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Leia's Royal Performance Ch. 04

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Pleasure And Soul-Searching Await Leia On The Trip Off-World.
7.7k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2023
Created 04/14/2022
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The day of Leia's departure soon arrived, though to the Princess it felt like a lifetime since she had nervously sent off a confirmation of her agreement to Tegikk's representatives. As soon as she made the arrangements, Leia felt an overwhelming sense of panic, mixed with a sense of excitement unlike anything she could have imagined possible, creating a cocktail of powerful emotions.

Leia had deliberately arranged for her journey to Nar Shaddaa to take place the day after her mother's own return to Alderaan, providing herself with just enough time to pack up the items she wanted to take with her. Guilt filled her when she packed up the horde of provocative and revealing clothing she had accumulated over the months, all of which had been safely hidden away from TooVee's prying optical sensors. Both Leia and her mother had spent a good few days shopping around the Federal District, in search of a wardrobe befitting of a Princess taking time out to find some relief from the political battlefield.

Breha had spared no expense when it came to purchasing a near mountain of clothing for Leia, each outfit intended to cater for every possible situation. A good few hours had been spent on measurements alone, ensuring that every piece met the detail focused eye of the Queen. Most of the outfits were conservative in nature, the sort of garments that wouldn't raise too much unwanted attention from any galactic media outlets or paparazzi that might have decided to follow Leia's off-world travels. Leia happily went along with her mother's wishes, trying on every gown that had been recommended to her, well aware of the fact that not a single piece would be put to use.

Leia's guilt subsided temporarily once their shopping came to an end, leaving the pair with a day to spend together as mother and daughter, free from the pomp and circumstance that came with royal life. For the first time in a long while, Leia found herself genuinely enjoying the company of her mother, catching up with the parts of their lives that didn't focus on public duty or political philosophy. For a short while at least, her mother became somewhat of a confidante, someone she could truly speak her mind to without having to be cognizant of the political machinations of others, though she never dared to go as far as to event touch upon her secret life.

But the second that her mother left, Leia immediately set about ensuring that her journey could go ahead unhindered. As she had done before venturing to The Den, Leia put together a number of false documents, creating completely fabricated members of the security detail that would accompany her to her holiday destination, ensuring that no eyebrows would be raised by the royal guard. Having become more than adept with forging a false paper trail, Leia also set up a record of the ship supposedly taking her to the Inner Rim world of Hapes, a planet that exuded pure luxury. It made her feel despicable for violating her mother's trust in such a way, to use the independence that had been forwarded to her to satisfy her darkest desire. But Leia just couldn't resist, not when she was so close.

Reassuring TooVee that she would be safely escorted to the landing docks that hosted some of the most expansive pleasure yachts and luxury cruisers Coruscant had to offer, Leia departed, taking her own safety and wellbeing into her own hands for the first time in her life. She took multiple hover-taxis across the surface of Coruscant, switching at certain intervals to shake off any would-be tailers, making sure to tip the drivers with a few extra credits to buy their discretion. Once she felt comfortable enough, Leia took a small detour down to 'Corellia's Twilight', a cheap motel situated near one of the moderately busy heavy hauler lanes, booking one of the rooms under yet another false identity, always doing what she could to form a number of protective layers for herself.

Leia remained at the motel until the glowing sun made its descent, giving her a good few hours to get herself ready, applying the make-up and clothing that once again marked 'Regalia's' return. After night had finally fallen, Leia took a hover-taxi directly to CoCo Town, a section of Coruscant dedicated to widespread industrial estates, with its smoke stacks and fabrication factories hidden far out of the sight of the glittering skyscrapers. As per her own terms, Tegikk's representatives agreed to organise for one of the Hutt's transport vessels to rendezvous with her in CoCo Town, preventing anyone who might recognise her through her disguise from witnessing her boarding a ship registered to one of the reviled Hutts.

When the taxi came to a less than graceful landing close to the spaceport, Leia paid her fee and stepped out, feeling the cold breeze of Coruscant's surface wash over her scantily clad body, smelling the mixture of repulsor fumes and sulfur that polluted much of the district's air. Strolling across the permacrete sidewalk, dragging a modest repulsor-suitcase as she headed off towards the pre-arranged meeting point, Leia could feel herself morphing back into her alter-ego with ease when she became the sudden fixation of the workers making their way to CoCo's various dive bars and diners after a long day's work, strutting confidently as a barrage of lewd catcalls were directed towards her.

