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An air traveler finds a sympathetic daddy to help him.
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Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't published in a little bit but life has been crazy as of late. This story was partially inspired by a horrible experience I had with a cancelled flight early this summer. I hope y'all enjoy it!


"Flight 4262 with service from Dallas to Denver is now cancelled, we apologize for any inconvenience and we will work towards getting flights re-booked."

A frantic mass exodus followed as frustrated travelers started hustling from the gate to the customer service desk. Only one passenger remained. He was dressed comfortable for the flight in a pair of faded jeans and a button up blue and white flannel shirt. He looked every bit of the confident young man he hoped he was outwardly expressing. Jake was on his way home from a quick weekend trip to Nashville for his best friend's bachelor party. There was dancing, plenty of booze, and plenty of good times. Jake pulled his boarding pass out of his breast pocket, his striking blue eyes scanned over the piece of paper, maybe he was at the wrong gate, or they were talking about a different flight. Unfortunately, it was not his lucky night. He sighed heavily and slung his duffle bag over his shoulder. "Well, shit."

Jake accepted his fate knowing that the line was probably as long as the Nile River at this point. He confirmed his suspicions as it took him only four steps before he was at the back of the line that didn't seem to have a beginning. "Fuck this is going to be a long night," he thought to himself as the line trudged slowly forward, inch by inch, towards the help desk, and hopefully a flight back home to Denver.

His Bluetooth headphones played familiar songs to keep him company as the Dallas Airport death march entered its second hour. He was too hungover for this.

Jake was tall, probably around 6'2" with an athletic lanky build thanks in large part to his days playing basketball in college. Those long lanky arms helped him pick off lazy passes and he garnered a reputation of being a pest on the court. Unfortunately, a string of ankle injuries prevented him from solidifying himself as a true NBA prospect. That was fine with him, he thanked basketball for all that it provided him and moved onto the next chapter of his life.

He quickly found his next passion in woodworking and furniture making. He started working in lumbermills. He gained experience and skills as a craftsman and before his knew it he was working at a custom fabrication company in Denver. It was hard work but he loved building the things he built.

All that physical labor sculpted his frame and what used to be a tall lanky kid now stood a filled-out man. At 27 years old Jake knew his best years were ahead of him. His steely blue eyes and dirty blonde hair matched his youthful smirk which made him very attractive to both men and women, even if he wasn't necessarily award of that fact.

Jake pulled his phone out and checked the time. He had now been waiting in line for over two hours. He sighed and turned his head to the sky, hoping someone would hear his pleas and save him from this nightmare. It was only 7:30 so the night was still young and the airport bars were still open. He stood in front of a sports bar. The sounds of clinking glasses and sparks of light that caught the bottles lined up on the back bar were almost too hard to ignore, then Jake spotted an empty bar stool. He craned his neck to look over the line, he was still in no-mans land without a helpdesk in sight. In that moment Jake made the incredibly hard decision and made a bee-line for that empty barstool and some liquid refreshment. He collapsed onto his barstool and immediately got the bartenders attention. "Knob Creek on the rocks please," Jake said as he stashed his duffle bag underneath his seat.

"Your flight get cancelled?" A deep masculine voice asked to his left. His voice sent shivers up and down the young man's spine.

"Unfortunately! I got tied of waiting, so I decided it was a good time for a drink considering I'm not going anywhere any time soon." The bartender returned with Jake's whiskey.

"Well, here's to great minds thinking alike" The older man said with a smile and raised his own whisky glass to meet Jake's.

"Cheers." Jake said fighting back a blush as they clinked glasses. Jake was a bit flustered and a little confused by his body's reaction to the attention he was getting from this attractive older man on the barstool next to him. Sure, he had the occasional guy flirt with him and he always found it flattering but there was something in this man's deep brown eyes that shook Jake to his core. He realized he had been staring and tried to turn his attention back to his drink.

