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Learning New Skills Ch. 03

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A boy meets his fate.
2.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/17/2020
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Like in the last chapter, a condom is not used in this story...always protect yourself in real life! All characters are 18 or older.


Cameras! One. Two. Three on the walls. One on the ceiling, over the couch...the bed...the bed that I am still laying on, after Dad has taken my virgin ass with a strong fuck from his powerful body. And Peter - Peter has barely pulled his softening cock out of my throat, after filling my belly with his copious nut. I've pulled myself up onto my elbows.

"No, Douggy. It's okay." Peter is hugging my shoulders; and 'Dad' has backed away. Dad, my ass!

"How Could You?!" My voice is loud and strong. My eyes are full of tears, as they pierce those of the man who deceived me. The wetness is dripping onto my warm chest. I can't stop sobbing!

"Douglas. All will become clear. Peter and I can explain...we have a plan to..."

"A PLAN?! You took an innocent kid and have ruined my life! Who has seen all this? Why? I trusted you. I TRUSTED you!!" I tear away from Peters' arms and start to lunge off the bed toward Tad. He backs up into the desk and almost falls over. Peter has bolted his body on top of mine - his crotch on mine, his body leaning down, pressing me back into the bed. Peter has his strong hands on my shoulders, pinning me so I can't move; but I can still cry. I am lost. Totally and completely lost.

"Listen. Listen to me." Words in Peters' voice. I can't see a thing for the tears in my eyes. All my life I've felt alone. I never fit in. I'm not a complainer, or too loud, or anything negative that I can think of. But my self esteem has always been so low that others just shy away after a while. I thought...I thought I had found a mentor and friend in these two. I just wanted to be liked. To be a part of something. But now...

"YOU'RE BOTH MONSTERS!!" Tad is moving toward me. He is holding a rag. The rag is now on my nose, on my

Part 2 -

"Douggy. Douggy. Wake up, Douggy." It's Peter. How is he in my head? Maybe if I open my eyes, I can...

"Earth to Douggy! How many fingers do you see?" His hand is in the 'V' for victory.

"Two. I see two." I feel weak. Maybe that's why I can't get up. No. That's not why. My arms are tied down to the bed! Oh, God. They're going to kill me!

"HEELLLPPP!" Plop. Peter has his mitt covering my mouth. His face is close to mine. My eyes are bulging. Fear is everywhere.

"He had to. Tad had to calm you down. You're good. No one is hurting you. The cameras are off. If I let you talk, promise you'll listen and not go wild?" What else can I do? I have no choice. I showed these guys my belly, like a friendly and trusting dog, and they pulled me down into Hell. So I nod. His hand moves to my chest.

"Where is he?" I don't see Tad anywhere.

"He thought it best to just have me explain the...situation." Peter has his eyes locked onto mine. Damn. Even in this trapped state, my mind and body are still attracted to him! He's a man. He's a real man; and I am nothing. I just want to be...

"Please, Douggy. Stop crying. Please. Look - you can take your arms out of the ropes. They're just fake knots - we use them for some of the scenes." He's right. My hands slip out of the ropes real easy. Easy enough to move like lightning, and lunge for Peters' throat!

"EHIHNN" He is shaking his head left to right. His eyes are wide and flaring at me. This is my chance to get away!

"DOUGLAS! NO!!" Tad is prying my fingers off Peters' throat. There are red lines where I was choking him. I flop back down onto the bed, motionless. There are two of them now. I am done for.

"All I wanted was to get help with my drawing. Even when my body betrayed my interest in men, it still seemed innocent enough. I mean, you knew what to say, what to do, how to make me feel like I was learning things, new skills. What are you going to do with me?" I have no strength left. I just want this to be over.

"Let's get the couch back up. Peter, please help Douglas to the chair." They push the bed into the couch position again. "Okay. Peter and Douglas, the two of you on the couch, please." Tad sits in the chair facing us. "We have a lot to talk about, the three of us, but Peter first." I am sitting with my hands on my lap, looking straight ahead. Peter is sitting next to me, his body is twisted so his face can be close to mine. The two of us are still naked. Only Tad has his smock on.

