hardy's suggestions as unfounded and baseless, the members of Congress that were unhappy with Gwen's popularity and her increasing success saw an opportunity and began working behind the scenes, as only politicians can. There were private conversations and unscheduled meetings among her more determined detractors. Various possibilities were considered, and options discussed. Nothing was mentioned in public, but the groundwork was being established.

The following weekend found Gwen, Steve, Jordan, Charlie and their friends gathered in Sparta to make the commercials that Stephanie had contracted for the Super Bowl. Diane planned to spend as much time as she could with Jordan, Gwen, Charlie, and Steve on a couple of dance numbers for the Oscars. It shaped up to be a very busy weekend for the group.

On Friday evening, the friends gathered at Ted and Paula's home. Paula had ordered a catered buffet so that everyone could visit as they ate. Will surprised Steve when he took him aside for a brief conversation.

"I have to thank you for giving Stephanie that great job. Now we see her a lot more, and she's really enjoying her work. I know she's young, but she's smart and she's totally loyal to you, Jordan, Charlie and her cousins."

"Gwen and I thought of Steph as soon as Ashley agreed to head up Gwen's office in Washington. She's doing a great job and we have complete confidence in her," agreed Steve.

"That's great to hear," smiled Will as he looked around to be certain no one was within hearing. "I have a strange favor to ask. I know it'll sound odd, but it's important to me."

"I don't keep secrets from Gwen, so don't ask me to do that," replied Steve as he tried to guess where Will was headed. "If she asks what we talked about, or if she asks why I'm doing something unusual that you requested, I'll tell her the truth. She means too much to me to screw things up by keeping secrets."

"I understand. Remember that I've been married 25 years," responded Will. "I think she'll be fine with it, if a little surprised. You'll understand when I tell you the favor I'm asking.

"It's no secret that Diane thinks the world of you. Don't worry, I'm okay with it. Neither of you would ever do anything to harm the family dynamics," added Will as Steve blushed and began to protest. "This sounds unusual, but I'm hoping you'll understand. I've noticed that the Diane seems unusually amorous after spending time with you, especially if you flirt with her a bit.

"Don't be embarrassed. She tells me all about what you two do together. When she told me she was pregnant, she also mentioned how she had asked your advice while she was topless in a hot tub with you. We had the hottest sex of our lives that weekend. She's figured out that it turns me on to have her tell me about your little interactions. She's really hot and primed after her time with you. She thinks it's me reacting to her stories, and it is to an extent, but a lot of it her attitude."

"I don't know how to respond to that," stated Steve thoughtfully. "I do understand part of it. When I see Billy, Jared, and the other guys looking at Gwen when she's topless or in a sexy outfit, it cranks me up a notch or two. She knows it and loves to talk about it just to get me going. Now that you mention it, I think it also gets her motor running to be so obviously admired by the guys," considered Steve. "But what favor would you like?"

"Could you try to be sure to flirt with Diane when you see her this weekend and into the future? Sometimes at events like this, you're too busy with your younger friends to give her much attention. She never complains, but I can tell it disappoints her a little, and it actually puts a damper on our sex life. If you managed to give her a little personal time whenever you see her, I'd greatly appreciate it, if you get my drift. You'd be doing both Diane and me a favor," assured Will. "You'll be spending time with her while you work on the dance routines, so just turn up the heat a little. I'll take care of the rest!"

"Let me see if I have this right. The favor you're asking is for me to be sure to flirt more with your wife?" asked a grinning Steve. "I think I could do that for you. It's a lot to ask, but I'm always trying to help anyway I can. I'll wind her up so bad she'll probably kill you in bed. I hope you have a few blue pills in case they're needed."

"If she kills me in bed, I'll go out happy," chuckled Will. "I thought you'd find it in your heart to help me out. I'll be ready for her, don't you worry about that."

By that time Diane was headed in their direction. "What are you two talking about over here? I could see you looking around and grinning like a couple of school boys."