It wasn't lost on the Princess that her short walk to the spaceport marked her first public appearance as 'Regalia' in the Upper City, she wasn't forced to scramble to the first dingy changing room she could find to pull on a disguise before heading off to the club. The thought of being seen in such revealing clothes in such a public way would have once mortified her, it was something the once chaste future monarch would never have even dared to think about. But Leia knew from the moment she left her penthouse that she left her name and title behind. Until her trip came to an end, she would only be 'Regalia', free from any duty and responsibility. And from the looks she received as she walked towards the turbolifts leading to the upper platforms of the spaceport, Leia soon realised just how popular her alter-ego had become beyond the confines of the Lower Levels and the various adult entertainment districts.

The turbolift brought Leia to one of the highest platforms on the spaceport, depositing her at a level that provided a direct view of The Works in the far distance, visible only due to the glowing gaseous mist that loomed over the long since abandoned factories. Leia shivered when a freezing cold breeze rolled across her exposed skin, one of the few times where she wished she had worn one of her full length gowns.

Relief filled the Princess when she stepped out onto the platform, spotting an Ubrikkian light cruiser refuelling on the opposite end of the small platform, venting its excess hyperdrive coolant. Emblazoned along the circumference of the nacelle covering the engines, Leia could see the clan marking belonging to Tegikk, a habit of the Hutt's when it came to displaying their immense wealth. The ship itself was far from the subtle transport she expected, the gleaming white hull and aftermarket modifications guaranteed that it would be an eye-catching sight in motion. Leia knew without a doubt that it was Tegikk's way of flaunting his wealth, a method of coercing her into becoming yet another one of the girls who left Coruscant behind for a life on Nar Shaddaa.

Crossing the platform, Leia immediately recognised Lish'thors standing beside the landing ramp, the Chiss slave belonging to Tegikk. Compared to the slave garb Leia had seen her wearing when she was sprawled out against her master's rotund stomach, the revealing silver auropyle dress the Chiss girl donned appeared almost conservative, with a pair of silver heels that made her toned legs all the more eye catching. It surprised Leia to see the enslaved beauty so far from Tegikk's reach, with the Hutts having always shown a greed induced desire to keep their harem as close as possible. What surprised Leia even further was the fact that the Chiss awaited her arrival dutifully, instead of making any attempt at escaping into the depths of the ecumenopolis.

"Regalia, you're early. My master will be satisfied with your punctuality," Lish'thors bowed her head respectfully, clasping her hands together. "Are you ready to depart?"

"I am," Leia smiled nervously, knowing that once she set foot aboard the vessel she would be on her way to Hutt Space, her life would be in the hands of the Hutt that had clear designs on her.

Lish'thors led the way inside, tapping a button on the doorway that retracted the ramp, sealing the vessel up. They were greeted by a pair of diminutive serving droids, one of which extended its arm out to leia, presenting a silver tray containing a glass of Starblossom infused wine, a much desired beverage on Alderaan. A spark of worry raced through Leia when she noticed the drink, but she was quick to push her paranoia aside, reasoning that Kev'as had at some point revealed to Tegikk that she was yet another well-born who couldn't resist exploring her debauched fantasies.

The breathtaking Chiss gave her a quick tour of the ship, making a point of highlighting the opulence and extravagance that only a Hutt could afford without so much as blinking at the exorbitant price that came with such an expensive lifestyle. Leia could see the genuine adoration Lish'thors had for her master whenever his name happened to come up. A number of artefacts could be found throughout the ship, all celebrating Hutt culture, bordering on worship of the species' self-aggrandizing 'superiority'. One portrait in particular would have easily been described as highly distasteful, depicting the arrival of a Hutt slave vessel on Ryloth, celebrated by hordes of clamouring Twi'leks.

They moved from room to room, culminating with the arrival at the upper passenger deck, showing off her spacious bedroom for the trip. Once the tour came to an end, Lish'thors brought Leia to the main observation room, a beautifully decorated room with a wrap around transparisteel window that provided any guests with a near 360° view of the space around them, creating a mesmerising sight when the cruiser transitioned from the light polluted surface of Coruscant to its outer atmosphere, drifting past the Star Destroyers that patrolled the planet's exosphere.

