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Legally Nude Ch. 24

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More intimate bench-bar relations.
3.8k words

Part 24 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/28/2014
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This story is the twenty-fourth in a series. This story can, I hope, be read enjoyably by itself. However, the prior installments provide context and character background. All persons, groups, events, and products mentioned in this story are entirely fictitious. Some places are real, but are used here fictitiously. Any similarity to any real person or group is unintended and coincidental. Please do not rely on these stories for any legal advice and, please, do not accept that these stories depict behavior that is actually common in the legal profession.


After the snowstorm, Natalie and Peter Wurdeman became regular guests at our house. Natalie and Peter also became enthusiastic regulars at our Friday night nude volleyball. The only bad thing about that was that they played on our team. That fact usually denied me the opportunity to watch Judge Wurdeman play. She was, and is, a very beautiful and athletic woman. Her nude body in motion is an inspiring and arousing sight.

The fact that Judge Wurdeman and her husband had wanted to join our NBA (Nude Bar Association) nude volleyball team had been a huge surprise. In early March, Judge Wurdeman had another surprise for us.

Judge Wurdeman was one of two Federal Magistrate Judges in our town. The other was also a woman and, against the odds, was also a very attractive woman. I had handled several cases before Judge Kristen Lowe. She was intelligent, hard-working, thoughtful, and very low key. She also had a quietly forceful personality. I had seen her bring more than one overwrought lawyer into line with a soft, "Counselor, please." Although Judge Lowe was a couple of years younger than me, she was, unfortunately, a widow. Her husband had succumbed to cancer about a year earlier.

The days were getting a bit longer, so it was not entirely dark when we arrived at the gym for volleyball that Friday evening. Erin, Carla, and I were just getting out of Erin's car when Judge Wurdeman's SUV pulled into the parking spot next to us. Natalie Wurdeman shut the SUV's door, walked over, and gave me a hug. Over her shoulder, I saw a figure very tentatively getting out of the passenger side of the SUV. It took me a moment to recognize Kristen Lowe.

Apparently, my face reflected my astonishment. Natalie laughed and said, "Peter is out of town, so I brought a substitute. I decided that Kristen needs to be exposed to some new people. You don't mind exposing yourself to Kristen, do you?"

"No, of course not," I said.

Judge Lowe came over. Her face had a look of profound embarrassment. "Good evening Mr. Stone, "she said. "I don't know what I'm doing here. As I think you know, Judge Wurdeman sometimes won't take 'no' for an answer."

"Now Kristen," Natalie chided, "you promised me that you are going to get naked and have a good time." Judge Lowe blushed.

Carla came up. "Kristen! How good to see you!" Turning to me, Carla said, "Harry, I don't think you know that Judge Lowe is very active in our Women in Law group at the Bar Association." Carla meant the regular Bar Association, not the NBA.

With a smile on her face, Judge Wurdeman interjected, "And she's now about to be inducted into the Nude Bar Association." It looked to me like Judge Lowe was having second thoughts about that idea. However, Natalie put her arm around her judicial colleague and said, "Come on. Let's get inside. I really need to get out of these clothes."

Carla, Erin, and I followed an enthusiastic Judge Wurdeman and a very hesitant Judge Lowe into the gym. Judge Lowe raised an eyebrow when I walked into the same locker room with the women, but she didn't say anything. Natalie, Erin, Carla, and I stripped off quickly.

Judge Lowe just stood there, fully dressed. "I don't think that I can do this," she said. Turning to me, Judge Lowe asked, "Mr. Stone, er, Harry, doesn't it bother you that I'm looking at your penis."

"No," I replied, "it is actually rather gratifying."

"And you are looking, Kristen," Judge Wurdeman added. "Come on, fair's fair. Get those tits and that pussy out so we can take a look."

Carla said, "Kristen, there is actually a body of research showing that, once people overcome the taboo of being nude around others, most people do actually enjoy being seen in the nude. Once you start playing, you'll forget that you don't have any clothes on. When you remember that you're naked, you are going to be amazed at how great it feels."

There were a few people on the other side of the locker room, but we were the only people close to Judge Lowe. To Erin and Carla, I said, "Why don't we step out and give Kristen a little privacy."

Wearing only our shoes, we went out onto the court and began volleying with some other players. I don't know what was said between Judge Wurdeman and Judge Lowe after we left the locker room; but, a few minutes later, a resigned-looking Kristen Lowe came out of the locker room door nude but for her shoes.

