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Laura and Greg Ch. 03

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Greg watches his wife fucked in their 1st full swap.
18.8k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/27/2019
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This story is the property of the writer Kalimaxos.

Welcome to part three of the Laura and Greg epic.

Word to those who think they can tell where the story is going to bash it. You don't. Only I know.

I have seen crossover in multiple stories in different sections of Literotica. I don't see any of you complaining about interracial themes in LW. But some of you got all huffed up that incest was part of the last chapter of this series.

Warning to readers. There will be more crossover. As in older/younger sex. Interracial and even a forced/reluctance situation down the road. And of course, Group Sex as the main characters embrace the swinger lifestyle.

But the story is staying here in Loving Wives. What can be more of a Loving Wife theme than women screwing other men with the consent of their husbands than swinging?

Thanks to the constructive commentary in advance.



Coming home from the Angie and Joe's house with the kids still awake made for an uncomfortable and anxious drive. I had just fucked Laura's best friend Angie in front of my wife while Joe watched all our kids knowing I was upstairs fucking his wife. And the strangest part of it all was that it had been Angela and Joe's idea.

Laura was looking straight ahead, occasionally gazing back at the kids who were talking about all the fun they had and couldn't wait for us to invite the Garzas over to our house so they could show them their toys.

When my son said that I caught a smirk across my wife's face. And I couldn't help but smile. It was the first time since I had caught her cheating on me that I felt a sense of closeness with her. But we had a long way to go in fixing our marriage. If we ever did. If we ever could. And one of the reasons was that I had also cheated, and she knew it.

By the time we got home, the kids had settled down and we put them to bed. Laura and I stood over them watching them sleep. If you have never done that when your kids are little, you're not a parent and you have no clue what's important in your life. Loose a sense of your obligation for your children and you just fucked up their lives... and yours. And that was something both Laura and I had done.

Eventually, Laura turned and looked at me with a slight smile and I nodded toward the door. She led us out and I closed the door behind us taking one last look at the sleeping munchkins. If nothing else, all was well so long as they were safe under one roof, I thought. That thought motivated me in to trying to work things out with my wife. If we didn't, the kids would be the ones to bear the brunt of our mistakes.

Like many marriages, ours had degenerated to family obligations, taking care of the kids and work. There was little time left for fun and sex. There had been some earlier, but we let things get stale and repetitive like many people do. While we both stayed healthy and trim, we just got used to each other in and out of bed. And like many couples, we reached the point of the dangerous question: Is this all there is?

I think when we got there, we both started looking at other people. I know I did, and I caught Laura doing so from time to time. But that in itself is not atypical. Everyone looks. Trouble starts when we progress from looking to chatting up, flirting and eventually touching. Then each person in the marriage is tested. Does each of the spouses realize the danger, stop and retreat? Or do they progress to the making a date and having extramarital sex.

But what does that mean exactly? Extramarital. Outside the marriage. In most marriage vows there is a clause saying, "forsaking all others." As in no sex with others. Sex only with one's spouse. The agreement is very important for a couple as if for nothing else, it insures that the children of each family were fathered by the husband of the wife giving them birth. So, the deal between a man and a woman is that they not go to others for sex. But not just to ensure the children are the husband's, but that the loyalty to each other is maintained. To violate this rule means betrayal, lying and deceit. And once that happens, few marriages survive it.

There are some spouses who cheat and manage to keep it secret from their spouse for some time or indefinitely. There are some that realize how lucky they were not to get caught and stop before they are caught. But they still live with the anxiety and fear that they may be exposed years later for what they did. Some, the selfish ones, decide to solve their guilt problem by telling their spouse what they did.

Bad move if you want to save your marriage. You hurt your spouse twice. Once by cheating and the second time by telling them and sticking the knife in their gut. The come clean act ruins everything, when silence might have allowed the marriage to continue and heal in time.

