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Let's Find Out

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They agree to experience new things together.
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Let's Find Out

It all began in high school. My best friend and I were both born in October, and so, had already turned 18. We were also both shy and considered ourselves losers because we were both still virgins - completely untouched, to our dismay. Still, we were interested in sex, and so, were secretly looking at my dad's 'hidden' stash of porn. Dean held up the comic he was looking at to show me the page depicting a man and woman having sex. As I looked it over, he let out a morose sigh.

"I wonder what a blowjob feels like," he said.

I focused on the picture of a woman with big tits giving an overly hung man a blowjob and couldn't help but wonder that myself. I looked down and to the side so that I'd seem almost uninterested. "Let's find out."

"Uh-huh, sure, and how exactly are we supposed to do that? Just ask the neighbor lady?" Dean asked a bit sarcastically.

"Well... We could show each other..." I murmured in a soft tone to hopefully hide how scared I was.

Dean was silent for a moment before he replied. "Yeah... we could..."

That first time was all kinds of awkward, but also, felt so damn good that we kept on doing it every chance we got. It was a little after graduation when we flopped onto his bed after getting each other off and I stared at the ceiling in thought. Should we keep doing this? I mean, shouldn't we be finding girlfriends to do this sort of thing with?

"God! I wonder what sex feels like!" I blurted out as I debated my various options for girls who might be interested.

"... Let's find out..." Dean murmured after shifting so that he was laying on his side and facing away from me.

I pressed my lips together and thought this over for a long moment. "Yeah, but... if we did, it wouldn't be like sticking it in a girl. We'd have to be a lot more careful. And even then, which of us would actually want to take it up the ass?"

"Would you want to, Matt?" Dean asked, looking over his shoulder at me.

"...... I guess I'd try it, but only if you tried it too," I murmured, feeling equal parts curious and scared. But I suppose that my curiosity outweighed my fear, because I actually would go through with it if he wanted.

I'm so glad that we took turns, because neither of us really knew what to do to make the receiving part feel good, but the giving part felt really, really nice. Nice enough that it was our new favorite thing to do, despite the bottom role being something neither of us wanted. We simply took turns suffering through the bottom so that we could both have fun with the top role.

Until several years later when we were in college. We not only shared a dorm room, but we'd found someone to tell us some really useful advice. Advice that - upon reflection - SHOULD have been obvious...

Lube. All it took to turn the bottom role into a fun and pleasure-filled ride was to add a lot of lube and do some basic preparation. Mainly fingering to stretch and soften the otherwise tight pucker.

"I almost miss the pain," I joked as Dean pushed inside me.

He chuckled and gave me a kiss. "Not me! I am SO glad we figured out how to minimize the pain!"

Rather than answer, I moaned and rocked back towards him to encourage him to pound me already. Now that we knew what we were doing, this was seriously the best feeling in the world. I honestly couldn't get enough of having a big, hard dick inside me, stirring me up and making me melt.

So, normally, I was so into it that it really didn't take much to get me off. This time... I was distracted. My mind was elsewhere. I couldn't stop wondering about something, but once again, I was a little afraid to just come out and say it.

Dean must have noticed that something was wrong, because just when he started making that noise that let me know he was about to cum, he stopped completely. Confused, I twisted my head to look over my shoulder at him. "Something wrong?"

"Just you don't seem to be into it today," he stated.

I pressed my lips together and took a deep breath before sighing. "It's just... I wonder what it would be like... to be tied up and blindfolded," I admitted a bit hesitantly.

"Oh! Is that all?" He exclaimed in relief. Then he smirked. "Let's find out."

Trying not to seem eager, I waited for him to pull out, and then sat on the bed as he rummaged through our stuff. Soon enough, he'd found the mask I sometimes wore while sleeping to keep out the light while he was studying - and vice versa. He'd also pulled out the tie he'd worn to his grandfather's funeral. Once those were in hand, he came back over to me and used the tie to bind my hands behind my back. Then he put the mask over my eyes.

"Wait," he murmured to himself as he must have looked at the bed. "On your back would be awkward and might hurt your hands, and since you can't use your hands, on your hands and knees would be hard too. I know!"

I could hear him moving things around, and then he pulled and pushed me until I was laying face down over what felt like a small mountain of pillows.

"Hey Matt?" He asked.


"I feel that tying you up and blindfolding you isn't really that different from when you are on your hands and knees with your face buried in the bed, so how about I spank you too?" He suggested.

I felt my throat go dry and had to swallow to wet it. "Yeah? Like... a little bit here and a little bit there... to keep me guessing?"

"Exactly, since you can't see it!" He confirmed in excitement.

My blood felt strangely thick in my veins. "Yeah... I wouldn't mind..."

Probably not knowing exactly what to do, he started with a basic spank - the palm of his hand somewhat softly striking my right butt cheek. But then I think he got distracted, because he caressed my entire ass for a few seconds before gently biting my left cheek. His right hand wandered down to fondle my balls for at least a minute.

Suddenly, his right hand slapped my butt again. This time, there was enough force to make it sting just a little bit. I gasped in surprise before moaning in anticipation of the next 'attack.'

Pain wasn't really my cup of tea, but I could tolerate a little bit. Still, it surprised me just how much I liked it when he smacked me in random places. It was like, somehow, the anticipation made it feel good. It made my breath catch and my body tingle.

He would hit me, and then he'd caress me. He licked up my spine and bit me all over. I kept shuddering and squirming - and before I knew it, I was gasping, panting, and crying out incoherently. I became a babbling mess even though he wasn't actually inside me.