"It was men talk. No reason for you to worry that lovely head over it," responded Steve with a dazzling smile. "I've got to tell you that sometimes I forget just how beautiful you are. That outfit really puts your assets on display. I need to talk with you before I leave. There may be a few changes to the movie we're making this summer. They'll affect you directly."

With that, Steve wandered toward his friends as Diane blushed before looking at Will and smiling. "He likes your wife's boobs and how much of them are showing tonight. How's that make you feel?"

"You'll find out how hard I feel when we get home!" promised Will as he kissed Diane on the cheek.

A bit later, the girls decided to have a ladies' night out while the men were going to stay at Ted's to watch an action movie on his big screen TV. Lisa had a problem, however. "Jason has a late meeting and my regular sitter is out of town for the weekend. I'll have to stay home with Theresa."

"I'd be glad to take care of Theresa for a few hours!" volunteered Steve. "I'd rather do that than watch that movie again. I'd enjoy having her with me."

"You do realize that you might have to change her diaper? Maybe a few times?" asked a skeptical Lisa.

"I used to help Mom when she watched neighbors' kids on the Naval base," replied Steve with a chuckle. "I wound up changing quite a few diapers back then. It's like riding a bike. I'll figure it out."

"Sis, where did you ever find this guy?" marveled Lisa as she hugged Steve. "He sings, dances, saves lives, and changes dirty diapers! Jason has trouble stifling his gag reflex when he just smells a dirty diaper. You'd better marry this guy pretty soon. If word of this gets out, every woman in the country of child bearing age will be after him!"

"They already are," beamed Gwen as she watched Steve blush under Lisa's praise. "And that includes a few conniving witches here tonight."

"Hey, I already have a boyfriend!" responded Naomi immediately. "But I have to admit I didn't know that Steve changed diapers."

"Neither did I!" chimed in Jordan. "Now I know where I can find a baby sitter in a hurry. That was the final obstacle Charlie and I had to overcome before I get pregnant."

"It looks like Steve's going to be the reason Jordan gets knocked up," observed Kate drily. "I have to admit that it wouldn't have surprised me a few years ago, before she found Charlie."

Steve was able to catch a few minutes with Diane when she was returning from the bathroom. He ushered her into the laundry room and closed the door.

"I wanted to speak with you about the movie we'll be making. I know it's the first time you'll be in one of our films. I was wondering how comfortable you would be with a little love scene between us?"

"I didn't see anything like that in the draft I have," replied a surprised Diane. "I'm pretty old for a young hunk like you to be chasing, don't you think?"

"My character is a bit of a bad boy. He's been out of the military a couple years and he's lost his way, at least as far as women are concerned. You're a beautiful woman. When he meets you, he's immediately attracted to you and the age difference is no problem. He's looking for sex and not anything long term," responded Steve.

"So this guy just wants some casual sex with me and that's it?" asked Diane. "Would my character be so shallow and desperate that she'd succumb to the seduction?"

"That's what I want you to consider. We're not sure just how she'd respond. Think about it," suggested Steve as he moved closer to Diane and took her into his arms. "He's a smooth operator. You'll be working on the dance routines with him, so you'll be in his arms quite often, just like this.

"Then he might reach down and undo your top button, like this," whispered Steve as he unbuttoned the first button on Diane's already low top. "You'll be standing there just like you are now. You tell me how your character should react when he reaches for the second button. Would you slap his face, simply place your hand over your top so he can't access it, or would you let him undo another one, like this?"

Steve could see Diane's throat and upper chest flush as she stood motionless while he unfastened her second button. Steve let his fingers trail over her exposed flesh as Diane's frilly bra came into sight. Her breathing quickened as he slid his finger down to the button located just below her bra.

"I'm not getting any feedback from you. Would your character allow my character to undo another button?" asked Steve as he toyed with the fastener with one finger while his other fingers glided over Diane's upper chest.

"I'll let you know when to stop," replied Diane hoarsely. "I don't think my character would mind what you've done so far."

