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Last Months in the City Ch. 02

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Baader-Meinhof or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance).
5.5k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/19/2020
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Chapter 2: Baader-Meinhof or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Today was a day of halves. Jamie sat at his desk, half listening to the single Airpod he wore and half working on the floor plan he had open on his computer. He woke up the same time he always did- only this time with far less energy than usual. After what felt like a power-house punch to the emotional balloon that was his subconscious, he remembered looking at the ceiling of his bedroom until the night dwindled away, leaving only early morning. He bought his ticket out of here and, apart from the obvious ability to cancel, he was stuck in the bed that he made for himself. All he had to do was break the news to his friends whom he knew would not take it well. He remembered back to one of those nights right before graduation- a drunken evening they treated themselves to for making it through their final projects and theses.


Jamie had just come back from the restroom and sat at the wooden booth along with his circle of friends. There were much more of them back then- back before people moved home after college or ventured east beyond the Rockies. They were at this cool little tiki bar in the middle of the city- one that looked like a set off The Pirates of the Caribbean. He was sitting next to Amy- a fellow architecture major they often hung out with way back when. She'd just taken her share of the communal volcano drink which was a ghastly mix of rums and juices lit on fire at the table, which about four of them had already posted on their Instagram story. He'd already drank what felt like six cups of the stuff, breaking the seal that would leave him going to the bathroom for the rest of the evening.

Amy put down her straw, wincing as the mix went down her throat. Garrett leaned forward, "Now this is yet another reason you two should stay- they don't have flaming volcano drinks where you're from!"

Amy rolled her eyes, reminding him that she was from a suburb outside of San Diego while Jamie just shrugged, being from an island in the middle of nowhere. For the past few weeks, it'd felt like his friends were playing this elaborate game to convince him to stay in the city after grad and, as much as he hated to admit it, their plan was working.

"Here we go again" he said, folding his arms and waiting for their opening statements.

Kevin went next, "Think about it dude, there are hundreds of architecture firms here- you could apply to at least fifty tonight and there will still be tons of options. You said yourself it's slim pickings back home."

"We've been over this Kev." Jamie said, "It's like trying to order something at The Cheesecake Factory. There are just too many options- each one sounding better than the rest. How can anyone make a decision here?" The argument was weak, but he went with it anyway. "And besides, here I'll just be another drop in the bucket." He shrugged his shoulders, "I can really make a difference back home."

Kevin threw his hands up, "Alright who's up next?"

Garrett raised his hand eagerly, "The City" he started off, "You can't beat life here." The rest of the group including Amy nodded their heads as he explained, "I could get on my phone right now and find countless concerts and events and shows going on right now. And don't get me started on the food, we had a full dim-sum brunch, matcha soft serve afterward, Spanish tapas for dinner and now we're at this Hawaiian Tiki bar- where else can you get that diversity?"

Jamie nodded too, knowing that he was right. Still, he couldn't base the rest of his life on food and entertainment. "I'll give you that one, dude. We're in a city made up of dozens of mini cities all packed together" He said, meeting Garrett's hand in a high five.

Now all that was left was the last case- the one he was most afraid of. He got a lump as Marissa cleared away the drinks in front of her, like she was going to blow everyone away with her point.

She looked Jamie in the eye and with a sly grin, said, "And then there's the most important fact- home isn't going anywhere, Jamie." She leaned forward, "No matter what happens here- if you succeed or if you crash and burn, you could always just go back home and restart. I mean you came out to California to get away, why move back now?"

Jamie swallowed, "That's easy for you to say since your parents are only an hour and a half away." He looked around the room, "Other than Garrett, I'm the only one who's not still living in their home state." He finished off the rest of that volcano mix, "I've done my time here Riss, I've had my fill."

She shook her head, "Look bro, it's up to you. But all I'm saying is- don't be so quick to leave and then be left to wonder later what would have happened if you stayed."

Jamie sat there for a few seconds, letting those words sink in while Marissa, Kevin and Garret leaned into their seats like a crew of defence attorneys who'd won their case. Everyone's attention then turned to another one of their friends who'd surprised the group by dropping by after his previous excuse of needing to study. Jamie was grateful- not because he'd come after all, but that it provided a welcomed end to their conversation.

