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Lady in Red Pt. 02 Ch. 17

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Overcoming questions of ethics.
18.2k words

Part 49 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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Steve was surprised only by how quickly Gwen's detractors had managed to set things in motion. He had expected the 'dance' to begin during the summer recess. He was already feeling quite irritated when he was stopped by a TV reporter as he made his way through the airport.

"Can you shed any light on these ethics violation accusations? What exactly is Gwen Anderson being accused of? Can you tell us that much?"

"I can explain a few things," replied Steve with a seemingly calm demeanor. "There are certain members of Congress that believe that Gwen's popularity is threatening to them, or diminishes them in some way.

"Gwen is the most ethical, honest person I know. This whole thing isn't really about ethics. Hell, most of these people in Congress wouldn't recognize ethical behavior if it bit them in the ass.

"This town is about money, power, and influence. Gwen has all three and that upsets certain politicians that have less. Gwen's worked hard to make our company a success. That hard work has gained her considerable power and influence here in the U.S., and in other nations. She didn't buy it, like so many politicians try to do, but earned it by performing remarkable acts of courage, generosity, and kindness.

"We will not enter into this fray unprepared. As soon as the battle lines become clear, those unwise individuals that are leading this witch-hunt will rue the day they decided to question Gwen's ethics, integrity, or honesty. Uncle Sam has trained me in the art of war. We'll counter attack with vigor, and without mercy. I'd caution those that join against Gwen in this ill-fated fiasco that they'll not come out unscathed."

"Are you implying that you consider this investigation akin to actual war?" questioned the amazed reporter.

"No, I'm not implying it. I'm stating outright that this is an unprovoked attack, which is an act of war by almost any definition. We will respond accordingly. Political blood will be shed."

"Are you threatening the politicians that are questioning Congresswoman Anderson's behavior in the House?" pursued the stunned reporter.

"That would depend on how you look at it. If promising to reveal truths, expose corruption, and quite possibly force some members of Congress from office for malfeasance and outright illegal activities is considered a threat, then it would seem that I am. I simply consider it a promise. We look forward to literally cleaning House."

"You're an officer in the U.S. military. Can you even say these things without landing in serious trouble yourself?" was the final question posed to Steve.

"Why would we officers be trained to fight, and taught to defend honor, freedom, our way of life, as well as the Constitution, if we were expected to ignore threats to loved ones? I feel strongly that this is one of the reasons I worked to become an officer in the U.S. Navy, and it's what the American people expect from me. I will support Gwen to my last breath. America will accept nothing less from me, and quite frankly, neither will I!

"I'd ask viewers that wish to support Gwen in this upcoming kangaroo court to visit our web page, LadyinRedProductions.com to find contact information. They can use it to report any suspected unethical activity by elected officials in Washington. We'll take it from there."

Steve ended the interview at that point. It was rushed past editors and played on the evening news along with the story of Gwen being investigated for ethics violations.

"Do you believe what your boyfriend just did?" asked Charlotte as she, Gwen, and some friends watched Steve's interview. "He's come out fighting. That's for sure! It doesn't pay to insult or attack Gwen Anderson in any way. He came across as very calm but extremely determined. I wonder what the fallout from this will be."

"We decided that once this started, we'd be on the offensive. We've had people working on this matter for weeks now, and we've gathered some pretty damning information," admitted Gwen. "But I never expected Steve to fire the first salvos. I hope he doesn't get into trouble. He sure does get upset when anyone tries to hurt me, doesn't he?"

The next morning found Steve seated in front of a very irate Senator Chatham. "I've had a dozen calls already this morning. Every last one of them was from a member of Congress that wants you disciplined, at the very least! There's pressure on the Navy to court martial you. They want President Hanson to denounce you and Gwen, or at least distance himself from you both. Some of my advisors are telling me to jettison you as far and as fast as I possibly can. You've opened a real can of worms."

"I warned you that I'd support Gwen come hell or high water," responded Steve. "You're the one that told me this was coming and to be prepared. I didn't just come up with those statements on the spur of the moment. I've been thinking about it for weeks.

