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Lady Madonna

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He learns he will not be present for his child's inception.
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Looking back, I realize it was as if I had lived through a story in Literotica. I had received a promotion at work. It meant more money and that made me happy. It involved a lot of travel and that caused me some anguish.

Rita and I had been married for 12 years and were planning on having children. When I got my promotion, it seemed like the perfect time to start a family. Rita made a little ceremony of tossing her birth control pills into the trash. We fucked every night for a week. It seemed like things were perfect. I made a few short trips but was never gone more than two days.

As I was preparing to leave for a two week trip to the Midwest, Rita began bitching at me. I knew she was having her period and I tried to be patient.

“Why do you have to go for so long,” she whined. “It seems like a few days away from home would be enough. This isn’t fair!”

“Sweetheart, that is why I got the big raise, remember?” I chided. “That is why we can afford for you to stop working when you have a baby. Remember how you tossed your pills away a few weeks ago? You need to look at the silver lining in this cloud.”

“Just what is the silver lining, Kevin?” she asked.

“When I return, you should be ovulating and ready for me to breed, Baby. I will go without for the entire time and my sperm count will be through the roof!” I proclaimed.

“Well, that is true,” acknowledged Rita. “Just don’t beat off while you are in the hotel, okay? I want you to save your load for me!”

“I promise, Rita,” I responded. “I will be saving it all up for you and we will get you with child this month. I will be on a testosterone high! I’ll probably have blue balls, but you know how to take care of that problem.”

“I sure do, Kevin. You bring those balls back to me full and I will take very good care of them!” she promised.

I kept my promise to not choke the chicken while I was on the road. I did have to take a few cold showers to ease the temptation. It was especially bad after I spoke with Rita on the phone each night. Getting home and mounting Rita became my sole reason for life. I was possessed and obsessed. I had trouble focusing on my job.

About the fourth day, I realized I was losing time by being so preoccupied with thoughts of Rita. With great discipline, I began to push myself to concentrate and take care of business. I put in long days and by the end of the week I was ahead of schedule and feeling good about myself.

Still my calls home would inevitably leave me with a raging hard on and no relief but more cold showers. I was getting blue balls from freezing them every night!

I held to my course and by midweek, I had accomplished my goals. I wasn’t scheduled to return home until Friday evening so I had the prospect of sitting around in St. Paul waiting for Friday. My balls told me to find some alternative. With some effort I was able to book a flight home early Thursday. I decided to surprise my needy wife by suddenly appearing when she got home from work on Thursday. Then I would fuck her till she begged for mercy.

On the flight home I struck up a conversation with the fellow in the next seat. We were both baseball fans and soon we were deep in conversation about favorite teams of our youth. It seemed that the fellow, Roy, had a great baseball card collection but lacked a ‘Wally Moon” to complete his old Dodger team.

I remembered my old collection and that I had two Wally Moon cards. I offered to mail one to Roy and he was delighted with the prospect. I took his address before we parted with the promise of putting the card in the mail by Friday.

I took a cab home and tossed my bag in my closet, intending to unpack after I found the card I had promised to Roy. That meant I had to go into the guest room closet and climb a little ladder up and into the attic. My cards were in a shoebox someplace in all the treasures we had stored there.

That was when I heard the front door open and voices. It was only 1:30 in the afternoon, so Rita would still be at work. I grabbed my Duke Snyder bat that I had uncovered in my search and lay very still. If it was a burglar, he would be in for one big surprise!

“It’s okay, Dean. Kevin won’t be home for another day.”

It was Rita’s voice and she was talking to a person named Dean! I knew one of her superiors at work had that name. I had even met the guy once. He and his wife were at a company picnic I had attended with Rita last summer. He was a tall man, about my age and a bit more muscular. That was about all I could remember about him.

“As long as we don’t get caught, Rita. I want to sample that sweet ass of yours, but I don’t want some jealous husband to shoot me,” responded the guy named Dean.

“We don’t even have a gun, Dean. Don’t worry so much. You will be safe in my arms,” my loving wife told him.

I made a note to get a .357 as soon as possible. I was ready to climb down and put an end to what I feared wthey planned, when I heard something that stopped me cold.

“All I could think about last night was your big cock and how it filled me up,” Rita admitted to Dean. “I had your cum leaking from me all night. I made a mess of the bed and had to change the sheets this morning.”