"I came here like you did, Douggy, in need of mentoring for my art class. Like you, I also needed more than I was aware of. Tad isn't a bad guy, Doug, he just is very observant, and he has his own needs, too. You're a soft and gentle soul, Douggy, and I am a college jock, but we have more in common than you realize. Tad too. We all want the same thing." I lift my gaze up a bit to peer into Peters' eyes.


"We want to be accepted for what, for who we are. To be part of something better. To be...loved." My face is as blank as my will to fight. Where is this all going?

"Tad is great at art history, drawing, and teaching. He lives alone, with something missing. I have my sports, my confidence, and my positive outlook, yet I'm lonely, and need more. You know you feel lost in this life, without a rudder, don't you, Douggy?" He's right about that.

"So what?"

"So Tad and I have figured a way for us all to get what we want."

Part 3 -

"You found a good level of comfort with us, like Tad and I have found with you, right?" I nod.

"I was the one to suggest the cameras." It was Peter?

"None of us has any real money; and there are tons of online sites paying big for the kind of stuff Tad and I were just keeping to ourselves! We've split 4K in the last two weeks alone! And with you onboard, we can double that! We do a lot of real good editing - make the scenes part of a larger story about the art and architecture that we all love. I'll show you a few of the uploads we've made. None of your scenes are online...yet - not until you approve."

"Do this for money, for my whole lifetime?"

"Just until we get going. We'll concentrate on investments. Maybe get into housing rehab, owning commercial property, having guest houses near the parks..." Peter looks excited. Tad is nodding in approval.

"Our contacts are only with a few secure sites, Douglas. Their technology blocks subscribers from recording. They can only view our scenes once, then they get deleted automatically. We get paid - in advance - through 'Pay Perfect', right into our joint account. We'd love to add your name on that account, Douglas." Tad looks pensive. I have to think about this.

"Can I have some water, please?"

"Why don't the two of you take a shower - there's a cup near the sink for you, Douglas - and work this out between the two of you. I'll be okay with whatever you decide."

Peter gets up first. He is extending his hand to me, looking hopeful. I reach out. His arm is going around my shoulder. Our hips nudge at each other as we walk to the shower. Peter just leaned over and placed a kiss on the side of my head. It is meant to reassure me, and it does. It is also getting me aroused.

"You and I are like the perfect statues in the study, Douggy. We have our young bodies, with plenty of what Tad calls 'heat'. It's just the kind of thing that a lot of guys like to see, and will pay for." He turns on the overhead shower, and we step in. Tad has followed us into the bathroom, and is carrying a hand-held camera. Whatever. I don't care, anymore.

"Hold me in your arms, Douggy." I do as he says. Still submissive as always. "Put your head on my chest. That's it. Can you hear my heart beating?" All I can hear is the sound of the shower water as it gently wets us both, soaking our hair, faces, everything. I even forgot my drink. What the hell, water is water. I lift my head to the ceiling, open my mouth, and take in some of the warm droplets. It feels as good in my mouth as Peters' arms feel holding my body to his. He is kissing my out-stretched neck. God, that feels good.

"We look like two entwined marble statues, you and I." I need this. I need to feel held. To feel wanted. My head goes back to Peters' chest. I hear it now, and I feel it. His heart is beating strongly under the tight muscles of his chest, making a sound at my ear like that of a drum. My own heart is pumping faster now; and pumping blood down under into my slowly thickening penis. Sex. Money. Investments. All with Tad, and with Peter? As if on cue, Peter seems to respond.

"This part of our 'sculpture' needs some attention!" Peter is lifting my penis to the horizontal, and it is plumping to attention even faster now. "Watch how my mouth and throat take on the appearance of fine marble, Doug." Oh...oh, yeah...he's taking in my full length. His mouth is warm, and wet. Everything is wet...and warm, and... I look down and I can see what Peter is talking about. I can see the bulge of my cock as it fills his mouth and throat, just like an artist sculpts the bulge into a statue. The water is dripping lazily over the highest part of the bulge; and running around it at the creases like cum does in a guys lower belly - his 'cum gutters'. He pulls off my dick.

"Get the picture, Doug? Can you see how we can make ourselves into works of art, while having our fun, AND making money?!" Guess it makes sense. Right now I'll settle for having Peters' mouth back on my dick!

"Your turn." I lower myself to his crotch, dragging my wet hands slowly over the curves and hard muscles of his chest, his ribs, his abs, his belly. Peter is standing proud, and only my mouth needs to open to take him in. My hands can continue to caress his warm and wonderful body.