"I won't blame you if you distance yourself from me. I'm a big boy and I'll accept any punishment my superiors deem appropriate. I will not ignore attacks on Gwen. You can take that to the bank."

"I didn't say I was going to follow that advice," countered Senator Chatham. "I'm still hearing all sorts of praise about your efforts after that tornado. FEMA hasn't even responded yet and your company has a good portion of the recovery work already done. No one has ever seen a private company move so fast and so effectively. Hell, no company has ever even considered helping on the scale that yours did. It was amazing.

"I'm going to confer with the President about this matter in a few minutes. It'll be on speaker since he wants to talk with you directly. Stay in that chair and wait!" insisted the senior Senator from Tennessee before leaving the office.

Steve remained quiet as he watched Senator Chatham's staff struggle to handle the large volume of phone calls that were pouring in. Fifteen minutes later, the Senator returned. She and Steve were the only two in her office.

"Mr. President, this is Senator Chatham. Lieutenant Hammer is the only other person in attendance. I've already mentioned to him some of the pressures you're facing from his 'declaration of war' yesterday evening."

"Steve, how are you?" asked President Hanson by way of a conversation starter. "That was some pretty slick work your company did over the weekend in Tennessee. That required a great deal of planning and a considerable investment."

"Yes, sir. My brother-in-law, Army Ranger Captain Jason Hunter, graduated West Point with an engineering degree. He's retired from the military now and working very hard to prepare our company's response to emergencies across the nation and possibly around the world. That was our first major test. We did some things wrong and we're expecting to improve for next time."

"I'm very familiar with his record. I'm not surprised that he was able to design such a well conceived strategy," replied Hanson. "You've done a great service to the people of Tennessee and this nation.

"That said, you must realize that your response to Ms. Anderson's situation has placed your superiors in a difficult situation. Members of the military do not speak their minds to the press, especially if it's contrary to the will of Congress, or the President," stated Hanson firmly.

"I understand that, Sir. I am prepared to accept any and all punishment the Navy administers, but I will always respond when Gwen is attacked," declared Steve just as firmly.

"And it's that chivalry, that desire to protect your lady that makes this so difficult," replied President Hanson. "Television and the internet can't stop talking and writing about it. The average man on the street is solidly behind you both, while Suzy Homemaker feels that you're Sir Lancelot and Sir Walter Raleigh all rolled into one.

"My advisors think you've overstepped your bounds this time. They tell me that you and Gwen can't survive the kind of campaign that certain powerful members of Congress will wage against you. They want me to cut my losses, as well as any ties that I have with you.

"The Kremlin will announce later today that you and Gwen are going to serve as best man and maid of honor at Vlad Novokov's wedding. Talk about timing! That information will fuel the distrust some people have of Gwen and you. It looks like a perfect storm and my advisors are telling me to pull in my head, batten the hatches, and wait for it to pass."

Neither Steve nor Senator Chatham wanted to interrupt the president as he spoke, so they remained silent and waited for him to continue.

"Unlike almost everyone else in Washington, I have no political ambitions after January. That actually removes some of the stress of this situation. This may also be the most nonpartisan movement I have ever experienced in my many years in Washington. Some powerful members of both parties are uncomfortable with Gwen's influence, as well as the speed at which it's been increasing. She doesn't play by their rules. She can't be intimidated, bought, or cajoled into doing things their way.

"My gut feeling is that some very powerful people are about to receive a lesson in civics, the American tradition of hard work, honesty, and the strength of public opinion.

"I'm going to come out in support of Gwen, without equivocation, or misgivings. I'll not allow the Navy to punish you in any way, Steve. I'll be very honest here. My wife is your biggest fan. She's convinced that you two will come out on top, and be stronger than ever. I can't remember the last time she was wrong about something like this. She feels so strongly about it that she insists we support you, to the point of gambling with my legacy, and betting it on you and Gwen. I tend to agree with her."

"Mr. President? Am I hearing you correctly? You're going to publicly stand behind Gwen Anderson and Steve Hammer in this battle? You realize that it's a huge risk, and many of your advisors will not be pleased. Nor will some members of your cabinet. You may lose some good people over this," cautioned Senator Chatham.