Judge Lowe's pale skin contrasted with the dark hair on her head and between her thighs. Kristen Lowe was not a large woman, but her body was very female. She had firm, well-proportioned breasts; nice curves at her hips; and elegant legs. Judge Lowe was an attractive woman clothed. She was a beautiful woman nude. Naturally, since Judge Lowe was new to our group, everyone was checking her out to a greater or lesser extent. Seeing Natalie Wurdeman walking nude just behind Kristen Lowe, I was struck by how unlikely it was to have two such beautiful women both serving as judges in the same town.

After everyone had warmed up some, Coach Swale announced that the first match would be NBA, us, against her team. Once we started playing, the nervous, tentative Kristen Lowe was transformed. Given her low key approach to being a judge, I would never have guessed that she is an intensely competitive person. She's also a damn good volleyball player.

I expected Kay Swale's team to beat us because it was composed of people, like Kay, who had played volleyball on scholarship in college. However, Natalie Wurdeman and Kristen Lowe were phenomenal. Judge Lowe was all over the court digging balls and making sets for Judge Wurdeman to blast back across the net, usually into someone's face. With some help from Erin and Carla, we beat Kay's team fairly handily.

It was a relatively warm evening outside and the gym's heat was still set for dead of winter, so it was quite warm in the gym. We were all sweating profusely at the end of the match. It was actually arousing to see sweat dripping off of Kristen Lowe's small nipples. Our sweat did not deter us from our victory hugs which, after a moment of hesitation, Judge Lowe joined in.

As we were walking off of the court, Kristen Lowe said, "Natalie was right: it is more fun playing naked. Carla was right too: once I started playing I forgot that I don't have any clothes on." We grabbed drinks from a tub that Kay provided and sat on the bleachers to watch the second match.

One of the teams in the second match was composed of girls whom Kay Swale had coached in high school. While all of the girls were a few years removed from high school now, they retained Kay's style of play. They dove for every ball.

Kristen, Natalie, Erin, Carla, Wendy, and I were all sitting together. After the first game of the second match, Kristen said, "I wasn't thinking about it while we were playing, but the people watching sure get to see every bit of you during a game."

Natalie Wurdeman responded, "Is that a problem?"

Kristen Lowe thought for a couple of seconds. A smile started to grow on her face. "No, it isn't. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea."

Erin chimed in, "The pleasure in being seen nude is something that never dissipates no matter how much you've done it."

Carla added, with a laugh, "Erin would know, too. She's been seen nude by thousands of people."

"As have all three of us," I added.

"Well, you guys are the nude lawyers," Natalie Wurdeman said.

"And we now have two nude judges," Carla replied.

"Well, I don't think I'm going to be doing much nude judging,' Kristen said quickly.

"Don't be too hasty about that," Natalie said. "Remember when the AC broke down in the courthouse last August? One of those days, I had a suppression hearing that I knew was going to go all day. After an hour, it was sweltering in my courtroom. I called a break, went back into chambers, and took off everything. I did the rest of the hearing wearing nothing under my robe. It was an improvement."

"You didn't do that,' Kristen said.

"Sure did," Natalie replied. "Peter thought it was pretty hot when I told him about it. He made me promise to do it again so that he can come to court and watch. He says it will be hot to be watching me presiding over the lawyers, marshals, and litigants knowing that I'm naked under my robe."

"But, Natalie, you're pretty full," Kristen said, holding her hands up in front of her breasts. "It had to be obvious that you didn't have anything but the robe covering your chest."

"Counsel were both pretty attentive when I came back into the courtroom," Natalie said with a laugh.

When the second match ended, every stayed around and socialized for a little while before people began reluctantly getting dressed and leaving. Once we got into the locker room, Natalie told Kristen, "I usually go with Erin, Carla, and Harry after volleyball. However, if you'd prefer, I can just take you home."

Kristen smiled. "Why am I guessing that no one wears any clothes when you do that?"

"Of course not," Natalie said with mock indignation. "Their house is much too comfortable to despoil it with clothing."

"OK, I'll go," Kristen said.

"They don't live too far away," Natalie said, grinning. "It really doesn't make sense to get dressed for that short drive when we're just going to undress again once we get there."