It sounded like the damage had been done. I realized I was gripping the bat so hard my fingers were going to sleep. I decided to wait and kill them both in the act. I scooted over to a light above our bed. I had installed it, and as I usually do, I screwed it up. I had cut the hole too big for the light and had to promise Rita I would repair the hole so it would not show. And, as usual, I never got around to doing it.

I was able to see my bed from above. Rita came into view and sprawled naked on it. I was able to see the top of Dean’s head as he loomed above her.

“I love how tight that pussy is, Rita,” he said. “I want to fill you with more of my fuck juice!”

“Then get down here and start filling me, Big Boy,” she laughed. “You know I am not using any birth control, Dean. We are going to start a family.”

Dean groaned as Rita revealed her plans. He was poised at her opening as he chuckled, “I think I’ll give you a little head start, Sweetheart. I have knocked up my wife three times, so I know I am shooting live rounds.”

With that he pushed into Rita’s pussy, causing her to moan.

“Yes! Make me pregnant. Kevin will never know if you do. I want both of you to fuck me and if I get pregnant, it will be a toss up who did it.”

“You are so nasty, Rita. It makes me really horny,” moaned Dean as he began to pound my wife’s cunt. “There will be no doubt, though. I have a big advantage and I am going to use it. Old Kevin will be raising my kid. That excites me a lot!”

“I am getting close, Dean! Fuck me with that big cock and give me your baby!” Rita cried. “Father my child, you fucking stud. Fill me with cum. I want to feel you blast inside me!”

“You nasty fucking whore,” gasped Dean. “Take my sperm and start a baby for Kevin to raise!” I could see his ass flex as he emptied himself inside my wife.

“Oh, shit! I am cumming now!” screamed Rita. “You whore is cumming and probably pregnant. Fill my cunt, you damn stud!”

I had all I could do to not climb down and beat both of them to death! The woman I loved betrayed me. The guy was some piece of shit for trying to knock up another man’s wife. Old Duke was way too good for them. I just lay there in disbelief and watched and listened.

Dean rolled off Rita and started chuckling. Rita seemed pleased with herself as well. It was touching to see two people enjoy themselves so much.

“If it is a boy, will you name him Dean?” he asked. Maybe I would still climb down and bash his head in!

“I think that would be pushing it a bit,” laughed Rita. “Kevin won’t suspect anything if I don’t do anything stupid. The baby can look just like you and he would never suspect. He is very trusting and loyal.”

“That makes him different from you, doesn’t it, you bitch?” replied Dean. “You cuckold him and will even have another man’s baby. Loyal isn’t in your make up!”

“Dean! You will hurt my feelings,” grinned Rita. “At least it would hurt if it weren’t true. I know my place as your slut. Maybe I’ll have several of your babies. That way they will all look alike and no one will suspect anything. How does that sound?”

“You little whore! I’ll knock you up as often as you want, as long as Kevin raises them. I don’t want my kids lacking for anything,” mused Dean.

“Don’t worry there. Kevin will make a wonderful father and will be devoted to your kids,” Rita said.

“Now that we have the kids’ futures settled, suck my cock hard again,” urged Dean. “I want to add a little insurance that my guys get to your egg first.

I watched as Rita leaned over and took Dean into her mouth. I released the bat and eased my way back to the opening to the attic. I climbed down and walked out the door. I felt ill and confused. If I had been hit by a truck, the pain would have been less.

I was wandering down a side street when I saw the car that had been in my driveway pass down the main street. I knew it had to be Dean and it seemed likely that Rita would be with him. She still had to get her car. I quickly headed for home to get my bag.

As I walked I used my cell to call a cab. By the time I had pulled my bag from the closet where I had dropped it, the cab was blowing its horn. I glanced at the bed and saw stains on the sheets. Feeling a renewed pain, I hurried out and slid into the cab.

I went to a hotel near work and checked in. Then I bought a case of beer and finished it off by seven. The next thing I knew it was morning and I had one hell of a headache. It became apparent that drinking was not going to solve my problems or relieve my suffering. I went out and ate a late breakfast and thought about my situation.

I had a good job and was a few years shy of 40. My health was good. I had always thought of myself as mentally tough. This would be a test, and it was a test I had to pass. I needed some measure of justice. Some might call it revenge. I had no desire for collateral damage, but it realized it was a distinct possibility.

