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Lesbian Schoolgirl Enema Bondage


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Years later, after her misconceptions had been corrected and there was a partner to operate the penis, sex was a mild disappointment. Nothing since, ever matched the intensity of those nights when she laid her soul bare for Jesus.

Dr. Hoseman turned opened the drawer beneath the control panel and he and Dr. Buttkiss pulled examination gloves from a box. Joellyn shivered when she saw Dr. Buttkiss's dark red fingernail polish through the latex. Hoseman motioned to the girls and they stepped closer to the benches. Rhonda went toward bench Dr. Hoseman had demonstrated, but Dr. Buttkiss caught her by the arm and guided the girl to the left bench. Hoseman frowned, but a sharp look from Buttkiss kept him from saying anything.

Rhonda put both hands on the upper pads and placed her knees into the padded sockets. Joellyn showed no hesitation, wiggling her ass to be sure her knees were in place. Each bench rose a few feet off the floor and rotated to horizontal, leaving the girls on their knees and elbows. The Doctors worked quickly, but thoroughly, fastening Velcro straps at the wrists and ankles, making certain the electrodes were in the proper position. A thin elastic belt went around the waist, with the sensor tucked into the navel. Rhonda rested her forehead on the pad, still lost in her prayer bench memory, but Dr. Buttkiss gathered her hair with one hand to pull her head back. A clear plastic mouth piece appeared before her eyes.

"Open you mouth," Buttkiss ordered. The mouth piece was connected to a corrugated plastic hose and had a clamp which held her nostrils closed. "Take a deep breath." The air has a slight medicinal taste, but flowed freely. Buttkiss pulled a strap around her head and secured the mouthpiece in place. Rhonda looked to her left, to see Joellyn's respirator installed, just as hers. Joellyn's eyes were closed and except for her lips flared over the mouth piece, looked serene and content. Buttkiss adjusted the pad under her head and left her comfortably staring at the blond to her left. The bench moved again, raising her ass higher and spreading her knees.

Dr. Hoseman picked up a tube of lubricant from the drawer and squirted a liberal amount on the first two fingers of his right hand. Dr. Buttkiss did the same.

"I should have known you would take the brownie, for yourself," he said. Buttkiss smiled at him as she smeared the lube over Rhonda's anus, painting it with a slow circular motion. She put the other hand on the girl's ass to stop it from trembling.

"There's nothing wrong with a pinkie," she replied. "I didn't know you had a preference, not that it would have mattered. When I saw this lovely young thing bent over in the toilet room, there was no way, I was letting you have first shot at her." Buttkiss probed lightly, and feeling the sphincter tighten, resumed the gentle massage.

"I like a pinkie, just fine," Hoseman replied as he pushed his finger against Joellyn's tiny hole. It relaxed and his finger sank in with no resistance. "The brownie I want is yours."

Buttkiss wrinkled her brow, but kept pressing her fingers lightly.

"How would you know, I'm a brownie?" she demanded. A single finger slipped inside Rhonda, eliciting a groan and a sharp spike on the meter monitoring her breathing.

"Simple," Hoseman answered with obvious satisfaction. "A woman's anus and her nipples are always the same pigment."

"How do you know that, and when have you seen my nipples?"

"It's an empirical observation, and I see your nipples every time you bend over in that top. If you have contrary data, I will be happy to include it in my research."

Buttkiss clenched her teeth. Hoseman had once again out talked her. The two naked girls, strapped to the benches, with their anuses on display, certainly did not contradict his statement and she was not eager to be included in his study.

Hoseman pulled the swing arm over and took the hose tip in hand. He pressed a button and the spear point began to swell until it filled out into a globe shape. Another press of the button and the spear point quickly deflated. Buttkiss was visibly impressed. Hoseman rotated two fingers inside Joellyn. "I may need a larger tip for this one," he said. "Looks can be deceiving."

Buttkiss was paying no attention to his musings. She slathered the hose tip intended for Rhonda with lube and took a deep breath to calm herself. The stiff tube opened the puckered hole, smoothing the wrinkles as it slipped inside. Rhonda moaned loudly and tried to rock back on her knees, flexing the muscles in her buttocks and thighs. Buttkiss was tempted to pull it out and reinsert it, hoping to see the same reaction, but restrained herself.

Hoseman had Joellyn's hose firmly in place, but she did not make a similar display, which disappointed him a bit. Her reaction to inflating the tip was more satisfying. Her heart rate soared and the air hose hissed as she inhaled deeply. She opened her eyes to see Rhonda's wide brown eyes staring back at her. Hoseman checked the waist belt on each girl for proper placement and announced, "We are ready to begin."