Sometimes a spouse has fallen out of love with their spouse and looking for a replacement. Once they find someone better and fall in love, a divorce usually follows. But in many cases, like ours, it was not about finding someone new to love. Although I wonder if that may not have happened if we had continued seeing others. But at the time of our cheating phase, we were both looking for some fun. Some new sex and to know that others still found us attractive enough to bed.

Years later now, I know that I was in the same boat as Laura was when she cheated, because I cheated as well. Neither of us talked to each other about our problems before. In my case I didn't even bother seeking advice from any of the people I knew and respected. At least Laura talked to her friend Angela a year before our troubles. But she chose to ignore her friend's advice to reach out to me. Instead she let things between us fester until they blew up.

When she saw me coming out of work with my recently hired cousin Celia going to lunch, she assumed we were too familiar not to be having an affair. She would later admit that she did nothing to confirm we were. Instead she went out and cheated with someone because she had wanted to. By this point, it doesn't matter who. The what is what mattered when it all came out in the open.

Looking back on it, we were lucky to not have divorced. Others would have for sure. I think what kept us together was that we wanted to keep our families together and surprisingly we still loved each other. Years later we sought therapy to put some sense to it all. We both told our marriage counselor that we loved each other through the cheating. Laura did have some serious anger issues first and exposed her infidelity to me when she had me eat her pussy after another man came in her. That was pure anger.

Not thinking straight, she actually believed she could get away with it. Eventually she stopped doing it and we went to no sex at all. But by then I was in a sexual relationship with my first cousin Celia who one day kissed me after I came in her mouth. I knew right then what Laura had done.

The long and short of it is that eventually I made her suck my dick after I had fucked Celia and repeated it a few more times. It made me feel like I was getting even or a while. But I knew that I had cheated as well. I had screwed Celia before the fateful kiss. Before I knew for sure that Laura was cheating on me.

By then I was addicted to Celia's body and didn't care that Laura was fucking around. Oh, I cared, but I was too wrapped up in what I was doing to force the issue. Neither of us bothered to confront each other or check to confirm the other was cheating when we both did at first. Neither of us. What does that tell you?

Go ahead. Say it. We were self-absorbed, suburban upper middle class assholes. I won't argue with you on that. But consider this. Imagine being one and thinking you were right all along, then you find that you are not and fall from the high horse you perched yourself and your ego with. The fall is very illuminating and very painful inside. To know that you had so much, but with your selfishness you almost lost it all. That you were... No that you ARE that asshole, is very humbling.

It all came to a head at a family gathering at my parents' house when Laura was introduced to Celia and realized she had concluded I was cheating by just assuming it. Her guilt got the best of her and she stopped fucking around. It took me longer as I thought I deserved to rub her face in shit for what she did. And I never told her who I had been cheating with for obvious reasons. I knew that telling Laura I fucked Celia would never go over well.

It was Angela, Laura's coworker and her husband Joe that decided to help us save our marriage. No, not the conventional way of making like everything could be fixed through counseling or church or wishful thinking. They instead told us to face the reality that we were not the type to be satisfied with one sex partner in our lives. That we would have to rethink our ways and accept the reality of who we were and our sexual appetites.

Their solution was what had worked for them. Swinging. Sex with other couples. Not open marriage where spouses have outside lovers and basically date like they are single. The Garza couple were members of an exclusive swinger's group that met on weekends. The spouses traded partners and had open, guilt free sex with each other. No lying, sneaking around, hiding or betrayal. Everything was out in the open.

What Laura and I had to do was accept that this was us as well and go down this path instead of divorce and child separation. The Garzas apparently had been in a similar situation a few years back and had been lucky to meet a swinger couple that introduced them to the lifestyle. It had worked for them and they hoped it would work for us. But the rules of the club were strict to prevent situations that would lead to cheating and divorce. Laura and I had to give them an answer soon.

What Joe had told me before leaving their house was racking my brain. To join their group, I had to give up Celia. The price seemed heavy to pay. But I remembered Celia's words that she would not come between me and my family. She had dangled the possibility of us getting together occasionally, but from what Joe said, if I got caught, both Laura and I would get tossed from the group.