My cell phone rang and it startled me. I looked at the ID and saw it was Rita. I swallowed the piece of toast in my mouth and answered.

“I called last night and you didn’t answer, Kevin,” she complained. “You weren’t out chasing some young girl, were you?”

“That is the least of your worries,” I replied. “You know how loyal I am.”

“That’s funny! I was telling someone that just the other day, Kevin. That is one of you best traits. Are you going to be flying in this evening? I can’t wait to get you in bed, Sweetheart. We have some unfinished business. You are going to make me a mother this weekend!”

I had to work to keep my breakfast down. Between the beer and the memories of Deanie’s weenie, my stomach was rebelling. I took a couple deep breaths.

“There has been a change in plans, Rita,” I lied. “I have to go to Green Bay today. I should be back by Monday evening.”

“Kevin!” yelped Rita. “You promised me you would be home and we would be working on a family. I am at my most fertile right now. Why don’t you just fly right home and go to Wisconsin on Monday?”

“I know what I promised, but I have to break it,” I told her. “I am just beginning in my new position and I have to make a good impression. I want to be able to support our child. You wouldn’t be happy if I lost my job, would you?”

“Of course not,” she answered petulantly. “I just want you to make love to me, and soon! I miss you,”

I was beginning to believe her. If I didn’t arrive on the scene soon, how could she convince me that I had sired her child? The longer I was away, the more of a problem it would be for her. It was so simple, but so sweet. Psychological pain was far worse than physical pain. I had just received a fast lesson in that! It was war and I didn’t intend to lose.

“I will call you on Sunday, Rita. Just be patient. You will be pregnant soon, I am certain,” I offered. (If she wasn’t already, I thought to myself.) I hung up the phone before I said something to give myself away.

I remembered I had a tape recorder that could run for hours at a time. It wasn’t high tech, but I decided to place it in the attic above the hole in the ceiling and record as much as I could. I decided to hurry because I never could tell when Rita and lover-boy would be stopping in.

I found the tape recorder and then had the idea of running a cord to the outlet that was controlled by the wall switch in the bedroom. The outlet was behind a dresser and Rita would never look behind it. I kicked a hole in the drywall and then dropped the extension down from the attic through the wall. I had to drill a hole in the plate at the top of the wall to drop the cord down, but I was still done in half an hour. I left everything else as I had found it.

I spent Saturday looking for an apartment and found one. It was a bit pricey, but that was the reason it was available. It was furnished, so I picked up a few things to make it more comfortable. I decided that I was going to live, and live well.

I called Rita Sunday afternoon. She seemed nervous when we spoke.

“Kevin! When will you be home, Baby?” she asked. She was going to use her charms to melt me.

“I am not certain, Rita. I ran into a few more problems than I expected. I will call you when I find out something more certain,” I promised.

“Oh, Kevin!” she gushed. “ I need your big, hard cock inside me, Baby. I am so horny thinking of you. Please hurry home. I will make it worth your while!”

I sensed she was becoming a little desperate and smiled to myself. She started the game, not me. I just wanted to win it!

“Thanks, Honey,” I cooed. “I imagine you will, and I can’t wait. Give me a day or two and I’ll get home.”

“You’d better, Kevin. I need you so bad. I love you,” declared Rita.

“I love you, too,” I answered. I crossed my fingers as I said it.

I was at work early Monday morning and turned in my reports. The boss was pleased and told me so. I began to feel pretty good about myself. My self-esteem had suffered a blow, but I was getting my head back and enjoying life.

I took a long lunch and went home to retrieve the tape recorder. I spent a few hours in my office listening to it. Sometimes there was nothing on the tape for long periods. Then there were trite phone conversations. I could tell with whom Rita spoke by the way the conversation went. I even heard the phone ring when I called and Rita’s end of the conversation.

The next time the recorder came on, Dean’s voice was on it. It came on in the middle of his sentence.

“…fuck you silly, you little slut,” he finished.

“I am not really in the mood, Dean,” replied Rita. If I am not pregnant, I don’t think I should chance it till Kevin gets home.”

“Well, forget that, bitch!” laughed Dean. “I have you so knocked up so high it won’t matter now. I just want to pound that pussy for a while. I don’t have much time. The wife thinks I went for beer.”

