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Lady Saraha Elizabeth

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A chaste Lady's Maid is debauched.
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Hello. My name is Dave Jarvis, and I'm one of many Manuscript Researchers at the British Museum.

Recently we discovered documents from the mid-18th Century, found within a Trunk that was recovered originally after the Newgate Prison was demolished to make way for the – then new – Old Bailey Courthouse, and transferred to the British Museum for safe-keeping. These Documents, including the letter below, reveal that, not only was sex in all of its forms, alive and well, but it also formed an undercurrent of life, both for the lower classes as well as the rich. What you read below can only be described as an example of debauchery and its surprising outcome for the participants. It is surmised that these Letters were hidden away from the Public view, due to their lascivious nature.

Newgate Prison,

June 20th 1744

To His Lordship, Sir Percy Braithwaite,


My Dear Sir.

My name is Molly Mattocks, and I am writing to you to solicit your assistance in an affair that is most dreadful for me, to suffer, and to relate to you. Please, I beg you, will you kind sir, intercede on my behalf and assist me in clearing my name from the accusations of complicity that have been leveled at me, and now result in my residing here, in abject despair and corruption, when the wrongs of which I have been accused are made falsely against me.

I have been the Lady-in-waiting to m'Lady Sarah Elizabeth Treburton, wife of the late Chief Justice, the Honourable Sir Samuel Treburton, whom, as you know, was most foully murdered by the vile highwayman John Thomas two weeks ago.

I was aboard the carriage that carried His Lordship & his Wife from the Playhouse in the City, to their home in Hampstead. But, as we were being driven through the forests of the Strand towards the mansion, we were set upon by a gang of ruffians, who didst kill our driver by shooting him. The Footman jumped from the moving coach and escaped into the depths of the forest, to where, I know not.

It is he, I believe, who betrayed our plans to the highwayman Thomas, and who must be as guilty as this gang, in expecting payment for their crimes. I have little idea of how they knew we would be unaccompanied through this dark stretch of the forests, but I think this was planned for a Robbery most foul although the subsequent events defy all planning in a humane mind.

In my efforts to validate my innocence, I feel I must relate this tale to you, tho' it pains me greatly to expose my situation and the events of those days, without you thinking that I participated fully of my own free will. I was a chaste maiden before this event, having worked for m'Lady since I was in my fourteenth year. I was elevated to her Chamber four years ago when I was nineteen, and she taught me to read and write. She was extremely kind, but having married Sir Samuel, found herself kept as a virtual prisoner by him in the mansion, rarely being allowed out.

I know from seeing her body as I bathed her, and in our most intimate talks that Sir Samuel had an incredible temper & jealous rage which he took out on her with a dastardly venom from time to time, when he fancied that she may have been considering leaving him. Often she cried on my shoulder, as she confided his abuse, and I too suffered at his hand, on an occasion when he caught me carrying her letters out of the house as she reached out to her family for succour.

His first wife had died some years ago in a drowning accident, and at that same time, m'Lady was in dire straits after her husband had killed himself when his gambling debts could no longer be hidden. Sir Samuel found her one evening at a small house party, and immediately swept her off her feet by saving her from Debtor's Prison and taking her to his bed. But she told me, that once they were married, his kindness and consideration turned into a ravaging of her, almost nightly, when, in his bestiality, he would whip her and abuse her body with his perversions. I now believe that his first wife actually committed suicide for these reasons, but there has been no proof to substantiate these thoughts.

However, I digress. The events of the night when we were assaulted by the highwayman Thomas, were such a madness that I clean fainted away after Sir Samuel exited the coach. He was extremely angry but in must be stated that he over-reached himself, pitting his anger against a much younger man who was in no mood to countenance his tirade. He strode up to Thomas, pulling his sword from the scabbard in an effort to slay him, but Thomas did not hesitate and ran him through with his own sword. My memory is that his Lordship actually threw himself at Thomas and was killed by his own foolishness.

