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Legally Nude Ch. 19

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The nude lawyers gain and lose close friends.
7.9k words

Part 19 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/28/2014
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This story is the nineteenth in a series. It may or may not be the last depending upon response. While this story can, hopefully, be read enjoyably by itself, the earlier installments provide context and character background. My characters and their names are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any real person is unintended and coincidental.


The Tuesday after Tia and Stefan came over for dinner, Wendy matched Erin and me against Melina and Darcy. Wendy had let the word out about this match too and it drew a crowd. The crowd was not as big as the one for the Melina and Darcy versus Wendy and Carla match, but this match only had three beautiful naked ladies. It also had me.

I figured that Erin and I were in trouble going in. However, I played well above my usual mediocrity and Erin was, as she always is, outstanding. Melina and Darcy took the first game 23-21. In the second game, I hit a serve perfectly the way Melina had told me. This one had all my strength and it planted Melina on her bare ass.

Getting up and brushing her ass off, Melina called across the net, "I wish that I had not told you how to serve. When you get it right, you are too strong, like my father." We took the second game 21-19.

The third game was very close. All four of us had dropped the "friendly" part and were competing our bare asses off. Uncharacteristically, I was doing it well. We got to 25-25 Wendy invoked our rarely used tie-break procedure. One point winner-take-all. We flipped for serve and we won. I boomed a served which Melina set for Darcy. Erin blocked Darcy's attempted spike and the ball caromed way up. Melina managed to get it to Darcy.

Typically, they used Darcy and her strength to put the ball over. Assuming that they would do the same this time, I was moving towards the net to try to block Darcy. Before I could react, Darcy set the ball just on their side of the net. Melina jumped amazingly high, caught the ball almost at its highest point and spiked it, right into my balls.

My thigh had taken some of the force of the spike, but it still hurt. I was in the fetal position in the sand. Erin was bending over me when Melina, who had left the court, came back with ice in a plastic bag. Erin rolled me onto my back and Melina held the ice bag to my balls. That almost made it worth being hit.

Later, I was sitting with Tia, Stefan, Carla, and Erin, recuperating, when Tia said, "Melina turned 18 yesterday. Darcy turns 18 tomorrow. Kent or Patricia will be calling you to invite you to a joint birthday party they are hosting at their home Saturday at 1:00 p.m. It will be huge, Kent always invites some of his customers to his parties, and it will be clothed. That will end around 5:00 p.m. Melina asked us to invite you to a much smaller party right afterwards at our house. The birthday girl will be in her birthday suit, as will the rest of us."

Erin, Carla, and I gave each other a quick nod. Carla responded, "Thank you very much Tia. We'd love to come to your house."

The party at the Rupperts was, indeed, huge. Being held on a July Saturday afternoon, it was also hot. I know that Carla, Erin, and I would have been very glad to strip off. Wearing clothes was miserable on a day like that. I'm pretty sure that Stefan, Tia, and Melina shared that opinion, and I suspect that even Darcy would have preferred to be nude.

Erin, Carla, and I were the only nude volleyballers invited to the party. Patricia Ruppert made it clear when we arrived that we were present because Darcy insisted. She also begged us not to disclose our connection to her daughter.

"Kent has a lot of customers here. We can't have them thinking that we let Darcy run around naked in public. PLEASE, if anyone asks, just say that you're friends of the family."

A number of Darcy's high school teammates and friends were at the party, but they clearly had second-class status. We had been told that this was a joint party for Darcy and Melina. There was almost no mention of Melina. Obviously, the real purpose of the party was to foster Kent's customer relations.

Kent and Patricia made a big deal out of Darcy opening her gifts from her parents and a few of Kent's customers. Darcy's gifts from her family were all inexpensive and, frankly, cheesy. The gifts from Kent's customers were better, but not by much.

Erin had picked out one of those electronic devices which you wear while working out to monitor things like heart rate and calories burned. We gave it to Darcy very quietly when she had a moment away from being the center of attention.

Darcy thanked us, I think, sincerely. "I apologize for the party," she said. "I told my parents that I wanted you guys here because I thought that we would relax and have some fun. But Dad is just so worried about impressing his customers. I understand that he's stressed because his sales are way down this year. I'm just not sure that he's really making a positive impression today. Anyway, thank you guys for coming and thanks again for the monitor."

