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Lessons Learned Ch. 06: Study Skills


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I tugged his hair, and he lifted his mouth from mine. He was opening it to speak when my orgasm hit me.

"Oh, fuck, Zach," I cried out, closing my eyes as my pussy clenched on his fingers as I peaked. "Ahhhh!" I pulled my arm off his neck and reached for his hand, stilling it, unable to take any more for the moment.

His mouth found my earlobe, and he sucked it gently into his mouth. I panted, my orgasmic rush settling into several small aftershocks.

"Did it-was it okay?" he asked hesitantly.

"Oh, Zach," I said, half-laughing. "You know you got me off, why even ask that?"

"Is it okay, what I did? I wasn't trying to fuck you, Brinna, I promise. I just knew I was going to cum and-," he broke off. "I'm sorry," he murmured.

"I might cut you off if you don't stop apologizing for cumming. Especially for cumming on me. Jesus, Zach, you sent me over the edge with that. Again." I didn't mention I would have let him fuck me if he had tried. He was right not to try, though. It wouldn't have been a good first time for us with his orgasm already approaching. I lifted his hand from between my legs and interlaced my fingers with his, our palms pressed together. "It was good, Zach. Better than good. You turned me on, you got off, and you got me off. What's wrong with how it went? Please don't be sorry anymore." I kissed him softly, lingering on his lips. He responded, our kisses quickly turning heated.

"No more apologies for cumming," he said finally. He smiled, looking pleased. "I made you cum this time." He kissed my neck, nipping lightly. "I re-read the oral sex chapter in the book you gave me last night. Good tips." I laughed, my arm still around his neck, his cock still semi-hard across my lower belly, his sticky cum gluing our bodies together at the waist as he pressed lightly against me.

"Clean me up," I directed, after giving and receiving a few more kisses.

We spooned together on the mats, something that was becoming a habit. I prompted Zach to talk more about his upcoming visit with his friend Matthew, who would be arriving tomorrow.

"Why don't you try to talk to girls while your friend is there to play wingman?" I asked, nudging him lightly with my elbow.

"Brin-naaaa," he said, exasperated, attempting to dodge the question.

"It might help you feel more secure."

"Yeah, nothing like going down in flames in front of your best guy friend."

"Zach, you're smart, funny, cute, sweet, and you know how to make a woman cum using just your mouth and your hands. You just happen to be extremely shy. Overcome that, and you'll slay."

He blew air out through his lips, tightening his arm around my waist.

"Yeah, okay, whatever. I'll think about it. But usually we just hang out, talk geek stuff and play games. It's kind of our thing." He nuzzled the back of my neck. "Brinna?" He hesitated. "Can I talk to Matthew about you? I won't tell him everything. And he doesn't go here. He won't tell anyone, if I ask him not to."

"If you want," I said finally, thinking it couldn't hurt anything. "For a price."

"What?" Zach asked curiously.

"I want you to write out a sexual fantasy for me. I'll give you all next week, since your friend will be here this weekend and you'll be busy. Write it for me, and I'll do one for you later."

"All right," he agreed, then let his lips trail over my shoulder. "I don't promise it'll be any good."

"It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be your fantasy. It doesn't even have to mean you really want to try it, just that you've thought about it, or thought it might be hot. I won't even make you tell me if it's a true desire you have, or just something you thought up for me."

We talked a while longer, parting with our usual promise to see each other next week.

While I continued my scanning efforts, I put some thought into how to help Zach break out of his shell with other people, especially those of the female variety. I gave it a lot of thought before I came up with an idea I didn't think he could refuse.

I wrapped up my work, and went to see which of my campus friends were around.

* * * * * * * * *

After class Tuesday, I slipped a sealed envelope to Zach.

"I'll be in the office for about an hour, but that's not where you're going to come find me. If you show up before an hour is out, without the items you'll need, I'll know you didn't do what I'm asking."

"What?" Zach asked, confused.

"Read the note," I answered, winking.

