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Leia's Royal Performance Ch. 02

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Leia Sinks Further Into The Depths Of The Undercity.
8.5k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2023
Created 04/14/2022
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The session in the Imperial Senate was nearing its end, much to the relief of Leia. An emergency meeting had been called after yet another series of attacks against Imperial outposts rocked the very heart of the Empire's bureaucratic regime. Though Mas Amedda did everything he could to not admit who was behind the attacks, most of the gathered representatives knew which group was responsible.

Leia fought back a yawn as she listened to the final few words from those acting as Emperor Palpatine's mouth pieces. Her role in the Apprentice Legislature Programme, along with her title as the crown princess of Alderaan meant her presence in the Senate was mandatory, a means of keeping up the look of solidarity between the planets loyal to the Empire. She detested every second of it.

It was everything she had come to despise during her stays on Coruscant. From the elaborate grandstanding, to the need to always keep her guard up, just in case someone was paying her an inordinate amount of attention. She was dressed in a flowing white gown, accentuated by a series of expertly placed Alderaanian jewels, trimmed with gold wire thread, her feet clad in a pair of simple, silver coloured pumps. Her intricate hair style was held in place by a gleaming platinum tiara. Leia was the vision of the virginal princess; untouched, untainted.

Though she projected that image to perfection, possessing a level politicking to rival her father's, she didn't feel it in the least bit. it had been just over a week since her visit to The Spacer's Den, yet her memories of the night were so vivid that she sometimes felt as if part of her never left. Her flowing ivory white gown didn't represent her in the same way it had prior to that night, not anymore. It felt cumbersome, restrictive. The way her body flowed on that infamous stage was unlike anything she had experienced before, beautifully displayed to the very beings the Empire expected her to despise, to the men who engaged in some of the worst forms of trade the galaxy had to offer.

In her logical mind, Leia knew her feelings were wrong. Whenever she felt the memories creeping up, she thought of her parents, how they would react to seeing their beloved daughter posing her naked body in different ways to a clamouring audience. It would destroy them. Yet, the heat she felt deep in her womanhood would never depart when she allowed the memories to play out. Returning was out of the question, a promise she made to herself after she returned to her Penthouse that very night. She did everything to convince herself that she had simply allowed herself to get swept up by the energy of the debauched hub, that her lack of experience in the Undercity had warped her sense of rational thought.

But she knew she was lying to herself. No-one forced her to sneak into the strip club, her family's vast fortunes meant she quite literally had an infinite number of resources at her disposal to spy on the admiral. She wanted to do it, to be at the very centre of attention, not because of her intelligence or wit, but because of her body. To feel hundreds of eyes on her as she enticed them, begging them to ravish her. Kev'as's words repeated in her mind on loop.

'You know you belong here, don't you? A body like this belongs to the Undercity!'

The Princess couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to those words as she fiddled with the credit chit the Hutt had given her. From the second she emerged onto the glowing catwalk, she felt a certain degree of rightness, it was the first and only time thus far that she desired to be the focus of an audience. They didn't want a monarch, they wanted a dancing girl that could even successfully manage turn on a Hutt -- they wanted a schutta. She yearned to give them exactly what they wanted. Even as the session came to a close, Leia could feel herself becoming aroused.

She stood up to leave, stretching out gracefully to rid herself of the uncomfortable sensation of having sat in her designated seat for just over three hours. In doing so, she caught sight of Admiral Maklin shaking hands with General Tagge, yet another Imp who hailed from an exceedingly well connected family. From the time she spent tailing Maklin, she knew that it was likely one of days he would slip away to visit The Spacer's Den. With this rebellion only growing bolder and Maklin still in the process of finalising an all out assault against one of their many hidden bases, Leia knew she needed to get a hold of the location of the attack. She needed to return to the club, but struggled to tell whether it was for the good of the rebellion, or her own desire simply needing an excuse.


Leia waited until the sun had disappeared beyond the horizon of the Senate district of Coruscant before she made her move. Ensuring that she wasn't being observed, doing everything she could to be lost amongst the mass of beings that bustled around the expansive streets, Leia purchased a ticket for a civilian transporter and quickly made her descent.

