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Lady in Red Pt. 03 Ch. 08

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Congress acts and Steve reacts. Washington in turmoil.
28.8k words

Part 64 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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At six PM, Gwen and Steve briefly met with their friends and families at Valhalla to establish the order they would arrive at the movie premier. Becky and Pete had been unable to accompany Gwen and her entourage on the world tour because they had been filming their action/adventure television series on location. They were obviously happy to be back in Asgard for the premier of The Queen's Ransom.

"We just had to be here for this," insisted Becky. "I was in the trilogy, and that really got my career going. I want to see how everyone reacts when Pete and I die in each other's arms in this movie. I hope there'll be some tears shed for us."

"Believe me when I say there'll be plenty," responded Sybil as she held Tyler's hand tightly. "Tyler and I organized a sneak preview a couple of weeks ago just to be sure it was up to the quality Lady in Red Productions has come to expect. I cried and laughed dozens of times, and often at the same time. This is, without a doubt, the best movie I've ever seen!"

"Sybil's right," agreed Tyler. "It didn't take much thought to move the opening up to the weekend the Queen of the World and her Warrior returned to the states. The movie's been edited to perfection and the world wants to see it. I had no qualms about making it a three-day opening weekend. It's going to pack theaters for weeks to come."

"It's certainly gotten a lot of publicity," observed Billy Marsh. "This is the first time a sitting president has starred in a movie that opened while she was in office. Ronald Reagan starred in movies before he was president, but he didn't make any while he was in office, and the ones he made weren't nearly as good as 'Queen's Ransom'!"

"Plus, everyone is anticipating Gwen's nude scene," pointed out Charlotte. "Having a president as beautiful and sexy as Gwen is taking a lot of getting used to for most people."

"Let's not forget that the writing, acting, directing and cinematography are all incredible," boasted Lisa. "It's such an honor to appear in a film this good."

"Okay, it's all great," quipped Kate. "But we need to determine the order of our arrival pretty soon. There are a lot of people waiting for us."

It had become the custom at premiers in Sparta for the actors to walk down the middle of the street for the final block, as adoring fans lined both sidewalks to catch glimpses of the town's most famous residents. The huge crush of people in Sparta for this movie caused Lady in Red Productions to alter its tradition slightly.

Everyone was going to be driven to the auxiliary parking lot of the hospital. Security would keep the lot cleared, and allow everyone to safely exit their cars and prepare for the two and a half block walk to the Lady in Red Center for the Performing Arts, where the premier was taking place. The extra block and a half was to accommodate the crowds, which were anticipated to be much larger than usual.

"Okay, everyone," called out Steve. "We're ready to get this show on the road. The Secret Service doesn't like it, but we're all going to walk the last two and a half blocks. Sparta has closed Main Street to vehicular traffic, and there are thousands of fans lined up to see us walking the red carpet."

"They're lined up to see their Queen, who just happens to be President of the United States," corrected Billy Marsh. "I'd stand in line, too, if I weren't a major star in the movie!"

"I get the feeling that if there's another 'Empire' movie, Billy will be one of the first people to die," suggested Charlotte with a grin.

"That's right, and it'll be a horribly slow and painful death!" added Steve.

"Great!" responded Billy. "Everyone will be talking about my death scene for years to come. I'll probably win an Oscar for it. It'll be bigger than Hamlet's death scene. Et tu, Brute?"

"You're mixing up your Shakespeare plays," laughed Ashley. "We should have known that 'the rest is silence' isn't something Billy would say on his deathbed."

Everyone broke into laughter at Ashley's quip. Gwen beamed at her friends and family as they prepared to leave for the premier. Regardless of all her successes, she realized that her loved ones meant far more to her than riches and power.

As Steve and Gwen waited in their limousine in the hospital parking lot, they heard numerous cheers and applause as members of the cast began parading down the street to the Performing Arts Center. Finally, their turn came to walk the red carpet. As Gwen stepped from the car and took her place next to Steve, the crowd noise began to abate. By the time the couple reached the crowded street, those lined up along the sidewalks had gone completely silent.