Later that night, they all parted ways and he was left with Amy who'd agreed to share an Uber since they lived only a few blocks away from each other.

She leaned against a parking meter, "So did any of them manage to sway you?"

Jamie- who'd spent the rest of the night in his own head- took his hands out of his pockets, shrugging. "As much as I hate to admit it, I think they did."

Amy nodded, "That Marissa sure can be convincing."

Jamie chuckled, "I take it you're no closer to staying than you were this afternoon?"

She nodded with a frown, "Nope. But we're not quite in the same boat, Jamie. Yeah I moved from home but I can be back in San Diego in under two hours by plane." She reminded, "You invested a lot more by coming here- no one can blame you if you go back."

He nodded his head, thankful that the situation wasn't abstracted to just black and white for once. "And what about you- what's next for the great Amy Rodriguez?"

She smiled, "Home for a bit- then I'll start looking at Grad schools. I'll probably end up in Boston or New York to be closer to my brother." Amy had always been the most mature twenty-one-year-old he knew- he knew that if she conjured up some plan in her head, it was bound to happen.

"So SF really was just a stepping stone for you?"

She chuckled, "Probably the biggest and most influential steppingstone of my life." Right as she finished, Jamie turned to see their Uber pulling onto the empty parking spot in front of them. They got in and, after making small talk with the driver, he looked out onto the streets that flew by, knowing he'd already made his decision.


Jamie was broken away from his daydream when he saw that Marissa was calling him. He quickly got up, rushing over to one of the break rooms where his co-workers usually took their personal calls.

"What's up?" he asked, sitting at one of the modern chairs.

"Meet me for lunch at that Japanese Curry spot on O'Farrell- I woke up with the biggest craving."

He looked at his watch, seeing it was a quarter to twelve. "Uhh okay. But what's with the invite- we just saw each other last night."

Marissa was audibly typing away on her work computer, "Gives you a chance to tell me about your night with the cute guy at the bar."

Jamie's eyes went wide, "What-how did you even see that? You left a while before that."

He heard her famous laugh, "Meet me for lunch and I'll explain."


Twenty-five minutes later, he was sitting in the middle of this Japanese restaurant across Marissa just as their huge plates of curry topped with katsu and croquettes were brought out. Marissa dug her fork into the crispy fried food, rolling her eyes in the back of her head at the sound of the panko breadcrumbs heard miles away.

"So, spill" Jamie said, getting a spoonful of curry and rice, "are you spying on me or something?" He took a bite then pointed his spoon towards her, "I know! You placed a hidden camera on my jacket before you left."

Marissa rolled her eyes, "No dumbass. I left my keys at the booth and had the driver turn back to get them." She took another bite, "I went inside just as you and mystery boy were making heart eyes at each other."

Jamie leaned back, "We totally weren't!"

Marissa fanned her katsu on her plate like a winning deck of cards. "J, I've seen how you look when you're really into a guy." She pointed her chopstick, "Besides, skinny jeans never lie"

"You're disgusting." the boy said, taking a sip of water.

Marissa shrugged, "So what's the story then- new boy on the horizon?"

"It was a one-time thing Riss. I'll probably never see that kid again." Jamie went in for a second bite, "Besides, what's wrong with playing the field?"

"Nothing" she said, "so long as everyone's on the same page."

Jamie nodded, "Then what about you and Casey- AKA the guy you refuse to call your boyfriend."

Marissa rolled her eyes, "We're like glorified friends with benefits and we both understand the arrangement." She let her last word linger for a little while, filling the small space between them, "That's not to say that I'd turn him down if he wants to be serious about things."

Jamie raised and eyebrow, "You're fucking whipped, dude. You need to tell him."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm letting things happen naturally. Now shut up and eat your curry before it gets cold." Jamie wore a successful grin on his face, mentally ticking the scoreboard he kept between them.


The next morning, Jamie rushed to his stop, managing to catch the bus right as it took off. It was an express line- meaning there wouldn't be any other stops until they reached downtown. He got on, swiping his card at the reader and straightening the sweater he decided to wear. It was Friday which typically meant for a more casual attire at work, so he settled for a navy sweater over the dotted button up he wore underneath. Still, he knew there would be a few try-hards at the office who insisted on wearing a tie just to impress the senior bosses.

