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Lana Helps Out

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Wife tries to help friends' struggling marriage.
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I'm Eddie, my wife Lana and I have been happily married for 8 years - which is why I was completely floored by the question she asked me last week. She had just gone to lunch with her best friend from college, Deb.

Deb had been a true knock-out, a strikingly beautiful blonde with a firm body that she kept in shape by playing 1-A singles in tennis for North Carolina, our alma matter. She was also a bitch who never paid me much attention until Lana and I started dating, and even then she wasn't exactly what you would call "warm." She always dated other good-looking, snobbish athletes who ignored me and all of my friends.

Deb had the hottest looking mouth I'd ever seen - full lips and a smile that showed what seemed like more than the normal amount of gleaming white teeth. On many occasions as I sat pissed-off over some prima-donna move she pulled when we were out in a group, I'd just imagine her giving me the most glorious and thorough blow-job of all time, a highly successful tactic in making her more tolerable.

Tragedy struck Deb in the winter of our senior year. She was in a car that lost control on an icy road and she ended up in a wheelchair. Although it didn't take much away from her attitude, it certainly took away from her social life. Sure, her friends (like Lana, and therefore me) stayed by her side, but she never received anywhere near the same attention from guys.

By the end of senior year she started dating a guy named Tom. He was a good guy but quiet and never seemed to add much to the group. Even though the four of us spent some time together from then on, Tom and I never hung out just the two of us. In fact, I was only friendly with him on account of Lana and Deb's friendship. Shortly after graduation, Deb and Tom got married. A year later, Lana and I followed suit.

So, as I was saying, Lana got back from lunch with Deb last week and immediately I could tell something was up.

"I have a favor to ask," she said, "and I don't want you to get mad."

"Well, that's like the kiss of death, saying that. No promises."

Lana sighed. "Deb and Tom are having a tough time," she said. "And Deb thinks it's because of their sex life."

Being that Deb was paralyzed from the waist down, I had always wondered what they did for sex and whether or not it was enjoyable. "Just out of curiosity, what is their sex life?" I asked.

"Well, they can have sex," she said, "It's just hard for Deb, she gets more enjoyment out of seeing Tom enjoy it. And I guess lately nobody's been enjoying anything."

"So what's the favor?" I asked. As I said before, I could not have been more shocked by what my beautiful, loving wife said to me in reply.

"Well, we think it would be a good idea," my wife started to say, eyes on the floor, "if I... had sex with Tom..."

"WHAT?!?" I screamed. I had not yelled that loud at my wife in all the time I'd known her. "Who's 'we'?!?"

"Deb and me. Look, Eddie, it would just be one time..."


"...and it's not like I love him or want him, it's just that"


"...well, you know... this is so embarrassing... it would really help out their marriage..."

"How in the hell would this help their marriage?"

"Eddie, please!" she said, "They love each other. They really do. They talk about their problem all the time; it's so upsetting to them. They're great friends but they just don't have that spark anymore. This would help them get some excitement back."

"BULLSHIT!!! Did Deb put you up to this or is Tom behind it?"

"Tom doesn't know anything about it. We agreed on this together. Look, Deb even said she'd... take care of you too... if you agreed."

I was about to yell out something in response until my brain processed that last bit of information. My wife's request aside, I thought about all the times I wanted to make Deb blow me in college to shut her up. I started to actually consider this.

"So this doesn't have anything to do with us?" I asked.

"No Eddie! Absolutely not! I love you so much. I would never cheat on you, you know that. This is just helping out two people who are very special to me."

"I don't know. I'll have to think about this." I said.

That day was torture for me. My thoughts were all over the place. I recalled a memory from one night at a college party. One of my friends was really drunk and came up to me and pointed at Lana and said, "I have never seen an ass that small on a woman with tits that big." And it was true, too. My wife is fabulously well endowed - the best comparison is to the British model Lucy Pinder.

So anyway, no sooner had my friend said that then I called to Lana across the room. I asked her to show us her tits. She smiled and walked over to us sexily. Lana stood before us and started to lift up her shirt - getting it up high enough so we could see a few inches of her bra - before abruptly pulling it back down, saying "no chance."

