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Larry's Cougar Ch. 08

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Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson add a third.
5.1k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/28/2013
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September 2015

"I'm gonna fuckin' kill you, Harry," Tanalei said into her phone.

"What is it?" he said worriedly.

"Can you tell me why I'm starin' at a home pregnancy test and it's showin' two pink lines?"

Silence. "Are you sure?"

She took a picture and sent it. "Does this fuckin' look like I'm sure!"

"I thought you were going back on the shot?"

"My postpartum check up is tomorrow. I was gonna get it then. I wasn't feeling well so I decided to take the test." She sighed. "I don't need this right now, Harry. The movie starts filming in June, and Archer's bein' a dick."

"What's he done now?"

"He doesn't want the boys in the movie as main characters. That will crush them. And he's takin' me back to court about custody. The damn rumors about Louis and us are what set it off. He wants a DNA test on Riley."

"Hell no! Neither of us will agree to that."

"I told him that, but he's gonna insist."

"To what purpose?"

"To make me look like a slut and therefore a bad mother. Gail and Dana refuse to talk to him. If I'm pregnant, it'll push him further."

"The boys are loved, clean, taken care of. That's all that matters."

"I know."

"Call me tomorrow after the doctor's appointment."

"I'm cuttin' off your balls and wearin' them as a necklace. They'll hang right next to Louis'." Harry looked over at his best friend, fear clearly on his face. "Y'all are never to touch me again. Y'all have super sperm, I swear to God."

"What did the doctor say?" Four pairs of eyes locked on to him.

"Fuckin' twins, Harold." He winced. His girl was definitely pissed. He met Louis' gaze and held up two fingers. His jaw dropped.

"You're fucking kidding me," Zayn muttered.

"I'm neuterin' the two of you. I'm callin' your mamas right now and tellin' them not to ever expect any more grandkids from the two of you. Six is enough."

"Six is plenty. Lei, are you okay?"

"I'm fuckin' peachy, Harold. I'm 39 years old and three months pregnant with twins and have twin six month olds, a nine year old and an eleven year old." She paused. "Madison's here. I'll call you later."

"I love you," he said to the dial tone. He sighed and fell back on to a chair.

"Twins? Again, Harry?" Liam queried.

"Lou, get your affairs in order. She's calling our mums."

"Oh fuck," he said, putting his head in his hands.

"I'm surprised she didn't threaten to take body parts," Niall said.

"Oh, she did. Our balls are going to become a necklace." He let out a deep breath. "She called me Harold." The others winced in sympathy.

"Eyes dark as night and blazing like the fires of hell," Zayn said. They nodded.

"Hello, boys," Simon said as entered the studio. He glanced around. "Who died?"

"Harry's on his deathbed," Niall commented.


Harry cleared his throat. "Tanalei's pregnant again. It's twins."

He nodded. "My office now." He glanced at Louis. "You too. I know you have something to do with this."

"This is gonna kill them." Zayn and Niall looked at Liam in confusion. "Pictures of Louis and Eleanor are going to be everywhere."

"Jesus," Zayn said, running a hand through his hair. "Perrie's ready to kick her ass. Not only is she touring and recording, but planning the wedding. Eleanor is pressuring her to make her a bridesmaid and not Lei."

Harry's phone chirped. Picking it up, Liam read the text from Madison. Circle the wagons. Dr office leaked info to press.

"Oh Christ," he muttered, taking off running to Simon's office. He barged in without knocking. "Sorry. Lei's doctor's office leaked the news about the twins."

Simon looked at the two in front of him. "Grab an umbrella, boys. Shit storm is coming."

Fan blog: "OMFG! A new set of twins within a year! Harry, don't you know how to wrap it? Poor Tanalei just got her pre-preggers body back. Except for her boobs. Those things are huge! Hope she'll be able to get back into shape for her new movie. She and Niall start filming in June. Yay for them!

Fan blog: There have been a bunch of pics of Elounor. He does NOT look happy. Come to think of it, Harry and Tanalei don't look quite as happy as usual. May be the rumors are true.


January 2016

Niall bit at his fingernails. He hated waiting. They were currently in the hospital, waiting for the new babies. They're nearly eight weeks early. The door opened, showing Harry and Louis, their faces white. Everyone stood expectantly.

"Well?" Jay said.

"They're taking her into surgery. There was a complication," Harry said. Anne folded him into her arms.

"Who's with her?" she asked.


"They're cutting her open, Mum," Louis whimpered into Jay's shoulder.

Forty minutes later, Linda walked out the doors, pulling a cap off her head. Harry and Louis quickly ran up to her.