The fans closest to Gwen dropped to one knee as she approached, and so it continued during the entire trek to the theater. Every fan kneeled as Sparta's Queen passed in front of them. Once she reached the reporters standing near the entrance to the theater, Gwen turned and waved to the two and a half blocks of spectators that had watched so quietly as she walked by them. A roar echoed across the streets of the small town as fans enthusiastically voiced their approval of their hometown heroes, especially The Queen of Peace, Sparta's gift to the world.

Gwen and Steve spent a few minutes responding to questions from reporters before going inside to take their seats. As soon as Gwen was comfortably seated, the lights went down, and the movie began.

Two hours and four minutes later, as the credits began to scroll up the screen, thunderous applause erupted from those lucky enough to have attended the premier. Many viewers were shedding tears as they applauded and shouted their approval. Gwen found she had to make a concentrated effort to contain her own tears. That worked until she turned to see Paula blubbering into Ted's chest, holding several tissues to her eyes.

That was all it took to open the floodgates for Gwen and several of her co-stars. Lisa, Becky, and Charlotte joined Gwen in shedding tears of their own as the admiring crowd continued to clap and whistle its approval of the film.

"I may not be a professional movie critic," managed Billy as he hugged Charlotte to his chest, "but that was the best movie I've ever seen!"

Many others echoed Billy's sentiments as everyone milled about, hoping for an opportunity to speak to the actors that had done such an incredible job. While all of those in the movie received praise, it was obvious that everyone was hoping for their chance to have a word with President Hammer and her Warrior. Gwen and Steve were gracious as they did their best to spend at least a little time with every person that had been exercising the tremendous patience required to see them. It was almost two hours later when the Spartan Queen and her entourage entered Marsh's Landing. They planned to enjoy a late dinner in celebration of the premiere of their latest film.

"As you know, Vince and Cindy couldn't make it tonight because he was meeting with members of Congress today to lobby for his appointment as Vice President," mentioned Lisa as she sat down next to Gwen. "He was not only confirmed today, but he's going to be sworn in tomorrow afternoon! He asked if you and Steve could attend, since you already plan on flying to Washington tomorrow morning."

"Please tell Vince and Cindy we'll be extremely proud to attend his swearing in ceremony," replied a delighted Gwen. "I just wish Kate and Naomi could be sworn in at the same time. I'm concerned about their chances in the Senate."

"Mom just called!" shouted a delighted Jordan as the group quieted to hear what had her so excited. "She and our next vice president are getting married tomorrow just before Vince is sworn in! Congress suddenly stopped talking and took a vote: he was only a few votes shy of being approved unanimously. Chief Justice Hamilton is going to perform the wedding ceremony first, and immediately afterward he'll swear Vince in as Vice President. She wants me to be her Matron of Honor!

"She asked me to see if Gwen would be a bridesmaid. I'm also supposed to ask Steve if he will give Mom away. She's old enough to be his mother, but she says he's the best male role model she's ever known."

"Washington is really going to be hopping tomorrow!" enthused Billy Marsh. "The President is returning after a two-month world tour building alliances and solving world problems, along with performing a couple of miracles. Jordan's stepdad will become Vice President of the United States, and her mom will become Mrs. Vice President, or The Second Lady, or something or other pretty impressive."

"Vince asked me to stand in as best man," added Charlie. "He mentioned that Congress did a sudden about-face and voted to approve him."

"You don't act very happy about all this," observed Gwen to Steve, and he nodded somewhat grimly. "Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"Grandfather Patterson has been texting me quite steadily over the past week or so. He says something mysterious is going on with Congress. For an institution that can never keep a secret, there's remarkably little information being leaked about its recent behind-the-scenes activity.

"I don't trust many members of Congress, and I'm concerned about the situation. I may be paranoid, but I worry that at least some people on Capitol Hill are conspiring against you, Gwen. They're afraid of you, and fear can cause people to do all sorts of foolish things."

"We'll be in Washington tomorrow, and Gwen will have that town eating out of her hand!" declared Ashley. "According to the polls, she's the most popular president we've ever had. Congress will have to toe the line when you and Gwen return and resume residence in the White House."