I'd given Zach a sort of scavenger hunt. The note he was holding directed him to go to a specific station in the campus food court and talk to one of the girls working there. She was a friend from one of my classes last semester. After he had made the required amount of small talk, she would give him the next envelope. He had a list of questions to ask her, plus he was to come up with two of his own, and write the answers to all of them on the note I'd given him in class.

After that, he had to go to the Student Union and get a copy of the activities calendar from a girl in the office, who would also require some small amount of chatting up. When he completed that task, she would give him his next envelope. Again he would have to take notes on her answers.

That particular envelope he would be instructed to open while he was alone. It contained a Polaroid, the picture being one of a more personal nature that I didn't care to have printed at the one-hour photo shop.

After that, he would be off to the library to visit Jen. Another list of questions, another envelope to obtain and open, this one slightly larger than the others. It would be the final one, containing one final instruction, my panties, and a clue to where I would be waiting for him in the library.

After I had decided enough time had passed that Zach should be getting closer to looking for me, I headed up to a deserted corner of the third floor in the library. There was a small set of three little soundproof study rooms, with a long, cushioned bench outside of them. You could sit, or even lie, comfortably, with a view of the campus out one window. For some reason, very few, if any, students ever came up here to use the space. There was a small plaque over the bench, dedicating the area to the memory of some former professor who had taught here for decades.

Anticipating Zach's arrival, I wondered what prize he would claim for completing his tasks. I knew he would have felt reluctant to complete the challenges, but he would have gone along with me anyway. I just wasn't sure if he could bring himself to talk to all the girls. If he didn't complete them, he wouldn't know where to find me. I decided to give him another thirty minutes before I returned to the office in the basement.

Lost in memories of our last time together, I closed my eyes and sighed quietly. Thinking of Zach and his burgeoning sexual talents, I found myself becoming aroused and hoped he would find me soon. It was tempting to go into one of the little study cubbies and do something about my pulsing pussy. It was more enticing to wait for Zach.

"Was this some kind of punishment for not asking a girl out for the weekend?" Zach groused with a half-smile when he found me twenty minutes later.

I smirked at him.

"I was starting to wonder if you had bailed." I sat up and patted the cushion next to me. Zach sat, careful to keep a little distance between us. I'm sure he was thinking that someone might approach and see us together. I slid over, my leg bumping against his. He held the manilla envelope, the last in his quest, in his lap.

"You did tell me to take my time with the last step, before coming to find you." His eyes flickered around, searching the area. "But thanks for the picture and the panties," he whispered. "They made things less lonely while jerking off."

"Show me your notes."

Zach flushed slightly as he dug out the four papers inside.

"You're so adorable when you turn red," I teased. "Here I thought you were starting to lose that habit."

"Just with you. In our space. I think I've been red all afternoon, thanks to this." He shoved the notes into my hands. I handed the calendar back to him and scanned over the notes he'd taken after leaving each girl.

"You asked them what operating system they use on their personal computers?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, yeah," he said defensively. "I like to know."

I laughed, brushing a lock of hair off his forehead.

"Fair enough."

"Speaking of that, what operating system do you use?" he asked in a low voice, wiggling his eyebrows at me.


"Ugh! You're killing me, Brinna." He smiled, ducking his head. "You're still sexy as hell, though."

"So, you did everything I asked," I said, settling my hand on his knee. I saw him looking around again, searching for anyone nearby. "Zach, no one comes up here. It's like they don't even know it exists."

"I didn't even know, and I'm in the library a lot," he confessed. "But usually on the second floor, by the computer banks or the-," he stopped suddenly. "Never mind. Yeah, I did everything you asked. I brought your proof." He leaned over and spoke in my ear. "And I came on your panties, so no, you can't have this pair back. They're in my backpack. I'll wash them and give them back if you want."

"Keep them with the other pair. You're getting quite a collection of women's underwear, Zach." I felt him smile against my skin. "So now, as promised, you can claim any prize you want from me. Anything," I added in a soft, promising voice. "Except that there's one final twist on it, after you tell me."

