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Late Night Public Toilet Encounter

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Late night encounter with four older men in a public toilet.
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My friends and I had just spent a Thursday evening having a few casual drinks in a pub up town. As we were about to part ways, we watched as the event in the venue opposite was coming to an end, with individuals and groups stumbling out the main doors. What caught our attention was the formal attire and masks, suggesting that there had been a masquerade ball. Judging by those that had removed their masks, it was a ball for over 50's.

As it wasn't too late, I opted to walk home instead of using public transport or taxi, which allowed me to make the most of the warm summer night. I wasn't stupidly drunk, but a 45min walk would allow me to sober up a little bit, and try reduce any effects of a hangover in the morning.

Quite quickly into the walk, I noticed that I was beginning to feel the need to have a piss, immediately regretting my decision to not use the facilities before I left the pub. I persevered on, but it was getting worse, and I picked up my pace. Could I hold on till I got home? I checked my phone and saw I was still 25mins away, I could just go down a side street instead? Fortunately, I soon noticed a sign directing me to a WC 100m away, slightly off my route. Surely it would be closed? I took my chances anyway, if it was shut I'd find a discrete spot to relieve myself.

I was directed to set of steps leading down to an underground public toilet. At the bottom, I could see it went left around a corner and the glow of a light gave me hope that it was not closed. So I made the descent, careful not to trip over my flip flops. I entered the toilet, to my relief it was open. I was hit with a chill, a complete contrast to the warm air I came from, suddenly feeling underdressed in a short sleeved shirt and shorts. The smell wasn't great, a hint of stale piss, but better than most public toilets I had used in the past. The glow I had seen came from a single ceiling light closest to the steps, however, that was the only one working. It just about gave me the ability to make out a cubicle on the left, opposite a wash hand basin and a urinal trough at the back. I could see water reflecting off some pools of water on the floor, maybe a water leak but most likely someone else's piss.

Sidestepping the puddles, I approached the urinal trough, unzipped my shorts and found great relief in having that piss I desperately needed. As I finished, I heard male voices approaching. I remained still trying to work out if they were just walking past at street level, but it quickly became apparent they were coming down the steps, as the voices grew louder and we're now accompanied by footsteps.

I could not work out exactly how many males there were but I guessed at least three.

Man 1 "Fucking hell, this is a shithole."

Man 2 "Give me 30 seconds, I'm busting"

Man 3 "Fucking hurry up"

All voices were deep, not rough or heavily accented but I could tell that these men were older. I remained completely still as one man approached the trough and stood uncomfortably close to me. He undid his belt and trousers and starting pissing, I could feel some splashes bouncing off the stainless steel onto my exposed shins and feet. Out of my periphery I could see him turn his head towards me and look me up and down. He must have been about a foot taller than I was.

I could hear he had finished but he remained standing next to me for what seemed like an eternity. I wanted to turn and look but the next thing I felt was his hand grabbing my wrist and he guided my hand onto his cock. I gripped it, as if it were mine, he was soft and it felt similarly sized to my own. I could feel he was completely hairless down there. I slowly turned my head and looked down what I was holding, it was dark but I could make out the silhouette.

"You like that, boy?" He said to me.

My heart racing, I could only muster a "uh huh", almost whispered. He began to move my hand back and forward so that I began wanking his cock. After about five tugs he let go and I carried on needing no assistance. Initially the last dribbles of piss come out the tip and trickled down his shaft, providing a bit of lube. I could feel him beginning to get hard. All this time, my head remained turned, completely focused on my hand rubbing his cock. I could feel the adrenaline rushing, my breath was short, my knees were trembling. I turned my body slightly towards his to get a more comfortable grip and in doing so my undone shorts began to slide down my legs, and I didn't stop them falling all the way to my ankles.

I noticed that the conversation behind had stopped, and I could hear the sound of footsteps approaching. I was about to turn and look behind when the man next to me stepped back, removing his cock from my hand. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me away from the urinal. I nearly tripped over my shorts but managed to step out and free my feet, losing my flip flops in the process. The floor was cold and suddenly I was stepping through the puddles I had only just avoided a few minutes ago. He kept a firm grip on my wrist, pushing me ahead of him so that one arm was now twisted behind my back.

He then grabbed my other wrist and held both arms behind, as if I was being handcuffed, my chest now protruding. A second man approached in front and took advantage of my vulnerable state by ripping my shirt open, buttons ripping and falling around us. The man behind grabbed the collar and was now able to pull the shirt off my back and down my arms. He released both my hands so that it could be completely removed and tossed away. Next, he grabbed the waistband of my boxers and roughly pulled my underwear down to my feet. Without any hesitation I lifted each foot out, and my last item of clothing was then kicked across the floor. I was now naked and surrounded.