Brett couldn't believe his luck. Brett thought he could blow off some steam with a cold drink after his flight got cancelled but now opportunity has fallen into his lap, or more aptly into the bar stool next to him. His financial company sent him to a conference in Dallas to glad-hand with the corporate big-wigs and make sure they know that they should have all the confidence in the world that Brett's company was making good on their investments. It was his least favorite part of the job but his bosses knew he was the best one for this assignment because of his natural charm and he always knew what to say to diffuse any situation. Brett had actually landed a couple hours ago but he decided to stop for a couple drinks before heading to his hotel across the street from the convention center. He was enjoying the people watching and the occasional small talk with the bartender but now a new development has occurred and judging by the blush that was creeping across his new friends face and the way he was subtly trying to adjust the front of his pants Brett was starting to think something more than a little harmless flirting could be on the horizon. This could turn into a very interesting night.

"So does a handsome guy like you have a name?" Brett asked with a cocked eyebrow and an award-winning smile.

"Umm Jake" the younger man said with a grin and extended his hand to Brett

"Brett." The older man responded as the two shook hands.

Brett took the chance to look Jake over, his eyes scanning his prey like an apex predator. Jake felt his heart beat a little faster as he felt Brett's eyes run over every inch of his body. He felt exposed and vulnerable but he was loving every second of this new sensation. Brett's grip was strong and Jake noticed how powerful he looked. Brett's dress shirt and slacks fit him like a glove and Jake could see his muscles ripple, coiled ready to jump into action at the drop of a hat. Brett's face had the perfect amount of five o'clock shadow. He looked like a cowboy playing dress up as a financial advisor. Jake was confused by these new feelings. His body felt warm and his head felt light. Jake was no stranger to gay porn, he was a curious guy, especially when it came to sex, and he had watched it from time to time. He was mostly drawn to daddies and twinks and Brett was like every fantasy he ever had while watching a powerful, handsome, older guy bounce a slim sexy boy off his lap. The twink's face twisted in unbelievable pleasure. Now Jake was fighting with the images of being Brett's cowboy and riding his lap..."I wonder what his dick looks like" Jake thought as he subconsciously took a quick glance at Brett's bulge...fuck he looked big.

"See something you like boy?" Brett asked with a chuckle and wink. The younger man quickly dropped Brett's hand and returned to his whisky the blush he had been fighting all night was now plastered on his face like marquee sign over a movie theatre. "Jackpot!" Brett thought to himself as he formulated a plan for the rest of their evening. Brett was busy imagining what Jake's blue eyes would look like staring up at him as he fed him his cock when the soon to be cock slut spoke up.

"So, I'm guessing your flight got cancelled too?"

"I wouldn't be here having a drink if it wasn't. I'd be at home having a drink." Brett figured a little white lie wouldn't hurt anyone; besides he was starting to see a plan form.

Both men laughed at that and the tension that was there a second ago melted away into a comfortable conversation.

"Let me buy your next round Jake." Brett said as he downed his latest glass. "It's the least I could do for the good company and good conversation." The bar was closing up for the night and the customer service line was still long but now it was the size of the Colorado River instead of the Nile.

Jake was swaying a bit and his words came out a bit slurred. "No way! I'm tapped out, I've still got to go find a rental car and hotel for the night and I think they'd frown on me driving the rental car drunk."

Brett had been waiting patiently all night and now he saw his opening. "You still haven't gotten a hotel room? Jake, they're probably all booked up now with everyone else who had their flight cancelled." Brett was putting all his charm and charisma into his sentences.

Jake took a second to consider what Brett told him. "Damn...I guess I got a bit too distracted by you. Shoot!" Silence fell between them as Brett let the situation mull around Jake's head.

"Well, I actually have a hotel room already booked, I travel a lot for work so I knew the airline wasn't going to get me out of Dallas by the end of tonight so I decided to be proactive. So, I have a king-sized bed if you want to spend the night with me?" Brett purposely made the his words drip with inuendo and moved his hand to rest on top of Jakes thigh. He was testing the boundaries, he hoped it wouldn't make him too nervous and scare him off.