Lisa noticed how serious Steve's face was as he listened to Ashley's observation. It was obvious he lacked any confidence the Senate would be receptive to Gwen's appointments. It was readily apparent to all of Gwen's friends and relatives that her Warrior was concerned about something. They had seldom seen him so close-mouthed.

"Tonight needs to be all about our film and how well it's being received. Let's forget politics until we get back to Washington," insisted Steve as he broke into a smile and gave Gwen a kiss on her cheek. "You're going to win an Oscar for your performance. I'd bet on it!"

"If bets are being taken, I'll put my money on Steve, Gwen and Becky winning acting awards, while Jordan and Charlie pull in another Academy Award or two for the songs they wrote and sang together," praised Tyler. "I allowed the critics to view the movie earlier this week, and the feedback has been pretty impressive. 'Queen's Ransom' will be one of the most nominated films ever! It may also break box office records. It's being released all around the world tonight rather than spreading the opening internationally over several weeks. There's never been a commodity as hot as Gwen is right now."

"She's all of that!" proclaimed Billy as he raised a glass in Gwen's direction. "A toast to our Queen, our President, our Lady in Red!"

Air Force One landed in a very crowded and expectant Washington D.C. shortly after nine AM the following morning. Gwen and Steve were whisked by helicopter to the White House. Traffic was pretty much at a standstill as hundreds of thousands or people made their way to the nation's capital to witness the wedding and swearing-in of the next vice president, to be followed the next day by the final concert of President Hammer's World Tour. Gwen marveled at the huge crowds that appeared to be everywhere as she and Steve were flown to the South Lawn of the White House.

"Steve! Look at all the people in the city today! I wonder how crowded it'll be tomorrow. We'll have a great turnout for our last concert of the tour!"

Steve nodded in agreement, but in her excitement at the developments below her, Gwen failed to notice how grim Steve's visage was. He decided that Gwen needed to know what was afoot in Congress. When she eventually noticed his lack of enthusiasm and turned to look at him, he decided the time had come.

"Gwen, you need to know it's very possible you'll be impeached this weekend. If the House does impeach you, the Senate will move very quickly to convict."

"Really?" asked a surprised Gwen. "I knew Congress was becoming more and more opposed to this Queen thing, but will they remove me from office over it?"

"Indirectly," replied Steve. "They're going to use the excuse that you're becoming wealthier as a result of your office; it's the emolument thing that they're going to use against you. There have been some complaints about you accepting the title of Queen, but that wasn't bestowed by any foreign nation or government, so technically it's a moot point."

"I know you must have a plan. You always do. What do you suggest we do?" asked Gwen, but she watched her husband slowly shake his head.

"Gwen, say the word and I'll go to Capitol Hill and start twisting arms. I think I could probably sway enough members of the House to prevent an impeachment vote. Is that what you want?"

"You're always so ready to fight for me, darling," whispered Gwen as she placed her hand over her husband's chest. "I've no doubt you could alter the course of history if you tried. You already have! But what do you think we should do?"

"Honestly? I think you'd be better off letting it go. If you wish, we could try to present our case. You're not bound by those laws, as they don't apply to the presidency, but honestly, the only reason I can think of to do that would be to avoid setting a precedent for some future President," admitted Steve. "It's an incredible honor to be President of the United States in the first place, and I truly believe you've been the best one the nation's ever had. But with that said, the office is taking far too much of your time and it's restricting your growth."

"Do you really believe that?" questioned Gwen. "Will we be better off if I'm removed from office? What about the people who count on us? Wouldn't they think I've given up and forsaken them?"

"They need to come to terms with one simple truth. They've forsaken you!" replied Steve with emotion. "Regardless of their approval of you, the voters have been sending the same self-serving politicians back to Washington year after year. Now they're going to reap what they've sown.

"Your removal from office may not the best thing for the United States, but Vince is very capable. I'm convinced, however, that it will be the best thing for us, and for the citizens of the world. You're loved around the globe. We can take that good will and use it to help millions of people in need of it. I really think destiny's been pointing us in that direction ever since we met."

"You truly believe that, don't you?" asked Gwen as she studied her husband's face. "I have trouble accepting the idea of being that important to so many people. If it weren't for you, no one would have ever heard of me."

