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Laura 02 - Laura Makes Darren Watch

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Laura helps out Darren's friend, in her own special way...
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Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 08/12/2023
Created 01/28/2021
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continued from Laura Gets Caught.

I was pottering around in my bedroom when I saw my laptop start flashing. I checked the screen and saw Darren was calling on skype.

Darren was away at University in the north of England, a four-hour train journey away from me. He shared an apartment with two girls, Marie and Jane, who were doing the same course as him, and three boys. Mark and Ian were both studying sports science, Dean was doing a law degree. Dean was nicknamed Raj, as like the character in the TV show The Big Bang Theory he had terrible trouble talking to girls. He was a very nerdy guy anyway, but constantly stammering and not being able to communicate with girls he was very socially awkward. It was well known amongst the University students that Dean was still a virgin.

I answered the call and Darren appeared on the screen. We got the pleasantries out of the way, asked how each other was and told each other we couldn't wait to see each other next weekend. Darren came back home every third weekend.

"I've got some news for you," he told me. "I found out yesterday that Marie is a lesbian."

"What conversation did you have that bought that subject up?" I asked.

"Well, I was puzzled about she'd never mentioned walking in on us while we were masturbating over webcam, so I asked her about it. She said she hadn't wanted to embarrass me about how turned on she'd been seeing you on screen," he explained.

"You sound a little jealous," I laughed.

He continued to tell me that Jane had confessed that she was also a lesbian, but they weren't a couple, both had said they'd never been with a man either. Marie was however curious to see what it was like. Mark and Ian had both offered their services to which she'd politely declined.

"Oh yeah, and the stripper we had booked for the weekend for Dean's 21st can't make it now, she'd double-booked, and we can't find anyone at short notice now," he said disappointedly.

I thought about it for a few seconds, then said, "How about if I do it then?"

"Do what? You want to strip for Dean?" he asked, puzzled.

"Well, not deep down and dirty stripping. He likes gaming, doesn't he? I could dress up as Lara Croft and dance for him. It also means you get to see me this weekend too."

"He'd love that, he's always playing Tomb Raider games. I'm not sure about you stripping for him though."

"Well I'd be practically undressed anyway in shorts and a vest top, so it will just like doing a sexy dance for him," I answered.

"That sounds cool then. I'll let the buildings manager know we'll have someone else overnight so he can issue you a pass, let me know what train you'll be on."

I told him I'd sort out details and let him know shortly, as it was Thursday today. It was nearly a week since my shopping trip, and I'd been making excuses not to have cam sex with Darren. Not that I'd gone off him after having three men take turns on me, but I had bruised breasts where they'd been manhandled, and my arse had looked red raw for a couple of days due to the spanking Steve had given me. I'd also needed to give my pussy a rest after that session, so was starting to get horny again. This had given me a chance to see Darren earlier than expected.

Later I emailed Darren and told him I'd booked a ticket to travel up early on Saturday and to return mid-afternoon on Sunday. They were going to keep Dean out of the way while I arrived, then once I'd changed I'd come out and surprise him. I arrived a little after 3 pm and went with Darren to get something to eat, before going back to their shared apartment. Darren made sure Dean wasn't about, Mark and Ian had taken him to a pub for an hour so the coast was clear.

The apartment was quite big. We entered into a large kitchen/living room area, a large wooden table along one wall with 6 wooden chairs around it, and three three-seater sofas formed a rough semi-circle pointing towards a TV hanging from the top corner of the room. A corridor ran from here, with three bedrooms either side. There were a separate toilet and shower by the main doorway. Darren introduced me to Marie and Jane while he showed me around, Marie said she was very pleased to see me in the flesh at last, instead of on a screen. She laughed that it was nice to be able to see my face also.

Dean was to arrive back not long after, so I took a quick shower before changing into my outfit and waiting in Darren's room. I'd selected some khaki coloured tailored shorts and a white vest top, with some calf-length boots to go with them. I'd noticed on the cover of the game that Lara was normally dirty from exploring caves and things, so before leaving home I'd dug up some dirt from my garden, mixed it with a little water to make a paste, and smeared some over the shorts and vest. I'd decided to wear some black fishnet tights under the shorts, and my new see-through undies set that Darren hadn't seen yet. The tights were to give my Lara Croft outfit more of a stripper vibe, I wanted her to appear dirty in more ways than one. The tights would also be handy when Darren and I got some alone time later, the large mesh meant they wouldn't need to be removed for access.