I remember I was instantly turned on, but it was because I had wanted my buddy to see her tits - I remember thinking I would tell him to touch them too. Do I like the thought of sharing my wife? My head was swimming now with mixed emotions. Our life could be totally different if we did something like this.

By the time we were lying in bed that night, I still had not made a decision. I wanted to know the ground rules.

"So this would only be a one time deal, right?" I said.

Although we had not been talking about it, she knew exactly to what I was referring. "Yes. Well, we figure one night."

"What, like, we pair off and go to different rooms?"

"No, we were thinking more like I'd go over there and Deb would come here."

"And each spend the night?"

"Yes." She said.

I sighed. There was a long pause. "So then what happens when you get home? What's that going to be like?" I asked.

"Eddie," she said, "I'm sorry. This was a stupid idea. I should never have..."

"Will you tell me all the details?" I asked

"W-w-would you want to know all the details?" my wife perked up.

"Yes. Every last one."

"Oh, Eddie!" she said, happily, and rolled over on top of me.


Lana assumed all the arrangements. I agreed to all of this on Sunday night, and by noon Monday she had everything set up for that Friday. Throughout the week she kept saying things like, "aren't you excited for our dates? Isn't this going to be fun?" And it really fucked with me. In some respects I wanted it less because she was so excited, but again there was that odd sense that it was turning me on at the same time. I tried to fuck her on several occasions just thinking about it, but she and Deb had decided that the men were not to have sex or masturbate all week.

I'm usually home from work before my wife, but of course that Friday I'd gotten hung up in the office and didn't get home until 6:30. I found my wife putting the finishing touches on her make-up in our bathroom. She was wearing a mid-length black leather skirt (which I had never seen before), a tight white tank top with the neck cut low enough to show cleavage, and black high-heels.

"You got ready quickly," I said.

"Oh, hi," she said. "I took off a little early from work to get ready. Whitney (our babysitter) called and said she's running a little late, but I said I'd be there at 7:00 so I should really get going. She's taking the kids for the night so you won't have anything to worry about."

"Great," I said.

My wife picked up her leather jacket off the bed, gave me a quick kiss as she walked by and said, "Now remember, you don't have to tell me anything that you do. At all. So relax and have some fun."

She headed downstairs, where the kids were watching TV, and I heard her say, "Mommy's going out to a party tonight but Daddy will be here with you for a little while and maybe Aunt Deb will stop by. Then you're going to have a sleep over at Whitney's." This brought cheers from the children. "Give Mommy a kiss. I love you very much. Bye-bye."


To make a long story a little shorter, Deb's visit was nothing short of a disaster. I didn't know what to do with her, she didn't seem to be into it, and when I finally got pissed off and tried to fuck her ass she screamed bloody murder and it just about ended the night. If you really want to know the details, drop me a line and I'll fill you in. But it isn't pleasant.

Deb woke me up at 6am the next morning. She was already in her wheelchair and needed help getting it downstairs. Apparently she had wheelchair tennis that morning. So I helped her get downstairs, made her some coffee, then saw her out the door and went back to bed. Only I couldn't get back to sleep. I kept thinking about Lana and what happened and when she was coming home.


It was 2:30 in the afternoon when Lana finally pulled in the driveway. She obviously hadn't brought toiletries with her, as she looked completely unkempt. As she got out of the car and approached the house she appeared to be walking funny as if she twisted her ankle. The kids had been home for hours and I didn't particularly want them to see her in that state so I went down to open the door and quickly get her upstairs.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"OK," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "How about you?"

"Fine," I said, "why don't we just go upstairs first and..."

"Let me just say hi to the kids first" she said, walking into the TV room. "Hey there! How was your sleepover?"

As my wife bent over the couch to talk to the kids, I noticed that she kept pulling at her skirt around her ass, as if it were causing her discomfort. She ran her hand up and down the back of it, so I assumed it was bunched or something and that was why she was walking funny.

My daughter was telling Lana about the sleepover when I noticed it. At first I wasn't sure what it was, but sure enough, there was semen running down the back of my wife's leg. Her hand went from pulling at the skirt to quickly scooping it up. Without missing a beat listening to her children, she looked at it, saw she had no where to wipe it, and slurped it in her mouth.