Zach drew back and we looked at each other. I waited, holding my breath, to hear what he wanted. He licked his lips, nervously I thought, making me wonder just what he had come up with.

"Anything, okay, anything." He cleared his throat. "My grandpa wants you to have dinner with us when he comes to visit after midterms," he said in a rush. "So that's what I want."

I sat, blinking at him, trying to process what he was saying.

"I know we said nothing social between us outside of our, uh, class stuff. This isn't a date or anything," he hastened to reassure me. "My grandpa just wants to meet you." He began to blush. "I didn't tell him anything about, you know, our, uh, sexual stuff, but I guess I talked about you a lot, and now he wants to meet you when he comes to town." He swallowed. "That's what I want. I want you to have dinner with us one night. If you can. I know you commute and you work part time, but if you can. When he's here. Please."

"All right, Zach," I answered, "if that's what you want." I had to admit to some disappointment that he hadn't asked for a sexual prize. I shrugged that aside because, when I considered it, we could be together any time after our Tuesday or Thursday class. I was simply thrown off guard by his request. I had told him to ask for anything, and hadn't put any stipulations on it. I didn't think it would do any harm if there were a third party with us. It could hardly be considered a date with his grandpa being present.

"Thanks, Brinna," he said, smiling broadly. "I'll tell him when he calls this weekend." He leaned forward and gave me a fast kiss.

"Come with me into one of the rooms," I said, handing him back the papers and watching him stuff them into the envelope. I stood and led him into the center room. "Did you know they're soundproof?"

"No. What are we doing?" he asked nervously, peering out the narrow window that ran alongside the door frame.

"I'm going to suck your cock," I informed him, watching his eyes widen in shock. I sat in the office chair and hit the lever, dropping it into the lowest position. I turned Zach so that his back was to the window.

"Oh my god, Brinna," he whispered, as if he were afraid someone were standing right behind him. "Someone could see!"

"Does it turn you on?" I asked with a sly smile, reaching for his pants and undoing the fly.

"Oh my god," he repeated, as I pulled his cock free of its confines. Much as he might be shocked, there was a subtle swelling taking place in my hand.

"I'll stop if you really want me to," I offered. I met his eyes, watching as the heat of what we were doing flared in his eyes. "But you should know, I was going to suck you off out there on the bench. We can still go back out there if you don't like the room."

"No," he said hoarsely, wrapping his long fingers around the back of my neck. "I want-I want you to suck me. In here. Now." His cock jumped at his words.

I leaned forward and took him deep into my mouth. He groaned, his fingers shifting up and digging into my hair at the back of my neck.

"Your mouth feels so good," he said, eyes slipping closed. He was growing rapidly, forcing me to back off a bit. "This is crazy, you know? But I don't fucking care."

Stroking him, I lifted my mouth and began to talk to him.

"Tell me when you're ready to cum, Zach. We don't want to leave a mess behind here, do we?" I continued to stroke his hard shaft, watching his lips part. "You know, I think it's kind of hot to do this fully dressed. Well, except for my panties. You have those." I licked his slit and he groaned again. "What do you think, Zach?"

"Fucking hot," he muttered.

"I got worked up waiting for you, thinking about us together last week," I confided, squeezing his rock-hard prick. "I thought about coming in here, and getting off by myself, while I waited." I stroked him faster. "I wanted to wait for you. I wanted to see what you would ask me for. You surprised me, Zach." I licked a fresh drop of precum from his tip. "Then I decided there was no reason we couldn't still come in here and fool around." Stroking him faster, I saw him open his eyes and look down at me. "What would you do if someone opened the door, Zach? Would you want me to stop? Would you be able to stop? Or should I just keep on and let them watch you cum?"

"Oh, fuck, Brinna," he growled, "as much as I get off hearing your dirty mouth, I want you to put it back on my cock now."

"Will you cum soon for me? I want it, Zach." I gave him a sultry smile.

"Yeah," he agreed, placing his hands on the side of my head. "Your mouth?"

"Is that a question, or a request?" I teased, squeezing the base of his shaft.

"Request," he grunted.

