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Lanie's Corruption

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A student's price for cheating.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/06/2017
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* Cautionary Disclaimer: These segments may contain strong themes of occasional moral repugnance, including inter alia blackmail, humiliation and non-consensual sexual activity. If any of this or the like offends you, please read no more. You have been warned. All characters and scenarios are completely fictional, all characters involved are of legal age, and any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


At the back of the bustling classroom, Lanie and Sarah had their heads together, desperate to fit in as much gossip before the teacher arrived. With their birthdays within a few days of each other, both girls were in good spirits after celebrating a joint 18th the week before.

Sarah was tall and lanky, with shoulder-length blonde curls and mischievous green eyes. Lanie was slightly shorter than Sarah, with long, straight dark hair and large, almond eyes. Sarah tended to overuse makeup, and her plump lips often shone with coloured gloss, whilst Lanie dressed more conservatively, and preferred the natural look.

"So then," Sarah whispered excitedly, "he took it out, and I held it in my hand. Then it grew-"

"Wait," Lanie interrupted, nibbling her full lower lip. "Was there a condom on it?"

"No, it was just... skin." Sarah giggled and looked down to where her top button had come undone, showing the two curves of her breasts and the dip down the black lace bra she wore.

"What did it feel like?" Lanie asked, and Sarah looked at her disbelievingly.

"You've touched one too!" she scoffed, and quickly looked at the desks in front of them, to make sure no one was listening.

"Yes, but it had a condom on it!" Lanie hissed back. "So, what did it feel like?"

"Settle down class," Mr Pines lazily called from behind them, and both girls froze, forgetting the entrance was at the back of the room.

Mr Pines didn't pay the girls any attention, and dropped two sheets on their desks before slowly moving along the class, handing out paper. He was only two desks away when Sarah clutched her hands to her chest.

"Oh fuck I didn't hear him come in!" she gasped. "He was standing right behind us. D'you think he heard?"

"Pfft, that old goat," Lanie eyed Mr Pines' tall figure. "Probably left his hearing aid at home."

Sarah giggled. "That's slack. He can't be over 55."

"If you're over 30...you're just over. Done." Lanie tilted her head, still observing Mr Pines. "I bet he forgets where he lives."

"I bet his cock doesn't work," Sarah tittered, nudging Lanie in the ribs. "Bet he wouldn't know how to use it. Can you imagine him having a thick, veiny -?"

Lanie shoved Sarah's shoulder, and hid behind the sheet of paper to stifle her laughter.

"Oh no, it's next week's exam," Sarah read the sheet's contents with dismay.

Lanie controlled her mirth, with an effort. "This sucks," she faintly replied. "I thought it'd be at least two weeks before..." she trailed off, overcome by a strange, uncomfortable feeling.

Peeking above the top of the paper, she directly met Mr Pine's expressionless stare. He was seated at the front of the room, behind his desk, just watching her. Neither displeased nor chastising, it was a disconcertingly unreadable expression.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Sarah, I think he heard us. He's looking!" Lanie whispered urgently, and hid behind the paper. Sarah looked to the front of the room, where Mr Pines was now standing with his back to them, writing on the board.

"I don't think so," she breathed, with immense relief. "Anyway, what are we going to do about this test? Maybe we should draw straws with the others again?"


Checking the corridor was empty from both directions, Lanie gently opened the storeroom door and peeked inside. On the lower levels of the school building with less student traffic, the room was very dark and quiet.

Lanie decided to leave the lights off, and crept forward, squinting in the dim light at the cabinets along the wall. The papers were filed by year, and Lanie quickly tried the handle for her grade, grinning with delight as the drawer slowly opened.

Thought she was dismayed to draw the short straw with her friends, it wasn't the most difficult task. Besides, if she got caught, what's the worst that could happen?

Lanie jumped with surprise when an angry growl emitted from behind her and she paused. Slowly, with wide-eyed terror, she turned to face its source and gaped down at Roger. Remembering him as a friendly pup with warm brown eyes, in the darkness seemed much bigger up close, with fierce, black eyes and by no means friendly. Never would she have imagined he would be waiting in the storeroom.

'Geez, they're cheat sheets, not diamonds,' Lanie thought, drawing a deep breath to calm herself and think what to do next. Roger was seen regularly around the grounds, and had an owner.

"Mr Hickley?" Lanie called weakly, shifting against the file cabinets. If she made to move, Roger growled.

After watching her for what seemed like an eternity, Roger slowly padded forward, and Lanie flattened herself as best she could to distance herself from the approaching beast.

