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Lawsuit Ch. 02

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Bert wants Johanna back.
4.7k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/10/2023
Created 07/18/2023
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I left the courtroom feeling like the biggest idiot in history. A prostitute had beaten me in court. Not just any prostitute. It was Johanna who had taken me down. Realistically, I had brought it on myself with my own cocky, selfish, know-it-all arrogance. I should have given her the three hundred dollars. She had confided her life story to me, sharing all the pain and suffering she had endured. She had called me loving and caring and sweet. What had I done in return? I added to her agony. I betrayed her trust. I hated myself knowing that I would never have a chance to court her. My attorney said something about how long I had to pay the judgment. I couldn't care less. I would have given her the money right then if it would win her back. Dammit! I was in love with her.

I went home that night a broken excuse for a man. The apartment door I closed was the one I had closed behind her when she entered wearing her trench coat. In the kitchen sink was the bowl she had used to rinse off the razor she had shaved me with. The sofa had its own memories. She had sat on it when she opened the beer bottle with her strong hands. I had lain on it while she shaved me. I made a mental note to shave when I showered that night. At least I could keep that part of her. There was the bed where I had made love to her. I hadn't washed the sheets for over a month. The dried semen that had oozed out of her pussy was still there. I threw myself on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

The following week I received the letter informing me of the total amount of the judgment. Her attorney's fee was more than the "unpaid rent." She had definitely gotten her fiscal revenge.

Somehow I managed to drag myself to work five days a week. I wasn't able to concentrate as well as necessary. One afternoon my boss called me into his office. "Bert," he said, "what's going on? Your work has gone downhill the past couple of months. This isn't like you. You've always been one of my top producers."

"I've just been down in the dumps. I'll get over it."

"Is it a girl?"

I hesitated a moment. "Yeah."

"She must be pretty special for you to neglect your work. I'd like to meet her."

"We broke up."

"That's rough. I can see that you are hurting. You have vacation time accrued. Take a week off. Go to one of the cat houses near Reno and get laid. That should help take your mind off her."

"Maybe. I'll take the week though."

Instead of heading to Nevada, I stayed along the Pacific coast. After visiting Half Moon Bay for the I don't know how many times, I drove down the Coast Highway to Monterey Bay to watch the otters frolic in the bay waters before heading down to Solvang and its old-world theme. For the entire week, I was able to push Johanna out of my mind.

I returned my office refreshed and eager to get back to work. By the end of that week my old enthusiasm for the job took over and I was landing new accounts again. When I went home in the evening, I was no longer confronted with Johanna's ghost. I continued to shave my cock and balls just to please myself.

When Thanksgiving was over, a memo circulated announcing the company's annual Christmas party. As usual it was scheduled for an upscale hotel ballroom. There were four meal choices to select from. In previous years I had brought a beautiful girl as my date. I was known for the eye-candy that I had with me.

On my way home, I stopped at an adult bookstore and bought the latest copy of the Spectator. I had found previous dates in the escorts ads. Even though their fees were pretty high, I always enjoyed their company along with the complements from my coworkers about the beauty I had with me. I opened the newspaper to the escort ads when I sat down to eat my TV dinner. When I came to the classified ads, I nearly chocked. Even after six months, Johanna was still running her ad. Her name wasn't in the ad, but the wording had not changed. The identifying part was her telephone number. All of the pain of our parting in the courtroom came flooding back. Again I saw her anger, her pain, and her tears. My pain, my tears, and my shame returned in an instant. I didn't want any other date for the party but her. By my own dastardly stupidity, I had permanently closed that door. How could I have been such an idiot? The more I looked at her ad, the more I realized that I had to win her back. Groveling was not beneath me.

How could I talk to her? What should I say? I had to apologize for my unconscionable behavior. Would she even stay on the line long enough for me to say I'm sorry? There was only one option. I would have to start talking and not shut up until I had finished spilling my guts, then pray that she would accept my apology.

I got my telephone and dialed her number. Her phone rang. I had to be patient. It would take her a little time to answer. A second ring. Waiting was important. The third ring. Maybe she was out fucking some other guy. Somebody who would treat her better than I had. "Hello." It was her voice.