There were four of them in total. As well as urinal man, there were now three stood in front of me, who were also at least a foot taller than me. They were all big, stockily built, one of them, was round and fat. If anyone walked in now, they would not see me behind their wide frames. They all looked smart, white shirts and dark suits. I could not make out their faces, not because of the lack of light, but masks hid their identities, in this dark setting a sinister, horror-like, revelation. I realised they must have attended the ball I saw earlier. Now these tall, large, smartly dressed strangers looked down at me, a complete contrast - short, lean and naked.

They closely surrounded me from all four sides and each began to start groping my body, their hands rubbing my chest, abs, arms, back, bum. One of them put two fingers in my mouth, I began to suck it as he slid them in and out. In turn they stopped and took a step back from me and I could hear metal belt buckles being loosened and zips being undone. With what little light in the toilet, I could just about see that they had all pulled their cocks out. Their trousers remained on, seemingly I was the only one that would lose their clothing here. I knew what I needed to do, so I crouched down into a squat ready for what we all wanted.

It was urinal man that made the first move, catching me unawares, he spun my shoulders around so that i was now face to face with his cock. He initially grabbed the back of my head and pushed his semi erect penis into my mouth. I was able to take it all, I could taste a slight saltiness of piss. He released me and I carried on sucking, stopping to jerk him off, I wanted to get him completely hard.

It didn't take long but as soon as he was, he spun me back around to offer my mouth to his three accomplices. The man in the middle dribbled some saliva on his cock so I went straight for it, licking his spit and using it as lube. Straight away I felt how big he was, not even semi hard. The other two men stood either side and waited their turn.

A bit overwhelmed I turned my attention to the next man. This was much more manageable, similarly sized to urinal man. I then went to the fat man, his cock wasn't big, I pinched it between the thumb and index finger whilst nibbling the head.

Initially I took it slow with all three, wrapping my lips around each cock, eager to get them all hard. They all accommodated each other and without needing to communicate with each other moved me on to the next one. Every now and then the middle man would push my head down onto his large cock forcing me deep throat it, causing me to gag. As I came up, saliva would dribble down my chin. I would frequently wipe my arm across my watering eyes so I could regain what little vision I had.

Urinal man then became the orchestrator of my cock sucking. He was able to hold both my hands behind my back again, with only one of his. I obviously provided no resistance. With his other hand he grabbed my hair and pushed my head onto one of the cocks which I would service for a few seconds, before I was then removed and directed to the next cock, repeating this process.

The back and forth was relentless, I couldn't really see too much but the lack of light heightened my other senses. He must have made me round five or six times, before letting go of my hair and releasing my hands. My feet and legs had begun to ache due to the prolonged squatting so I dropped to my knees, initially falling onto all fours getting my breath back and relaxing my jaw.

When I looked up I noticed that the fat man had gone so there was now just three of them. I continued my feast, devouring the remaining cocks, using my spare hands to toss off the other two. This time it was my decision who to suck so I provided each of them equal attention. I was now a mess, wet knees, eyes watering, saliva dripping down my chin onto my chest.

"Bring him in here" I heard echo from behind. I had been summoned. The men stepped back and parted so I was able to see the cubicle. I stood up. I knew what I needed to do, but before I could walk towards the cubicle, a push from behind sent me that direction. The force and damp floor caused me to slip onto one knee, and then a second shove sent me back on to all fours. I crawled the rest of the way towards the cubicle, my hands and knees in contact with the cold, damp floor. As I got to the door I looked up and inside to see that he was waiting, sat on the toilet, trousers fully unbuckled, playing with his cock. He had undone the bottom buttons on his shirt, spreading it open to reveal his big belly. I continued crawling towards him, I went to put my hand on his knees to lift myself up.

"Don't touch my clothes you filthy whore!"

I used the sides of the cubicle instead, to elevate myself to his cock and began sucking. He still wasn't that big, I easily took it all down, my face now pressing against his protruding belly. I used my tongue to stimulate the head of his cock.

From behind I could feel a hand on my lower back. Then came a spitting sound but I felt no moisture hit me. Then I realised what that was, as wet finger slid circled my arsehole before sliding in. I felt the man attempt a second finger but my tight arsehole wouldn't take it. He slid his digit in and out while I gobbled down the cock.

It wasn't long before the large man pushed my head off and stood up, his legs nearly either side of the toilet bowl. He then began wanking his cock. In that moment I caught some some of the graffiti scrawled either side on the walls. I could just make out some words - slut, whore, skank, cocksucker - a fitting reminder of what I was. The heavy groans from the man indicated he was getting to completion so I opened my mouth but he ignored my offer. He aimed his load down onto the front rim of the toilet bowl beneath him.

