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Legally Nude Ch. 23

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Nude relations with the judiciary.
5k words

Part 23 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/28/2014
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This story is the twenty-third in a series. While the series has gone on too long, I'm gratified that some people seem to enjoy these stories. This story can, I hope, be read enjoyably by itself. However, the prior installments provide context and character background. All persons and groups mentioned in this story are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any real person or group is unintended and coincidental. Please do not rely on these stories for any legal advice.


Two things occurred not long Cassie, Erin, Carla, and I got back from our marketing foray to the northern part of our state. First, I got a phone call from Kay Swale, Melina's and Darcy's former high school volleyball coach at school.

"Harry," Coach Swale said after we'd exchanged pleasantries, "I know that you and your colleagues like to play nude volleyball. I've got an opportunity for you."

I was a bit surprised at that statement because it was the dead of winter. As I recall, I simply said "Yeah?"

"I know a couple that own a private gym. Primarily, they rent it out for middle-aged guys to have basketball leagues. Now that it is basketball season, the high schools all play on Friday nights and my friends can't get any basketball leagues booked in for Fridays. I suggested that, rather than have their facility empty on Fridays, they should make it available for nude volleyball. They said that would be fine with them if I can get them enough people. It's a private facility with no windows, so it should work just fine. I've looked at it and it's actually pretty nice. They've even got a bar that they are willing to open for us; I suspect because that's where their real margin is. So, I'm trying to organize some teams. We'll play every Friday for a couple of months or so, until the basketball players some back."

Coach Swale went on to explain that she was trying to get up at least four full teams, each mixed gender. Shoes and kneepads could be worn in the gym but nothing else. Each team would play one match per Friday or two if time permitted. Each match would consist of three games.

After giving me the full explanation, Coach Swale asked, "Are you interested? Can you get up a team?"

Erin, Carla, and I usually didn't have much going on Friday nights. I told Coach Swale that I'd talk to a few people and get back to her. Erin and Carla each took about two seconds to decide that they were in. Cassie, however, didn't play volleyball, and Fridays were her date night with Ervin. I called Wendy, who was in. However, beyond Wendy and the three of us, I had a real problem finding more players. We needed at least two more to have a team.

We were still looking for players when I received a call from Magistrate Judge Wurdeman a couple of days later. I could not recall any cases that I had before her, but it isn't that unusual for a Magistrate to help out with a motion or a settlement conference in a case not formally assigned to her.

After a bit of polite chit-chat, Judge Wurdeman got to her purpose in calling.

"Harry, this isn't a professional call, but I would greatly appreciate it if you would keep this conversation confidential."

"Of course, if you wish," I responded to Judge Wurdeman.

"Thank you. Peter and I have been talking. We both think that we need something new and exciting in our lives, a little risk-taking. As I mentioned to you at your pageant last summer, we saw your group playing sand volleyball last summer at the club. You all seemed to be having a wonderful time."

Judge Wurdeman paused. It seemed to me like she was trying to decide whether she really wanted to get to the point of her call. I had no idea where this was headed, and could not see how our nude volleyball was of any interest to a Federal Magistrate Judge.

I heard Judge Wurdeman take a deep breath. She continued, "As I said, you all seemed to be having a great time; and the idea of playing naked seemed, well, a little exciting and sexy."

Judge Wurdeman paused again. Then, rather hurriedly, she said, "Well, Peter and I were wondering if you knew of any place where we could play, uh, like you do: in the nude. In my position, I don't want to be too public about going nude, so we were hoping that you might know of an opportunity to play that is, well, more-or-less private."

You might think that very little would surprise me given my nude experiences. However, it took me a moment or two to get my mind around the fact that a Federal judge had just asked me if I knew where she and her husband could play volleyball in the nude.

"Well, your honor," I finally replied, "I may have an opportunity for you." I went on to explain about the nude volleyball league that Coach Swale was putting together. "We need two more players for our team. If you are interested, we'd be honored to have you and your husband play with us. Now, our team has three lawyers. We know that you're a judge, but I doubt that any of the other team's players will recognize you. We can keep your status quiet."

Judge Wurdeman thought for a minute or two. "Let me check with Peter, but that sounds like almost exactly what we are looking for. Thank you, Harry."