Leia took a seat on a Reek leather bench seat, gently willing her wine as she gazed at the starfield, looking on in awe as the stars around her stretched and blended together, forming a swirling blue void when the vessel made its lightspeed jump. Lish'thors joined her, crossing her toned azure legs, brushing a lock of silky black hair away from her face, giving Leia her first glimpse at the collar hugging the Chiss's slender neck. Spotting the collar again filled Leia with an immense sense of guilt, the effort she went through to sneak away from her privileged life for a short while seemed almost indulgent compared to the life bondage that Lish'thors led. The collar she had worn during her shoot seemed entirely childish compared to the one adorning Lish'thors's delicate throat, a device that was a permanent fixture for the Chiss.

"Lish'thors, would you mind if I asked you a question?" Leia took another sip from her crystal flute, building the courage to ask what could easily be perceived as an impolite question, but one she just had to know. The slave girls of the Hutts were renowned for their beauty, but largely remained a mystery to those living within the Core sphere.

"You can ask me whatever you like, Regalia," Lish'thors's blood red eyes twinkled as she gave Leia a warm smile, interlacing her fingers across her knee, further exposing her smooth azure thigh, "I'm here at the behest of my master. My current purpose is to serve you're every need, both inquisitive and... physical, if you so desire it."

"I-I'm not so sure about the latter part," Leia found her eloquence faltering at the suggestion, feeling her cheeks burning from embarrassment.

Despite having more than indulged in a wide range of sexual fantasies over the months prior, she still hadn't gone as far as becoming intimate with another woman. She definitely had her close calls in recent years, recalling an intense kiss she once shared with the snowy-haired Winter in a secluded alcove during one of the extravagant balls her parents held at the Mountain Palace. It only happened on the one occasion, with the pair viewing it as little more than a small moment of friendly excitement to distract themselves from the monotony of an ostentatious social gathering. Leia knew it would have been wrong to use the enslaved woman to satisfy her sexual urges, but she couldn't deny that Lish'thors possessed an unmatched beauty, an observation that Tegikk clearly shared.

"As you wish," Lish'thors replied, keeping her tone deliberately suggestive as she settled back against the plush seat, exuding a level of effortless elegance her species were renowned for. "Then what was it you wanted to ask me?"

"To put it plainly, why didn't you escape when you were out on the platfrom? Leia blurted out in uncharacteristic fashion, fascinated by the unconcerned smile she received. "You could have easily merged with the crowds on the surface."

"Because that would have been a rather foolish thing for me to do," Lish'thors replied plainly, tapping the side of her collar, "our Hutt masters exchange large sums of credits to acquire us, and they aren't in the habit of letting us go so easily. Our collars are fitted with a variety of built-in escape prevention systems, from micro stunners, to long range trackers and listening devices. We act as ambassadors for my master and his family, carrying out his will across the galaxy, even in the territories where the practice of slavery is officially outlawed."

"I see," Leia replied with a sad smile, quickly understanding that even when she was on the other side of the galaxy, Lish'thors still remained well within the grasp of her master, "I couldn't imagine how terrible it must be, how claustrophobic everything must feel."

"You learn to adapt, the past must be left behind from the moment a slave receives her collar," Lish'thors explained, absent mindedly tracing a nail along the name engraved on her collar, the name that replaced her original one, "I was a Mid-Commander for the Expansionary Defense Fleet. A solar storm struck our ship as it entered lightspeed, knocking us completely off course and killing half the crew. When the ship finally came out of lightspeed, we found ourselves immediately pounced upon by a Trandoshan slaving party. We did what we could to fight them off, using what little we had left in terms of functional weapons systems. But they were eventually able to disable my ship, boarding it to seize those who survived and sold us on for a premium price. That's how I found myself under the ownership of my master."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Leia replied sincerely, "it must have been so terrifying to have your freedom stripped away from you."