"I admit that it'll be interesting. There'll be some very big winners, as well as some very big losers when the dust settles. My wife and I feel that those of us in Gwen's camp will be the big winners, but only time will tell. Are you prepared to state your position, Senator?" asked the President.

"I've thought about nothing else for the past twelve hours," answered Senator Chatham. "When I came in this morning, my staff was divided about how to handle this. The younger members were adamant that Gwen and Steve represented the best in America and deserved my support. The older, career minded people wanted me to tell the public that I felt Steve needed space and time to work through this issue; that I was cutting ties with him to give him the space he needs."

"That seems very fair, Senator," interrupted Steve. "Thanks for the opportunity...

"Allow me to finish my meanderings!" insisted Senator Chatham. "Mr. President, I was with Steve and Gwen and their friends in Paris a few short months ago. I've seen what happens when the two of them are together, working the crowd, including world leaders. Steve saved my life and probably a dozen others when he caught that grenade and fired it back into that speeding car. What he accomplished seemed impossible. How they both interact with world leaders, and in what high esteem they are held is difficult for me to even comprehend. Steve conducted himself very well during the negotiations with Russia and Ukraine. It was something to see.

"Add that I woke up Sunday morning to see him on TV leading volunteers in my home state to help victims of a tornado, and to learn that his company provided all kinds of relief and helped save lives and property; I feel I have no choice but to support Gwen and Steve to the bitter end. What kind of person would I be if I remained on the sidelines while two of the finest, most powerful voices for peace in the world today are attacked by these political jackals?

"I've decided to address my colleagues as soon as possible and declare my position. I like to think that it will help convince some others to join me."

"Mr. President. Senator Chatham. Gwen will be delighted to hear about your support. I thank you both for your confidence and trust, and assure you that we will do everything possible to earn it," responded Steve with considerable emotion.

"Steve, you've already earned it, many times over," replied President Hanson. "You've made me look good on several occasions and now those chickens have come home to roost. You and Gwen will play a very big role in the future of this country. I'm sure of that, and I'm equally certain that this nation will be the better for it."

About the same time as Steve was speaking with President Hanson and Senator Chatham, Charlotte answered their house phone at Stanford. She quickly called to Gwen. "It's Secretary Rosen! He wants to speak with you."

Once Gwen picked up the phone, Rosen began. "Gwen, I saw Steve's interview last night. I could have told those idiots that Steve would fight for you if they tried to smear your name. I learned that lesson the hard way!

"I'm calling to let you know that I'm going to come out strongly in support of you in this debacle in Congress. As you know, I resigned from the Cabinet and I've declared my candidacy for president.

"My wife insisted that I not only support you, but call you to let you know that I am. She feels that you're going to kick butt and take names in this looming battle. I happen to think she's right.

"Í know you said that you wouldn't come out in support of any candidate, but I want to make certain that you know where I stand on this matter. I am not sitting on the fence. There's no waffling. You have my best wishes and total support.

"My wife thinks that the sun rises and sets on Steve. His adamant support of you, and the fact that he pretty much threatened those that wish you harm raised her opinion of him even higher. She keeps telling me to watch how he conducts himself and try to act the same way," finished Rosen.

"I can't tell you how pleased I am that you called and offered your support," responded Gwen. "Steve sure did make his feelings known, didn't he? I think women like it when a man is willing to risk it all to protect his lady, and Steve certainly did that. I appreciate that you called and I wish you the best in your campaign."

"It's begun," observed Charlotte as Gwen hung up the phone. "Remember that the plan is for me to keep you focused on your studies and let the others take care of things. With Steve, Paula, Ashley, Kate, and Stephanie fighting for you in Washington, I'd say things look pretty good. Just let them handle it while you concentrate on school."