Steve smiled as he moved his lips close to Diane's and whispered, "The next move my character would make would be to slide his hand under your bra. He'd take your left breast in his hand and gently cup it as he pinched your hard nipple. If you didn't stop him, he'd pull it from the bra, leaving it exposed to his hungry stare. Then he'd lower his head and take the nipple into his mouth. He may never let it go again."

"I can see how something like that could happen if the older woman has been seeing the young man for a few years and harbored a few fantasies about him," managed Diane as she licked her lips slowly. As she did so, her tongue briefly touched Steve's lower lip. "Would he give the same attention to her right breast? She'd want them both suckled by this bad boy."

"I think he'd want to see and feel both of them, if she allowed it," admitted Steve softly. "But how far would she let it go? This would be in the movie, so your breasts would be seen by the viewers. How would you feel about that? What would Will say?"

"Don't worry about Will. He'd love it. Explaining it to Stephanie might be the challenge, but this is art. Gwen does it so well and she's idolized by her fans. I just worry about how I'd look, and if everyone would think I'm desperate older woman trying to cling to the past."

"You're not answering my question. If you were willing, I'd have you ride me cowboy style so I could watch your breasts sway as you moved beak and forth. My hands would cup your round ass and help move you around on me. Then I'd pull you down so I could feel your hard nipples against my chest," stated Steve huskily.

"You seem pretty sure that my nipples would be hard. How do you know that you'd have that effect on me?" questioned Diane as she once again licked her lips and grazed Steve's.

"For one, your nipples look like small pebbles right now, and we're simply discussing the possibility. They'd be hard and pretty sensitive by the time I finished with them," promised Steve.

"Oh, my goodness!" exclaimed Diane, but with no real surprise as she glanced down. "You're looking down my bra right now, aren't you? You can see how hard my nipples are. Are you going to slide your hand under my bra like your character would in the movie?"

"You know I can't do that. If it's a movie, I can pretend that I'm acting. If I do it in real life, I'm disrespecting you, Will, and Gwen. That won't happen. I just wanted to find out how you felt about a love scene and how far you'd be willing to go," concluded Steve as he backed away from Diane.

"I guess you have my answer. If a few hundred million people see me naked in your arms, I'll be a very happy woman. I just hope Paula and Cindy don't get too upset. They'd be extremely jealous."

"You think about it and talk it over with Will," suggested Steve. "He has to be good with anything we do. I don't even know if we'll definitely have a love scene, but it's good to be prepared."

The laundry door suddenly swung open and Stephanie stepped inside with Paula right behind her. "Mom! We've been looking all over for you two. Everyone's ready to head out. Steve has to get his babysitting instructions from Lisa, and you have to button up your blouse before you leave this room! What have you two been doing?"

"Don't let your imagination get carried away," smiled Diane as she casually buttoned her top while she smirked at Paula. "We were discussing the movie and some of the scenes we'll be doing."

"I have a copy of the script and you keep your clothes on the entire time," countered Stephanie as she gave Steve a questioning look. "Go find your jacket while I have a word with Steve, please."

Diane was still smiling as she walked past Paula and into the hall. A baffled Paula stared at her while Stephanie closed the door and faced Steve.

"So what are you doing with my mother?" she demanded as soon as the door was firmly shut. "If you screw up her marriage, or betray Gwen, or both, I'll never talk to you again!"

Steve reached out and grabbed Stephanie's arms and pulled her close. "If I do any of those things, I'd expect you to never speak to me again, and worse. Your mom is fine, and your Dad is especially fine, or will be later on. You've got to trust me a little bit, Steph. What would everyone think if you left here with your buttons undone? Would it indicate that we were betraying our loved ones?"

"I would sure hope so!" laughed Stephanie with relief at Steve's words, even as she moved her left hand to her top. "I do trust you. I simply have to be reassured now and then. You just gave me a great idea. I'm going to go back out with a few extra buttons undone and see what Mom says!"

As she spoke, Stephanie turned and opened the door, but not before a fair amount of her bra was displayed as her top fell open. Paula and Diane were still in the hall when Stephanie emerged from the laundry room.

