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Last Few Days of Summer


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"Mmm-hmm. Just followingyour instructions not to rush it," he laughed.

"You don't have to be so mean, you know."

He ignored her last comment but on the next trip up her thigh, he paused as her hairs tickled his nose and slowly thrust his tongue forward. The flavor of her copious juices was unbelievably good. He'd heard things could be bad smelling or bad tasting but her smell and taste were sweet and almost earthy. Sliding his tongue slowly from the lower area to the clit was met with a deep, satisfied moan. He took it as a signal to try it again. And again. Quickly he recognized she wanted firm, slow strokes of his tongue right on her clit and he did everything he could to deliver. It was clear to him she was getting more and more excited. Her moans and cries were louder and she was writhing around on the couch. Her hands grabbed the back of his head, pulling him tighter against her pussy.

"Fingers," his brain suddenly reminded him. He raised his right hand and slipped in two fingers, palm up, all the way in to her obvious delight. Slowly he began to pump them in and out, curling the tips up to feel the G-spot. Every time he felt it, she moaned and cried a little louder. He realized she was thrusting her pelvis in time to the fingering and quickly he found tonguing her to the same rhythm seemed to cause her even more pleasure.

As he got into the rhythm of thrusting and licking, she squeezed his head with her thighs, called out unintelligibly and thrashed around wildly. He kept going with his thrusting and licking until she tapped his head while whispering she needed a break. He kept his head between her legs and his tongue softly stroking her entire pussy until she audibly and visibly relaxed before looking at him.

"Come here."

"You OK?"

"God, if I were any more OK I'd be in a coma. I'm great. You're great. Are yousure you haven't gone down on a girl before? That was beyond belief."

"Yup. Never."

"Well, the teacher is going to give you an A+ for your grade. Phew. Can't believe how good that felt," she whispered as she gave him a deep, warm kiss.

Several minutes later she stirred a little and sat up. As it was obvious he still had a hard on, she reached down and gently stroked him through his shorts. "I seem to remember your lesson yesterday was cut short. Care to come to my class on sixty-nine?"


"Yeah! It's easier on a bed, so follow me."

She led him to what appeared to be the master suite with a generous sized bed. She sat completely nude on the edge without any apparent embarrassment, turned to him and pulled down his trunks. His cock popped towards her face and giggling, she gave it a nice, slow lick from base to the tip.

"Oh, Jeez, that feels sooo good."

"Great. Now, off with your shirt and lie down here with me. OK, as you can imagine, doing sixty-nine can have its own challenges. Fortunately, I'm kinda tall and we'll fit together better. One thing about this is most couples start simultaneously but as one or the other gets too excited, they naturally quit working on the other. Once they've come, then they get busy again."


"Now, there are two main positions to try. One on top of the other and usually it's the girl on top. That allows her to have more control and you won't end up thrusting into her. The other position is side-by-side. Let's try that one first.

They rearranged themselves until she could easily reach his cock while he was able to tongue her. She began licking and sucking him and it felt so good he quickly forgot he was to work on her. After a minute or so she broke away and laughed, "Forgetting something?"

"Oops, sorry. It just felt so good."

"Of course, it does. That's why we're doing this but we've both gotta work on it."

He turned his attention to her and they both began to stimulate the other. At times she would ease off a tiny bit and he would more vigorously stimulate her but once she started up again, his brain quit functioning and he'd forget her. Back and forth they went with her taking a modest amount of him into her mouth and stroking him and with him licking her clit and fingering her canal. The physical sensation of her mouth on his cock, the visual impact of looking at her butthole and the hearing her moans was simply too much. As he quickly raced towards an orgasm with absolutely no control, he gently patted her buttock to warn her but she continued to lick and suck him until he exploded in her mouth. It took the greatest of willpower to avoid thrusting himself into her. Finally, his head collapsed back onto the bed as he exhaled slowly and deeply.

"Forgetting something, Tiger?"