"They're fine. There was a surprise."

"Like what?" Harry asked.

"Linda, spit it out," AC Harris fussed his wife.

"Two boys and a girl."


"It's triplets. The doctor figured that baby C was hiding behind the others and its heartbeat was too low to catch."

"Triplets?" Louis asked. "As in three?"

She nodded. "Two boys, one girl."

He looked at Harry. "We need a bigger house."

Fan blog: "Surprise of surprises, Directioners! It wasn't twins; it was triplets! Christian Edward, Aiden William and Georgia Rose are doing fine. I can't believe they named the baby after the song! Tanalei must have been pretty high to agree to it."

Fan blog: "It's not Georgia Rose. Liam was joking when he posted that. It's Sierra Rose. Oh, Daddy Direction, you're SO funny! Louis is sporting a new tattoo going up his arm. It's the triplet' names in script writing. Is he the 'godfather' of these three too? And do you find it strange that they have the same middle names as Harry, Louis and Tanalei?"


April 2015

Toby glanced around at the chaos. He frowned, trying to visualize what might make a good photograph.

"Can I offer a suggestion?"

He turned to the blue-eyed brunette. "Please."

"Start with the children first. Darcy and Riley will do whatever Alan and Eli do. The babies can just lay there."

He nodded.

"So the tour is finishing tonight?" Katie Couric asked.

"Yes," Liam answered. "It's been an exciting tour."

"With babies being born in the middle of it," she said, motioning to Harry.

"Yep." He nodded.

"What's next?"

"We are taking a hiatus until August. Niall will be in Tennessee during June and July."

"Are you excited, Niall?"

"I'm more nervous than anything. Lei's gonna be there so it'll be fun."

"Is anyone else going to be on set?"

"I am," Harry said, raising his hand. "I get to spend time with the babies while watching my lovely fiancée work."

"Speaking of your fiancée, where is she now?"

"Backstage with the babies."

"I got to meet and hold all of them," Katie bragged.

"Do you want to meet them?" Louis asked. The crowd cheered. "We'll be right back."

The guys rushed off stage. Through the mics, the audience could hear "Da! Da!" in two little voices.

"Do you want to be on the telly?" Harry asked. "Let's go. You ready?"

Soon they returned. Harry walked out carrying Riley while escorting Tanalei. They all situated themselves on the couch. The audience awed.

"Aren't they precious?" Katie cooed. "Who's who?"

"Um." Tanalei looked down the line. "Zayn has Christian, Liam has Aiden, Niall is holding Sierra, Harry has Riley and Louis has Darcy."

"This is my princess," Niall said proudly.

"Each of you are their godfathers?" They nodded.

"Except for Riley. Peter Facinelli is her godfather," Tanalei said.

"Are they spoiled?"

"Darcy and Riley?" Harry asked to clarify.

"Absolutely," Louis said.

"They're first birthday was last month," Liam began. "We rented out a local Chuck E. Cheese."

"They easily had 100 gifts," Zayn stated.

"Together?" Katie queried.

"No, each," Niall said. "Our families and their girlfriends came over for the weekend. They had to ship the gifts separate."

"Eight huge boxes showed up on the doorstep," Harry continued. "Five were from the grandparents, one was from Perrie, Zayn's fiancée, and one was from Simon. After the party, we had to ship most of it back for their rooms."

"What about the last box?"

"It was for Alan and Eli."

"Now I heard that each of your mothers have rooms set up for the kids." They nodded. "Wow. I can understand Harry's mom, but all of them?"

"Even the older boys have rooms," Niall said. "And it's not just our mums. We all have rooms set up at our houses."


"After the band was formed, we declared ourselves to be a family," Liam said. "It's not unusual for me to find one of the other guys in the guest bedroom. Tanalei became family before she and Harry even got together."

"Our mums," Zayn motioned between he and Louis, "left South Carolina two years ago and set up rooms for Alan and Eli before even meeting them."

"Do they call your moms 'Grandma'?"

They nodded. "Or variations of it. My mum is Jay-Jay," Louis said. "Anne, Harry's mum, is Gran."

"My mum is Nana," Liam said. "Um, Trish, Zayn's mum, is Nanny. Right?"


"And my mum is Morai," Niall said, pronouncing it 'MO ree'. "Its Gaelic for 'Grandmother'."

"How do you feel about your future step-sons, Harry? Do you get along with them?"

"Absolutely. Those are two of the greatest boys out there."

"They are twelve and nine. Is there any conflicts between you and them?"

"No. Not what you would think with a stepparent. We do have friction from time to time. I am usually the first one to take away the sport or gaming equipment."