Back at the control panel, he inflated the outer bulbs, holding the hose tip firmly in place with no chance of leakage. The hose shifted and stiffened in the brackets as water began to flow. Joellyn braced herself for the shock of cool water, but Dr. Hoseman's amazing machine was adjusted to near perfect body temperature. The pressure in her belly slowly grew and she pulled at the wrist restraints, wanting to put fingers to her clitoris. Hoseman watched the meters connected to the waist belts, monitoring distension, slowing the flow slightly to prevent the onset of cramps. Joellyn relaxed and let her spine sag as she felt the tension of the belt around her stomach.

Rhonda was still adjusting to the shock of this unfamiliar sensation. Except for her fingers, the small enema bottle and her one experience with anal sex, this was the most that had ever been inserted into her ass. Her short prayer bench reverie had left her in such a state of excitement, every touch went straight to her clitoris. Dr. Buttkiss's slick fingers had been a delicious tease and she was ready for anything the woman wanted to do. All she could feel was an incredibly warm feeling, deep in her belly. It pressed upward, making her breath through the mouth piece in short puffs. Dr. Buttkiss looked at Rhonda's red and swollen labia with great pleasure and cupped her hand against the straining girl.

"This shouldn't take too long," she said. Hoseman was watching with slight envy. Joellyn was obviously comfortable and enjoying herself, but the color change in her vulva was not nearly as stark as Rhonda. A rich pink color was spreading from the blond girl's labia to up around her anus, but Rhonda was almost purple.

"Really?" Hoseman asked. "Are your fingers that good?" Buttkiss took this as a challenge.

"Do you think yours are better?"

Hoseman grinned, showing his teeth and chuckled.

"You know how good my fingers are. Care to make it interesting?" Buttkiss eyed him suspiciously.

"What would make it interesting for you?"

"If my girl cums first, I get to add your brownie to my research collection."

"And if Rhonda is first? Then what?"

"I don't know. Name it. I must have something you want."

"Okay, if I win, you give me a copy of all your research images."

"Hmm," Hoseman murmured, pretending to contemplate her offer. "One brownie, for a couple thousand brownies and pinkies seems like an unfair trade, but I'll take it."

"Done, then" said Buttkiss and held out her gloved hand. Hoseman tried to give her a firm handshake, but her lubed fingers slipped through his when he squeezed.

After both doctors pulled on a fresh pair of gloves, Hoseman pushed a few more buttons and the monitor flickered to life. Lines tracing heart beat, breathing and distention, raced across the screen. .

"Ready, set, go." Both doctors pressed a finger to the clitoris of the girl kneeling before them and began to gently rub, watching the monitors for signs of arousal. Rhonda's heart rate jumped at the first touch.

Joellyn's heart was beating fast before Hoseman began to rub. She had been lost in thoughts about the water filling her and swelling her belly, wondering why she had never thought to use warm water in the bag. It had been several weeks since she enjoyed her private treat. A dorm shower or toilet was no place for this kind of play. But, why not? She could see Rhonda's face starting to flush with excitement. Her dark nipples were protruded from her swaying breasts and slapping the headrest. She was enjoying the same feelings.

Maybe there were other girls, like her. Even if she found an enema friend, privacy was still the problem. Rhonda couldn't stand to poop in front of others. That was a problem. This special hose tip might help. Joellyn's routine was to hang the bag on the towel bar, sit on the toilet and stroke the narrow enema nozzle in and out of her asshole, until she had to touch herself, letting the water fill her as she rubbed her clitoris.

The feelings intensified when the bag was nearly empty and she strained to hold the nozzle in her asshole, trying to retain the water until her orgasm forced her to relax and expel with a great splash. Warm water was so much better, and the retention tip felt almost like a cock in her asshole. This thought was too much for Joellyn. Her mind was suddenly filled with and image of herself, in her boyfriend's shower, holding the towel rod with both hands, while he plunged his cock deep in her ass. A warm water enema and an assfuck, maybe both at the same time. Was it possible? Could she hold her water while he fucked her? Would he even do it? Joellyn was back where she started, despairing over finding someone with who to share this passion when Dr. Hoseman's latex covered finger touched her.