"Lick that up"

I edged closer again, I could see down into the bowl, but refocused onto the rim and began sucking the cum residue off the porcelain. He them grabbed the back of my hair and moved my head side to side with my tongue sticking out making sure that I licked up every little bit.

The man behind removed his finger from my arse, turned me around, then inserted the digit into my mouth. I started sucking on it like it was a juicy cock.

He stepped back from the cubicle doorway so I could follow. Just as I was about to get up, the man on the toilet, stuck out his leg and shoved me using the bottom of his shoe. I fell forward with a small splash as my face and body fell into a puddle. Laying there I could hear laughter all around me.

"Get up boy"

I followed the order. Three cocks awaited me, the man from inside the cubicle was now stood in the doorway getting himself hard again.

I carried on as before, all four men now taking it in turns to stand in front while I service their cocks. I wanted to use my free hands to toss off the others but my hands were pushed away.

"Keep your filthy hands off us"

My mouth was only required.

I became disoriented and lost track of who I was sucking. I continued until one of the men removed his cock from my mouth to cum, I opened my mouth to take his load but he demanded I close it. I did, but not before the majority went inside, the remainder then oozing all over my face. The man demanded I dribble it out but I had already swallowed so tentatively revealed my empty gob.

"You disobeyed my order. We'll sort that out."

A second man then approached, grabbed my head again and shoved his cock right down my throat. I instantly realised it was middle man's large nob. He face fucked me, his fully hard cock going all the way down my throat. He kept removing it fully and forcing it in again, doing this several times. Each time I wretched until I eventually three up saliva and the previous man's cum onto the floor.

He then grabbed the back of the head and shoved my face into the floor, managing not to smash my face into the file or hurt me too much. He rubbed my face into what I had just spewed up. I came back up, he wanked his big cock and came over my face. By now I couldn't see.

I could only hear and feel last two men approaching and cumming over my face and chest. This time I kept my mouth firmly shut.

"We're not done"

I was then pushed falling forward, sensing that I was now half in the urinal trough. I rolled over so that my left side of my body was in. What next? I thought.

Footsteps approached, and suddenly I felt a warm stream of liquid coming over my body. I knew it was piss, the urinal trough was where I deserved to lay. In turn they all unloaded their bladders over my exhausted, sticky, messy body.

"Is it over now?" I thought. I started rubbing my body, feeling the warmth of their piss. I was a nice feeling against the contrast of the cold environment.

"Cum for us boy" was the demand. I grabbed my cock, already hard, and started wanking. Rubbing my body and sucking my sticky fingers with the other hand. It didn't take me long to cum, and when I did I shot it all over my body embracing the powerful orgasm.

I don't know how long I stayed like that, because, now, the only thing I could hear was the water dripping from a pipe somewhere. No voices, no movements. I reached around and close by was, from what I deduced, my torn shirt. I picked it up and used it to wipe my face. I opened my eyes and my suspicions were confirmed, I was alone.

I regained my composure, crawled to my shorts a few paces away and put them back on, not bothering to find my underwear. I put on my torn, soggy shirt. It was cold and damp but I needed something for the walk home.

I checked my shorts pockets just to make sure I had all my belongings, phone, wallet, keys all there... Excellent, and something else. A blank post it with a date and time.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I remember the first time I got a blow job from a man at the rest area,I came so hard I couldn't wait to stop there again.It took me a while to start sucking cock myself,and it was a big black

cock at that caught my eye.I knew when I first layed eyes on that cock,I had to have it. A man can suck a cock better than

any woman

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer9 months ago

Well, it would seem that you're expected back for another round. So, will you show?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

would have been better if there was some ass fucking involved..

DevonCowboyDevonCowboy9 months ago

Something similar happened to me once although not quite so extreme in our local urinals when I was in my very early 20s. Early one evening when it was still daylight outside I found myself forced onto my knees by 3 blokes between 10 & 20 years older than me. The 2 youngest were av build with av to below a sized cocks, while the 40yo was very fit with a very thick long cock. As I was forced onto the younger cocks the fit guy was trying to dry fuck my arse with his thick middle finger. It hurt like Hell until he used some saliva. They obviously wanted to get finish quickly before anyone else came in and the first 2 dribbled some spunk onto my lips and chin, before the older guy unloaded a huge quantity of thick slime all over my face. They zipped up and left, although the fit guy hoped I would follow him home. I was too shocked to agreed before getting back up onto my feet to pull on my dishevelled clothes. I only then realised I'd cum all over the floor and onto my buck skin brogues. I never did get the cum stain out of my brogues, acting as a sly reminder every time I looked down at them. I referred to them as my trawling shoes.

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