“What will I do if Kevin doesn’t get home soon?” questioned Rita.

“You will suck my cock, for one thing, whore,” retorted Dean. The guy had a way with women.

“If he isn’t home by Wednesday, fly out to visit him for a romantic tryst, slut,” Dean suggested.

“That is a great idea, Dean!” Rita squealed. “You are so smart. I’ll find out where he is and go there to meet him. He will be more than happy to fuck me by then. He hasn’t been laid in weeks.”

“Now shut the fuck up and suck my cock, you dumb cunt,” demanded Dean. “I want you to swallow my first load.”

The rest of the tape was sounds of their romp and Dean insulting Rita. I didn’t understand why she allowed him to speak to her the way he did. She seemed to feed on it and get hornier when he did.

My cell rang just before I left work. It was Rita.

“Have you found out when you will be home, Lover?” she asked.

“Actually I was just told I have to be in Fargo on Thursday and Friday,” I managed without laughing. It was the end of January and Fargo was no place I wanted to visit! “I was just getting ready to reserve my room at the Holiday Inn at the airport.”

I could almost hear the wheels turning in her head as she answered.

“Fargo, as in Dakota?” she asked. “Well, if you have to be there Thursday and Friday, will you be home Saturday?”

This was the part I really loved.

“I am afraid not. It looks like I may wind up going to Canada after that. It way be a week or so before I get home,” I again lied.

“Oh, Kevin! I miss you so much! Can’t you come home first?” she pleaded.

“We have gone over this before,” I replied. “I am doing this for you and the baby, remember! I will call when I can, Sweetheart. I am very busy on this trip.”

I hung up and laughed loudly. She was playing me for the fool. Now she could try a shoe on the other foot! I was beginning to see more clearly and appreciate the freedom I was tasting. The next day at lunch I ran the tape recorder back and set it up. I was driving a rental car down the street when I saw Rita and that damn Dean pull into the driveway. It had been close.

Then on Wednesday I went back and picked it up. I did it earlier in the day to avoid any chance of meeting my wife during her ‘afternoon delight’. Beside another hot session where Rita and her paramour laughed about me raising his kids, and him calling her vile names, I picked up some information. I heard Rita on the phone making round trip reservations to Fargo for Thursday! I had to laugh at her efforts. I had been pretty naïve but I was smarter now. She still believed everything I said, because she never had reason to doubt me. She would have a couple cold days in Fargo!

Rita called me that night and I was very warm to her. I didn’t want her to guess something was awry before she got to North Dakota!

“Hello, Darling,” I cooed. “I have been very busy, but I think about you all the time. I should be home in a week or two. When I do get home, I will have a couple weeks off to love you up.”

“No problem, Sweetheart,” she oozed back at me. “I know I was not very understanding, but I have accepted that you have to travel. I am so lucky that you work so hard for me, and the child we will be starting soon. I love you and will be waiting for you.”

I told her I loved her as I hung up. Again I had my fingers crossed. A short time later, the boss called me to his office.

“I have an assignment in Phoenix, if you want it, Kevin,” he began. “I know you haven’t been back very long, but this is a nice trip. There is going to be a blizzard in the Midwest over the weekend, and Phoenix will be around 85 degrees.”

“That is a no-brainer, boss!” I laughed. “I will be ready to leave Friday.”

I waited until Rita’s plane was certain to be airborne and then called her cell. She didn’t answer and I didn’t expect she would. I just wanted to leave a message.

“Rita, Sweetheart! I was just told that I may leave Fargo before the blizzard hits. I will be home by seven tonight and I will screw your brains out. Expect me then!” I finished.

I went home and got some different clothes and packed for a warm weather trip. Things seemed to be going famously. I pulled a beer from my fridge and sat in my lounge and watched my TV. My cell phone rang a couple times, but I ignored it. I didn’t know if I would be able to conceal my contempt and not gloat. I went to bed in the guest room. Around midnight the house phone rang.

“Hello?” I managed.

“Kevin! What are you doing home?” ranted Rita. “You said you would be in Fargo. I came up here to be with you and then I get a message that you are going home!” Her voice was cracking and tears were close. I could tell she was upset.

“That is so sweet!” I exclaimed. “There is a blizzard up there, so I left. How is the weather, anyway?”


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