"My pleasure, your honor," I responded.

"Harry," Judge Wurdeman said, "if I'm going to take off all of my clothes in front of you, I think that you can call me Natalie."

Judge Wurdeman called me back about a half hour later. "I've talked to Peter and he is enthused. Thank you again. When and where do we start playing?"

I gave the Judge directions to the gym. "We start playing this Friday. You'll be fine if you get there a little before 7:00 p.m." Without thinking, I added "I look forward to seeing you there."

Judge Wurdeman laughed as she ended the call.

I got up from my desk and walked out to our reception area where Erin was sitting at her desk. "Would you buzz Carla and ask her to step out here?" I asked Erin. A moment later I had the great pleasure of watching my law partner and lover Carla Bennett come out of her office and walk down the hall towards me. I was reminded how much nicer work had become since we had all stopped wearing clothes in the office.

When Carla got into the reception area, I said, "I've found two more players for our volley ball team."

"Who?" Erin asked.

"Judge Natalie Wurdeman and her husband Peter," I answered.

"Bullshit," Carla said.

"No, I'm telling you the truth," I responded. "She called this morning saying that she and her husband had seen us playing outdoors last summer. It seemed to them that we were having so much fun playing nude that they want to try it. She just wants a less public setting. Anyway, I told her about the league Kay Swale is forming. She called her husband then called me back to say that they're joining our team."

"Holy shit," Carla said. Then she giggled.

"We need to be careful not to let it get out to the public that Judge Wurdeman is playing nude volleyball," I said. "When we're at the gym, they're going to be just 'Natalie' and 'Peter,' nothing more.

"You'd better explain that to Wendy," Erin added. "You know that she sometimes gets enthused about gossip."

"Good point," I said. "I need to tell her that we have a full team. I'll impress on her that we need to keep Judge Wurdeman's, er, Natalie's, involvement quiet."

Like a typical February evening, it was dark when we arrived at the gym about 6:45 that Friday night. Unlike a typical February evening in our part of the world, it wasn't snowing or sleeting. The parking lot was very well-lit. A small SUV pulled up and parked next to us as we were getting out of Carla's car. Judge Wurdeman got out of the passenger side of the SUV. Her husband got out of the driver's side. Judge Wurdeman knew Carla, but I re-introduced Erin. The Judge re-introduced us all to her husband Peter.

After the introductions, I asked Judge Wurdeman, "You're ready to play?"

The Judge gave a nervous giggle and help up a small gym bag. "Just shoes and a towel," she said.

"Great! Let's get inside and get naked," Carla said as she turned towards the door to the building.

I followed Carla and Erin, but stopped to hold the door for Judge Wurdeman and her husband. Peter had an arm around his wife. They paused just beyond the threshold and looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Judge Wurdeman took a deep breath and they stepped inside the gym.

Straight ahead of us was a door marked "locker room." Judge Wurdeman pointed at it. "Is that the women's or the men's?" she asked. Neither her husband nor I said anything. After a brief silence, the Judge said, "Duh! It doesn't matter, does it?"

I reached out and opened the locker room door for her. The Judge gave me a nervous smile as she stepped through the door, followed by her husband. I followed him.

Erin and Carla were inside the locker room and were both already naked. Erin waved me over to them. "We can share a locker, Harry," she grinned. I watched the Wurdemans head to a corner of the locker room. They were standing close together and looking a bit lost.

I had just gotten my clothes off when Kay Swale came into the locker room through a door opposite the one we had entered. Kay was nude and had a slight sheen of perspiration on her skin. I assumed that she had come from the courts.

"Erin, Carla, Harry," Kay said, "great to see you again. Will you introduce me to your other players?"

I led Kay over to where the Wurdemans were standing. They had taken their coats off but were otherwise still dressed. I made introductions, carefully avoiding any mention of what anyone did for a living.

After shaking hands, Kay asked the Wurdemans sympathetically, "First time?" Judge Wurdeman and Peter both nodded. Kay said, "It is a bit scary stripping off the first time. I promise you, though, once you've been out playing for a while, you'll forget that you're naked. If you do think about it, you'll just wonder why it took you this long. I'll see you outside."