We all stood quietly for a moment. I wasn't at all sure what to say in response to Darcy's apology for her parents. Then Darcy smiled. "Don't think at all that you'll hurt my feelings if you leave a little early to go to the Beckers." Darcy winked, which I didn't get.

Darcy's teammates and friends started leaving around 3:00. About 3:30, Stefan came up to us. "It is earlier than we had planned," he said, "but, why don't you come on over to our house. We can sit by the pool while Tia's dinner finishes cooking."

We were very receptive to that idea. We made our way throw the thinning crowd to thank Patricia Ruppert for inviting us. We didn't have the opportunity to thank Kent. He was too busy playing waiter to a few customers who were sitting in a cluster on his patio apparently settled in for a serious drunk.

The Rupperts lived in a nice, but definitely middle income neighborhood that was on the fringe of their school district. We followed Stefan Becker's Audi a mile or two into a separate village that was one of the wealthiest in our part of the state. Just past the sign announcing the village boundary, Stefan turned onto what looked like a small road going into the woods. We drove up a small hill into a clearing that held a modest-size house with an attached three car garage and a parking apron.

Stefan put his car in a bay of the garage, stepped out, and gestured for me to park on the apron. As we got out of my car, Stefan said, "Tia and Melina have gone inside to undress. Erin and Carla, you may join them if you wish. I'd like to show Harry around just a little bit."

Erin and Carla walked inside. Stefan smiled at me and said, "Harry, welcome to the smallest lot and least expensive house in Shawnee Ridge. Tia and I weren't looking for a place in a somewhat snobby neighborhood, but this lot came on the market at a really low price because it was considered too small for buyers in this area. Still, it had enough space to be buildable and we realized that, if we did it right, the trees would give us great privacy."

Stefan led me down a walkway around the garage. "I designed the house myself and had an architect friend review and sign off on the drawings. It isn't an architectural masterpiece, but I think that we've very good use of the space available."

From the outside, the house did look a bit odd. It is difficult to explain how, but the lines were not the smooth lines customary in this neighborhood. In the back, Stefan showed me a surprisingly large pool, patio, and hot tub.

After I had looked around a bit, Stefan said "Let's get our clothes off and go inside."

We undressed on the patio and carried our clothes through a sliding glass door into what I took to be a living room. Inside, the house made a lot of sense. Things were located where they were handy and useable, but I noticed that there was not much empty space.

Erin, Carla, Melina, and Tia were standing by a counter that formed the boundary between the living room and the dining area. They were, of course, all nude and drinking glasses of wine.

Tia said happily, "I've made one of my Greek specialties for you with seafood that I had to drive a long way to find. It has about another hour to bake. All we have to drink is wine, I hope that is satisfactory."

I assured Tia that wine was perfect and that her dinner smelled delicious. She handed Stefan and me full glasses.

We stood around talking. At one point, Erin, Carla, and I were standing together. Melina came up and gave each of us a hug.

After Melina hugged us, she said, "I want to thank you all very much. Because you started your nude volleyball, I got to play and then my parents. Now, we don't wear clothes at home any more. It is so nice."

Tia had heard Melina and walked over. Smiling, she said, "Yes, because of you, our daughter has become the enthusiastic nudist. I thank you too."

A small chime sounded in the kitchen. Tia said, "I need to get the food out of the oven and serve it."

Melina started to follow her Mother. "How can I help Momma?"

"Puff," Tia replied. "This is your birthday celebration. Stay with your friends."

Tia's dish was some sort of casserole of seafood, pasta, and cheese. It was wonderful, and accompanied by a very fresh salad with Greek olives and a dressing which Tia said was a family recipe.

Tia was not stinting on the wine. While she was not drunk, inhibitions had loosened. At one point during the meal, Tia said to Erin, "I have long had a feeling that I have seen you before. Is your Mother's name Brenda and does she live near the university?"

"Yes, that sounds like a description of Mom," Erin said.

"That's where I've seen you!" Tia exclaimed. "Your mother and I work together on a charity. I've been to her house a couple of times. That is you in that wonderful painting in her living room!"

Then another realization dawned on Tia. "And, Harry that is you in the painting with Erin!"