M'Lady didst scream loudly but I only heard her as I fainted away, and things became black for me. The next thing I knew was that the coach was moving and I was bound hand and foot, as was my Lady. We travelled for some time but I knowst not for what period, for I do not know how long I had fainted. My Lady was gagged but once I was awake, I was able to loosen her gag with my teeth although I could not attack her bindings. The coach went on for a long time and we both fell asleep on the seats for the rest of the journey.

At long last we awoke as the coach slowed from the galloping of the horses, and drew to a stop. M'Lady said that we were outside a large house, and it could have been a tavern. It was some time before our feet bindings were cut and we were allowed to leave the coach, and were escorted into this gloomy hallway, and up the staircase by a bunch of his villains. Thomas was holding our arms as were ascended the stairs. He said nothing but pushed us roughly into a large bedroom. He cut our bindings and offered water and refreshments, which were brought to us by a landlady, who curtsied to him all the time. He advised us to rest and not to try and escape. He had plans for us and would be with us soon. Then he left, locking the door. He had not removed his mask so we did not then, know who he was.

My Lady was exhausted by these events; she had witnessed her husband's death and I feared that she would collapse from shock, but in after-thought, I believe that she must have actually been relieved as she would no longer have to suffer at his hands. She pulled me to her, and we clutched at each other, with some fear of the immediate future. She indicated that we should, perhaps, lie down on the large bed, as we were both distressed to the extreme.

She suggested that we remove our dresses, shoes and our hosiery. Removing the over-dresses and the stays was a great relief, and left us with just our thin silk shifts. We both shivered in the cool night air, although the fire had been stoked as we arrived. My Lady said we should climb into bed for warmth, which we did, and cuddled together. I must report to you, for your clarity, that on many occasions I had performed this comfort for m'Lady, which had led to us both pleasuring each other in ways that only females can do for each other. I, of course, had not been violated in any way by a male to this point, although she had used her experience to teach me the ways that I would need if I were to be married at all.

This comfort was a form of loving which had grown between us, especially when she had been beaten by his Lordship, and I was only too willing to comfort her in all the ways possible, which is why I was so loved by her, and loved her in return. We cuddled into each other and soon slept again, as a result of the tiredness from the events of the night.

I do not know for how long we slept, for it was still dark when we were startled into wakefulness by the pulling back of the sheets. It was, as I learned later, Thomas himself. He had brought candles into the room and this lent a gentle glow. I remember that his eyes blazed, and he exclaimed that we "were a fine pair of wenches" and then leaned down to caress m'Lady's thighs, lifting her shift and making free with his hands. I was startled and afraid for her safety and mine, as she stiffened, fighting against his hands as they moved over her body. He warmed to his task, virtually ignoring me.

"Don't you worry m'girls, I'll make damn sure you get what you're deserving; you both look like fine pigeons, and I intend to feast well tonight!" He roughly pulled m'Lady out of the bed and, without a moment's hesitation, ripped the shift from her. She gasped and tried to cover herself but he slapped her face and she fell back onto the bed. I reached for her to protect her and tried to cover her body, but he then assaulted me from behind, and ripped my shift also, laughing at us both. "Hah! Two naked jaybirds! Methinks we'll fuck well tonight!"

He went to the door, and called out: "Bootsie, bring me some wine, and get Jacob up here also! Get him to bring up some rope!" He remained standing at the door and within minutes these two scruffy villains appeared, one carrying a flagon and some tankards, and the other a coil of rope. M'Lady clung to me

and we both feared what might lay in store. We shivered slightly which Thomas saw, but he grinned evilly and told us to stand up, away from the bed.

His strength was more than we could protest against and he came at us, pulling me sharply around behind my Lady. Pulling the remnants of my shift off me, he threw it on the bed. He told the ruffians to hold us, our arms outstretched and we were forced back to back. They were very free with their hands which roamed about our bodies insulting our femininity as they pulled us against each other. Before we knew what was happening, Thomas had pulled my shift apart, ripping it into strips with which he bound our hands together. We struggled against this, but he and his dastardly villains fought us and they overwhelmed us, holding us back to back as he bound our wrists together in a form of crucifixion.