"What if something happens on the way?" Kristen asked.

"Well, then, I guess a few more people will see our bare asses," Natalie replied. "Grab your stuff!"

We actually did always get dressed for the drive home. However, Erin, Carla, and I were more than happy to make the short trip nude. We gathered up our clothes and went out the front of the locker room and out into the parking lot in the buff. Nothing happened to us or to the judges on the short drive to our house.

Once we got home, I went out to the pool/spa area. I turned on some outdoor heaters, on a low setting; turned on some soft lighting; and put on some mellow jazz. As I finished, Erin was leading Natalie and Kristen out from the kitchen. Carla followed. All four women were nude and each held a glass of wine in her hand. Erin considerately had also brought a glass for me.

Kristen said, "This is a wonderful home. Who lives here?"

That one sometimes took some explaining. I let Carla handle it.

"Erin, Harry, and I all live here," Carla explained. "We work together. We live together. And, yes, we have sex together." I was pleased that Kristen seemed to take that revelation in stride.

Judge Wurdeman decided to add her own revelation. "And, sometimes, Peter and I join them, for the sex part."

Kristen said, "Somehow, I sort of suspected that might be the case."

Natalie said, "You have to get one of Harry's massages. They are special."

Kristen shook her head. "No, I don't think . . . ."

Natalie interrupted her. "Damn girl! Trent's been gone for over a year. Has any man touched you in that time? I know the answer: no. Walking away from sex isn't going to bring Trent back. You're just punishing yourself for something which you had no control over. You need to just let go and have some pleasure again."

Judge Lowe didn't say anything in response to her colleague's outburst. She just sat, seemingly deep in thought, and slowly sipped her wine.

After a few moments of silence, Natalie Wurdeman said, "Well, Kristen, you don't have to do anything which you don't want to do. I want one of Harry's massages."

Carla went inside the house. She came back out carrying our new folding massage table (Natalie and I had broken our old one the first time I gave her a massage). Carla also had a carafe of massage oil that she set on a warming plate on our outside bar. "Let's give the oil a few minutes to warm," Carla said.

To Erin, Kristen asked, "Doesn't it get difficult for you being in a three-way relationship with two lawyers?"

"You might think so," Erin replied, "but, no, it doesn't. I've known Harry well for a very long time and have known Carla well for almost as long. They are loving, caring, considerate people. I think that I am very fortunate to be sharing every aspect of my life with them. Besides being fun in itself, the fact that we have sex together gives us all a greater degree of sensitivity to each other's needs and desires."

Carla interjected, "Erin is, in many ways, the glue that holds the three of us together. I can't imagine, and don't want to live, a life in which I'm not waking up next to her and Harry every morning."

I added, "I am the truly lucky one, having two extraordinary women in my life. I hope that they know this, but I'll say it: I love Erin and Carla both very deeply."

Natalie Wurdeman said, with a smile, "This love fest is touching, but I'm sure that oil is warm enough by now and I'm dying for my massage." She gulped the rest of her wine and stood up. I set my half-full glass on a table and followed Natalie to the massage table. As she climbed onto the table, Natalie turned her face to Kristen. "Pay attention girl," Natalie said, "Harry does some things that I don't get from the massage therapist at the day spa."

Natalie lay face down on the massage table. Her nude body was incredibly beautiful and sexy in the soft light. I put some oil on my hands and went to work on her elegant neck. As I worked on Natalie's neck and shoulders, I stood very close to her. Occasionally, the head of my dick rubbed against her hips or her side.

After I had massaged Natalie's back, feet, and calves, I started on her thighs. Natalie spread her legs a little to allow my hands to reach her inner thighs, which also exposed her to me. Like Erin and Carla, Judge Wurdeman had a very attractive pussy. After finishing with her thighs, I began massaging and kneading Natalie's butt cheeks. This was the precursor to something which I knew that Natalie liked. I had mastered a technique of holding her cheeks spread a little with my left hand while I teased her asshole with my right. I knew from watching her and her husband that Natalie enjoyed anal. She also enjoyed me playing with her asshole.

I glanced at Judge Lowe. Kristen was watching what I was doing to Natalie with rapt attention. She seemed to be breathing a bit more quickly. Most promising, I noticed that her small nipples were erect. We were getting to her, which was good.