Rhonda was less focused than Joellyn. The sensations were new and wonderful, driving her to pull against the restraints, trying to intensify them. She could only arch her back slightly, which made her breasts slap against the pad her head rested upon. The cold vinyl could not touch her nipples and the pressure was too slight to be of much help. She wanted to lie flat on the bench, grinding her breasts and her mound against it, but the kneepads held her thighs in place, making it impossible to rock back or spread farther apart. The most she could do was flex her buttocks, which pulled against the hose, sending a shock straight to her clitoris.

With each inhaled breath, her asshole contracted around the nozzle. She tried to hold the air in her lungs to prolong the feeling as long as possible, but the growing pressure in her belly pushed against her lungs, making her dizzy.

A hand against her vulva forced her spine to curve inward, stretching her belly to the bursting point. Two fingers closed over her clitoris, bringing relief to her restrained frustration, but creating a new sweet torment. A woman's voice echoed in her mind, "Won't take long", ran through her mind over and over.

"Won't take long." seemed like forever. Rhonda focused on Joellyn. The blonde girl's lips trembled, as she bit down on the respirator and her blue eyes were half closed. All thoughts were washed from Rhonda's mind. All she could sense was Joellyn's eyes looking through her. Even the fingers stroking her clitoris were lost, as her bud swelled and pulsed with each beat of her heart.

Joellyn was also lost in the feeling, but the fingers on her clitoris were all she could feel. Dr. Hoseman began with two fingers, inserted slowly and rotated to pull downward, against her pubic bone, unaware he was imitating her own technique. Hoseman's hand quickly became hers, and even with eyes open, all her mind could see was her slender thighs spread wide, as she furiously rubbed her clitoris with one hand and held her stomach with the other. The heat in her belly grew, spreading through her thighs. The rhythm and pressure were perfect and her whimpers became a cry, which trumpeted through the mouth piece.

Joellyn's delicate song penetrated Rhonda's fog, pushing her closer to the edge. She strained and pulled at the straps, desperately pushing back against the warm hand between her thighs. Rhonda opened her mouth so wide, the mouth piece fell loose between her teeth, as all sound in the room went silent, unable to hear even her own scream.

Hoseman heard Buttkiss pull her gloves off with a snap. He pulled his off and tossed them in the waste bin on top of hers, clearly very pleased with his effort. Dr. Buttkiss paid no attention to him. She had one hand on the small or Rhonda's back on the other softly stroked the curve of her ass where it met the thigh.

"As soon as we get these girls out of here, you can pay up," he said, very smugly.

"Pay up? I don't think so. You lost. This girl's orgasm hit long before hers." Hoseman glared at her and typed angrily at the key board. The monitor shifted to two frames, one showing Joellyn's data and Rhonda's in the other. "The data will show you who was first."

A gently sloping line with small peaks and valleys appeared in each frame and began to shift upward as it scrolled from right to left. Joellyn's line was slightly higher and rose faster. Hoseman confidently increased the scroll speed. Buttkiss watched Rhonda's line intently. It was smoother than the other girl's, but it showed a steady increase. Hoseman jabbed his finger at a high peak on Joellyn's graph.

"See, that's how it's done," he said proudly.

"We're not betting on the halftime score," Buttkiss responded. "Just run the tape and you'll see." Hoseman grit his teeth and kept his eyes on the monitor.

"Dammit," he muttered. "I want that brownie." The screen was approaching the final frames when Rhonda line rose quickly to match Joellyn's. Both lines made a sudden steep peak and disappeared of the top of the screen. Hoseman cursed under his breath while he reset the frame parameters. Both doctors stared in disbelief. Both girls orgasmic peak started in the same millisecond and continued off the screen.

"A fucking tie!" Hoseman moaned. "It's the fingers. Fingers are just not enough. A woman needs cock. That would have made the difference."

"Yeah?" Buttkiss countered. "My tongue would have made my girl break the straps long before yours even knew you were in her."

"Don't give me any of your Lesbian bullshit. A tongue is just a wet finger."

"Okay, you son of bitch. Round two, cock versus tongue. Double or nothing!" Hoseman eyebrows nearly touched on his wrinkled forehead.

"You don't have two assholes to wager. What's double or nothing?"

"Name yours and I'll name mine." Hoseman stopped to consider this offer. An opportunity like this doesn't come often.

"Right," he responded. "You, strapped to this bench, inflated like a beach ball, while I fuck you ragged, and you don't get up until you beg for release or three honest orgasms." Buttkiss shuddered at the thought and took a sideways glance at Rhonda. The purple color in her anus was fading back to its original cocoa brown, but her labia were still swollen, barely revealing the deep pink interior. For a moment, she saw herself in Rhonda's place. It wasn't the worst thing she ever imagined and not close to the worst she ever endured.