"Cum for me," I whispered huskily, lowering my mouth again. I transferred my hands to his hips as I raised and lowered my mouth over the top half of his cock.

"Brinna," he said, a warning note in his voice, "I'm close." I increased the suction, thrilled at hearing his corresponding response. "Oh god," he moaned, fingers tightening in my hair, "that's it, like that. Oh fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum for you. Gonna give you what you want." His hips pressed against my hands insistently. I knew he wanted to thrust his cock deeper down my throat, but he let me hold him steady. I reveled in his desire for it, regardless. "Ah, Brinna, fuck, I'm cumming," he ground out, and with a hard twitch of his cock, the first of his load hit the back of my tongue.

After I had taken every last drop of him, I let his cock slip from between my lips, looking up to find him watching me. I couldn't read his expression and felt a momentary stab of concern. I thought that he might be upset about us being in a room where, yes, if someone had come into this area, they might have looked in and seen something.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"More than okay," he answered, and I smiled, relieved. "Stand up, Brinna."

I stood, curious. Zach leaned in and kissed me, prodding gently with his tongue so that I opened my mouth. His tongue danced briefly with mine before he pulled back.

"I like kissing you, knowing you've had my cock in your mouth. Is that gross?"

"Not to me," I answered, and returned his kiss.

While we kissed, I tucked his softening member back in his pants.

"I'm going home, Zach," I said quietly, "but I'm going to think about you tonight." I kissed his cheek. "Maybe I'll tell you about it when I see you Thursday."

I left as he was fastening his pants. I smiled inwardly, knowing he had turned, feeling his eyes following me. I could have had more from him, maybe in that room, maybe down in our special space. Instead, I wanted to savor this one act with him for today, and hopefully leave us both wanting more the next time we met.

I let my mind turn to Thursday, and wondered what it might bring.

To be continued...

Thanks, andyinoz, for the continued editing support!

{R.N., 1-3 for you.}

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ontario_kindaguyontario_kindaguyabout 4 years ago

Yeah, hardly an inciteful reaction, but I can't believe how this story gets better and better with each chapter. I peeked at the ratings for the next chapters and they just keep going up, making me anticipate the journey even more. Well done.

QuietlyMakingNoiseQuietlyMakingNoiseover 4 years ago
Excellence in writing

My favorite song by Jimmy Buffet is "love in the library" and this story pushes even my wildest imagination of what could be done from that song.

The pacing, M8dOvGlaz, is one of your strongest assets. You keep me wanting to read the next sentence, the next paragraph because I know you are not wasting my time.

The kissing lesson was inspired. Oh to have had Brinna help me before my first real kiss. While I wildly enjoyed it, I'm not sure I got her to think I was "experienced" Zack on the other hand can be confident.

Looking forward to the rest of the story - going there now!

nycreadernycreaderover 4 years ago
Thanks (but I can't do better than the 1st 2 Comments).

Thanks for this chapter, "M8dOvGlaz": it's sweet *and* hot *and* clever.

(But I can't say anything -- myself -- better than what was said by the 1st 2 Commenters on this Chapter.)

E. in New York City/"nycreader" at Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
envelopes and operating systems

"on behalf of all nerds, geeks and bookworms: (Thanks+hugs&kisses)^1000" 29 wrote, and add another ^1000 ...

i love those surprises, her sending him off with some envelopes, instructions ... but then we *are* nerds, right?

and i always trust they ll find each other again and orgasm together beautifully ....

29wordsforsnow29wordsforsnowover 4 years ago
hot, Hotter, CH.6!

I really enjoyed the erotic, sensual kissing scene on page one. Very well done! Would the world be a brighter if we all had someone to introduce us to lovemaking...? Then, on page two...Well, to say the least, I do like stories with a twist...But, there are one, two, three, four...? There's always one more surprise up your sleeve, M8dOvGlaz? For today, from my point of view, the hottest part of the series! I would love to be proven wrong by Ch.7. Therefore, on behalf of all nerds, geeks and bookworms: (Thanks+hugs&kisses)^1000

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