Lanie's heart leapt into her throat as the door in front of her suddenly opened, and the light switch flicked, flooding the room with confronting light. Mr Hickley walked in, accompanied by Mr Pines. Roger immediately retreated to his master, wagging his tail.

Without saying a word, Mr Pines took out his phone and snapped an image of Lanie pressed back against the cabinets.

"Mr-Mr- please help me!" Lanie stammered.

Mr Pine showed his phone to Mr Hickley. "What does that look like?" he asked.

Mr Hickley examined the picture. "It looks like a naughty girl has been caught snooping around a 'staff only' area."

"I was thinking the same thing," Mr Pines nodded. Meanwhile, Lanie wriggled uncomfortably.

"Do you often come in here, Lanie?" Mr Hickley smiled, handing the phone back to Mr Pines.

"Wha- No!" Lanie gasped. "No! I would never..."

"What were you doing in here?" Mr Pines' eyes were on the front of Lanie's skirt.

"I was..." Lanie paused uncomfortably, trying to concentrate. "I...was...trying to find an answer sheet."

"Cheating?" Mr Pines exclaimed, finally lifting his eyes from her skirt to Lanie's flustered face. "I didn't think you were that kind of girl, Lanie."

"I...I..." Lanie stammered. She was stunned, expecting to be rebuked. But neither Mr Hickley or Mr Pines seemed genuinely disapproving of her presence. In fact, they seemed pleased.

Mr Pines came forward with his phone.

"Lanie, I want you to lift your skirt with one hand, and slide your other hand under your waistband, into your panties, and pull the crotch aside."

"Mr Pines!" Lanie gasped, not believing her ears.

"If you don't, you will be expelled for cheating. There goes your future, and it is also likely that your parents will confiscate the shiny new car you received for your 18th. Do as you are told."

"But-" Lanie's jaw dropped with dismay and she looked at Mr Hickley for help.

"You heard the man," Mr Hickley answered her silent plea.

Lanie squeezed her eyes shut and obeyed, painstakingly lifting her skirt. They could clearly see the wet patch against her pussy. Lanie's other hand inched down her lbelly under her skirt, into her panties. Her pussy was warm against her fingers.

"Hold it," Mr Pine ordered, taking aim with his phone. "Spread your legs wider, Lanie."

"Mr P... Please," Lanie panted.

"Now!" Mr Hickley barked, and Lanie quickly inched her legs apart, still holding her skirt up with her hand in her panties.

"Perfect," Mr Pines whispered, taking photos. "Ok. Now pull the gusset aside, Lanie."

Imagining the wrath of her parents, Lanie hooked her fingers around the edge of her gusset, took a deep, shaky breath, and slowly eased it to the side, exposing her bare pussy to Mr Hickley and Mr Pines.

"Ohhh!" Lanie squealed, as Mr Pine's unexpectedly leaned forward. His tongue lapped at her, poked her pussy, snuck between creases and explored her intimately.

"Good girl," Mr Pine crooned as he tasted her. "Hold that skirt up so we can see, you little tease. Hold your panties aside so I can taste your cunt properly."

Panting with shock, Lanie looked to Mr Hickley for help. He was watching her crotch, and his hand was down his pants.

"Oooh ...oh..." Lanie whimpered, as Mr Pines' tongue seemed to envelope and squeeze her clit with every lick. She could hardly comprehend that Mr Pines had his mouth in her most private, sensitive place, while Mr Hickley watched.

"She's got a nice little cunt," Mr Hickley remarked, moving closer.

"They all do, when they're young," Mr Pines murmured. Moving back, he reached up to spread her pussylips open and angled his phone closer, capturing as much detail as possible. "But yes, I like this one very much."

Mr Pines took his eyes from the screen. Beneath the raised skirt, he saw her bare thighs twitch after his tongue had firmly stroked her sensitive flesh, saw her trembling, pink little folds shine with his saliva, saw the area around her little hole begin to glisten with a different kind of moistness.

"Oh, fucking hell, look at that. Lovely." Mr Pines composed himself, turned off his phone, and pocketed it.

Mr Hickley was breathing with difficulty, his eyes fixated on Lanie's soft, pink folds.

Slumped against the wall with nervous relief, Lanie hurriedly pulled her skirt down and adjusted her panties. Mr Pines stood and towered over her.

"I really didn't appreciate you calling me 'an old goat'," he smiled, with a terrible glint in his eye, and Lanie's jaw dropped with dismay. "That's right. I don't need a hearing aid."