"Ooh, sorry," he responded as he bent his head back towards her. While she gently held his cock and gave a few, lingering licks, he began to work furiously on her clit while thrusting fingers across her G-spot. As she got more and more excited, her attention to his cock dropped off. Will realized suddenly how much power he had over her at that very moment. He could ease off or go stronger and she was incapable of any control. After teasing her to the edge and dropping back several times, she told him he'd better take care of business or else. Grinning slightly to himself, he did so. Her screams were music to his ears and as her body lurched through her orgasm, he had to hang on to keep his tongue firmly in contact with her clit. As she started to recover, she patted his thigh and murmured she'd had enough. They broke apart, she turned around and they wrapped their arms around each other and gave long, slow, sensuous kisses.

"Like going down on a girl?" she asked after a while.

"Yeah, I do. And sixty-nine is crazy good also."

"It is, but to be honest, you usually need a little practice to get the positioning down and make sure you're communicating well. I think you did great on your first try. And for a rookie, you sure knew how to drive my puss into orbit."


"How about a drink?"

"Coke, please."

"Nothing harder?"

"No, my folks can smell alcohol from a mile away and I'm still a year and a day from being twenty-one."

"OK. I'll have one too," she paused before going on, "Uh, tomorrow's your twentieth, right?"


"What are your plans?"

"Nothing special. Mom wants me to have dinner with them and she'll prepare my favorite meal, but otherwise, nothing special."

"Then I want to invite you over after your meal..."

"Why don't you come for dinner. I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"Ah, no. Sorry. I'm sure they'd be pissed if they saw me and realized how old I am. They might think I was corrupting their little baby boy," she snickered.

"No, they wouldn't."

"Well, I don't want to run the risk. Why don't you come over after dinner and we'll have dessert."

"OK. Sounds like fun. I think I may need to head back pretty soon."

"Sure. Uh, wash up in the bathroom. If they can smell booze, they'll definitely smell girl-come all over your face," she laughed.

Once he had cleaned up and dressed, he leaned over her, gently rubbed her bare butt and gave her a sweet, loving kiss. "See you tomorrow."


During his birthday dinner of crab paella, Will told his parents he had been invited to 'a girl's' place for his birthday. His mother wanted to know more about who she was and Will downplayed it.

"She's the one I took to the movie a week ago. I ran into her again today and we got to talking and she invited me over for dessert. Maybe a birthday cake, I don't know."

"Is this anything serious?" asked his anxious mother.

"No. Just someone nice I met down the beach. Anyway, we're leaving in a few days so it isn't a big, hot romance. And you can call off the wedding caterers," he joked.

"I hope there won't be any drinking. Any idea when you'll be back, Son?" asked his dad.

"No alcohol, I promise. I'll be back probably late. Don't wait up for me, OK?"

"Alright, Bi...Will. Have fun."

"Thanks, Mom. And thanks for the great meal. Want me to clean up?"

"No, you go ahead and visit your friend. Have fun."

Will put on a nice pair of light weight slacks and borrowed a golf shirt from his father. He walked slowly out the door but once he was out of sight, he started a slow trot down to Chari's place. When he got there, the sun was sliding down below the horizon and the house was already lit up. His knocking brought a stunningly attractive Chari to the door. She had a slinky little dress which barely reached mid-thigh and sported a plunging neckline showing off her enticing cleavage. He could barely keep his mouth closed, so stunned was he at her beauty.

"Cat got your tongue?" she teased.

"You're...you're beautiful," his voice cracked.

"That's nice. Thank you. You clean up pretty good, too. Come in." She grabbed his hand and led him into the house. It was spotless having obviously been recently cleaned up. There was soft music on the CD player and once he entered the room, she dimmed the lights.

"Did you have a nice dinner?"

"Yeah. Was great. My favorite. Crab paella."

"Did you have a birthday cake? Oh, Happy Birthday, by the way."

"Nope. No cake."

"Want your dessert here?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"It's a surprise. First, a drink to toast your big day."

"Uh, I kinda promised my folks I wouldn't drink."

"No problem. I've got sparkling non-alcoholic juice." She pulled a green bottle from the refrigerator and pulled off the top with a popping noise, poured a small amount into two glasses and handed him one. "To Will on his birthday. May you have many happy returns."

"Thank you. Hmm, this is pretty good, kinda tart, but I like it."

"It is nice. Here, come with me," she whispered as she led him to the middle of the room. "Dance?"

"Uh, OK. I'm not a very good dancer."

"Doesn't matter. Put your glass down and then your arms around me. We'll move slowly to the music."