Natalie twitched her ass, which was my signal to stop with her asshole and let her roll over. I took a position standing just beyond Natalie's head as I gently massaged her gorgeous face. My dick was above Natalie's face. After, maybe, a minute of facial massage, Natalie lifted her head up and softly kissed my balls. That was also a signal. Natalie wanted me to expedite the massage and get on to satisfying her.

I quickly moved to massaging Natalie's rather large, but very firm, breasts, with special attention to her erect nipples. A sigh from Natalie let me know that she was ready for me to move on. I began massaging the fronts of Natalie's thighs. When she was satisfied with my work there, she spread her legs. This was my signal that she wanted the rest of my effort focused on her cunt.

I fingered Natalie for a few moments until she started lubricating. I took her hands and helped her sit up. She slid on her butt to the end of the massage table, with her legs hanging over the edge. I knelt down at the foot of the table. As Natalie spread her legs again, I moved my head between her thighs.

I had gone down on Natalie Wurdeman enough times by then to have a pretty good idea of what she enjoyed. I started by tonguing her clit. I varied that with some extremely light pressure on her clit with my teeth. I knew that there was a very sensitive spot in the wall of her cunt that I could reach with my tongue if I pressed my face hard against her. As I perceived her pulse rate increasing, I went for that spot.

Reaching the spot inside Natalie's cunt had the desired effect. I licked it as forcefully as I could. Natalie began breathing very hard and then started moaning. With my nose crushed into her shaved vulva, I continued to work my tongue as hard and fast as I could. Natalie started bucking her hips so that I actually lost contact with her for a moment. I had to get off of my knees onto my feet and move to keep my tongue in place to stimulate her as she bucked.

The shudder in Natalie's entire body told me that she had come. However, I kept on energetically (despite an increasingly sore neck) trying to prolong her orgasm. I knew that I wasn't to stop until she put both hands on my head.

When Natalie finally signaled me to stop, I stood up and rolled my head to relieve my neck. Natalie was still sitting on the table, breathing hard. There was sweat on her brow and between her breasts. Her facial lips were moist. She was smiling and looked very beautiful. We looked into each other's eyes for several seconds.

After her breathing slowed, Natalie hopped off of the table and came to me. She hugged me tightly, with both hands on my bare ass, and gave me a kiss with a lot of her tongue involved. We held that enjoyable position for nearly a minute before Natalie stepped away.

Natalie stepped over to Kristen and took her hand. "Your turn," Natalie said. Kristen allowed herself to be led to the massage table and, hesitantly, laid face down on it. Natalie softly said, "I'll be right here."

I put more oil on my hands and started a fairly conventional deep massage. While Kristen Lowe was a smaller woman, I was impressed at the firmness of all of her muscles. When I reached the backs of Kristen's thighs, Natalie put her hands between Kristen's legs and pushed for Kristen to spread them apart. Kristen complied, giving me a view of another very attractive cunt.

After I had massaged and kneaded Kristen's butt cheeks, Natalie reached in again and spread Kristen's cheeks. I knew that Natalie wanted me to play with Kristen's asshole the way I played with Natalie's. When my finger first touched Kristen's asshole, she flinched, but she didn't say anything. I massaged it and around it for several seconds before Natalie made a gesture. I pushed my index finger partway into Kristen's asshole and twisted it gently. After several seconds of that, Natalie nodded at me. I pulled my finger out and washed it quickly with an alcohol wipe while Natalie helped Kristen roll over.

Massaging Kristen's face gave me a better appreciation of how beautiful she really was. I worked on her neck and abdomen before I moved to her beasts. I started on them gently and steadily increased pressure. Natalie whispered "Harry." I looked up and saw that Natalie had her tongue out making a licking motion.

I was standing to Kristen's right. I leaned down and kissed her right nipple. I then took it gently in my teeth before releasing it and starting to lick it. After several seconds of that, I leaned across Kristen's body to do the same to her left nipple. As I did, my dick bumped against Kristen's side. She raised her right hand and closed it around my dick in a gentle grip. She held onto me while I attended to her left nipple.

As I finished the massage with some finger fucking, Natalie helped Kristen sit up. "Slide down to the edge," Natalie said, "Harry's going to eat you." Kristen obeyed and, with no prompting, spread her legs wide. She looked fantastic sitting there with her nipples rock hard and her sex fully exposed. I again got on my knees at the end of the table and moved my head between Kristen's thighs.


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