Plucking a small, folded bit of paper from his blazer, he trailed it down Lanies cheek and gently wedged it down the front of her shirt. His fingers slid over the smooth skin down her cleavage, ensuring the paper nestled snugly between her bra and the curve of her breast. As he withdrew his hand, Lanie felt his fingers press against her skin.

"Mr- Mr-?" Lanie faltered with confusion.

"It's the answer sheet, silly girl." Mr Pines said brusquely. "You'll be needing it, for your friends. You don't want them to know what really happened here, do you?" he inquired, and Lanie quickly shook her head. She flattened herself against the wall as Mr Pine's leaned in close, his crisp business shirt gently pressed into her face, his breath tickled her ear.

"You enjoyed my tongue, didn't you?" he whispered, feeling her shaking against him. "Your little cunt is aching now, isn't it?"

Strolling to Mr Hickley, a thought struck him. "By the way Lanie, you will learn that my cock is thick, and veiny. And I do know how to use it."

Laughing heartily, both he and Mr Hickley made their exit together, mostly laughing at the look on Lanie's face.


The week was painfully slow for Lanie. Neither Mr Pines or Mr Hickley gave her a second glance if they passed her in the hallway, and Mr Pines seemed unaware of her existence during class.

As Lanie began think the problems hanging over her were possibly over and forgotten, that small glimmer of hope was squashed on Thursday afternoon. As the students packed their things and filed out, Mr Pines spoke as Lanie passed him by.

"Lanie, a word please."

Lanie slowly came to stand before his desk as the last student left the room, the door gently swinging to a close behind them.

"You have detention on Saturday morning at 11am." Mr Pines didn't even look up. He waited a moment, seemingly preoccupied with a document in front of him. With a small, satisfied smile, he signed it and placed it aside before glancing at up Lanie's stunned countenance.

"The slot was chosen with great consideration, to spare you the ordeal of disclosing to your parents the reason why you have detention."

Startled into silence, Lanie's jaw dropped with incredulous confusion.

"Did you really think there would be no punishment for cheating?" Mr Pines asked, tilting his head forward to critically peer over his glasses at her.

"I- but- I didn't- You-!"

"Shut up," Mr Pines impatiently waved an arm. "Kids these days. No accountability. Well, that is about to change for you, Lanie. You will be in the gymnasium at 11am, sharp, on Saturday. Or, you can tell your parents they must find a new school for you. In addition, they will receive the photos of you flashing your cunt to strangers. Need I be clearer?"

"No, Mr Pines, I will be there," Lanie hurriedly answered, wringing her hands. "May I go?"

Opening his mouth to dismiss her, Mr Pines changed his mind at the last moment. The severity left his face and he leaned back in his chair. Lanie watched his eyes slowly roam her body.

"Not yet. Come here," he said softly, and pushed his chair back from the desk and patted his knee.

Lanie paused, but when he continued to watch her expectantly, she slowly rounded his desk and awkwardly stood by his side. As she approached, he'd shifted back in his chair and spread his legs a little, and looking down, Lanie was shocked to see a large, bulge pressing against the front of his pants. It was as if he had forced a very firm cucumber down there.

Leering, Mr Pines gently guided her to stand in front of him. "Lift your skirt for me, Lanie. I want to see what panties you have on." When she hesitated, he tutted and reached himself, gingerly lifting the hem of her chequered skirt.

"Mmmmm, canary yellow," he murmured, brushing his fingertips across her the material thinly covering her puffy cunt. "Delicious. What's this lovely little wet spot?" he whispered, tickling a damp patch on the crotch. Lanie had no words, and stood frozen with horrified humiliation.

"I hope you haven't been fooling around with boys," Mr Pines said in a reprimanding tone, and pulled her forward, easily lifting her into his lap. With her legs spread on either side, the crotch of her panties directly pressed against his hard cock, and Lanie gasped at the distinct contact.

"Move against me, Lanie, like this," Mr Pines seized both her ass-cheeks, squeezing them, slowly grinding her against his cock. "Do this for me, and you may leave."

Feet dangling toward the ground, looking uncertainly into Mr Pine's lust-filled gaze, she awkwardly began to buck against him, and jumped when one of his hands left a buttock, sliding up her stomach and slipping under her bra to squeeze her boob.

"Oh, you're a regular little jockey, aren't you?" Mr Pines breathed, pawing her breast, flicking her nipple. "With your white socks pulled up to your knees, stupid little sneakers. Nice, soft, little tit. Say 'it feels good, Mr Pines', and kiss me."

Aghast, Lanie still moved against him, rubbing her cunt against his hard cock. She didn't want to kiss Mr Pines. To her, he was a gross, old man. She wanted to tell him that he shouldn't be allowed to look at girls like her, let alone touch.