Once changed I got some of the spare dirt paste that I'd bought with me, and smeared some over my face, arms and legs. I looked in the mirror and thought I'd done a good job of replicating her. I only hope Dean was impressed.

I'd had a few drinks since arriving, some for dutch courage and more because Jane kept bringing me various shots to go with the wine I was consuming. I was started to get a little light-headed, and more flirty with Marie. I knew my inhibitions had lowered. Darren came into the room and told me they were ready.

I walked to the main room and Dean's eyes lit up. They had moved one of the wooden chairs to underneath the TV in the corner of the room where Dean was now sat, everyone else gathered on the sofas. I walked right in front of him and asked if he liked my outfit. He went to answer, couldn't speak, but nodded his approval. I took hold of his hands, placed them on my hips, then started to sway as someone had started playing some music. His hands started to move around to my arse, but I didn't stop him. Darren moaned about him doing so, and I turned and asked him to be quiet. He pulled a face at me.

I took hold of Dean's hand and put them back on my hips, but moved forward so I was straddling his legs. His hands then started to inch upwards towards my breasts.

"Don't do that, you're not feeling her tits," protested Darren.

"Would you say that if I was a stripper?" I asked him. "If I was a proper stripper you'd be encouraging him to do so much more, so be quiet."

Darren didn't look happy. "I don't want him pawing my girlfriend," he said.

"I'm your girlfriend later, right now I'm in stripper mode," I told him.

I'd turned to face him whilst talking, and bent over when I started dancing, shaking my ass at Dean. His hands went onto my arse, as I swayed in front of him. I felt hands pulling me away, Darren had moved me. Mark and Ian started booing sarcastically.

"You're doing my head in now," I said to him, "Can someone fasten him up and quieten him down a bit please?"

I'd been half-joking, but Marie ran off to her bedroom and returned shortly after with two sets of pink fluffy handcuffs and a ball gag. In unison, we all looked at the ball gag in her hand.

"What, are you judging me now? Sometimes a girl can be making too much noise while her flatmates are trying to study," she grinned as she spoke.

Jane pulled another chair out and the two guys took Darren's arms and pulled him over and sat him down. He tried to stop them but they were too powerful for him. They held his arms down while Marie placed a handcuff on each arm, and fastened them on ether side. I asked her to leave the ball gag for a while but told him we'd use it if he persisted in interrupting. I turned to face Dean, Darren was now sitting so he had a side-on view of us.

I started dancing again, this time I placed Dean's hands directly onto my tits. Mark and Ian cheered loudly. Dean started to squeeze my tits through the vest top. Darren tried to get up and couldn't. He shouted at Dean to stop. Dean looked up at me and went to speak, The words wouldn't come out. He looked over at Darren and asked if he could feel them under the top. Darren shouted no again.

"It's my body, not Darrens," I explained to him. "I just let Darren use it occasionally. So if you want anything in particular, you need to ask me, not Darren."

The drinks were starting to get to me now, I was getting hornier the drunker I felt. Mark and Ian started shouting suggestions to Dean, telling him things to ask me.

"Will you lot pipe down? I may do requests later when I've finished dancing for Dean. And that means from any of you."

I made a special point of staring at Marie and Jane when I stressed the last part. Darren started moaning again, and without asking Marie put the ball gag on him, so he couldn't speak. Mark and Ian gave her a high five each. I turned my gaze to Dean and asked him wanted he wanted to do.

"I want... I... Can you..." he stuttered.

"If you don't ask you don't get," I told him. I looked directly at Darren whilst I continued, "Ask me anything. Anything at all"

He looked at me, and blurted out "Top off."

"See, that wasn't so hard was it?" I asked him. I put both hands on my vest top at the bottom and pulled it over my head. My see-through bra didn't do much to disguise anything, least of all my nipples standing to attention. His eyes lit up, and he went to put his hands on them. I stopped him and shook my head.

"Remember the rules, Dean."

"Can...Can... Can I touch them?" he mumbled. I nodded yes,

His hands groped my breasts, out of the corner of my eye I could see Darren staring intently. Dean's touch was surprisingly good for someone so unskilled, and I could feel myself getting damp. I hadn't meant to strip properly, but the drink had made my inhibitions disappear. I reached behind me and unclasped the bra. It fell to the floor, and Dean leaned closer to my breasts to stare at them. I could feel his breath on me. Dean sat back and pointed to my shorts.