"Do they run to any of the rest of you when they get in trouble?"

"Oh yeah," Zayn said. "We just give them a swat on the bottom and send them back to Harry and Tanalei."


May 2016

The judge read over the paper in his hands. He set it down and looked over at Archer. "You want me to order a DNA test on two one year olds and three three-and-a-half months old infants whose father is not a US citizen?"

"That is correct, Your Honor," Archer's lawyer answered.

"For what purpose?"

"To prove the she sleeps with men other that her fiancé. She has subjected the boys to unseemly behavior the past two years. She has had five children out of wedlock. While in Europe, she has fostered the children off to other people while she went for a tryst or to party."

Tanalei's hand tightened around Harry's.

The judge turned to her. "Mrs. Cooper, may I hear your argument?"

After a nod from her lawyer and a reassuring squeeze from Harry, she stood. "Your Honor, my sons are loved, have a roof over their heads and food on the table. My ex-husband claims that I partied every night while in Europe the past two summers. I did go out several times. My fiancé's band mates have younger sisters, who are the same age as my sons, and they had several sleepovers while we were there. When I got sick the first year, Gemma Styles, Harry's sister, dropped whatever she was doin' to come watch the boys so Harry could take me to the hospital. She took them to Harry's mom for a few days so I could rest and get better."

"She became pregnant during that trip," Archer's lawyer interrupted.

The judge banged his gavel. "Do not interrupt again. Strike that statement from the record. Continue."

"I did become pregnant on that trip. When I told the boys, they were excited. The only thing that changed in our household was that we had two new babies. During our second trip, my fiancé was on tour and we joined them. Nothing unseemly happened. The most skin that was shown was at the pool in the form of a bikini. In the past two years, they have gained a new stepfather, five sisters and brothers, four uncles who act more like their older brothers and a slew of grandmothers, aunts and cousins. I never once asked anyone to take care of my children for me. A majority of the time, I was pushed out of the door." She sat down.

The judge shuffled several papers. "You are well-loved and respected, Mrs. Cooper. I see no reason to order the blood test. Since they are not the children of Mr. Cooper and child support is not in question, I see no point in it."

"But Your Honor," the lawyer began. The judge looked at him over his glasses.

"Now the question of custody and visitation of the minor children, Alan Joseph Cooper and Elijah Glenn Cooper, and the question of allowing them to be in a movie." He leaned back in his chair. "I have already spoken to them. When asked about their siblings, I heard the names Darcy, Riley, Chris, Aiden and Sierra. Those are your other children, Mrs. Cooper?" She nodded. "Nothing was said about your other children, Mr. Cooper. Sarah and Caleb?" He nodded. "Huh. I also asked about their stepparents. It was 'Harry did this' or 'Harry does this'. Again, nothing about their stepmother, who sees them more often than Mr. Styles does. They also told me about the movie that they're going to be in. You're contesting this, Mr. Cooper?"

"Yes, Your Honor."

"And you haven't told your sons yet, have you? No, you haven't. They leave in a week. Why don't you want them to be in the movie?"

"I don't want their names and pictures in the tabloids. And there won't be adequate supervision."

He frowned. "Mrs. Cooper, who will be present to care for your children when they cannot work?"

"I will be there, Your Honor," Harry said as he stood. "Along with Gail and Dana Cooper, Gemma Styles, Elle Smith and Curt and Madison Harris. Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson will also be visiting. Gail and Dana will return with Alan and Eli at the end of June so they are not flying back to Atlanta alone." He sat back down.

"Six to nine adults to care for seven children." He nodded. "The children may be in the movie if they wish too." He sat forward. "Your ex-wife has provided a safe environment for your children. Who she invites into her bedroom is nobody's business but her own. The custody stands. Beginning June 1st, the summer visitation will change; June with their mother, July with their father then switching in the following years."

Before he banged the gavel, he leveled with a glare. "I made an observation while reviewing this case. Mr. Cooper, you left your wife and children eight years ago and moved on to a younger, blonder woman. When your ex-wife found a man, who also happened to be younger, to fall in love with, you became vindictive and greedy. Oh yes, greedy. You pay no child support, Mr. Cooper, but would expect your ex-wife to. What if she could no longer act or her books no longer sell? She wouldn't be able to pay. Over the past eight years, your children got to have experiences that most dreamed about. They've been throughout the US. They've toured the UK and several countries in Europe. I can guarantee that if their names," he pointed to Tanalei and Harry, "weren't Tanalei Granger and Harry Styles, we wouldn't be here today. Case dismissed."