Kay turned and walked away. I went back to Erin and Carla. The three of us followed Coach Swale out to the courts.

We were in a very brightly lit large room with exposed girders holding up a very high roof. Volleyball nets had been strung up across two basketball courts. Someone had laid out the boundaries of the courts with tape on the floors. Fortunately, the room was very warm. There were bleachers along one wall and I could see a small bar/refreshment stand at the far end of the room.

About 30 nude men and women were scattered around the courts. A few were stretching. Some were volleying balls back and forth over the nets. Everyone looked to be in pretty good shape. I guessed that I was probably the oldest person in the room.

I just happened to turn in time to see the Wurdemans come out of the locker room. Both Natalie and Peter were naked. They looked unsure of themselves. In a prior story, I described Natalie Wurdeman as "sneaky good-looking." That description applied to her clothed. Nude, Natalie was a very beautiful woman. Peter was also very fit and amply endowed. I waved them over to where Erin, Carla, and I were standing.

As the Wurdemans walked up to us, Natalie said, "This does feel different." I could tell that Natalie and Peter were both trying hard not to look below our faces. Erin picked up on that too.

"It's ok to look," Erin said to Natalie and Peter, "everyone does."

Natalie and Peter both visibly relaxed, some. They both looked the three of us up and down.

"I must say that you look very comfortable and natural with no clothes on," Peter commented.

"Actually, you all three look pretty good," Natalie said.

Carla replied, "You two both look fantastic. Come on, let's warm up."

Carla's idea of a warm-up was a short session of what my high school basketball coach had called "running lines." You started at a baseline of the basketball court and sprinted to the near foul line and back, then to mid-court and back, then to the far foul line and back, then to the far baseline and back. It had been so many years since I had done that drill that I had forgotten how much I dislike it. However, it did serve to make all of us break a slight sweat. The sweat looked very nice on the three nude women.

The matches were about to start as Wendy dashed out of the locker room, naked but for shoes and kneepads and running late as usual. "I thought that I could go home first, but traffic in my neighborhood was a bitch tonight. Sorry."

Wendy looked nice enough running towards us with her bare breasts bouncing that I, for one, was willing to forgive her.

For our first night opponent, we drew Kay's team, which consisted of Kay, another high school coach, and four of their former players. I figured that we were in trouble and that it would be a short match. Largely because Natalie and Peter were very good players, we did much better than expected. We played three long games before we finally lost the third and deciding game. Because the match went so long, there was not time for a second one.

Frankly, I was glad that the match ended when it did. I was wearing out. As I stood by the bleachers toweling off a little, Natalie Wurdeman came up to me.

"Good game," she said, charitably since I had played miserably. "You know, Kay Swale was right. I forgot about being naked mid-way through the first game. Now, I'm wondering why we didn't do this sooner. Thank you Harry."

Natalie gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. She stepped back smiling. "I certainly remember that we're both naked now."

I smile too. The nude hug from a federal magistrate was nice, very nice.

The shower room was just a large room off of the locker room with shower heads mounted in the wall. Carla, Erin, and I shared a showerhead and were washing each other when I noticed that Natalie and Peter were at the showerhead next to us. I turned towards them and asked, "So you're coming back next Friday, right?"

Natalie smiled. Peter laughed and said, "I don't think that I could keep her away if I wanted to, and I don't want to."

Just then, Carla, standing behind me, put a hand on my shoulder. "Turn around Harry. We need to wash your dick."

The week went quickly. I was looking forward to Friday night's volleyball and I think that Erin and Carla were too. I was glad that Judge Wurdeman and her husband had come and, it seemed, enjoyed themselves. I had not heard from the Judge all week, and hoped that they hadn't had second thoughts about nude volleyball.

I was more relieved than I should have been when we pulled into the gym parking lot the following Friday and saw the Wurdemans' SUV. Now, the only shadow over the evening was the forecast snow storm. However, Carla's weather app said that it wouldn't hit us until around 11:00 p.m.

Natalie and Peter Wurdeman were much more relaxed stripping naked the second time. We were playing one of the other teams, made up of Kay Swale's friends and a couple of colleagues from her school. I thought that we would have a better chance of victory.

