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Larry's Cougar Ch. 02

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Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson add a third.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/28/2013
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Splat. Tanalei turned her head away from the annoying thing that hit her face. Splat. Her eyes blinked. Splat. She opened her eyes to see the ceiling in the semi-darkness. Why does it look different? She got out of bed to turn on the light when the ceiling caved in and water began pouring onto her bed. She screamed, backing into the wall. The carpet was soaked. She grabbed her phone and headed into the living room. Glancing at the time, she grumbled. If she had to be up at 3:30 in the morning, then other people did too.

"How long until it can be fixed?" Tanalei asked. She and Andrea were staring up at the hole in her ceiling with the building manager.

"A month, two tops," he said.

Tanalei groaned. "I'm not gonna be here that long. Is there another furnished three bedroom apartment that here that we can rent?"

"No, ma'am, I'm sorry. Everything else is under contract."

"Why don't you go live with the boys?" Andrea inquired.

She fixed her friend with a steely gaze. "I wanted three bedrooms for my boys and Curt and Madison or my parents when they come."

"They have a ten bedroom house. There's five of them."

"Along with security."

"They're over the garage."

Tanalei sighed. "The kids are comin' next weekend with Curt and Madison and their kids. Including Jaxon and Nicole."

"Ooh. Sullen teen boy is coming? And fan-girl? Yeah, maybe a hotel is good until then."

"Your family is more than welcome with us, love."

The women whirled at the sound of the voice in the door. Tanalei glared daggers at Andrea. "You called them?" she hissed.

"To help pack."



"Um, Tanalei?" Liam interrupted. "Are only the clothes yours?"

"We won't mind if you stay with us. Your family is more than welcome," Zayn said.

She sighed. "You've met my boys. I've got three nephews comin' who are sixteen, four and three. The oldest is easily bored and the youngest is not quite out of the whiny stage. And a fourteen-year-old niece who would like nothing more than to kneel in your presence." She glanced pointedly at their crotches.

"Um, yeah. Well. Two of us have younger sisters," Liam said. "Boys will be a nice change."

"Right." Slipping her hands into her hair, she pulled the strands. "Okay. Clean out the cabinets and fridge in the kitchen. Don't forget the cookbook on the counter. My Kindle and laptop are in the livin' room and the movies go too. Me and Andrea will take care of the clothes. Y'all ain't getting' your hands on my underwear." She shook her finger at them.

Harry smirked. "Aww, there goes my fun for the night."

Tanalei narrowed her eyes at him. She strolled up to him until they were toe-to-toe. "If I find out that my panties have been anywhere but my body, the laundry hamper or the washer and dryer, I will cut vital body parts off. Especially if there are mysterious stains on them."

He leaned down till his nose touched hers. "I was kinda hoping you would be in them at the time."

"Get. The fuck. Out. Of. My. Room," she said through gritted teeth.

He stared down into her hazel eyes. At the moment they were a mixture of brown and green. He quickly pecked her lips before sauntering out the door, closing it behind him.

"I'll get you some more batteries tomorrow," Andrea said softly.

"Thank you."

By eight o'clock, Tanalei was situated in one of the second story bedrooms. She had her own bathroom, which was a major plus. The breakfast area faced the pool and spacious back yard; she could see the guys, their tour manager and their bodyguards laying out wood and arguing over a piece of paper. She took a sip of her coffee before succumbing to curiosity.

As she neared them, she could see that there were several pieces of plastic lying off to the side, along with a slide.

"We need to turn it around, lads! Otherwise they'll be ending in the woods!" Niall yelled to be heard over the music and seven other guys.

"What are y'all doin'?" she asked Louis. He looked at her, quickly raking her body with his eyes. He threw an arm over her shoulders.

"Building a swing set. Figured your boys and nephews would enjoy it. Right now they have the slide backwards."

"My kids ain't comin' every weekend."

"Yeah, but my sisters are the week after with Harry's mum, along with Zayn's mum and sisters. The girls would enjoy it."

"Still. It would sit empty all the other times."

"Not really. The swings can hold up to 150 lbs. None of us are over 140 lbs." She looked up at him. He grinned and winked. "We checked."

"Ah." She looked up at the sky. "Lord, forgive them for their stupidity for they know not and please don't let the great Simon Cowell blame me for any injuries that will occur."

"Hey." Louis frowned. "I'll have you know this is not the first swing set that we've been on."