Her heart beat only quickened as she approached the building she had become all too familiar with over the past few weeks, it had consumed her dreams entirely. She wore something she considered a touch more appropriate, a cheap yellow dress that left little to the imagination, covered by a black faux synthleather jacket she had purchased over the holonet, along with a pair of black wedge heels. It ensured she would blend in far more than her jumpsuit had, but it didn't satiate the burning need within her. The clothing that would do that lied within the confines of The Den.

She walked over to the alley, with the hood of her dress drawn over her head. Before she could sneak into the alley, a battered land speeder pulled up beside her, fumes leaking from its poorly maintained repulsors. The window rolled down, revealing a particularly burly looking Gran sat in the driver's seat, all three of his eyes gazed at Leia with clear lust, particularly the curve of her rear, pronounced by the wedges.

"Human, how much for a quick suck job from those pretty lips of yours?" the Gran bleated.

Leia stood like a Manka cat caught in glowlights. The Gran had propositioned her, believing her to be just another one of the many prostitutes that plied their trade on the cold evening streets of the Urscu district. She realised that she should have been appalled, indignant at the suggestion that the Princess of Alderaan could be anything of the kind. Yet, his proposition only served to add to her unquenchable thirst.

Instead of rebuffing him outright, Leia decidedly to play her role entirely. She sauntered over to the car with a sway in her hips, a deep contrast to the royal poise she had been taught to adhere to since she was young. Exhaling an excited breath, she bent over to window and pouted, adopting an accent less refined than her own. "Sorry, baby. I'm off duty. Maybe another time?"

The Gran was clearly disappointed, but nodded in understanding. He pulled away from the curb towards an emerald skinned Twi'lek who stood just outside of Siabish's Sabacc House.

Driven on by an unimaginable giddiness in her step, Leia eventually reached the door where it all began. The Princess blushed a deep shade of red at the memory of her fellating Kev'as on her knees, well aware that at any time someone could have spotted her in action. As dangerous as it was, she knew that if Kev'as requested for her to do so again, she would drop to her knees in an instant.

Leia knocked on the door, shaking with excitement as she waited for the response. The door opened within seconds, revealing Kev'as, who looked down at Leia with complete arrogance.

"Ah, Regalia!" Kev'as ran his tongue across his lips as he drank in the sight of the woman that had quickly become his most in demand girl since he first took ownership of The Den. "Been a week since you were last here. I was starting to think you weren't coming back."

Leia gave him a dazzling smile. "I couldn't stay away. I'd like to perform again tonight, Bossban. If you'll have me?"

Kev'as grinned broadly, stepped aside eagerly. "If I had it my way you would never leave."

Just as Leia reached the entryway, Kev'as pulled her around to face him, running his fingers beneath her skirt. "Do you accept now, jeesha girl? You don't belong up there with the stuck up snobs, you crave the life of a working girl, don't you? It lured you back to The Den because you know you need to experience it."

Leia found herself unable to answer, worried what would come out of her mouth. That was until Kev'as pushed her panties aside and plunged a finger inside her wet tunnel. "Yesss...Bossban!" Leia moaned, with a certain conviction that she couldn't ignore.

Leia traversed the disorganised backroom halls of The Den with ease, no longer needing Kev'as to help guide her. The crates she had been sure contained vast quantities of spice and glitterstim that were present during her first visit to the club that had claimed her body and soul were gone, leaving Leia to wonder if they had been sold on. As much as the Princess knew she should have been repelled by the fact that the club acted as a go between for Coruscant's drug trade, she couldn't help the feeling thrilled by it. A dirty secret just between her and Kev'as.

One room she did pay special attention was illuminated by a series of lights positioned around a bed covered in red silk. Upon it sat a pair of scantily clad Rutian Twi'leks, twins as far as Leia could tell. She wondered if the club acted as a studio for the filming of holo-porn. The door slammed shut before she could inspect further.

She slipped inside the office and stood dutifully in front of the large desk, waiting as Kev'as swaggered over to his own side, very aware as his black eyes scraped over her body, recalling how it looked without a speck of clothing covering every delicious curve. The Twi'lek reached into his desk and withdrew a holo-pad. He joined Leia on the other side, sidling up to her until his body pressed against hers, placing the pad down in front of the curious Princess.