Of course, Erin, Carla, and I knew exactly what painting Tia was referring to. (See Legally Nude Ch. 15). Brenda and Greg had hung it in their living room. At least when Erin or I was present, Brenda liked to shock people by explaining that it was a painting of her daughter and her daughter's boss.

Tia explained to Stefan and Melina, "Erin's mother has this wonderful painting up of Erin and Harry. It is so life-like that it is almost a photograph, yet you still see some of the artist's impression."

"Describe the painting Momma," Melina asked.

"Harry and Erin are kissing," Tia explained, "but turned so that they are largely facing the viewer. Brenda has painted them from head to toes. They are both naked and Erin has Harry's testicles in her hand."

"That is in their living room?" Melina asked.

"Yes," Tia responded.

Melina turned to Erin, "Your parents must be great."

"And what am I?" Tia asked. "We let you go naked and we go naked with you. True, I cannot paint, but," Tia turned to grin at me, "maybe I too could pose for a painting with Harry."

Tia looked at her husband, who was smiling. Stefan said, "That would be fine if I can pose for a similar painting with Carla and Erin."

Neither of my lovers would decline a chance to handle Stefan's massive dick. Pretty much in unison, Erin and Carla said, "We would do that!"

Melina did a mock pout. "And I would be left out? I should pose with Harry and Momma. We can both hold his testicles."

Dinner was finished. Tia took the plates away and poured us all more wine. Stefan stood and said, "It is now time to give the birthday girl her gifts."

Stefan stepped away and came back holding a small white box tied with a silver ribbon.

Tia said, laughing, "We were going to give her clothes, but now she is already wearing a more beautiful outfit than we could buy."

Melina opened the box to reveal a ladies Rolex watch. She passed it around the table. I noticed small diamonds marked each of the hours on the face.

Erin got up and came back with another small box holding our birthday gift to Melina. Erin and Carla had picked it out. It was an elegant yet simple white gold bracelet. Melina was suitably impressed. She got up, went around the table, and kissed each of Carla, Erin, and me.

We all helped Tia clean her dishes. While the Beckers did not have an extraordinarily small kitchen, it was cramped with six people in it. More than once my dick brushed one of the ladies' asses and several bare breasts rubbed against me.

When dinner was cleaned up, we went out on the patio. It was getting dark. Stefan turned on some low lighting installed around the patio edge. The lighting created a nice soft atmosphere which complemented the bare bodies of four extremely beautiful ladies.

After a short time, Tia and Stefan insisted that we use their built-in hot tub. The tub was tight for six people. I sat between Erin and Melina. Stefan was between Tia and Carla.

Tia kept getting out of the tub to get more wine. It was a pleasure to watch her walk nude around their patio. The second time Tia offered yet more wine, I declined on the thinking that I had to be able to drive home.

"Do you have something to do tomorrow?" Tia asked. I looked at Erin and Carla, who just shrugged. "You can stay here with us tonight," Tia said. "So have more wine!"

I looked at Erin, who said "Fine with me." I looked at Carla who gave me a look back that I knew meant 'Let's go with it because it could lead somewhere fun.'

"I'll be most happy to stay with you. Thank you," I told Tia. She poured more wine.

The fourth time Tia left the tub; I looked over at Stefan and Carla. I noticed very slight movement in both Stefan's shoulder next to Carla and Carla's shoulder next to Stefan. I assumed that they were exploring each other a bit under the water.

Tia came back to the tub, but sat down in her husband's lap. Carla jerked her arm back.

"There is no problem Carla," Tia laughed. "Please put your hand back. You may feel us both." Tia rose up slightly and Carla put her hand back in Stefan's lap. Tia sat back down.

Stefan asked, "Melina, you are the birthday girl. Have you any more birthday wishes?"

Sitting next to me, Melina said hesitantly, "Yes, Poppa, I have two."

"What is your first wish?" Stefan asked.

Apparently deciding to go for broke, Melina said in a much firmer voice, "I wish to sit upon Harry as Momma sits on you."

Stefan laughed. "But, that wish is not up to me to grant. You must ask Harry."

Melina giggled and turned to me. "Harry, may I sit in your lap? Remember that I'm not wearing any clothes and neither are you."

I glanced at Erin, who was smiling and nodding her head up and down. "Melina, I would be honored if you sat in my lap," I said, "and the honor is greater because it will be your skin touching mine."