He walked towards the back of the crowded bus, looking for some empty space he could park himself for the next twenty minutes and drown out his morning blues in a Spotify playlist. He got to the end, seeing an empty seat next to some dude looking out the window.

"Fuck" he muttered to himself when the guy turned toward him. It was Chris, nearly concealed by the black beanie that rested on his head. He wore a matching black cardigan that nearly camouflaged him within the sea of commuters, but Jamie could make out that cute face anywhere. Jamie had every intention of turning around and pretending like he hadn't noticed, but the younger guy had already seen him, even giving him a nod along with a smile.

Jamie returned it and started walking towards him- not wanting to try and keep his balance in the middle of the bus for the rest of the ride. Chris pulled his messenger bag onto his lap as Jamie sank down reluctantly.

"Hey" Jamie said, almost hesitantly as everyone else around them stayed well within their own bubbles.

Chris returned the greeting, admitting, "I kinda figured we'd run into each other eventually."

Jamie tried to hide the surprise on his face. Chris explained, "Given that we live blocks from each other and would be heading towards the same area downtown."

"Right" the older boy replied, squashing any idea of crossing Chris' mind.

"It's awkward isn't it?" Chris asked.

Jamie looked puzzled as the boy went on, "Running into a one-night stand." he said with a shove.

"It's only awkward if you draw attention to it" he replied, teasing the other boy.

Chris unfolded his hands, "I'm a firm believer of steering into the skid" he said, just as the bus made a turn, leaving Jamie a little too close into Chris' side.

"I wonder how long we've been on the same commute but just haven't noticed each other."

Chris replied, "What do you mean?'

"Baader Meinhof phenomenon" he said, simply. "It's frequency illusion- that something becomes more noticeable after it's been pointed out to you."

"I don't follow."

"Do you ever meet someone new and then suddenly you see them everywhere?"

Chris nodded with a chuckle, "Like you, for example."

"Yeah exactly." He went on, "Are you really just seeing them for the first time, or have they always been there but you just didn't notice because you didn't know to look?"

Chris' eyes opened up like a lightbulb went off in his head.

"Baader Meinhof" Jamie repeated.

Chris nodded, "So you're saying we're bound to run into each other a lot now?" he asked with a wink.

Jamie shrugged, "Guess only time will tell."

Chris laughed as he extended his hand. "Christopher Woo"

Jamie shook it, replying, "James Blas"


The next day, Jamie was out at one of the nearby corner stores, picking up some loose groceries he hadn't remembered to get on his last trip. He knew better than to fill a basket up here- knowing the bigger market a short bus ride away would be much cheaper. But he was lazy, and the big store didn't carry the flavor of Ben & Jerry's he liked. He picked up a few more items: a head of lettuce he told himself he'd eat before it went bad, a jar of peanut butter for the lazy days he didn't feel like cooking, and a box of spaghetti to go along with the sauce he did remember to get the other day.

He smiled at the familiar cashier who handed him his change before calling out to her teenage son who was stacking the canned goods the wrong way. Jamie left the small store, clutching onto the weak paper bag as he walked down the street back towards his place.

It had been six months since his old roommate Taylor had left, and nearly a year since his other roommate, Charlie had moved back home shortly after grad. As much as he hated the constant cramped quarters and lack of general tidiness, he missed those days from time to time. Yeah, having roommates- especially ones that you weren't that close to- kinda sucked, but at least they were around. There was a point in time where the whole gang lived in apartments within a five-mile radius, but those days were over and all of his friends had now scattered across the city or back to their nearby hometowns.

After Charlie moved out, that left just Taylor whom he'd never been that close to, but who thankfully, was able to pay a little extra along with Jamie so they could cover Charlie's share. In another life, maybe they would have been friends, but up until he left, he was just a guy he shared a living room and kitchen with. When Mrs. Gao heard that Taylor was leaving, she decided not to hike up the rent now that it was only Jamie. She admitted that they were some of her better tenants, having owned buildings throughout the city- many of which housed rowdy college kids who had the police showing up at their doorstep. Still, even with the rent staying the same, Jamie was forced to give up a good portion of his paycheck just to stay there.