I really had to decide. Sex with Celia that could still lead to divorce or giving up sex with her and following the group rules. With thoughts of Angela and the promise of other women in my head, the loss of sex with Celia was not as great as I thought it would be. Yes, sex with her was intoxicating, but it was dangerous for my marriage. Not just because Joe and Angela could find out, but because of what it would do to our family. And not just my immediate family.

I had to end it. As much as I wanted to continue it, the affair had to end. While I loved Celia as a cousin, I wasn't in love with her. And neither was she with me. We had already discussed it and knew.

"I need to take a shower," I said and started to disrobe.

"Please do," Laura replied. I could tell she was not amused by how I had acted at the Garza household with Angela. what wife would be all happy after her husband fucked another woman in front of her.

After all, Laura had to endure watching me go around the world with her best friend and having to suck my dick before I fucked Angela. Having cheated on me and started our jaunt into infidelity avenue, Laura had admitted her guilt and wanted to salvage out marriage, 'whatever it took.' Angela and I had gone a bit too far, but then Laura had gone too far herself. She took her humiliation without any hesitation. I have to give her credit for that.

Angela's idea of reconciliation and rehabilitation involved me doing some screwing catch-up since Laura had been doing so for a month before I did. Unlike my one person affair, from what I understand there were multiple men involved on Laura's part. At this point, I have to say that the last fact gave me hope.

What! You say? How could her fucking many men give me hope over fucking just one? Well, because, if it had been just one man, it might have been out of love. That she saw him as a better man that me and wanted to ditch me so she could marry him. I can compete with other men sexually, but not if my wife had fallen in love with another man. And out of love with me.

In my mind, there were still questions about Laura. We still had issues to resolve.

As I took my shower, Laura came in the bathroom naked and stepped in there with me. It was an awkward moment. I moved closer to the shower head as I was covered with soap and had to rinse.

"I'll be out of your way in a minute," I said trying to be polite for a change.

"Take your time," she said leaning against the tiles and putting on her shower cap.

"OK, I'm done," I announced and tried walking around her.

Damn it if my dick didn't betray me just then and pointed up at her.

"Did you wash it?" she asked, but before I could say I did, she lowered to the floor and looked up before putting my tip between her lips and giving my cock a good suck for a few moments. "It tastes clean."

"Yeah, I washed," I replied like an idiot.

She stood and reached for the soap and a washcloth. I stood there staring at the perfect form of her back and ass; and those long legs. Fuck I was hard. My mind was saying 'act cool, don't let her think she off the hook.' My dick was saying 'Fuck her! Fuck her now! Put me in there... I need to be in her pussy.'

"Can you wash my back?" she said passing the washcloth to me.

"Sure," I replied and starting washing her back.

"How was it?" she said startling my thoughts of her ass.


"You know. Angela. Was she good?"

Oh shit! Here we go.

"You were there, what do you think?"

"She is better at it than me," Laura said.

I said nothing. A man must know where to shut the fuck up. Even with his cheating slut wife he is still pissed at. Fucking her best friend was just the beginning of the punishment she had agreed to for herself. There would be others Angela had promised to introduce me to. And I was not going to do or say anything to give Laura an excuse to back out of the agreement.

"You don't have to say it," she said.

I was still washing her back.

"Are you going to wash my ass?"

And I went back to what I had planned to do before she asked her loaded question. Her ass did feel good. The marks from the beating I had given it was clearly visible. It had been no spanking. I had been pissed at her and took it all out on her ass with my hands before I fucked the ass she had denied me in the past and given first to some other man. Yes, that same ass as I was now washing. The ass she propped up by standing on the balls of her feet and spreading her legs.

'Fuck her now!' Cock said in my head. 'You know you want to.'

Instead I washed between her ass crack and even reached underneath to wash her pussy lips. Dick was begging me now, but I was strong. I was... yeah... strong. Right?

I was about to drop the washcloth and fuck her when she turned around unexpectedly.