"Take off please?" he managed to ask the first time.

"Only if you take off your trousers too?" I told him, thinking that would call his bluff. I'd barely finished the sentence before he stood up, undid his trousers, and pushed them down to his ankles, pushing his boxer shorts down at the same time. His cock sprung into view. Wow. He was still soft but was about six inches long. I could feel my pussy juices start to flow.

Mark and Ian looked at each other in amazement. Marie saw their faces and asked what was wrong. They both told her they didn't fancy getting undressed around anyone any more and laughed. She looked at me and said.

"I have a request. I want to see Darren's cock. Without his hand around it this time," she giggled.

Darren tried to protest but I told her to go for it. She walked over, asked if his shirt was new, then pulled it apart anyway knowing he couldn't answer. Buttons broke off and sprayed all over the floor. She pushed each arm of the shirt down his arms as far as it would go and looked at his bare chest. Then she loosened his shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. Darren had gone commando under them, so his cock sprang out. He was already fully erect. He was obviously enjoying the show more than he had been letting on.

"His cock is almost as big as yours and he's still soft," Marie taunted Darren. "Laura, get Dean hard so we can compare."

"To be fair, Darren's is about as big as mine, Dean's is quite large," Ian said. Mark agreed with him.

"Get them out then and let's see?" Marie asked.

"I'm not as excited as Darren yet," Ian said, looking at me.

I decided to call him out. I turned my back on Dean, kept my legs straight, and pushed down my shorts. I heard gasps from all around and remembered my thong was see-through too. Not only see-through but soaked with my pussy juices. I slipped my thong off too. Marie asked me to throw it to her and made a point of loudly sniffing them.

I looked behind me, and Dean's cock still hadn't stirred. I backed up more, so my arse cheeks were touching his cock, and swayed around again, making a point of touching his cock as much as possible. Some of my pussy juices clung to his cock. Dean tapped my back, and I turned to see what he wanted.

"W... W... Wank me?" he pleaded. I took his cock in my hand, looked directly at Darren, and knelt. My nipples grazed across Dean's thighs. I started to stroke his cock with slow deliberate movements. His cock stiffened until he was fully erect.

"You're about the same length as my new dildo," I said, before looking around at gasping faces, and realising I'd said that out loud.

"Shit, that was supposed to be a surprise," I told Darren. He was squirming in his seat.

I'd only been wanking Dean for about a minute when he arched his back and started shooting his load. There was a lot, I continued to stroke him, coaxing every last drop out of him. Most of it was running down my arm.

"Can I taste it?" Marie shouted out. "I'll lick it from your arm."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I wanna see how it compares to pussy juices," she giggled.

She came over to me and started licking small amounts off my arm. She laughed and pretended she was wine tasting, taking in the aromas and pretending to gargle.

"Yes, very fruity. I'm getting the scent of orchard apples," she laughed.

She noticed some and gone on my face that I hadn't noticed, and leaned forward and licked it off. As she did so she moved her head around and stuck her tongue in my mouth.

"Now you can taste him too," she said as she withdrew. I took my other hand, took a decent size dollop up, and fed it into my mouth.

"That's actually a very good vintage," I giggled. We tried to persuade Jane to try, but she declined.

I looked over at the boys and said that they were looking left out. Marie walked over to Darren, grabbed his cock, and commented on how hot it felt. She started to wank him and asked him if she was doing it right. He nodded vigorously. She looked at me to make sure I was alright with it, and I nodded her to carry on. Dean had started stroking himself while this was going on, and was erect again. My mind turned to my dildo, and Steve's cock. I quickly turned, and slid myself onto Dean's cock, fitting it between the gaps in the fishnet. He groaned loudly, getting Darren's attention. I raised my arse so I was about half impaled on his cock, and Darren came, spurt after spurt raining over Marie's arms and clothes.

Marie explained that she would have no choice now but to put her clothes to be washed, and stripped off everything, including her underwear. Her body was amazing, most men would have been happy to sleep with that but she had left that privilege to quite a few girls instead. Jane had a hand up her skirt now, half watching me and half watching Marie. Marie encouraged her to get naked too, and she uncovered herself. Her body wasn't too dissimilar to Maries, but she had much bigger breasts. she kept them well hidden under her clothes, I'd never have guessed they were that big.