"That sounds like so much fun," Lana said, "You'll have to tell me more about it later. I'm going to go get clean - can I have kisses?" She kissed our children on the couch and went upstairs to our bedroom.

I followed right behind her into the bedroom and closed the door. My heart was pounding. "Are you OK, you're walking funny." I asked.

"Yeah, fine," she said, looking for a towel in the closet, "do you mind if I shower first?"

"No! I mean, yes, I mind. I want to hear how it went."

"OK," Lana sighed, and sat down on the rocking chair next to our bed. She was still fidgeting with her skirt. "All the details?"

"All the details."

"All right, well, I got to their condo around 7:30. Deb had already left. Tom opened the door and led me in. He said I looked amazing, and we started hugging. We stood there for about 5 minutes, just holding each other, hands running across each other's backs. I wasn't sure how we were supposed to proceed, or what was supposed to happen next, so I figured he was a little shy so I should make the first move.

"I pulled back a little, looked him in the eye, and slowly knelt down in front of him. I could feel him trembling as I unfastened his belt and unzipped his pants. Still looking him in the eye, I pulled his penis out from his pants. He was incredibly hard; it was like holding a brick. It was very red, too, and vein-y. I felt bad for him; he must have been so frustrated for it to be that hard. I thought maybe I'd warm him up with just a little oral sex to start, you know, rather than just jump right into it. I figured the more he enjoyed, the more then he and Deb could get more out if it. You're not mad, are you?"

"No." I said, after clearing my throat. My heart was still beating extremely hard. I could now feel the pulse all the way down into my neck.

"So anyway," Lana continued, "I put his penis in my mouth, and just did all the things I know you like: sucking hard, licking underneath, rubbing it on my face a little. I know you hate when I use too much hand so I put one hand around his ass for balance and just kind of reached up and massaged his balls with the other. At one point a hair from his scrotum got caught in the zipper, and he winced a little in pain, so I kissed it and just sort of rolled his testicles around in my mouth for a while.

"Well, I went back to sucking on his penis and massaging his balls. I wanted to finish warming him up by going all the way down, doing that licking thing that you like, but he must have been so pent-up that he just started ejaculating into my mouth. There was so much of it and it was so thick that I thought I would gag, but I remembered how you told me that guys prefer it when women keep sucking until it's done and then swallow, so I kept going. When he was done I took it out slowly, letting my tongue trail along the underside to catch anything that was left, and a little trail of semen got flicked off onto my cheek. I used the back of my hand to push it in my mouth, and I swallowed everything."

I had to interrupt here. "You haven't swallowed for me in years!"

"Eddie, I know, I'm sorry, it's just that I remembered what you said about swallowing and well, I figured since he just had that orgasm that if I didn't he might not be turned on anymore and wouldn't be able to perform, you know, sexually later, which is the reason we were doing all of this."

"Whatever." I said. "Keep going."

Lana continued on: "So Tom said, 'Wow - that was unbelievable! I can't believe you swallowed all of that.' I didn't want my response to turn him off, so I just said 'Mmm... I loved it! It was so thick and good, I wished there was more!' 'Well,' he said, 'maybe we can arrange for that later, but right now I need to sit down.'

"So we sat down on the little bench just inside their foyer and tried to figure out what we should do from there. Tom surprised me by asking if I'd eaten, saying he hadn't yet and if I wanted to he knew a great little place we could walk to. I almost felt like I was failing Tom and Deb, like I wasn't attractive enough for Tom to help them because he wanted to go out, but I figured maybe Tom needed to recover a bit so I agreed to go.

"So I hadn't even made it past their foyer and I was already heading back out. Tom was quite the gentleman on the walk over, we held hands and talked. We ended up at this cute little Italian place a few blocks away and sat down in a circular booth. The waiter took our order quickly but the food took a while. To pass the time we held hands under the table and rubbed each other's knees. Our conversation was really nice too, but I wanted to make sure he was still 'into it', so I very gently started stroking the crotch of his pants. He was very hard, so I kept lightly rubbing and squeezing so he wouldn't lose interest.