"You're jokin'." Tanalei danced in place. "Who else? Really? And they want me for who? Oh my God." Louis leaned against the doorframe, watching Tanalei and smiled. He never thought he could love someone as much as he did Harry, but she was standing before him. "Production ends in July. I'll be back in Atlanta then. Oh my God, that's great! I won't have to travel. They don't think I'm too old?" He scoffed. For being almost 40, she looked nearly 10 years younger. He crossed the room to wrap his arms around her. She leaned back into his embrace. "We're drivin' to Tennessee June 1st, so I'll need it before then. No, I wrote it, so it won't interfere. I'll see you there." She hung up the phone and squealed. She turned and hugged his neck. "They want me for a part. They actually asked for me."

"What film?"

"Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean. They want me to play Sissy. That's the role Cher did."

"That's great, love." He squeezed her tight.

"The best part is that they're gonna film at the Screen Gems lot here at Lakewood. So I don't have to go away on location."

He caught her lips in a passionate kiss. She moaned as their tongues tangled. Turning them, he backed her into the wall. He urgently unbuttoned and pushed at her pants.

"Lou," she said, tearing her lips away. "The door's open."

"So." He finally got her pants off. He undid his pants and freed his erection. "You are so fucking hot when you're excited." He pushed forward. "It's gonna be quick and dirty."

She bit at his lips. "Fuck me, Boo."

He smirk, pulling nearly all the way out and slamming forward. Her hips hit the wall behind her. He adjusted her legs before plunging in and out. His head lowered to her neck, biting. She shrieked. "Shh."

She bit her lips to keep some noises in. Tilting her pelvis slightly, she saw stars and her body froze. "Oh Jesus," he whispered. His body shook as he shot deep into her body.

"Honey! I'm home!" called out an Irish voice. Tanalei pushed Louis' shoulders.

"The door's open!" she hissed. He kissed her before pulling out and away. He quickly adjusted himself before going to meet his band mate.


"Louis!" They hugged. Louis caught Harry's eye over Niall's shoulder. They broke apart. "Where's the lovely and talented Mrs. Horan?"

Harry growled behind them. "Keep up with the jokes, leprechaun. I just might have to rip your pot of gold right off your body."

"As if I can compete with you two."

"Niall!" Tanalei cried out as she ran across the room.

"There's my girl." He swung her around. When her feet touched the ground, he asked, "Now where's my princess?"

"Is everything packed?" Harry asked as he shut the back of the van.

"Yes," Tanalei said. She was loading the last of the supplies up front.

"Are you sure?"

Leaning out, she looked at him over the top of her sunglasses. "Harry?"

"The correct answer is 'yes, love'," Lou said as he rounded the front of the van.

"Yes, love?" Harry parroted.

"Get in the damn van."

" 'Yes, love' is the answer to this one too, Hazza," Niall teased. Harry shot him a dirty look.

The four of them climbed in with the babies. Alan and Eli rode in Madison's SUV with her, Dana, Gail and Elle, the part-time nanny. Curt would be joining them in July with his boys.

"How long is the trip?" Niall asked.

"Six hours non-stop," Tanalei answered.

"Jesus. What about food?"

"Look behind our seats." He did. There were three coolers. One labeled "Babies", one labeled "Tommo Styles" and a large one labeled "Leprechaun".

"Is this mine?" He opened it. Several foot-long wrapped items were on top. Underneath those were several bottles of Coke and water. He looked up at her.

"And," she pulled out a large tote bag. A shamrock matching her tattoo was on the front. "This has chips, jerky and snack cakes in it."

He pulled her into a hug. "I love you. You sure you wanna marry these two?"

"Hey!" came from the front.

"You can't handle me, sweetie. It takes both of them to keep me satisfied," she teased. His face flamed up. She chuckled at his embarrassment.


June 2015

The cast and crew sat or stood around the set, eating lunch. Alan and Eli chased Darcy and Riley around the yard with Monroe, Jackson's son. Aiden and Christian were passed around. Niall shot dirty looks at people whenever they tried to take Sierra.

"My princess," he would growl. Tanalei laughed at he and Harry.

"She's my daughter, Niall."

Elizabeth plopped into the chair next to her. "How much do we need a daughter for this movie?"

"It's the whole point, Liz. What's wrong?"

She waved her hand towards the house. "She's refusing to wear the belly and do the rape scene. The first week and its hell."

Tanalei looked at her niece. "Gail?"

She shook her head. "We leave when Alan and Eli do."

"Where else are we gonna find someone who looks 16 and is willing to wear a baby bump?"


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