We were cruising along nicely, having won the first game due to some amazing digs by Natalie and some wicked serves by Peter. About midway through the second game, the lights in the gym went off for a second and then came back on. Everyone stopped playing and became quiet.

In a loud voice, the husband of the couple who owned the gym said, "We hate to do this, but it is really coming down out there. We're going to have to ask you all to leave and close up early."

As a groan went up, Erin and I went through the locker room to the front door, not bothering to put anything on. The glass in the front door was steamed up so Erin struggled to push open the door. After I got past the sting of the cold air on my bare skin, I realized that Erin had difficulty with the door because of the snow that had built up outside it. It looked like almost a foot of snow had already fallen.

I felt a hand touch my back and heard Peter Wurdeman say, "Shit. I'm not sure that we can get home." The Wurdemans lived on a farm about fifteen miles away.

As we turned to go back into the locker room, Erin said to Peter, "It does look like a really bad night to be driving. If you like, you can stay the night with us. We're only about ten minutes away under normal conditions. We've got a spare room and a few bottles of wine."

Peter smiled. "Thank you. I appreciate that. Let me talk to Natalie. We may take you up on that."

Carla, Erin, and I were standing under a shower when Natalie Wurdeman came up. To Erin, Natalie said, "Peter says that you offered to let us stay with you tonight. If you don't mind, we'd like to do that. Some of the roads to our place are bad enough in good weather."

Carla answered the Judge. "Of course, you're more than welcome."

I could see that Natalie was a little perplexed. I thought that I should explain. "Carla, Erin, and I live together," I said.

Natalie Wurdeman said, "Oh!" Then a smile grew on her face. "If none of you mind, we'd still like to stay with you tonight. Hopefully, we can make it home tomorrow."

"We'll be honored to have the two of you," I replied.

What was normally a ten minute drive home from the gym took almost a half hour. There was no evidence that the roads had been treated and they were very slippery. On top of that, a continuous sheet of snow was falling. Even with the SUVs, there was no chance of driving up our driveway that night. Just walking up the hill where the driveway should be was a challenge.

We went into our house through the mud room. There everyone brushed off as much snow as possible. We left our coats and boots there and the three of us led the Wurdemans into the main floor of our house.

"This is a very nice house," Natalie Wurdeman said, looking around the foyer that ran from our front door to the living and dining rooms.

"Follow me upstairs and I'll show you the guest room," Erin said.

Natalie and Peter followed Erin up the stairs while Carla and I trailed behind. Erin led them to our larger guest bedroom. Carla and I slid by them and walked on to the master bedroom.

As Carla and I reached our bedroom door, I heard Erin explain to Natalie and Peter that, "We never wear any clothes at home. If that bothers you, we can stay dressed. On the other hand, you're welcome to go nude too if you prefer."

Natalie Wurdeman gave a surprisingly low and sexy laugh. "I'd expect nothing less from the nude lawyers. Please, just do what you would do if we were not here." Natalie and her husband stepped into the guest room and pushed the door partway closed.

Erin, Carla, and I went into our room and stripped off. As we padded naked and barefoot back towards the stairs, I stopped outside the guest room and said, loudly enough to be heard inside, "We're pouring wine downstairs in the kitchen. You're welcome to join us if you wish."

I had just finished pouring wine for us when Natalie and Peter came into the kitchen. I was pleased to see that they were both naked. While Erin and Carla finished putting together a plate of meats and cheeses, I ran through the wines on hand for Natalie and Peter.

After I poured pinot gris for Natalie and a cabernet for Peter, I said "Let's take our wine out by the pool." That drew a very skeptical look from Natalie until I explained that we had bought a series of panels that enclosed the pool, Jacuzzi, grill, and patio in the winter. It had been a bitch to install and would be a bitch to take down in the summer, but year-round use of our patio was worth it.

We sat by the pool, drank our wine, and talked. Outside, the snow continued to fall steadily. About the third time that glasses were re-filled, Erin put on some music to play softly in the background. The moisture from the heated pool created a slightly steamy atmosphere. With five nude people, it was also a sexy atmosphere.


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