"At first I resisted," Lish'thors admitted with a subtle nod. "It wasn't an easy transition, as you can imagine. But my master's conditioning and sheer deterioration soon dampened down the flames of defiance. His customs, his glorious language, I adopted them all during the first few years of my captivity, allowing me to better serve him. I became a point of pride for him, the first Chiss in known galactic history to ever fall under the ownership of a Hutt, and the first to ever become a lover to one."

"Oh," Leia reddened at the mention of copulation with a Hutt, setting her drink down with a shaking hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry into something so personal."

"There's no need to apologise," Lish'thors gave Leia a deeply soothing smile, one that caused her cheeks to redden further, "I accepted my place at my master's side many years ago.

"But don't you still dream of escaping?" Leia continued, still searching for some part of the Chiss that still hadn't surrendered. "To find a way of returning to the Ascendancy?"

"Not anymore, too much has changed about me in the time following my master's claim to ownership," Lish'thors answered, without a hint of regret in her voice as she spoke, "I'm no longer the same woman who wore her crisp white uniform with pride, standing tall on the bridge. My master unlocked my sexual nature in ways my species couldn't conceive, my loyalty lies with the Exuberant Tegikk the Hutt alone."

"But he even took your name from you," Leia tried to reason, but once again found herself stonewalled by a dazzling smirk from Lish'thors. "It wasn't enough for him to take your body, he stole your identity."

"As was his right. Upon the completion of the conditioning programme, I became Lish-Sul. I understand your doubt, but I'm no longer ashamed of it," Lish'thors deliberately slid her body a few inches across the bench seat, bringing herself closer to Leia, staring at the Princess with a seductive gaze. "When I'm away completing tasks on his behalf, I'm afforded the right to reclaim my individuality. But in his presence, I am his property, meaning that I identify myself to suit my subservience to him. I understand how difficult it must be to believe that, but he truly is one of the more considerate members of his species, especially compared to the likes of Jabba."

"It just sounds like such a foreign concept to me," Leia breathed, watching as the Chiss woman sidled up next to her, letting out a shaky breath when an azure hand landed on her pale thigh, running slow circles upon it, "to be so accepting of such an injustice. To have been stripped of your name and the life you've clearly worked so hard for and not show a bit of bitterness is just so difficult to fathom."

"Many women from privileged positions have fallen victim to the insatiable desires of the Hutts. Senators, military officers, even a few royals have found their way into captivity," Lish'thors grinned, sliding her hand high enough for it to disappear beneath Leia's skirt. With a small nudge against the damp thong, she slid a pair of digits into Leia's sex, smiling when Leia offered no resistance, "it's just a natural part of all sentients, to eventually cave into the needs they've tried so hard to ignore. After all, you've done the same, that holo-vid of yours has caused quite the splash. My master hasn't been this excited in a while."

"I just... hmmm... wanted to live out a fantasy," Leia gasped, resting her head back against the comfortable chair as Lish'thors rolled her fingers, spreading her legs wide as Lish'thors pressed herself against her.

"Kev'as has told my master a great many things about you. My master was truly fascinated to discover that you are in fact of noble birth, a mystery woman who seems unable to hold back the lust you've so clearly been deprived of," Lish'thors leaned over, pressing her black painted lips to Leia's, forcing her tongue into the Princess's mouth, "and now that you've taste the nectar of carnal need, you don't want to give it up. You can't"

"I... just wanted... an escape... " Leia countered weakly, still holding on to the hope that she could get the whole thing out of her system, forever leaving 'Regalia' behind once she returned to Coruscant.

Leia tried to resist the Chiss's temptation, even as she found herself meeting her crashing lips passionately. But no matter how hard the Princess attempted to keep a level head, Lish'thors moved her dexterous fingers precisely, striking every sensitive nerve, playing Leia's body like a well tuned instrument.

"I know you did," Lish'thors cooed, fingering Leia hard to produce a flowing river of feminine fluids from Leia's pussy, soaking the leather. She ran her soft lips across Leia's cheek, drawing them down across her neck and along the length of her clavicle, moving her fingers fast enough to produce a wet smacking sound, "but it's become more than that now, hmm? I can see it clearly on your face, the same expression I've seen countless times, doesn't it feel so good to just surrender yourself to it? No matter how important you are in your real life, your base desires always beckon you back, the most wonderful form of addiction. Wouldn't you agree?"

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