"As usual, you vastly underestimate your abilities and appeal," smiled Steve. "We have to look at what you've accomplished in just over two months as President of the United States. You prevented a world war, you improved relationships with most of the world's major powers, and you gave millions of people hope for the future. That's some legacy for such a short period of time."

"It was we who did all those things," corrected Gwen. "You, along with our friends and family, have accomplished incredible feats. I'm the face, but you're the heart and soul of my brief administration."

"You just used the word 'brief'. So you're going to be okay if you're no longer President of the United States when Monday comes around?" asked Steve with concern.

"Now that we've had this discussion, I'll be more than okay," replied Gwen. "I can't wait to take some time off with you and the kids. We can live like a normal family again, at least for a week or so. When you suit up with Jared in a couple weeks, we'll be back in Washington cheering for you!"

"You think I'll play again? Why is that?" wondered Steve. "I never committed to coming out of retirement."

"That was one of the things that concerned me the most about becoming President," admitted Gwen. "I've seen you talking with Jared, and it was pretty obvious he wants you to play again. He's going off the disabled list pretty soon, and he'd love to have his best bud back on the team. I knew you'd never play while I was President. My welfare has always been your chief concern."

"I'm glad you feel that way," replied Steve. "Jared has been suggesting I could help the team, plus I find I'm missing the competition and the camaraderie. With Vince at the helm, I think the country can prosper during the next three years."

"He may decide to run for the office when his term is up. I think he'd win quite handily," offered Gwen.

"I'm afraid not," countered Steve. He's already served four years as President. If he becomes president this weekend, he'll serve for another three. The Twenty-Second Amendment doesn't allow a president to serve more than ten years in total, which means Vince won't be able to seek another term. That's the big reason Congress suddenly decided to approve him as Vice President. They planned it all out. While you're still President their only power over the Vice Presidency is to confirm or deny your appointment, so because they want to move quickly on ejecting you from office, Vince is their only choice. Vince will succeed you, but he can't run for the office again. That opens it up in three years for every shyster and smarmy politician in DC."

"I see!" exclaimed Gwen. "As usual, they're placing party politics and personal desires ahead of their country. It's probably a good thing I'll be leaving office. What if I became like them?"

"There's not even a possibility you'd ever become such a monster," chuckled Steve. "You'll never be like any politician Washington has ever seen, because your innate honesty and goodness would never let you sink to that level. Your qualities of courage and generosity have elevated you to the unprecedented position of Queen of Peace. Without the distractions of the presidency, you'll become an even greater force for peace and harmony around the globe."

"Sweetheart, you know how I depend on you to help me with these things. I fear that the honorary Queen title is going to require more effort and time from me than being president ever did. I'd hate to let all those people down."

"Those feelings of responsibility and concern for others are more of the qualities that made you their Queen," pointed out Steve. "I'll always be beside you and help you in any way that I can."

Steve and Gwen had been in the White House for over an hour before the rest of their friends began arriving. "You guys get to ride in the Air Force helicopter, but we had to crawl through traffic," complained Billy as he and the others entered the room. "I thought we'd never get here."

"Lisa? Would you please come with me?" was Gwen's subdued response as she quickly led her sister into a private office, leaving the others with questioning looks on their faces.

"What's wrong, Sis?" asked Lisa as soon as the door was closed.

"We need to get what little we have here packed up and shipped home as soon as possible," responded Gwen. "There's no easy way to say this. Steve found out that I'm probably going to be impeached and convicted this weekend. Vince will be sworn in as Vice President today, and it's likely he'll soon become President, maybe within a day or so."

"Steve told you that?" gasped a stunned Lisa. "It could happen that fast? On what grounds? We'll fight it! Don't tell me Steve is going to lie down and allow this travesty?"

"That's exactly what he's going to do, and so are the rest of us," answered Gwen calmly. "I can't continue governing under these conditions. Congress won't even approve my appointments, as qualified as they are. They're frightened of the money and power Steve and I have amassed. They'll fight every decision I make. The government will be deadlocked, or I should say will become even more deadlocked."


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