Brett's hand on his thigh shot electricity through Jake's body and it seemed to be emanating from the crotch of his jeans. His cock was like a lightning rod as he felt that familiar sexual tension permeate the air between them. Jake's blue eyes locked with Brett's brown eyes and both men knew what was waiting for them at the end of tonight. Jake smiled and responded, his whiskey giving him all the confidence he didn't realize he had.

"I would love nothing more than to share a hotel room with you Brett" Jake placed his hand on top of Brett's, "but I've never...shared a hotel room with a man before, so I might be a bit nervous."

Brett felt his dick pulse in his slacks "Don't worry Jake I will be the definition of a gentleman, now come on finish that last drink and let's get going so we can let these employees go home" Brett said with a glint in his eye.

"Yes sir" Jake responded as he downed the last of his whiskey.

"Good boy."

The least his company could do for making him suffer through this conference was to let him use the hotel suite they paid for in order to plow this twink into the mattress.


The Uber ride to the hotel was a blur. Brett led Jake through the airport to the pick-up location of the Uber. They got inside and the reality of what Jake was about to do set in. He had never done anything with another man before. Yes, he liked having his ass played with because he dated a particularly kinky girl in college who introduced a finger to his back door one night during a blowjob. That one finger eventually led him to be on all fours while this petite girl pounded him from behind with a strap-on. That girlfriend opened up many doors for Jake, but they broke up soon after and he never got to fully explore that side of him. Now he was in the backseat of an Uber with a handsome older man. He needed another drink.

Brett could sense the nerves of his younger male companion and reached over placing his strong hand on his thigh and giving it a squeeze. He leaned in close and whispered so that only Jake could hear. "Don't worry, you're just spending the night, you haven't agreed to anything yet."

The Uber dropped them off at the front entrance and Brett walked to the front desk to check in Jake waited on a couch in the hotel lobby. Once he was checked in, he called his younger friend over and headed towards the elevators. Brett saw that there was a hotel bar right passed the elevators.

"Come on, lets have one more drink before we head up and get settled for the night." Brett suggested as he led Jake over to a secluded table in the corner of the bar. Brett signaled to the bartender for a couple whiskeys.

"So, you've never been with a man before?" Brett asked. He knew they had left the innuendo and subtext back at the airport.

His bluntness was a bit of a surprise to Jake who stuttered out a reply. "No never, all my experience comes from one ex who showed me how great it is to have my butt played with." Jake couldn't believe he just shared that information all at once but his nerves were making him talkative.

Brett chuckled at that. His laugh was deep and easy going and it immediately put Jake at ease.

"Hang on there Jake, I haven't even gotten your pants off yet." Brett said with a wink as the bartender brought over their drinks, setting them down in front of the two men. "Jake I asked you to spend the night at my hotel because I didn't want you to have to spend the night in the airport, trust me I've done that one too many times and its never fun. Yes, I do find you incredibly attractive and yes I have definitely fantasized about you bouncing your nice round ass on my lap, but I'm also not about to push you into something you don't want to do. No hard feelings if you just want a nice warm bed to sleep in for the night."

Jake felt a little embarrassed by his nerves and his presumptions. He appreciated the honesty that Brett was giving him but he also had one more question for his handsome older friend. "Shit, yea of course that makes sense. Regardless of what happens tonight I really do appreciate you helping me out. But since we're on the topic of honesty, your flight wasn't one of the cancelled flights, was it?"

Brett smirked at that and now it was his turn to feel embarrassed, "Well, you caught me, I'm actually in town to attend a conference across the street, so I actually landed in Dallas a couple hours before you joined me. But to be fair I had no idea we would be sitting in the hotel bar about to head up to my room, I thought I was just shooting the shit with a very handsome stranger."

Once again both men laughed and the tension disappeared for a moment.

"Here's to honesty." Brett said as he raised his glass

They clinked glasses and downed their whiskeys in a few gulps. Once their glasses were returned to the table top. Jake leaned over, feeling the liquid courage course through his veins, "And here's to new experiences" He whispered in Brett's ear and gave the older man a quick kiss on the neck and his hand squeezed Brett's inner thigh

Brett stared down at the younger man in surprise, "Lets get you upstairs" he said as he quickly told the bartender to put the drinks on the room.