"Johanna, it's Bert Simon," I said quickly. "You sued me last summer for non-payment of rent and won. I'm calling to apologize. I had no business treating you the way I did. You were completely right in suing me. You called me a bastard and you were right. I am a worthless bastard." Tears began to flow down my face. "Worst of all I hurt you. I would not fault you for slamming the phone down in my ear." I began to cry as I spoke. "You have every right to hate me."


"Johanna, I am so very, very sorry for everything I've done."

"Bert, shut up!" Her vocal volume silenced me. Calmly she said, "I accept your apology."

"Thank you. I don't deserve it but thank you."

"The old saying is true: everything is in the timing. I was getting ready to call you. I'm scared out of my panties, but I had to do it."

"Why would you want to contact an asshole like me?"

"So I could forgive you."

"After what I did, you are willing to forgive me?"

"When I was telling you about my life, you asked me if I had sought counseling. After we left the courtroom I remembered that conversation. The next week I went to see a therapist. I've been seeing him once a week for four months now. You were right. I was starving for affection. I still am, but not nearly as much. I also have a lot of anger issues, not just with you, but with both of my parents, and my two stepfathers. If I am going to have any healing, I have to confront those issues. Letting them go requires forgiving and forgetting. I wanted to start with you."

"You forgot to forget me? Thank you, Johanna. You've taken a lot of guilt off me. It looks like we are helping each other. Does your therapist know about your escorting?"


"How does it fit with your need for affection?"

"He says it will come on its own as I resolve the anger."

"So he is okay with the escorting?"

"Strangely, yes."

"Then I can proceed to another subject. My company's Christmas party is on the seventeenth. It will be a pretty typical corporate affair. The bar opens at six followed by dinner at seven; the menu is limited to four choices. Next will be announcements about how well the company has done and services awards followed by dancing until midnight. Would you do me the high honor of being my date? I'll pay your fee up front when you arrive, so we won't have any repeat of the past."

"I never expected this. I don't know what to say!"

"Granting me the favor of 'yes' would make me very happy."

"Yes! Yes! I will go with you. What should I wear?"

"Something sorta revealing, but not slutty."

"I have a backless little black dress. It covers my ass while leaving my legs mostly on display. There's a black g-string that goes with it."

"It sounds perfect. I have to turn in menu choices. Are you vegetarian?"


"Okay, then you have three choices. There's chicken cooked in a wine sauce, a lobster tail, and filet mignon."

"I've never had lobster. I hear it's quite good. Put me down for that."

"You've got it. I'm still at the same address."

"I remember it."

"Good. Can you be here by five? That will give us time to take care of business and get there by six."

"Not a problem."

"One last question. I leave for work at eight a.m. Would you stay over and have breakfast with me Monday morning?"

"Whew! You're talking about nine hundred dollars. Do you think I'm worth that?"

"You're right. I'll make it an even thousand dollars."

"You sure know how to seduce a girl."

My company was busy getting ready to open a new office in Sunnyvale. The identity of who the manager would be was a closely guarded secret. The contractor was being held to a Christmas Eve opening date. In addition to helping arrange the files for the new location, I also had holiday shopping to do for my parents and my sister. Of course, I also had to prepare my apartment for Johanna's weekend visit. Everything had to be perfect for her: clean bedding, clean towels, clean dishes. I even shampooed the carpets.

Johanna arrived ten minutes early. "My, you look handsome in that suit," she said warmly. "You will be my eye candy tonight." I slipped her money into her hand, which he promptly put into her purse without even bothering to count it. We went to the sofa and sat down. Her dress was exactly as she had described it with a deep plunging neckline that revealed just the edges of her boobs.

I picked up a package from the coffee table and handed it to her. "Merry Christmas," I said.

"Bert, you didn't have to get me anything." She opened the box to find an inch and a half wide gold heart on a fine 24-inch gold chain. "It's beautiful!" she gasped. "Are those diamonds on the heart?"

"Definitely. You deserve only the best."

She looked into my eyes. Tears were beginning to form in hers. "You wonderful, wonderful man. I don't know how I could ever have been mad at you."

"As I recall, I made it very easy."