"Bossban? What is this?" Leia asked softly, scanning the information on display with her sparkling brown eyes, smiling as she felt Kev'as's nails sliding over the curve of her rear.

"A contract, Regalia. Your contract," Kev'as whispered hoarsely.

Leia's eyes widened. She had returned to the club expecting another night of contorting her body around the durasteel pole, hoping that she kept a little more control over her actions to make her way over to the booth the admiral and his cohorts frequented. But seeing the contract glowing softly before her, written out in a mix of Aurebesh and Huttese, it made the whole thing seem so official. Again, the voice of reason spoke up, warning Leia she was allowing the entire situation spiral out of her control, that she should have left the club entirely and found another method of obtaining the information from the safety of the Uppercity. But as she felt Kev'as slip beneath her skirt, running a finger along the base of her Ish'Kasi brand panties, purchased from an expensive boutique close to the Federal District that catered specifically to high society women, her mind quickly became clouded.

In her heart, Leia knew what she was doing was for a good cause, to ensure that certain factions of the rebellion would live to fight another day. However, Leia couldn't deny that her actions in the Undercity had become something far more potent. It provided a respite from her duties like nothing else, it was addictive -- seductive.

Kev'as slipped a single finger past the expensive piece of lingerie and eased it into Leia's dripping hole, the Twi'lek grinned as he felt Leia's canal compress around his intruding digit. "This is what you wanted, wasn't it? Don't tell me you came back here just for one night of fun, I've never had so many customers asking when one of my girls will perform again, you have yourself a growing fanbase. I intend to expand it further."

Leia felt her knees weaken as Kev'as began to stir his finger around her hole, forcing her to bend over the desk to support herself. She felt a second finger slide inside, her ability to see reason quickly began to fade as the Twi'lek expertly bent and twirled his digits. She felt him lean over her shoulder and extend his tongue out, expelling a strong smell of his Corellian cigars, and run it along her collar bone, dragging it up her ear lobe, flicking the tip of his tongue against her earring.

"Feel that, my upper class schutta? You're absolutely dripping wet," Kev'as whispered in her ear, plunging his fingers in and out in a smooth motion, "don't say this isn't what you want. You crave it right to your very core. Give in to the desire and sign. You'll be the star of The Den, I always keep my promises."

Leia would have laughed at the contrast had she not been in the throes of an intense orgasm. The daughter of the almost ethereal Queen Breha Organa, the future ruler of the untainted world of Alderaan, having her pure womanhood manipulated by the owner of an Undercity strip joint and a part time drug dealer.

With a feminine cry, Leia shuddered as her orgasm washed over her, her juices dripped down her thighs to the carpeted floor below. It was yet another piece of the virginal Princess being chipped away. She recovered, feeling Kev'as pull his fingers out of her, giving her a strange feeling of emptiness.

Kev'as made a show of sticking his slick digits in his mouth, licking them clean as he gave Leia a feral grin, baring his sharpened teeth to her. "Mmm, I have expensive taste, and you taste absolutely rich. Now, what's your decision?"

Leia didn't even hesitate as she traced her finger over the projected contract, watching in wonder as it flashed green and disappeared. Kev'as smiled and retrieved the holo-pad, placing it back into a safe located behind a piece of Mandalorian chest armour he had recently purchased, laced with blaster bolt scorch marks.

"See? You can't resist the urge," Kev'as sat in his seat and went to work on his built in computer. "Now I'll just put everything into place, you'll have quite a pleasant surprise waiting for yo when you arrive on stage. Off to the changing room, Regalia, your adoring fans are expecting you. I hope you're ready for 'meetings' in the premium booths? And remember, you're far too valuable to sell cheap, I only want you attracting clients from the VIP area."

Leia nodded meekly, not entirely catching his meaning as she tugged her panties back into place, still sensing the ghost of Kev'as's fingers deep in her canal as she departed. It didn't take long for her to reach the door leading to the changing room. She took a calming breath, trying to prevent the sheer excitement from overpowering her, and hot the switch, sending the door sliding away with a hiss. As soon as she caught sight of the room she was hit by a feeling of familiarity, a nostalgia for an environment she had only visited just the once.