"Come on Mark, Ian. You're the only ones with clothes on now. Killjoys," I remarked. They didn't need much encouragement and were naked in seconds, both of them already erect. They were right, their cocks were about the same size as Darren's.

Both of the girls had slumped onto one of the sofas, lying on their backs next to each other. Both had a hand playing with the other's nipples, their other hands were fingering themselves. Marie had all four fingers up herself with ease.

I was still sitting on Dean's cock, fully impaled so both myself and Dean could enjoy the feel of it. I called the guys over, stood them either side of me, making sure Darren could see and started to wank them. Dean put his hands around to cup my breasts, and I started to ride his cock slowly. I leant forward so he could see my arsehole, and his cock twitched inside me. I pulled the guys closer still and started to take it in turns to suck them both. Marie and Jane had both slowed their pace right down, concentrating on my show.

I'd started to ride Dean a little quicker, pulling myself virtually right off his cock before sinking it all back to the hilt. He was pulling my nipples hard now, tweaking them like he was trying to tune in an old-style radio. I heard a groan and looked over at Darren, and a trail of semen was flowing down his cock which was twitching. He'd managed to come no-handed. I winked at him and his cock twitched violently.

I asked Dean to let me know if he was getting ready to come, and asked him to tap my shoulder if he was. Mark and Ian said they were getting close too, and Marie asked Mark if he'd come over her. He couldn't get over there quick enough. Ian looked hopefully at Jane, and she told him he could too.

"Suppose I need to try everything once," she giggled.

Marie told Mark she wanted to taste his come, and he asked if he could come on her face. she said no, but asked him to cover as much of her body as he thought he could manage. By way of encouragement, she hitched her knees up and started to rub her clit furiously. That set Mark off, and his hand became a blur as he wanked to orgasm, his spurts landing on her chin, then subsequently continued down to her belly button. Mark slumped to the floor spent, while Marie made herself come, then proceeded to use her fingers to clean Marks come off her body, she slurped loudly while she licked her fingers clean.

Ian was close now, and Jane was rubbing her clit too. She came, and Ian followed straight after. He came a lot more than Mark had, Jane had sperm stripes up her body, some had dribbled onto her pussy too. Marie asked if she was tasting it, Jane pulled a face and said no, so Marie leaned over and started licking her body to remove it for her. She took extra care when cleaning from Jane's pussy lips.

Dean tapped me on the shoulder, so I got off him, pulled him over to stand in front of Darren, and knelt in front of him. I told him to cover me with his spunk, opened my mouth, and stuck my tongue out. My hand went down to my clit. It didn't take long for Dean to come, and he made my face look a right mess. I got down on the floor on my back and told him to watch. I was lying right in front of Darren. I made Dean crouch right down, his face as close to my pussy as he could get it. I put my hand back to my clit, and rubbed quickly. My orgasm shot through me, Dean gasped as my body shook, and he gasped louder as I squirted, my pussy juices splattering his face.

Once we'd all relaxed and regained our composures, Dean thanked us all for a wonderful present, giving special thanks to me. I got up and asked Marie for the key to undo the handcuffs and released Darren, and took the ball gag from his mouth.

Darren stood up, and I waited for his reaction. He grabbed my hand and started leading me towards his bedroom. He turned towards the others and said over his shoulder "Sorry if we keep you awake, I think we're in for a very noisy night!"

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huntsman29huntsman29almost 3 years ago

To Tess (uk) and others. It's fine for cuckold stories or wife sharing stories, but what she did is an utter bitch move. Doesn't discuss her plans with him and instead has his friends and people he lives with tie him up while she has her way with his friend, while seeming to give too shits about how her boyfriend feels.

That's what makes this story so bad for me. It's not it being a cuckold story, as that is fine if that is what turns you on. It's her utter lack of care or respect for someone she is supposed to care about that annoyed me. 99% of the time in real life this bitch gets tossed out naked when they let him go and he has to move to get away from people he thought were his friends.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wish the ANTI CUCKOLD COMMENTERS would read the bloody rosa-blanca.ru BEFORE reading/ commenting. Honestly why read it if you already know that you’ll hate it???

I thought it was a good story MUCH better than the 1st chapter. Moderately sexy but she should have discussed it with her b/f first.

Tess (uk)

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Imagine Polyliver calling another commenter a loser.

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 3 years ago
Haha. Love reading the loser's comments.

Pretty good tale. Darren was obvs into it.

A good time was had by all.

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