"Yeah. But it's the first one that y'all have built." She patted his front pocket where his phone rested. "Call the professionals. You got this at Lowe's?" He nodded. "They'll come put it together. And I promise I won't take any man points away from any of you. But I will break fingers if any kids get hurt on this. I'm sure your mama will agree with me. I can call and ask her," she stated, looking up at him innocently.

Louis stared at her for a moment. "Why the hell you didn't become a star years ago is beyond me. You're good. Lads! LADS!" Tanalei placed her fingers in her mouth and whistled. "Thank you."


"Mummy Wolf here will break bones if any kids get hurt on this. I'm calling Lowe's." Seven voices protested. "She's going to call our mums if we don't."

Absolute silence before they all agreed. Her gaze caught Harry's. She smirked then turned and went back into the house.

The guys stared at the dishes on the table. Tanalei was the only one who loaded her plate.

"What is it?" Louis asked. His nose crinkled up.

"Chicken spaghetti. My grandma's recipe." She took a bite of her salad. No one moved. "We decided to share cooking, meaning I cook Southern American food. Eat or you won't get desert."

Niall's head shot up. "You made desert? What is it?"

"Another of my grandma's recipes. Red velvet cake with cream cheese icing. All from scratch."

He took a normal serving size. The other watched as he took a bite. His eyes widened. "That's good."

Soon they were praising Tanalei. Everyone went back for seconds, Niall for thirds. When they took a bite of cake, a chorus of moans rose from the table.

"Sweet Jesus, if you can cook Irish food, I'll marry you," Niall said. Harry and Louis shot him glares, which he ignored.

"I'll get the recipes from your mama."

Tanalei was typing on her laptop. The guys were doing the dishes. Hearing a noise in the doorway, she looked up to see Louis standing there. She pushed her glasses farther up her nose.

"Can I help you?" He shook his head. She went back to typing. From her peripheral, she saw him adjust himself. She paused and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she quickly saved her work and closed the computer. He continued to stand there. "Louis, is there somethin' you want?"

"Definitely. But the lads and I were wondering if you want to watch a film with us?"

She shrugged. "Sure."

As she passed by him, he leaned closer. "I like the glasses."

She frowned. "Thanks?" In the living room, she situated herself on a chair. "What are we watchin'?" All five guys were staring at her.

"Um," Liam looked down at the movie case in his hands. "Last House on the Left."

Her eyebrows rose. "Have you seen it before?" They shook their heads. "Well, it's a little disturbin'. Go ahead and put it in." At the end of the movie, the guys were huddled on the couch. "I warned you."

"That wasn't a little disturbing," Niall complained. "That was fucked up."

"The parents were cool," Zayn said. They looked at him. "They were. Come on, if that happened to your daughter, wouldn't you do the same thing?" They all said yes. "Point."

"Now I can't sleep," Harry said. "Whose idea was it to watch this movie?" They pointed at Liam.

"You told me no more Disney movies. Whose movie is this anyway?"

"Mine," Tanalei said. "I love horror movies."

"Jesus," Harry muttered. "I'm never gonna sleep again."


She took a sip of water and looked at her computer screen. "Which one?"

"I like Here's to Us. The Santana one is a little fast pace," Madison said.

"Yeah." She grinned. "Kyrie has always been a favorite. Can't Fight the Moonlight and Gimme Gimme Gimme might send the wrong message."


She frowned. "Maddi?"

"And who are you?"

Tanalei spun around to see Zayn standing there. "Madison, I'll talk to you later."

"Wait, Lei."

With her computer closed, she faced her housemate. "Yes?"

"We're gonna watch a film. Wanna join us?"

"Sure. What movie?"

"It's Harry's night. So Love Actually is first."

Her eyebrows rose. "Really?" She climbed off the bed to follow him.

"We taped up your name on the movie shelf. On your movie night, we'll watch your top three picks of the week."

She grinned mischievously. "So we can sit and watch all three Lord of the Rings movies in one sittin'?"

"Theater or special edition?"

"Special edition, of course."

He laughed as they entered the media room. "No. Only one special edition per week. Do you know how long it would take to watch all three?"

"Twelve hours. I've done it before." She shrugged as she sat in an oversized chair. "And then rewatched with commentaries."

Zayn bowed before her. "My queen."

She laughed at his antics.

Liam was watching Harry's reaction to Zayn and Tanalei's banter. He bit the inside of his lip to keep from smiling as Harry turned his body on the couch so he would be able to watch Tanalei at any time.

"How long do you think it will take Harry to make a move on Tanalei?" Niall asked quietly.

"He'll wait until her kids are gone. Maybe even after the mums go back home."

"What are we whispering about?" Louis asked.