"I am the statue, Doug. You are the adoring patron of the arts. Put yourself into the scene. Pull the heat from my cold and lifeless marble. Yeah, that's it. Marble like me loves to be touched, to be caressed, to be made love to." My hands are busy feeling the marble...feeling the wet flesh of Peters' plump and hard ass cheeks. My mouth is busy gently suckling on his engorged rod. My mind is somewhere between logic and capitulation to euphoria.

"Better stand up, Douggy. You're too good at this! Let me guide you to a lesson I think you'll like even more." Even more? How is that possible?

"We keep a tube of lube here in the shower." Peter has turned his back to me, with his palms flat on the wall. His legs are spread to the side. His butt is arching toward me.

"Peter. I...I don't think I can..." My mind is flashing with thoughts of inadequacy, and submissiveness. He wants me to take his body! He wants me to 'top' him as he bottoms. He wants me to... He wants...

"You CAN, Doug. I have confidence in you." Wish I had the same confidence in myself!

"Okay, I'll try." I grab the bottle, squeeze a big wad onto my fingers, and place them onto his hole. We are outside of the main spray from the shower head, but some water is still gently cascading over us. My fingers are pushing the lube into Peters' hole. I don't know where the notion is coming from, but I suddenly want to plunge my finger in there as well.

"Oh, yeah, Douggy. That's it. Work it! Loosen me up good. I want you to slide in nice and easy for your first time." Well, my finger sure is sliding in okay. Now two. Now three. If my cock goes in this good...if I can stay hard...if...if... I glance down at my rod. It is erect and strong, and pulsing with life. To hell with feeling inadequate! I have a big, hot, wet ass to fuck!

"Whoa! Okay! We're good! Just a bit surprised at how quickly you found your...confidence." Yes I did! And my cock has found its home - deep inside of Peters' hot ass channel. I even feel the need for a closeup! With my arms wrapping around Peters' chest, and my body pressed close to his arched back, I am slowly moving my head to the side, facing the camera, and giving a nice, big, confident smile!

"Peter?" His head is hanging low, and he is breathing deep.

"Fuck me, Doug. Just shut up and fuck me! Talk to me when we're done." Now, you know, I like doing what I'm told!

"OH. Oh, Yeah. Like that."

"I'm real close, Peter. I really want to cum inside of you. Is that okay?" Maybe I went too far. I can't take it back, though. Why doesn't he answer me?

"Yes. Yes. Give that load to me!" He is breathing roughly. I am thrusting into his ass with all my might; and my balls are slapping into his taint with a thud, even banging right into his own nuts with every inward push. It all feels wonderful. I'm actually fucking Peters' body! My cock is filling him completely. His channel feels like a vise. We are being filmed so that men everywhere can pay us, and get off watching us...watching us...FUCK!!

"Douggy! YES!!" Peters' body is lurching, and I am holding him tight as we both ride out our ejaculations. His ropes are dripping down the shower wall; and mine are dripping down his channel, deep into his body, seeding him real good.

"Damn, Douggy! That was awesome, dude!" Me? Awesome? I guess.

"Let's shower off and talk about the details."

Final -

"Peter. I need to tell you what I felt. You the shower."

"Sure." Tad is listening as we towel off. He's still filming and recording.

"I felt, well, I felt like I was completing my destiny, as a man. Please don't laugh, Peter."

"I won't laugh, Doug. I know the feeling. Go on." He's giving me confidence. I need that.

"So, besides how great it was to feel my dick sliding inside of you, when I came, it was like our connection shot to a whole new level. I felt a wave of accomplishment rush through me, and a sense of 'mission' completed. Now I know you can't get pregnant, but somewhere in my mind, I felt that I was breeding you! It was wonderful, Peter!"

"Your smile says it all to me, it will to our viewers - and we'll all look forward to more hot scenes like this one. So I take it that you're 'in'?"

Tad is lowering the camera, and looking directly at me. Peter is studying my face for a clue. I have my fate before me. I have my answer.

"In you, Tad, I now have my 'Dad'. In you, Peter, I now have my 'Brother'. In myself, I now have a new and wonderful belief that I can, and will, find my way in this world, after all. Not alone. None of us alone. All of us - together!!

The End

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