Dozens of eyes connected with her, though she detected a certain level of jealousy from a number of the women. Shiaan in particular looked at the Alderaanain with a barely disguised contempt. As she spotted her dress area she was pounced upon by a familiar green blur and heard a squeal of delight as a a pair of arms pulled her into a warm hug.

"You came back," Ishira grinned, holding Leia by the arms. The Mirialan was dressed in a highly suggestive ensemble, a set of sheer white lingerie did little to hide her dark green nipples, along with a matching white headdress the Mirialan species were known for wearing as an extra protective layer.

"I couldn't resist," Leia replied with a smile of her own, following Ishira over to their allotted dressing area. She shrugged off her jacket and began to strip down to just her lingerie, no longer self conscious with the idea of being naked in such an environment.

"A week of not being here has done wonders for your profile," Ishira said, applying a glossy white lipstick to her plump lips, matching the cultural tattoos that ran down the centre of her face, "those who were there that night haven't stopped talking about you, you've reached an almost mythical status amongst those who haven't seen you in action. Need any help with ideas for outfits this time?"

Leia shook her head coyly, her eyes on the expansive wardrobe behind as she shrugged her bra off, revealing her breasts without hesitation. Unlike her first time in the club, Leia had vividly imagined the sorts of clothing she would wear should she ever make her return. Every time Too-Vee helped her into a beautiful flowing gown, she couldn't help but think of what lewd costumes she would have preferred to wear instead, it became almost like an obsession for her.

Leia walked over to the long rack and sifted through the various articles of clothing that were put on display. It took a fair amount of time searching before she came to a halt before something that perfectly matched what she had envisioned in her mind. It was a hot pink corded auropyle mini dress, though it was far from the sort of dress one could wear out in public. The hem just barely dipped below the curve of her rear, leaving her toned alabaster legs bare almost entirely. A set of sleeves ran across her arms, connecting in a loop over her middle fingers, the neck line plunged down to her stomach, only just managing to cover her nipples. In a way, it wasn't close to being as revealing as the sling bikini. But the material of the dress made up for it tenfold, allowing the outfit the shimmer and shine when she stood beneath the spotlight.

Once she tugged the dress on she went in search of a pair of heels to match. The rack was full of various footwear, ranging in different levels of extravagancy, from those that came with built in credit holes for customers to deposit their tips directly into, to heels that came with their own holo-projectors which displayed the dancing girl's rates for a private session.

As Leia moved along the rack she spotted something she considered utterly perfect. She picked up a pair of synthex pink thigh high boots, complete with a vertiginous platform. Eagerly, she bent down and pulled them on, struggling slightly as they hugged her legs with a degree of tightness, encasing her legs almost like a second skin. Despite their height, walking in them almost felt natural, adding a roll to her step that she just knew would draw complete attention to her rear. Satisfied, she drifted out of the wardrobe to meet Ishira, the expression on the face on the Mirialan told her everything she needed to know.

"Gods," Ishira gaped, running her eyes up and down the Alderaanian's body appreciatively, "it's like you're trying to give one of the customers out there a heart attack. If this doesn't make you the talk of the Undercity, I don't know what will. I also see you've found yourself a signature colour."

"All thanks to you," Leia replied meaningfully, "you look incredible too."

Ishira waved off her compliment with a blush. "Thank you, I can only try my best."

Leia approached the mirror of her dressing table shyly, finally coming face to face with her new appearance. Whereas the previous outfit she had worn had involved the direct involvement of the Mirialan, this one had been chosen by her alone. There could be no claims of reluctant decision making, no overarching altruism at play, the Princess of Alderaan had surrendered to her deepest fantasies and she had no intention of turning back.

"Ishira? The Bossban said something about meeting clients in the private rooms," Leia ventured as she let her hair out of its tight not, "what exactly did he mean by that?"

Ishira blushed a little more intensely as she stretched out, placing her leg on the table of her dresser as she warmed herself up for the night. "Well, isn't it obvious? Clients pay the Bossban a sizeable sum of credits to take one of the girls they desire the most into one of the backrooms. I'm sure you can imagine what happens there."

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