I was immediately overcome with concern as to what might happen and m'Lady moaned as they held her very tightly and began abusing her sex. Captain Thomas (I learned later that he had been a Dragoon soldier) meanwhile bent and tied our ankles also. We were locked tightly against each other, and as these ruffians fondled my Lady, her naked body's movements tight up against mine caused me to feel every reaction of their ministrations. Thomas stood up and then ordered the two men to leave, much to their chagrin, and which they argued forcibly against.

He would brook no argument from them, relying on his height and clearly obvious superior manliness – and a well aimed pistol he produced from his frock coat – to persuade them to leave, and he locked the door behind them. My Lady was facing away from the door and we were both hobbled at the ankles. I feared we would collapse but Thomas then uncoiled the rope from the floor and heaved it across the main cross-beam of the roof. Taking one end, he created a loop, which he then fixed over our hands. He pulled this tight, and then bringing the other end to us, he proceeded to tie this to our other hands.

"There m'dears. You'll not fall over now!" And we were able to stand with our feet flat on the floor but were strung up like chickens at the county fair. We were struck dumb although my Lady gained her voice and questioned him; "Pray, what kind of gentleman murders a husband, and then abuses his widow with such base animal behavior? Why dost thou do these things to us, who have never hurt thee in any way?"

He laughed, and spent some time walking around us, pulling, pinching and stroking our bodies, making free with his hands which wandered most lasciviously across our bellies and thighs, and I know, caressed my Lady's most intimate parts, as her buttocks moved instinctively away from his caresses and forced mine forward in an opposite direction. She had stopped talking to him, but I heard her moan a little bit and knew from my prior experiences of her, of which more later, that she was reacting to his touches.

We both struggled to stay standing, and as we did, he then appeared in front of me; his hands also roamed over my body, touching my nipples and he leaned down to take my breast in his lips. This surprised me so much that I bucked and felt her Ladyship struggle against the bindings. Her body was extremely warm and, as she move against my skin, I found myself drawn to the sensations of this, as well as Thomas's fingers which probed my sex as if I were an animal at market ready for mounting......which is what we had become.

Thomas played with us for some minutes, making lewd remarks comparing m'Lady's breasts and mine. Then, without any warning, he slowly started to remove his clothes. I was unable to now see him, as he moved in front of my Lady, and I heard her gasp as she clearly had a view of which I was restricted to see. Then he walked around us again, and I saw what she had been party to already. His member was standing straight up, pointing to the beam overhead and engorged, with blue veins and a purple head. He was quite large, although I had never seen a naked man before, except in lewd drawings that the kitchen-maid had shown me once, long ago.

Thomas moved to the side of us, and began playing with our breasts and we each swayed against the other as he did so. His hands wandered down and as he felt my intimate parts, my reaction was to flinch backwards, but so did my Lady, and we ground our buttocks together, creating a most pleasant situation for us both. He laughed out loud and leaned to lick and suck one breast of mine, and then one of hers. Meanwhile, his expert fingers were stroking us both to an excitement which I tried to deny (as did, I think, my Lady) but we were captive to his hands and our passions, as he worked us each into a frenzy.

My Lady was now breathing heavily, and moaning as he concentrated on her for the moment. I could only imagine what was going on, but her body moved against mine and I felt her go rigid trying to stand on her toes as she pushed against my backside. We were pulling at each other and I surmised he had fallen to his knees, as she now moaned louder calling out to God, with the noisy sounds of him feasting on her throbbing sex.

He was obviously down on his knees because his arms came around my thighs and then pulled us against him with my Lady in between, as he also started to caress my sex, probing and tickling me so that combined with m'Lady's movements, I too was creating a friction that we both profited from. Suddenly, I felt her stiffen against my back. Somehow she had managed to interlink our hands, and she squeezed mine as she came to her climax, grasping me tightly and uttering a low moaning that turned into a growling exclamation and a trembling that had us both vibrating together. I was only a second or two behind her, as his fingers plunged upwards into my sex and the fires of damnation broke over me, for what seemed like minutes, but could have been but seconds. Both our bodies trembled against each other, as I continued to be held tight by her hands.