"Excuse me," grinned Stephanie as she walked past the two shocked women. "I have to get the girls back in place and then I'll be ready to leave. That Steve is certainly insistent, isn't he, Mother? I just hope he didn't leave a bruise."

Steve stepped into the hall as Stephanie went into the nearby bathroom. "Young Man, what kind of game are you playing?" demanded an obviously irked Paula. "This is way out of character for you."

"Would you care to step into the laundry room with me for a few minutes so that we might discuss the situation?" grinned Steve. "It looks like your buttons are ready to pop anyway. They were never intended to hold back so much feminine charm."

Diane's mouth was still hanging open as she stared at the door Stephanie had just closed. Then she swung around to face Steve. "You'd better not be doing anything with Stephanie, or I'll ..."

"Steph was just busting your chops," laughed Steve. "I don't know where she gets her wicked sense of humor. It certainly wasn't from her mother or her aunt, was it?"

Paula studied Steve for a few seconds before breaking into a smile. "I guess I have to learn to take a joke, and to try to trust my sister a little more. Lisa wanted me to tell you to get over to her house so she can give you instructions on how to take care of Theresa. We're all ready to go, so you'd better get a move on.

"There something going on around here and I'm going to find out what it is. Ride with me tonight, Diane. I have a few questions for you," insisted Paula as Diane gave Steve a big smile before following her sister to the door.

Steve had been alone with Theresa for about half an hour when she began to fuss. He changer her diaper and rocked with her for another half hour, but Theresa still didn't settle down very well. Remembering something his mother once told him, he carried the baby onto the enclosed porch and turned Lisa and Jason's hot tub on. Soon he was settled in with little Theresa cradled in his arms with her little feet and legs in the warm water. She immediately stopped fussing and soon fell asleep in Steve's arms.

Steve was relaxing with the baby, daydreaming about what it would be like to have kids of his own when he sensed someone stepping into the tub. He turned his head to find Stephanie sitting down close to his left side.

"I told everyone that I had some calls to make, but I really wanted to talk to you. The other girls are all assuming that I'm going to be in the commercials tomorrow. They have some really nice lingerie and swim suits picked out for me. I'm just worried about a few things, so I thought I'd talk it over with you," concluded Stephanie.

Seeing how serious Stephanie was, Steve responded carefully. "It all sounds really good to me. What's the problem? The commercials were your idea and a darn good one. We all think so."

"The problem is that all of the other women have killer bodies. My boobs aren't big enough for me to model any sexy clothes. I know everyone means well, but I'm afraid that I'll just embarrass myself. Gwen, Lisa, Jordan, Kate, and especially Naomi all have big, full breasts. I'll look like a little girl next to them," worried Stephanie.

"Really? That's your problem?" chuckled Steve. "I'll never understand women if I live to be a hundred. Men can have big guts, be losing their hair, have no money, no job, and still think that women will fall all over them. Women can be perfect in almost every way and still be insecure about their looks, their figure, and their clothes, or about almost everything else.

"Stand up, Steph, and let me see how bad it is. I've never seen you naked before and now's my chance."

"You'll probably throw up or something when you see me. I don't have what Gwen and the others have. Even Mom and Aunt Paula are beautiful and have big breasts and small waists. I was short changed," complained Stephanie.

"You wanted my opinion on this situation, so stand up and let me see how unattractive you are. I'll be totally honest and tell you exactly what I think. I won't sugar coat anything," promised Steve. "Let's have a look."

Stephanie nervously stood and turned to face Steve. The water dripped from her firm breasts and hard nipples, as well as from the small triangle of hair between her legs. Steve remained quiet as he studied at every inch of Stephanie's body. Finally he spoke.

"Turn around slowly so I can see your ass and thighs. Okay, stand like that," insisted Steve once Stephanie had her back to him. "Now turn and face me, Steph."

Once again Steve remained quiet as Stephanie stood in front of him. She was becoming increasing conscious of her nudity in front of the man she had adored for the past five years. She was thrilled to finally show him her body, but concerned that he would be disappointed. Finally she sat back down.

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