"Yeah, my double is you tied to this bench, while I fuck you with my strap-on, until you give me three honest orgasms."

"Three? How the fuck can I do that."

"You don't do anything but bend over. I do the rest." Hoseman did not need as long as Buttkiss to consider the offer. If she thought cock milking strap-on sex scared him, it would just have to be her surprise of the day. It didn't matter, as he had no intention of losing the second round. He held out his hand to her. "Done!" he exclaimed as she grasped it and squeezed, slightly tighter than he thought her capable.

Hoseman returned the monitor to real time data and check all the readings. He gave the girls another jet of warm water and smiled when he saw their pulses quicken. Dr. Buttkiss was also smiling as she rotated Rhonda's bench, raising the girl's ass and dropping her head slightly. Her black pubic hair was soaked with cream. Dr. Buttkiss could not resist combing the matted pubes with her bare fingers. Rhonda moaned loudly, attracting the attention of Joellyn and Dr. Hoseman. The dark haired girl's eyes were closed and her lips were curled tight around the mouthpiece.

"Wait," Hoseman barked. "No priming the pump. We both start together." Buttkiss turned to respond, but could only stare in amazement as Hoseman put on fresh gloves and pulled the waistband of his scrubs down, exposing the most magnificent erect cock she had ever seen. It wasn't the biggest cock she had ever seen, but all she could do was stare as the word "nice" escaped from her mouth, taking one entire exhaled breath. She took a deep breath, hoping fresh oxygen would clear her head.

Hoseman wrapped his hand around his cock and stretched what foreskin had been left by the obstetrician, over the head, bringing the veins to the surface, bulging as they encircled the shaft. Dr. Buttkiss wanted to just look away, but something about Dr. Hoseman's penis held her eyes in place. It looked familiar, perfectly straight and symmetrical, even though she was certain Hoseman had never exposed himself to her. Where she might have seen it before, she wondered.

Before the thought was complete, she knew. In her bedroom, in the drawer was the twin brother of Hoseman's cock. Her favorite strap-on dildo, except for the color, was identical in size and shape. Was Dr. Hoseman a cock model for sex toy companies? What beautiful irony. Hoseman's arrogance would lead him to be fucked by his own cock. Buttkiss tried to conjure the image of Hoseman bent over an exam table, his fingernails digging into the vinyl as she slammed her Hoseman replica into him, but instead she saw her own ruby red nails clawing the upholstery as Hoseman pounded her asshole with the real thing.

Dr. Buttkiss put a hand on Rhonda's ass to steady herself. It's just a cock and you don't do cock, she told herself. Hoseman's voice replayed in her head, "Yes, you will. You'll do cock. You'll do my cock. Right here on this table.. Buttkiss tried to summon some anger at his arrogance, but all she felt was something warm, deep in her belly.

Rhonda moaned and squirmed, distracting her for a moment. She took a moment catch her breath, but Hoseman was fumbling with something he pulled from the drawer and she looked back to see him rubbing lubricating gel on the head of his penis. A pearl of clear fluid formed at the slit. Her tongue pushed against her teeth, but she would not let Hoseman see her lick her lips while he lubed his cock. Rhonda squealed and Buttkiss realized her fingernails were digging into the girl's ass. She gently rubbed the small crescent marks, trying to get the image of Hoseman's cock out of her mind.

She had almost succeeded, he muttered a curse and she had to look again. He was pulling at the corner of a condom wrapper, but his gloved fingers were slick with gel. Hoseman looked at her for a second as if she might help, but that idea quickly faded. He clamped the wrapper between his teeth and tore it off in one quick motion.

"Don't worry," he told her as he rolled the condom down his shaft, "You get it bareback."

"Oh yeah," Buttkiss countered. "When I am through with you, you'll be spending nights at the bus station, begging for barebacks."

Hoseman flashed a knowing grin. "Time to put your mouth where your money is."

Dr. Buttkiss stepped on the foot pedal and Rhonda's bench rose higher and rotated forward until her pussy was nearly eye level. She gave silent thanks for Hoseman's clever invention. This would be much easier than kneeling on the floor. The rich aroma of cream filled her lungs. The outer bulb hid the details of Rhonda's clenched anus, but her perfect labia split open to reveal the folds of the pink interior.

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