It wasn't all good news. Several members of the House appeared on the morning news shows and expressed concern about Gwen remaining so active in her company and in entertainment while serving in Congress. They suggested that she was using her position to increase her personal wealth

They were even more vocal about Steve and his efforts to 'strong-arm' them into abandoning their duties as public servants and turn a blind eye to Gwen's questionable behavior. Congressmen Bill Simpson went so far as to suggest that Gwen 'lacked the moral fiber' required to serve in the House of Representatives after seeing her performance on the Oscars and her 'inappropriate' commercials on the Super Bowl broadcast. He went so far as to call her a 'modern day harlot'.

When Steve reached Gwen's D.C. office a little after ten that morning, he found Ashley calmly directing her staff on how to handle the phone calls that had begun to pour in. She even instructed one staffer to place an ad on Graigslist to hire temporary people to answer phones. Several reporters were waiting for Ashley to finish up so they could question her.

When they saw Steve walk in, they rushed to ask him the questions that had been intended for Ashley. "Please wait for Ashley," insisted Steve. "I spoke to the press last night and I'm still hearing about it."

Ashley soon joined Steve and began fielding questions. She did an excellent job and Steve found himself grateful for her calm, thoughtful responses. Then a reporter asked about Congressman Simpson's remark about how Gwen was a modern day harlot and lacked the moral fiber to serve in the House.

"Are you sure that Mr. Simpson actually made that statement?" asked Ashley as anger flashed across her face. "Even Mr. Simpson wouldn't be that foolish."

One of the reporters pulled the interview up on his iPad and played it for Steve and Ashley. Then he asked, "Do you care to respond to Congressman Simpson's comments?"

Even as angry as Ashley was, she could easily tell that Steve was livid. His face was red and his hands were clenched tightly into fists. She arched an eyebrow to Steve and he nodded in return. The exchange between the two did not go unnoticed by the reporters.

"Okay, my response to the foolish statements by Congressman Simpson is in a locked file. Please give me a moment to retrieve it," requested Ashley as she unlocked and opened a large filing cabinet.

The reporters could see that the cabinet was almost full of files. They were able to easily read the names of several members of Congress on the headers. Ashley pulled a small pile of papers out of a file clearly marked 'Bill Simpson'. She placed the file on her desk and then closed and locked the cabinet.

"Here's Gwen's response to Mr. Simpson's incredibly stupid insinuation that she lacked moral fiber," declared Ashley with obvious anger. "Just last night, Steve Hammer warned what would happen to politicians that attacked Gwen's character or honesty. Obviously, Mr. Simpson heard him because I just saw how he ranted about Steve's nerve for almost a minute during his interview this morning just before he questioned Gwen Anderson's character. Now comes the reckoning. Mr. Simpson is about to enter into a world of hurt and he has no one to blame but his own hypocritical, sanctimonious, self serving ass!"

With that statement, Ashley pulled packets from the files and handed one to each reporter. "Be sure the self-righteous Mr. Simpson knows that this information is being handed out compliments of Gwen Anderson and Steve Hammer!"

The reporters quickly thumbed through the files. A couple of whistles sounded as they began to digest the contents of the packet.

"I haven't read any of this, but a few of these pictures look pretty damning!" observed a veteran reporter from a national network. "Can you explain these pictures and some of these documents?"

"You guys are the reporters, so dig into it. We've already done the leg work that a lot of your viewers would have expected from you, but that's okay. There's a flash drive in each packet with some video and more detailed explanations of the contents," pointed out Ashley. "Now that I gave you a bone to chew on, please leave the office and let me get some work done."

"That poor, miserable bastard won't even know what hit him," grinned Ashley once she was alone with Steve. "It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. He's been in Congress forever, has seniority so he can pick what committees he wants to be on, acts like he's the second coming in public, yet does terrible things to people. I read the files and saw the videos and I feel confident that he'll rot in hell."

"So, how do you really feel about the guy?" asked Steve with a crooked grin. "Personally, I'm glad he gave us a reason to release that report. I would have hated to keep it private had he not attacked Gwen. I don't think that I could've done that. There are a couple more really bad characters in the House that will have to be exposed before too long, regardless of how this all plays out."

News organizations had a field day with the information Ashley had given to the reporters in her office. She was soon getting requests for copies from the news organizations that were not represented when she gave her interview in her office.

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