Melina giggled again, stood, and turned her bare butt to me. Just before Melina sat down, Erin reached over and pulled my dick from between my thighs so that it was pointing up when Melina sat down. Melina sat down on me facing sideways. She put her left arm around my neck and kissed me lightly on the cheek. Beneath the water, she spread her thighs and wiggled a bit to move my dick between them. Satisfied with my positioning, Melina closed her firm thighs on my dick.

We sat, talked, and drank wine for some time with Tia in Stefan's lap and Melina in mine. Every so often, Melina would rub her thighs gently against my dick. As you'd imagine, I was getting hard.

Finally, Tia whispered in Stefan's ear. Stefan laughed and said, "My wife tells me that we need to leave the tub and go somewhere so that I may put my manhood more firmly between her legs. Carla, would you care to join us, my dear?

Carla looked at me. I knew that Carla would have great fun with both Stefan's mammoth dick and Tia's gorgeous body. I mouthed the words "go for it" at her.

Carla said, "That would be a pleasure if Tia has no objection."

Tia laughed. "Two ladies can do more for a man than one and they can do things for each other that a man cannot. Please come with us."

Tia got up and out of the tub. Stefan said, "Between my wife's ass and Carla's hand, I have become quite excited. Perhaps I should be embarrassed, but you have seen it before."

Melina giggled. "I have not seen you aroused before Poppa."

"Now you will," Stefan replied. He stood up. He had a hard-on like I'd only seen before on a horse.

"My God!" Melina exclaimed.

Stefan got out of the tub and then extended his hand to help Carla out. Watching Carla's ass as she got out of the tub was special.

Apparently, Melina thought so too. She whispered to me, "Carla is very beautiful."

I whispered back. "Yes, she is as are you."

Tia, Carla, and Stefan tried each other off. Stefan put a hand on each lady's bare ass and guided them towards the door to his house. At the door, he turned to us in the tub.

"Melina is a woman now," Stefan said. "Harry, we shall be very disappointed if you do not grant Melina her other birthday wish."

Tia added, "Erin, I hope that you will join Harry in teaching Melina about pleasures which she ought to learn."

I looked at Erin. Her eyes had that special sparkle.

We stayed in the tub long enough to let Tia, Carla, and Stefan reach a bedroom. Then Melina stood up and said, "You will come with me."

Melina got out of the tub, followed by Erin. Both ladies were looking at me as I got out waving the erection which Melina had given me. Melina stepped in front of me, bent down, and softly ran a finger up and down my shaft.

Straightening up, Melina was smiling and her eyes gleamed. "Harry, you are not as big as my father, but I like yours more."

Erin said, "You will like it even more when you feel it inside of you."

We dried each other off and went back into the house. Melina locked the sliding door and set an alarm. "We cannot set this off from inside the house," Melina said, "but, if someone outside tries to get in it will call the police and make a noise like the tornado siren."

Melina led us across the first floor and upstairs. Watching Melina's nude body climbing the stairs in front of me helped to maintain my erection. Erin was behind me and I could feel her hand on my bare ass.

At the top of the stairs, we passed a closed door behind which I assumed that Tia, Carla, and Stefan were enjoying each other. Melina led us down the hall and into another room. She turned on a light and said, "My room."

I expected something stereotypically girlish: A room full of stuffed toys done in pinks and pastels. What I saw was a large room with beige walls holding furniture finished in natural wood colors. There were two large windows in the outside wall through which a half moon shone. In the center was a large bed.

There was an alcove, almost another room, containing floor to ceiling book shelves. The shelves were almost completely full. Glancing at a few titles, I saw books on history and current events.

One shelf had a cover. Melina had picked up a small key from her desk and she unlocked this shelf. The cover slid on tracks up underneath the shelf above. The closed shelf contained books about nudism, naturism, and even exhibitionism. Some of the books were from AANR or TNG. A couple looked like academic texts. Melina closed and locked her secret shelf.

"Momma and Poppa think that I keep diaries in there," Melina said. "I have long known that Momma and Poppa go naked when they are in Europe or the Caribbean. They have some photo albums which I'm not supposed to know about that have pictures of then naked on vacation. Some are just them and some show them with another naked people. I found one of the albums when I was in sixth grade. The pictures fascinated me. They looked so natural and relaxed."

As Melina spoke, Erin was discreetly stroking my dick to keep me hard.

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