"I guess he was getting bored because Tom decided to be a little Naughty Ned. He took an ice cube from his glass and slowly put it outside my shirt, against my nipple - the one closest to him. I looked around because I didn't want anyone to notice, and that's when I saw the McFarland's ..."

"Bob and Tina were there? Whitney's parents?" I said, "You should have left!"

"I know, I thought about that," she said, "but you know, we'd already ordered and if I started acting funny it might have ruined the whole thing for Tom and Deb..."

"Fuck!" I said. "What are they going to think!?! Bob asked me to play golf today and I said had to be home for Goddamned family day!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't think he noticed. Really. I'm pretty sure. Well, I mean, they were looking at us, occasionally, and I think Bob said something to Tina because she had her back to us and when she turned around and saw me looking at her she turned back quickly. So I just put my leather jacket back on.

"You mean you didn't stop him? In a restaurant?"

"No, it was OK, really. He just slid his hand up inside the jacket a little. He kept putting the ice cube on my nipple, then rubbing it with his thumb. He'd pull the jacket to the side a little every once in a while to look at it. You should have seen it, even through the shirt it was so hard and long. He was making it really sensitive.

"He reached across my chest to do it to the other nipple, but I thought that looked too suspicious so I only let him do it for a minute or two. He went back to the first nipple and then one time pulled the jacket aside when the waiter came by so he could get a look too. You should have seen his face. But I'm pretty sure he put it back before Bob or Tina could see what was going on.

"He quit doing it when our food came. While we ate Tom was being very nice and caressed my fingers and occasionally touched my face. I thought Bob and Tina may have noticed that so I put his hand below the table. He must have thought that was a signal that I wasn't interested anymore because he put his hand on my knee and then started sliding it up under my skirt.

"I told him he didn't have to do it, but he just winked at me and started caressing me outside my panties. I didn't want to draw attention to it, so I tried to keep on eating. But Tom must have thought he was losing my interest, because he slid a finger under the panties and along my... pussy. Are you OK?"

It was strange for me to hear my wife say the word "pussy." Of course I'd heard her say it before, but mostly in college. Nowadays she would use euphemisms for it, like "down there." Now she was talking about it being fondled by a friend of ours. "Fine," I said, "keep going."

"Well, he caressed the lips and up onto my clit. It felt electric. I was still trying not to act suspiciously, but he asked me to take off my panties for him. I could've said no, but I thought that if I turned him down now maybe things wouldn't work out. So without drawing attention to myself, I slid them off. He asked me to put them on the table, so I did. He let them sit there for a few minutes - the waiter even noticed them when he came by to refill our water - before he put them in his back pocket. Then we finished eating, he with one hand fondling my pussy and me with one hand caressing his bulge."

"Now wait a minute, wait a minute!" I yelled. "This was not part of the deal! You were supposed to sleep with him one time, not whore yourself in a local restaurant! What the fuck!"

"Please don't be mad, please," she said. "I thought so too. I didn't know any of this was going to happen. I didn't want to mess this up for either of them. Should I stop?"

"Not now, no." I said. I realized I was having a problem with this, but I decided to shut up and just let her finish.

"OK. So, we finish eating, and I am getting really close to coming from his finger. He is all worked up too, and breathing hard. He leaves the money on the table and we go - I think Bob may have seen us holding hands but probably not any of what happened under the table. Bob looked at us strangely as we were walking out, almost as if he needed to say something. Tom was in a hurry to get back so we took a cab.

"We got in and Tom gave the address. I leaned over to give him a little peck on the cheek for dinner, and the next thing I know we're just totally necking. He's pawing at my tit and I'm rubbing the bulge in his pants. I don't think the cabbie noticed us except for when I hit his head with my heel - Tom wanted to finger fuck me so I put my leg up to give him better access. God, he fingered me so hard. You could hear it too, it sounded like wet clothes slapping the floor each time he jammed his fingers in. Of course I didn't think this was appropriate behavior, but I figured if this was what it would take to get him in the mood, I'd do it.

"The cabbie must have understood Tom's situation, because he didn't charge us for the trip. When we got back to their apartment building, Tom suggested we go up to the roof deck since it was such a pretty night.


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