"Hazza and Lei," Niall responded.

"Ah. Fiver on the weekend. When the kids are here."

"After they're gone," said Niall, accepting the bet.

"After the mums leaves," Liam said.

"You noticed her tattoo yet?" Louis asked.

"Which one?" Liam asked.

"On her right wrist. 'Member how someone was going on about painting a tattoo on her to represent her lost 'son'?"


"Looks like she had a real one done."

Louis left them to join Harry on the couch. If looks could kill, Zayn would have been decapitated and buried by now. "Quit it, Hazza." He briefly glanced at Lou before watching Zayn and Tanalei again. He sighed before slipping his foot between his friend's legs.

Harry was wearing basketball shorts, which had slid up his legs with the way he was sitting. Louis slid his foot into the baggie shorts. With careful manipulations, he pressed his toes right under Harry's sack. Green eyes quickly met blue.

Stop staring, Louis signed.

I want, Harry signed back.

I do too, but we have to wait.

How long?

He shrugged. I have a feeling that if you push, she'll run.

Harry sighed. Larry time tonight?

Of course.

"And . . . ACTION!"

Louis grabbed Tanalei's arm. "What are you doing? You can't come into his life 20 years later and try to be mummy."

She ripped her arms from his grasp and glared at him. "In case you haven't noticed, he came into my life. He found me." She stormed off.

"Cut!" Wick, the director, yelled. "Beautiful, you two. On to the next scene."

Louis joined Tanalei as they steered clear of the moving equipment. He rubbed her shoulders. "We should come back this weekend. Your family would enjoy it."

She nodded. "I might just do that. Eli's tall enough to go on most rides now."

"We could do the whole group."

"What about fans?"

"We could probably get the park for half a day. Have them shut the gates at a certain time, but leave people here so it won't be boring."

She glanced over her shoulder and froze when she realized how close he was. "Um, I'll think about it." She walked off to where Andrea was standing.

"What was that about?" Harry asked.

"Trying to get a large family outing going. The boys will be here in a few days. We can bring them here." Louis felt hands on his hips as teeth scraped his shoulder.

"She's driving me crazy. Did you see what she wore this morning?"

"The whole house saw. Even Zayn covered his lap."

Harry growled. "He shouldn't have been looking."

Louis laughed. "He couldn't helped it. She bent over. No panties, Harry."

"Alright, boys. We're ready," Wick called. They made their way to the group. "Here's what the next scene will be . . ."

"A pool! Mommy, you got a pool!" Eli ran up to the French doors that led poolside. He looked back to Tanalei. "Can we go swimmin'?"

"Maybe later. Let's go put your suitcase in your room."

His eyes widened. "I have my own room here?"

"No, baby. You're gonna share with Alan, Zeke and Dixon. Jaxon, Aunt Madison and Uncle Curt get their own rooms."

"Okay." He hugged her around the waist. Looking up at her, he grinned. "I love you, Mommy. I missed you."

"I love you too. And I miss you guys so much. Come on. Let me show you where y'all be sleepin'."

"Where is everyone?" Madison asked.

"The guys went to get take out. They wanted y'all to get settled before descendin' en masse. They're a lot to handle." She stopped in the hall. "Little boys in this room. Jaxon, you're right here. The study was converted into a bedroom so you can have your own space. Unfortunately you'll have to share the bathroom with the kids. Nikki, you're upstairs with me."

"No problem, Lei. Thanks."

"Which room? I'll go put my bags up."

"Nope. You wait for me. You're not gonna go paw through their stuff." Tanalei waved her brother and sister-in-law on. "Here's the master bedroom. Through there is the bathroom."

"Holy shit," Madison whispered.

"I know, right? The guys decided to leave this wing for guests. We're upstairs and Paul, Preston and Robert have their own apartment above the garage."

Curt smirked. "You seem to be doing well." He kissed her temple. "You look happy."

She paused for a moment. "I actually am. I'm having the time of my life."

"They make you feel young again."

She shrugged. "I've never felt old. 'Responsible' might be the best word."

He kissed her again. "Let's check out the rest of this monstrosity."

Tanalei took them on a tour of the house. The adults were lounging poolside while the kids were playing and splashing in the pool when the others came home.

"Vas happenin'!" Zayn said as he exited the house, followed by Louis and Harry.

"Kids, Harry!" Louis exclaimed. "Come on!"