She smiled. "Yes, you did. Thank you very much. I'm beginning to feel like I can trust you again."

"I intend to earn your trust. Let's see how it looks on you." I took the pendant from the package and opened the clasp. She lifted her long auburn hair so I could reconnect the ends of the chain. I took her hand and led her to the bathroom so she could see how it looked on her in the mirror. The heart nestled in the valley between her breasts. "Just as I envisioned."

She put her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Is it time for us to be going?"

I showed my party invitation to the parking attendant who directed me to the area in the garage nearest the entrance to the ballroom. Although we were fifteen minutes early, the coat check room was already doing a brisk business. I put the claim rosa-blanca.ru in my pocket and escorted Johanna to the check-in table to get our name rosa-blanca.ru. The woman who handed us our rosa-blanca.ru smirked as she handed Johanna hers. "Yes, that's my real name, and, no, I'm not related to the civil war general."

Looking around the lobby, I spotted my boss and his wife. Other than the blue color, her dress looked much like Johanna's. I pointed them out to her. "Show time," I said softly. I held out my hand to David as I approached him. "Good evening, boss." We shook hands.

"I'm glad you could make it," he said. "And who is this vision of loveliness?"

"This is my date, Johanna. She and I broke up last summer, but I am extremely delighted to say that we have reconciled."

"I'm happy that you are back together. Bert was miserable about your breakup. By the way, I'm David, and this is my wife Margaret."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Margaret shook hands with Johanna. "Bert has always had a pretty girl with him for these parties, but you outshine them all. Where did you get that pendant?"

"Bert gave it to me for Christmas."

"It must have cost him a pretty penny."

"It was more than one," I said, "but she is worth it. So, David, has a decision been made about who is going to run Sunnyvale?"

"Yes," he said. "It will be announced during the awards. We have a lot of good candidates. At this point, I can only say that you are one of them."

"Being considered is a high complement," I said. "Thank you."

Johanna put her lips next to my ear. "Give me your car keys," she whispered, "and don't follow me." I was perplexed but complied. Aloud she said, "It looks like the bar is opening. I would love a glass of wine."

David held out his arm to Johanna. "Bert, may I borrow her long enough to ply her with intoxicating beverages with totally dishonorable intentions?"

"Shouldn't you get Margaret's permission?" I asked.

"I will agree on one condition," Margaret said. "I get Bert for the same reasons."

"You've got him," Johanna said.

Margaret took my arm, and we went to a table while David seated Johanna at another table twenty feet away. "What would you like?" I asked Margaret.

"You," she said looking me in the eyes.

"I meant to drink."

Her reply knocked the wind out of me. "Oh. Ah, sperm."

"I doubt that is available at the bar."

"In that case, I'll have a glass of white wine." I went to the bar to get her wine and a scotch on the rocks for myself. As I was returning I glanced at David and Johanna. Her hand was up on his inner thigh -- very high up. They got up, left their drinks on their table, and headed for the door. I gave Margaret her glass and sat down beside her. Her hand found my leg immediately. "Do you know how most guys get promoted to store manager in this company?"

"I've only been with company four years."

"A good work record is very important. However, the final deciding factor is making the boss's wife happy. If you can make me cum, I guarantee the job will be yours." Her fingertips caressed my cock through my trousers. "Your car should still be warm enough."

"I left my keys in my coat pocket," I lied.

"I have ours. I'll just start the engine and we can get into the back seat." It was then that it sunk in that Johanna was probably fucking David to help me get the promotion. I glanced around the room and saw at least ten other women wearing backless dresses. I couldn't remember seeing more than two at previous parties. Two of the ten were employees.

The moment she slid into the back seat with me, my hand went inside Margaret's dress to her breasts. Hers weren't quite as large as Johanna's, but still more than a mouthful. A quick pinch brought her nipple to full rigidity. Her hand rubbed against my cock working it up to a new-found stiffness. We both struggled with my belt and fly until she could place her hand on my naked dick. "You shave!" she gasped. "How wonderful!" She swallowed my prick. Holding my shaft in her hand, she took one of my nuts into her mouth, and then the other. "It's so nice to not get a mouthful of hair." She sucked my balls into her mouth again. "Eat me." She struggled to get into a comfortable position on the seat.