She pulled him close and laid one hand around his waist, the other over his shoulder and her head on his chest. He was clumsy at first until he realized they were going to slowly move in time with the music but no fancy dance steps were required.

"What's this tune? I think I've heard it before."

"Love You All My Lifetime by Chaka Khan."


They swayed slowly until the tune was finished and the CD player switched to an even softer series of tunes. After they danced to several, she broke apart and took her glass for another swallow before speaking.

"Want your dessert?"

"Oh, it can wait. Having you in my arms is sweet enough."

"Will, Honey, with words like those you'll never have trouble finding a girl. That was perfect. But, the question still stands..."

"Oh, OK. What is it?"

She smiled seductively at him and didn't say anything.

"I'll bite. What's the dessert?"

She continued to smile at him and as she pulled herself closer to him, she took his hand and raised it to her breast. "You're looking at it."

"You? You're the dessert?" he asked anxiously.


"All of you?"

"Mmm-hmm. All of me. Care to escort me to the bedroom?"

"Uh, sure. So, you're going to teach me..."

"No more teaching. This is for us. For me. And for you. I want you, Will, I want all of you. I want us to make love. Tonight."

She turned and took his hand and led him to the master suite. At the bed she turned around and pulled him to her. Their arms wrapped around each other as he bent his head down and slowly took her lips with his. These were the gentle, soft kisses of an accomplished lover and not just a kid learning the ropes. Her return kisses were warm, promising and unhurried. She eventually broke off their kissing and turned her head slightly, exposing her neck and inviting him to explore further.

His gentle kisses marched agonizingly slowly down her neck, stimulating and thrilling her more with each touch of his lips. When he got to her low neck she hummed with appreciation. He stayed in that one spot, gently nibbling, licking and kissing until she shivered.

"Cold?" he murmured.

"No, excited. How long do you plan on doing that, anyway?"

"Until you tell me to stop."

She giggled slightly, reached up and pulled her strap down from her shoulder before responding, "I won't tell you to stop but I will give you alternatives."

"Mmm. Nice." His lips slowly tracked further down her chest as he reached over and pulled the other strap free. Her top slid down leaving her breasts bare. With one hand he gently rubbed one nipple while his lips slid down and began to lick and suck the other.

"Oh, god, that feels soooo good."

He kept kissing, licking and teasing until she grabbed his head, pulled him away and shimmied her dress to the floor. She stood there wearing only a dainty pair of panties which only served to emphasize the small thatch of hair above her pussy.

"You are so incredibly beautiful," he whispered.

"You're not so bad yourself, but I need you to lose some clothes to be sure," she smiled. She pulled his golf shirt up over his head and worked at his belt and zipper until his pants slid to the floor. Once he stepped out of his shoes, she smiled and told him they were even.

He stepped back to her and began to kiss her in earnest and for the first time he gently slid his tongue into her mouth, dueling with hers and making them both ever more excited. She broke the kiss slowly and lay back down on the bed, inviting him to join her with a smile. Side-by-side they wrapped their arms around each other and resumed gentle kisses and light strokes on the skin. Will's erect penis poked its head above his waistband and when her hand slid by his lower belly, she felt it throbbing in anticipation.

"Mmm. Someone's excited to see me," she chuckled, "Can he come out to play?"


"Up with your butt and let me slip these down..."

Once his shorts were off, she crawled over to rest on top while allowing her panty-clad pussy to slowly rub up against him. He could feel the moisture through the panties and her thrusting was getting him more and more excited. After teasing him for several minutes, she pulled away and whispered, "I need something off and you need something on."

She rolled over, quickly lost her panties and reached into the bedside table for a small foil packet. Sitting up beside him, she rolled the condom onto him before climbing back on. Raising herself up a tiny bit, she slid his cock along her cleft teasing that amazingly sensitive underside. After repeatedly sliding up and down along his length, he began to moan softly and even mentioned he was getting close. She backed off a little and squeezed the base of his cock until the urgency subsided.

"You OK?"

"Yeah, it's just so damn exciting, so sensitive, I feel I could explode any second."

"Then why don't you?"

"Want to make you happy..."