Harry grabbed him around the waist before he could run and jump into the pool. "Sorry. He's been so excited to see them again." He watched as Tanalei stood up from the chair she was on. He felt his mouth go dry. The top was a strip of fabric, similar to a tube top, and the bottoms were tiny. Normally she wore a tank top and shorts. His fingers squeezed Louis' waist when his eyes met hers. He whimpered.

"Hot mum!" Zayn said loudly. "Where did that suit come from?"

"The bottom of my bag. My other suits are either still wet or in the wash."

"We better go eat before Niall eats it all," Louis cut in.

"Boys! Nikki!" Madison and Tanalei yelled over their shoulders. Madison herded the boys towards the doors while Tanalei caught and picked up a wet Dixon and carried him inside, followed by her brother and Jaxon. Nikki kept her eyes on the ground as she tucked her towel around her, shy around her favorite band.

"Wet butts are over there," Tanalei said, pointing to the breakfast nook. After putting Dixon down, she turned to get plates when she found Liam and Niall staring at her. Liam's eyes were wide while Niall's mouth hung open. "What?" They slowly shook their heads. Ignoring them, she quickly fixed her kids' plates and then her own. She sat next to Zayn.

"As I said," he whispered. "Hot mum. I bet you everyone will excuse themselves to go adjust."

She looked at him. "You're nuts."

He shook his head. "Liam and Niall are still staring at you, and Paul, Preston and Robert won't look at you."

She glanced around. He was right. She met Liam's eyes and raised an eyebrow. He smiled and nudged Niall. They joined them at the table.

"Aren't there two more of you?" Madison asked.

"They're still outside," Zayn answered. "Give them a minute."

Madison cocked an eyebrow at Tanalei. She glanced down and smirked. "Anythin' I should know?"

Tanalei frowned. "Nope. You know everythin' already. Nothin' new."

Harry and Louis soon joined the table, taking the seats across from Tanalei. Louis choked on his drink when he glanced at her. Harry just watched as she conversed with her family. Every now and then his gaze would drop down. He wondered if she realized that her top was wet . . . and see-through.

Almost everyone was in the family room watching Cars with the younger boys. Jaxon retreated upstairs to the game room while Paul, Preston and Robert went to their apartment. Curt and Madison were spending some time alone.

Harry glanced over at Tanalei. Her nephews were on her lap, followed by her sons next to her. Nikki was curled into the arm of the couch. All of them were asleep. He nudged Louis to show him.

"Aww. We need to get a picture of that." He captured the image on his phone before gently shaking her leg. "Lei, do you need help with the boys?"

"Yes, please. Start with Alan and Eli. Alan can walk if you navigate him."

Liam came and steered the ten-year-old towards the bedroom. Harry picked up Eli, grunting at the unexpected weight. He looked down at Tanalei as Louis got Dixon. He too was surprised at the boy's weight.

Tanalei smiled. "They may look skinny, but they're solid."

"Goodness," Niall said as he shifted Zeke.

"Nikki, go up to bed, honey," she told her niece.

Harry found Tanalei loading the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. He hugged her from behind, making his body flush with hers. He leaned down until his head rested on her shoulder. Hearing her breath catch, he grinned. "We need to talk, Lei."

"About what?"


"There's not an 'us', Harry."

"There can be. I haven't hid how I'm attracted to you."

"I'm aware of it." Her eyes closed as he placed small kisses along her shoulder and neck. "Harry, I'm so much older . . ."

"Age doesn't matter. I would offer one night, but I don't think I would be satisfied with that." He slipped a hand into her shorts. His fingers touched nothing but bare skin. "You wax," he said in awe.

"Harry," she moaned as he searched for and found her clit. He pushed farther, sinking two fingers into her moist depths. He groaned, burying his head against her neck. "You're so fucking tight." He began to thrust into her, rubbing her clit with his palm. Her hands gripped his wrist. He bit and sucked along her neck, causing little moans to escape her lips. He crooked his fingers and said, "Come for me."

Lights exploded behind her eyelids. She felt lips on her own as she cried out her orgasm. When she came down, she realized that they were still in the kitchen. Harry's hand was still down her shorts. She pulled it out. "I need to think about this." She fled to her room.

"That went well," Louis said from the doorway. He crossed to his friend and lifted his hand, engulfing the fingers in his mouth. He moaned, thrusting against his hips.

"At least she's thinking," he said, his voice husky.

"Come on, let's go to bed. We're going to the amusement park tomorrow."

"Is everybody up?" Tanalei asked. She placed plates of eggs and bacon on the table.

Niall sat down, a mischievous grin on his face. "Zayn is doing his hair. Louis and Harry are still out. Why don't you go wake them?"

She frowned. "Alright."


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