Yet there she was, in his lap, rubbing herself against his privates like a horny slut. Somehow kissing him was the ultimate show of acceptance. It turned her stomach, but she had to do it.

"It-It feels good, Mr Pines," Lanie trembled and leaned closer, wanting to close her eyes but unable to, as Mr Pine's evil face loomed up to hers.

"Say 'ahhh'" he grinned, stoking her smooth jaw before gently pressing to open her mouth. When she complied, he pressed his lips to hers in an open-mouth kiss, sticking his tongue past her teeth, deep into her mouth.

"Urrrmmrrhhh!" Lanie squealed, squirming uncomfortably. She couldn't help imagining what her classmates would think if they could see her pashing dirty, old, Mr Pines. If they could see her humping him like a horny sex doll, with his pervert hands groping her all over.

She pictured the shock on their faces, the grins, the collective 'EWWWWW' the group would emit. Lanie squeezed her eyes shut and whined, kicking her little legs out by his sides, counting the seconds to freedom.

Mr Pines enjoyed kissing her soft, full mouth, finally ending it on a long, slow, sucky smooch, tugging her bottom-lip with his teeth. He looked at her pink lips, extra-pouty from the kiss, wetly shining with his saliva.

"What a tasty treat... fresh, young lips... My wife has thin, dried up, old puckered lips, like Roger's doggy asshole," he laughed wickedly as she gagged and recoiled, still trapped in his embrace.

Mr Pines was very aware of what youngsters like Lanie thought about men like him. Little, untouchable princesses, strutting around, turning their noses up at him with disdain, caught up in their own worlds. He could distinctly feel Lanie's revulsion toward him, shattering her young pride, and it thrilled him to the core.

"Thank you, Lanie." Mr Pines smiled smugly. "I will tell you now, that I have no intention of hurting you. You and I are going to become very good friends. I'm a nice man, unless you cross me."

Lanie just stared at him with a mix of fear and disgust. Mr Pines sighed, deciding he had pushed her far enough. "You may go. Don't be late on Saturday."

With amusement, he watched her immediately scramble from his lap in record speed and bolt for the door. In her hurry, Lanie's skirt flew up at the back and Mr Pines got an eyeful of the bright-yellow panties tightly clutching her pert, round buttocks.

A sudden urge rose within in. He wanted to chase her, trip her up, flip her skirt. Tug her panties to the side and bite her delicious little bottom and listen her squeal, little smooth legs feebly kicking for release. He would firmly grip her bubble-butt and spread her cheeks wide, get an eyeful of her girly cunt, her tiny little asshole. Lanie's little holes, soon for his pleasure.

Mr Pines groaned as his cock ached. Glancing down at his cock, fighting to be free of his pants, he saw a distinct glistening streak on the material along the shaft, where Lanie's wet spot transferred from their grinding.

Knowing she would be mortified, Mr Pine's grinned nastily, rubbing his finger along the wet spot and running it under his nose. Then he rubbed the material again, and sucked his finger.

"Little Lanie juice," he sniggered. Taking out his phone, he scrolled the contact list.

"Mike. Do you have plans on Saturday? Our little Lanie is booked for her vocab tutorial."

At 10.50am on Saturday, Lanie sat outside the gymnasium. The school was weirdly silent on the weekend, no outside noises of kids messing around in the yard, no student chatter in the corridors...

Lanie's thoughts were cut short when the gym door opened and Mr Hickley grinned at her.

"Early. Good girl!" he beckoned her in, and Lanie nervously stood and followed him into the gym. The gym was very large, and decked with typical sporting equipment, but Mr Hickley led her into a small connecting room which had a padded floor area for stretching, technique demonstrations and more confined contact sports like judo.

"Welcome, Lanie," Mr Pines said from the back of the room. He sat in a small chair, and there was another beside him for Mr Hickley. There was a large, flat-screen TV mounted on the wall behind him. Lanie uneasily noticed Roger, who immediately perked at the sight of her and licked his snout several times. Almost by way of greeting, his giant, red tongue flopped out of his mouth. Lanie shuddered and looked away.

Mr Pines pointed at the padded area before his feet. "Sit."

Lanie settled, cross-legged, and took the bit of paper Mr Pines held out to her. It was a list of words, which she scrolled with some confusion.

"Yes, we thought as much," Mr Pines smiled, observing her puzzled expression as Mr Hickley took the seat beside him. "Now Lanie, your detention is more education, than punishment. A practical teaching exercise."


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