They rode the elevator up to the fourth floor and quickly found the room number. Once inside they both dropped their suite cases and before the door was even closed Brett had the younger man pressed against the wall as they shared their first kiss. The kiss took Jake's breath away as he fully appreciated how much Brett towered over him. Brett must have been at least 6'4" and made Jake feel small in comparison as his big arms wrapped around Jakes waist and pulled him close. Jake couldn't help but moan into the kiss as he felt Brett's bulge press into his hip as they continued their passionate embrace. Unfortunately, they both needed to breath at some point so they reluctantly broke the kiss and stared at each other taking deep breaths and enjoying the high their first kiss brought them.

"I need to shower real quick, you don't mind do you?" Jake said in a soft whisper as he extracted himself from Brett's arms.

"No go right ahead I'll be right here waiting for you." Brett said with a smile and a quick smack on Jakes perfect bubble butt as he strode towards the bathroom.

Once the door was closed Brett smiled to himself and looked up to the ceiling thanking what ever God was listening for the luck that was bestowed on him that evening.

Jake quickly disrobed and tried to calm his beating heart. "Holy fuck that was incredible!" He thought as he started the shower. Once the shower was warm he jumped in and quickly cleaned up, making sure to spend extra time in and around his ass. His kinky ex suggested he be hairless for the first time she fucked him and ever since that night he has kept up the routine and had actually just gotten a wax right before he left luckily enough. He got out of the shower and took one last look at himself in the mirror, "go out there and be the best boy that daddy has ever had," he said hyping himself up for what was about to happen. Jake took one last deep breath and opened the bathroom door to the hottest thing he has ever seen.

While Jake was busy in the shower, Brett was busy getting himself ready to show Jake the best first time ever. He dimmed the lights and played some soft music. Then he got himself completely undressed and sat in one of the armchairs in his room and patiently waited for the soon-to-be first-time cock-slut to be done in the shower.

Jake walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and couldn't help but let his jaw drop as he saw Brett naked for the first time. Jake was correct about the powerful body he suspected Brett had, and his hairy chest was the perfect compliment to it. Then Jake caught sight of the massive cock that was hanging between his thick legs. "Holy fuck," Jake said breathlessly, "You're fucking huge."

"Why don't you come here and have a closer look boy." Brett said as he lounged back in the chair and gave Jake full access to his cock. Jake quickly moved across the room to Brett. Before either could say another word, Jake was one his knees getting his first face to face look at another man's penis.

It was glorious. It had to be at least eight inches long and very thick, Jake couldn't get his hands around the shaft. Brett's balls hung perfectly underneath the shaft and the circumcised tip was already leaking so much precum. Jake was light headed as he silently leaned forward his mouth slightly open and his tongue slowly extending out. The second Jake's tongue tasted precum he knew he was in trouble. It was like a lightning strike exploded through his body and he knew he had to have more. Jake swirled his tongue around the tip of Brett's cock trying to get all the precum he could. Brett groaned above him as he sat back and let Jake explore for a little bit. Jake was drunk on cock, he loved the smell of it, the taste of it, and definitely the feeling of it sliding between his lips. Jake opened his mouth and started to slowly bob his head down the shaft. Then when he got as far as he could he would come back up and let the spit drip from his mouth. He was using every trick he saw ex-girlfriends make as well as the techniques he was familiar with from watching porn. The only sound that was coming from the hotel room was the sound of enthusiastic slurping noises and the deep moans of a man impressed with this rookie cock-sucker.

"Jake you're a natural!" Brett moaned out as he looked down and took a mental snapshot of the image before him. Jakes beautiful blue eyes were glazed over with lust as he licked and sucked on Brett's cock like a man dying of thirst and the life-giving water he needed was stored in Brett's balls. "Do you like Daddy's cock Jake?" Brett asked knowing full well what the answer was.

"Yes Daddy I love your big Daddy Dick!" Jake responded as he popped Brett's cock out of his mouth. He had no idea where that answer came from, but must like his apparent cock sucking skills it just felt natural.


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