It was some moments before she could relax and let me go; I too, was weakening rapidly in the after-glow of the fires that had wracked my body. My legs were shaking as I could only imagine my Lady's were.

I have found that my Lady – as she did when I had pleasured her in the past – was reacting to his fondling. He said virtually nothing, but took her acquiescence as permission to continue. I found myself envying her. He seemed to know his way in everything he did to her, and I became aroused again, as she squirmed under his ministrations. Soon I too had recovered my equilibrium, knowing almost better than he what her particular desires were. I was now overcome with love for my Lady, but could also see in the candlelight how the situation had affected Thomas. His cock was hard, pressing against our thighs as he slowed his attentions to us. We had both climaxed within seconds of each other, but I also knew from my loving with her, that she was rarely satisfied with just one climax.

I knew from experience that she would be very moist in her feminine cavity and she had told me that once she had experienced the fires that could consume a woman, she could no longer contain her modesty in any fashion. I was again becoming very moist myself, and his fingers worked themselves into me, and as I swayed against Thomas's hands I felt on fire. And, the truth be told, we addressed this situation coldly afterwards, but she admitted that she had lost all reason to lustful desires, although she admitted, again later, when we were closely intimate after Thomas had left us, that our particular softness of loving had been most exquisite.

For her part, my Lady's hands knew exactly how to pleasure me. We had taken to this in those intimate moments between us, when her damned husband had cast her aside and taken Mistresses in London Towne, and had little use of her, except when he felt the need to beat her. I now felt my legs growing weaker and I needed to hold onto the ropes over the beam to stay upright. Thomas was grinning, and now stood back to watch us both. Before I knew what was happening, my eyes were glazing over as I watched Thomas. His member poked out and upwards towards me, and I became fascinated as I had only had m'Lady's descriptions to advise me of this wonderful thing. He leaned in and whispered to m'Lady "Let her come first, and then we'll try fucking her between us!" I knew not what he meant by this, but would soon find out as his fingers played with my cunnie to great effect.

As my second climax took over my body, I moaned and sagged to my knees. Of course, I dragged her with me, and our position became untenable. I hung there panting as I felt her rise herself up, and say lewdly to him "And what about me?" His cock was rigid and straining upwards, and he pulled a small stool from the corner of the room, and I believe then, that he stood on this, putting his cock right at her face. A thing I had never thought of (she had never told me anything about this!) happened. She took him in her mouth , sucking and licking his member, as he himself moaned now, and strained against the ropes holding us tied tightly.

Our heads bumped together as she was obviously doing her best to pleasure him. I could only glance over my shoulder, and watch as his hips thrust against her face. He grabbed her hair, taking some of mine into his hands and we all three, bobbed as she went at him. Suddenly, he lost control, and held himself into her mouth as she gagged. I simply did not know what was happening, but heard him roar out his passion as he banged our heads in his ecstasy.

He waited for just a few seconds; I believe he nearly collapsed off the stool, and stood himself down to recover. Now his tenor become much calmer and almost friendlier. "Well, my Lady" he said. "That was exceedingly well done, and I think you both should be allowed some respite." Moving to his clothes which were bundled on the floor, he pulled out his boot-knife, and swiftly slashed through the bindings holding us. We both collapsed outwards but his strong hands held around our bodies so that we did not actually fall onto the floor.

I turned, as did my Lady, and we reached out, holding each other in a tight embrace, as we both recovered from the excesses of the sex as well as the fright of the evening's events.

"I must sit down" said my Lady, and without asking, moved to the bed. She pulled herself up to the headboard, neither hiding her femininity or covering herself. I regained some of my equilibrium and moved to sit alongside her. My hand covered her right thigh and she touched my arm in a calming way, and then squeezed my breast. But, I then knew that I was going to have to piss.

The water-closet was a small affair in the corner, with but a worn curtain, and nature was pressing me for relief by now, and I moved off the bed. As I did, the highwayman who had, minutes before abused my Lady and myself, got up off the stool where he had sat, and brazen as could be walked across to my Lady.


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