Jamie crossed the street and saw a familiar figure step out of one of the cafes he frequented. Chris stood there, texting away on his phone, dressed in a pair of light blue jeans with a white shirt that matched his shoes.

"Of course I run into him" he muttered under his breath as he walked towards him. He could easily turn right now and go the other way without being spotted. But Chris looked too good today- a little less bundled up now that the temperature had increased and somehow, he wanted to be seen.

"I'm starting to think you're stalking me." Jamie said, pulling the bag to one side.

Chris looked up from his phone and snickered when he saw him. He looked around for a second, "Well considering we're closer to my place than yours, I'd say I'm the one being followed."

"I plead the fifth"

Chris smiled, giving that famous wide-mouthed grin. "So what're you up to?"

Jamie shrugged, holding up the paper bag, "Grocery run. I might go for an actual run later. You?"

Chris shook his head, "Nothing right now." He visibly bit down on his lip, changing the tone of his mouth, "We could always head to my place to hang out." He paused for a second, "Unless you got other plans."

Jamie stopped for a second, weighing out the pros and cons of a repeat performance with a one time hook up. There was a part of him that worried it could turn messy, but sex the other night with Chris was the best he's had in a while, and he wasn't going to turn down a free pass.

He felt the coldness of the ice cream pint through the bag and replied, "Yeah I'm down to hang out."

Chris smiled once more and led them down the cross street towards his place. Once they got up to the third floor and into the apartment, Chris gestured towards the counter where Jamie could set his bag down. He placed it there, not bothering to chill the ice cream and telling himself that he wouldn't be here that long.

Jamie felt a tug on the hem of his shirt as he started to turn around, immediately followed by a pair of soft lips against his.

"Mmm" he said, remembering the taste minus the hints of bourbon.

"We could always break out Monopoly if you waned to do something else." Chris said as he tugged at the boy's waistband.

Jamie shook his head, going back in for another round. "I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to come up."

"Good" replied Chris as he stripped off his shirt and dragged Jamie by the belt loops towards his bedroom. He stood at the foot of the bed, feeling the younger boy's eager lips all over his body, as he pulled off his own shirt. Chris made quick work of his zipper, pulling off his jeans until Jamie stood there in only a pair of tight briefs he was glad he chose this morning. He hooked a finger under the waistband and pulled them off, steadying the older boy as he stripped. He then undid his own jeans, pulling down just enough to provide access to his dick which he stroked while sucking on Jamie's.

The tanned boy unfolded, letting go as he felt Chris' hungry lips against his cock. He hadn't cum since the last time they were together, hoping to save it for the next warm body. He truthfully didn't think it would be Chris, but Baader Meinhof was a playful little thing.

"Lay back" he instructed, gripping onto Chris' wet cock. The younger boy obliged, stripping off the rest of their clothes until only two naked bodies remained. Jamie turned around, crawling up in bed opposite of Chris who was stretched out across the full-sized mattress. Once comfortable, he leaned forward to take Chris' drippy dick in his mouth, savoring the slight saltiness of his precum. Chris did the same, and soon both boys were bobbing their heads in sync, shaking the mattress and all its contents.

Jamie didn't hide his eagerness as he took Chris' meat down his throat, feeling those short-trimmed pubes rubbing against his lips. And Chris wasn't shy either, pulling off to let out a few moans followed by some soft kisses against Jamie's inner thighs in thanks. Giving or receiving, Jamie wanted to please.

The Asian boy took Jamie down as best he could, feeling that fat tip roll back in his mouth. He loved the feeling of the tan boy's cock deep down his throat after falling victim to some less than stellar online hook-ups. He pulled off, applying slight pressure on Jamie's taint as he fondled his balls.

"I think you owe me a fuck." He said, leaving Jamie surprised.

He smiled, "Yeah?" to which Chris nodded. The younger boy turned around, rummaging through his nightstand in search of supplies, leaving Jamie a view of his perfectly round ass.

Chris finally found what he needed and was about to turn around when he felt a palm at the small of his back. "Stay right there." he heard Jamie say as he tossed the lube and condoms behind him.


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