"Greg," she said looking right at me. "I should be jealous and in a way I am. But I'm not. Is that fucked up or what?"

"You're not?" I asked surprised, but not showing it.

"No," she said rinsing off. "Not only that. But..."

"But what?" I said as she turned the water off.

Laura smiled at me, which surprised me.

"Greg, would you be upset if I said I liked it?"

"You liked watching me fuck your friend?"

"Well, I think she is a better friend to you than me at this point," she giggled.

"Depends on your definition of friend," I replied. "I hardly know the woman as a person."

"She scolds me. But she let you fuck her in every hole. I didn't even get a nipple rub."

I tried. I tried really hard not to, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling... slightly. Not too much. I was still mad at her. She saw my reaction and she reached for me with both hands.

"You are hard," she said stating the obvious. She kept looking at me as she reached for my hard dick again. "Greg, I..."

I pushed her away and walked out of the shower reaching for a towel.

"We need to talk Laura. Not fuck. Isn't that part of our problem? Not talking?"

I could tell it hurt her to be rejected. Serve her right, I was still angry with her. More than a bit.

"Of all things I did wrong Greg, not talking to you before all this, was the worse."

I wanted to rub her face in the shit and say, 'no bitch, fucking other men was.' But I knew she was right and that I was no better. The two of us should have known; correction, we knew. WE knew we had problems and should have both talked to each other. But we were not raised to talk about our problems. Shit. That was such a lame excuse.

"Laura, both of us are hiding behind the ways of our parents. Yes, they are not the talking kind, but you and I are not them and we are not stupid. At least we shouldn't be with our IQ and our educations."

"I didn't take a course in marriage Greg, did you?"

"Fuck no," I replied trying not to stare at her tits jiggling two feet away from me; or her shaved pussy. She had shaved that during her fucking around times. How many men had been in it I wondered, but still got hard looking at her. "All I know about marriage is watching my parents and seeing the mess my uncle and aunt made of theirs. But we should have known better."

"Is that Celia's parents?" she asked making me look away. Why did she have to bring her up? Duh... because I brought her up. So much for my high IQ and education.

"Getting back to us. That was our first fuck up Laura. Not talking. If you and I are going to fix this mess you... I mean, this mess we made..."

"No Greg, you had it right the first time," she said. "I started all this. I should have come to you and then talked to Angela. Or more like WE should have talked to Angela."

"So, you think we would have gone along with her swinger option then?"

"Greg, I didn't even know it was an option to be honest," she replied standing there naked.

Oh, those nipples! Fuck she looked so good. Cock was mad at me for ignoring his needs.

"But thinking back on it," she replied. "Had she said something about it way back then, I may have considered it."

"Why?" I asked

"Because I never went out on you for anything other than sex and to know that I was still attractive. For pure fun. Not because I was looking for love."

I just stared back at her glad she had confirmed my hopes. I shook my head forcing wishful thinking away. I had to be sure she was being honest about this.

"Are you sure you were not in love with anyone? That it didn't go sour on you with him and you had to come back to me?"

"No Greg. I was never in love with any of... with anyone," she said looking right at me. "I am ashamed that I cheated on you sexually, but I never fell in love with anyone else. You have to believe me. Did you fall in love, are you now?"

"No," I replied leaving it at that. She was fishing for information I was not going to give her.

I finished drying and went to our bedroom with her following.

"Look," I said reaching for a pair of shorts. "Why don't we go downstairs. Away from the kids in case we get mad at one another... and to the distractions."

She smiled when she saw me point to the bed. She posed in a way that she knew would turn me on and giggled.

"Sure thing, Mister, but I'm bringing my tits with me. Is that a distraction?"

I smiled back politely and walked out toward the stairs. I was looking in the fridge when she came in wearing a long t shirt of mine. 'Not fair Laura! You know I like you in my old t-shirts.'

As I took a beer she grabbed one too and we walked over to the family room. We sat on the couch facing each other waiting for each other to speak. Looking back on it, we were pathetic.

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