I raised the hem of her dress expecting to find panties or a thong to take off her. Instead I found a naked hairless pussy. No underwear? At least Johanna wore a g-string. The woman was a total slut. Did David know about her commando attire? He had to know. She had probably flashed him while they were enroute to the hotel. He had to have been horny as hell. That was probably why he was so eager to get into Johanna. Was she fucking him to help me get the promotion? My love for her grew even stronger.

I dove tongue-first into Margaret's already wet pussy. My tongue started at the bottom of her slit and went up past her dripping cunt to her clit. After circling her button with my tongue for a minute, I wrapped my lips around it and hummed. I began with a single tone with varying intensity before I segued into Silver Bells. She laughed briefly when she recognized the tune. Her panting resumed and her hips bucked against my jaw. Her thighs pressed against my head as her climax rumbled through her body. "Fuck me!" she hissed. "Put your beautiful hairless prick inside me right now." Knowing I would not get a second invitation, nor would I need one, I slid into her. Her hips thrust upward as I drove my erection into her. I felt the car rock as we slammed our pelvises together. She stared into my eyes as her second climax approached. I thrusted into her with greater determination. The pressure in my loins grew rapidly. Her pussy muscles gripped my cock as I exploded my seed into her.

We laid entwined for a couple minutes gasping for air. "Damn, you're good," she said between pants. "It has been months since I've had a simultaneous orgasm with anybody, not even David. You are definitely getting that promotion. Okay. There are a bunch of napkins in the pocket on the back of the passenger seat." I pulled out a handful of napkins and gave her most of them. We cleaned ourselves as best as we could and put our clothes back into their proper places. "I don't know if David has ever told you this. He and I are swingers. We go to sex parties a lot. I think we were both born incurably horny. He chases every skirt he sees, and I grope every cock I can. We are having a party at our house after the awards are given out. We would like you and Johanna to come. Considering how good you are with a quickie, I want to experience real sex with you."

"That's very flattering," I said. "I've been to swinger parties before, so I know how much fun they are. I'll talk to her about it. We will only come if she agrees. I'm not going to drag her into something she doesn't want."

"That's as it should be."

Margaret's and my drinks were still on the table where we left them. A minute later David and Johanna joined us with their drinks. "I think it's time to reclaim our dates," David said. The doors to the ballroom opened. "I guess we should go find our tables. See you guys later."

Johanna and I found our seats at a table large enough for four couples. I stared into her blue eyes until she put her fingertips on my cheek. Our lips met briefly. "Newlyweds," one of the women said.

With the magic of the moment broken, we assumed a more demure posture. "We're not married," Johanna said.

"When's the big day?" one of the men asked.

"We've just started dating," I said.

"There's going to be a wedding," another woman said. "I can see it coming."

"Would you excuse us for a minute?" I said as I stood up. Johanna rose and we went back out into the lobby.

"Is something wrong?" she asked. "It's obvious I fucked David in your car. I did it in hopes that it would help you get your promotion. I'm not going to charge you extra. Here's your keys."

I put the keys into my pocket. "Thank you. We won't know until after the awards if it worked or not. That's not what I wanted to talk to you about." I took a deep breath before continuing. "We've been invited to an orgy. David and Margaret are having one at their house later. Would you like to go? You can have as many men as you want. You could have two or three at once. You can watch or be watched. I've done it before. It's quite a heady experience."

"You are paying for my time. You can use it any way you want. One price buys everything."

"It appears you aren't hearing me correctly. I'm not asking an escort. I'm asking Johanna. Would Johanna like to go to that party? She doesn't have to."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "Bert, no man has ever before been so considerate of my feelings. I think you want me to fall in love with you."

"Would that be so terrible?"

"I don't know. I'm still scared of love. We could have another fight and break up again. That's what terrifies me."

"I promise to be on my best behavior for the next seventy years. I will never cheat you again."

She took my head in her hands and pressed her mouth to mine giving lots of tongue. "I don't deserve you. I'm just a whore."

"Nobody is just one thing. You have the right to be loved. You have the right to be happy."


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