"Will, Honey, this is for you. You can't expect to last forever so let it go. Don't worry about me," she said as she raised up and slid him inside her. The slick warmth and the pressure were all he could think about, but once she began to raise up and down, he knew he couldn't last but for a few seconds. He grabbed her around the waist and started jerking his hips up to meet her down-thrusts and within seconds he came with loud groans of ecstasy. She continued to stimulate him until his body seemed to collapse back on the bed and he sighed softly.


"Oh, God, Chari, that was amaaazing! I can't believe how good it felt. But, but you didn't..."

"No, I didn't, but it's OK. Your first, right? I doubt there's a guy on the planet who didn't fire quickly on his first time."

"Can I make it up to you?" he asked as he rose up to kiss her.

"Mmmmaybe," she smiled as she rose off him, grabbed the condom and curled up next to him. They gave each other soft, loving little kisses as his mind raced. He wanted to please her and decided to slide down her body and kiss a little lower. He paused at her nipples, giving them attention until she was softly moaning. "Onward and downward," he thought to himself as he slid down between her thighs. Moisture was pooling at her opening and her clit stood engorged and inviting.

His first contact was a slow, firm lick that trailed from taint to clit, eliciting a soft moan of delight. The next lick was followed by even a third and with each time her moans became louder and more insistent. She rocked slightly back and forth as she reached down and pulled his head towards her, creating even more pressure. Remembering her instructions about fingers, he slowly teased her opening with two fingertips, letting them slide in no more than an inch before withdrawing. With each removal there was a groan of dismay followed by a moan of delight as the fingers were reinserted. The in-and-out of the fingers along with the tongue on her clit seemed to bring her higher and higher. Eventually, her legs clamped down on his head, joining her hands in holding him tightly to her. Her moans were barely heard through his blocked ears but he knew she was getting closer and closer.

In went the fingers all the way, swirling around her cervix and bringing an even louder response to her lips. As he pumped the fingers in and out, dragging them across her G-spot, her pelvis slowly rose off the bed, arching her back as she tensed more and more. The breaths became shorter and raspier, her thighs trembled and her hands continued to pull him to her.

Her detonation was like nothing he could ever have imagined. Cries rang out through the room, cries he could easily hear through his blocked ears, as her body convulsed and spasmed above him. He kept tonguing and fingering her as she seemed to come and come and come. Eventually, she relaxed her thigh-grips and hand-holds on his head as her body collapsed to the sheets. Almost instinctively he eased off the intensity of the licks but continued to gently and slowly slide his tongue across her clit. Her body was fully relaxed on the sheets, her legs splayed apart and she released her grip on his head. He looked up at her to see her head thrown back on the pillows while her breathing slowed. She opened her eyes and looked down at him.

"Damn. That was...uh...that was phenomenal."

"You liked it?"

"God, yes. You're amazing, know that?"

"Thanks," he grinned with pride as he crawled up the bed to her.

"After a few warm kisses, she reached down and felt him. "You're good to go again, it seems."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Give me a few seconds and I'll be good for another round," she chuckled. "You interested?"

"Yeah. Please."

Chari hopped out of bed and retrieved the glasses and poured another glass of juice for each. She swallowed hers down quickly and while he was still working on his, she started to stroke him again. Once his glass was down, she turned her back to him and got on all fours, waving her pussy at him.

"Care to try doggy?"

"Umm, yeah."

"Grab another condom and come here behind me." Once he had, she reached between her legs and guided his rigid cock into her folds. After a couple of quick little strokes, he sank all the way in. In no time at all he found himself sliding deeply in and out to her soft moans. He liked looking at and holding her feminine hips as he slowly started pounding in and out. Her little rosebud seemed to wink at him, driving his lust ever higher and higher. As Chari seemed to lose strength in her arms, she dropped her head to the pillow. Eventually, Will was aware her right hand was busy beneath her. He bent over to the side and could tell she was fingering herself as he plunged in and out. Watching her pleasure herself was so stimulating for him he found himself pounding harder, faster and deeper.

As her head was turned sideways on the pillow, he could see her scrunched up eyes and furrowed brow as she concentrated on the sensations. A faint pink rash developed across her back as she became more and more stimulated. It all became too much for him to tolerate so he closed his eyes and pounded in and out knowing the end was rapidly approaching.

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