Somewhat abruptly, he pulled back and rapidly smacked me all over my back and ass. Then he followed that up by giving me a light and soothing massage. I swear to God that I was so close to an orgasm that all he had to do was blow on my shaft and I'd probably lose my load.

Instead, he covered my body with his so that he could gently nibble on my ear and whisper: "I learned something in anatomy class. Apparently, men have a spot that can feel really good, almost like a woman's orgasm. My Professor was being a creep by pretending to joke about it, but he was actually trying to talk the women in the class into believing that this was something they should do to their boyfriends - or maybe practice on him. Either way, I've been dying to give it a try..."

With that, he slid back down my body and got comfortable between my legs so that he could insert two fingers inside me and wiggle them around. This wasn't anything new, since we did this during prep all the time, so I was a little confused at first. Then he made a motion that I imagine was like trying to scoop something out. He did it a couple of times before I yelped in surprise.

"Aha, found it," he murmured in a smug tone. After that, he apparently made it his mission to rub and play with that spot until I was writhing and screaming into the bed. My whole body felt like it was melting, or perhaps sizzling from a mild electric shock.

Just when I was about to beg him to stop it and pound me already, my breath deserted me completely. Opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water, I tried to inhale or exhale, only my body seemed to be unable to do anything except shake uncontrollably as pleasure like I'd never felt before washed over me. It felt like time stopped for a long moment before it abruptly resumed with sensation I cannot describe, even if I had to in order to save my life.

Suddenly I was squealing and trying to curl into a ball. "Oh God oh God oh God STOP!!!"

Dean stopped and got on his hands and knees above me so that he could press his mouth to his ear. "Did that feel bad? It sounded good - so good, in fact, that I'm pretty sure everyone in the building heard you - but now you're crying..."

Which was true. I was gasping and panting for breath in a way that sounded like I was sobbing. I don't think I could speak at the moment, so I shook my head and grunted. "Not. Bad.... Good."

"Do you want me to untie you and let you recover, or do you want me to get back inside you until I cum?"

"In.Side," I insisted, even though I think I might just be too sensitive at the moment. It's just that if I was in his position, I'm dead certain I'd want to be inside me so bad I could cry, so it felt a little mean to tell him not to.

Thankfully, even though he must have been really worked up by our playing, he pushed into me slowly, maintained a slow pace that I could handle, and then leaned over and made love to my back as he thrust. I'm pretty sure I was purring with happiness at that point. It didn't take long for him to bite down on my shoulder and pump me full.

If I wasn't tied up with my face pressed into the bed, I would have kissed him. And then probably passed out. Fortunately, he still had the ability to move, because I could barely twitch. Had there been a fire just then, I'd have definitely perished.

Oh so tenderly, he untied me and helped me lay down properly in bed. He made sure the pillows were under our heads and the blankets over our bodies. Considering that I couldn't move to save my life, it had to be a struggle for him to take care of everything, but then we were snuggled up and drifting off to sleep.

"Thank you for being willing to try new things with me," I murmured, at least half asleep.

He huffed a soft laugh. "It's more like thank YOU. Without you, I'd definitely still be a virgin!"

"Me too..."

We gave each other tiny little kisses until we both passed out.


Fifty Years Later

Present day

I sat reading a book in a chair next to our bed. Even as I read, I held Dean's hand. He was in our bed hooked up to an IV and an oxygen tank. But not with a simple tube stuck in his nose. Nope, he needed a full face mask that covered his nose and mouth.

The relative quiet was interrupted when he started coughing. I immediately reached over to pull his mask off so that he could cough into a handkerchief that I held. I even helped him shift to the side a little so that I could rub and pat his back as he coughed.

When he was finished - for the moment - he slumped onto his back again. "Good morning," I greeted even as I put his mask back on.

"Is it morning?" He asked in a rough and scratchy voice.

"Does it matter?" I asked as I looked over at the clock. "It's 2:27 AM, so yes, it's morning."

He harrumphed. "You're still as sarcastic as ever. I don't know what I see in you..."

I laughed softly and squeezed his hand before bringing it to my mouth to kiss. "If we'd known back in the 70s how much the world was going to change, would we have lived our lives differently?"

He shrugged the best he could with his bedridden body. "I dunno. I feel like we lived pretty good lives."

I grinned at him. "I think you mean lives so BAD that they felt good."

"Same difference," he murmured, trying to relax and remain calm; probably in an effort to hold off another coughing attack.

I decided that reminding him of the highlights might keep his spirits up. "We've had marriages and children. We bought houses right next to each other and called each other best friends. We had divorces and you smoked way too much while I drank way too much. We lived long enough for the world to change so that we could get married, and now we've grown old together. I suppose I really couldn't ask for anything more."

He harrumphed again. "Ha! I feel like I could ask for a cure for Emphysema. I'd also like a cure for your Cirrhosis, even though you're not quite dying from it yet."

I pressed his hand to my cheek and kissed his palm. "Even if we got cured, we probably only have a couple of years left in us anyway. Plus, you'd just smoke way too much and I'd drink way too much, and we'd be right back here in no time."

He didn't reply because that coughing fit he was trying to suppress overwhelmed him. Once again, I helped him as much as I could, but there was only so much I could do. Actually, there wasn't anything anyone could do. He'd advanced to a point that he could go at any moment. That was why he was home with me rather than in the hospital.

Once his fit calmed down, he lay back with a weary sigh. "I hurt everywhere now, ugh! I'm so tired..."

"Mmm," I hummed soothingly as I rubbed his arm.

"Hey Matt?"


"... I wonder... what death is like..." he murmured softly, giving me a steady look.

I took a moment to kiss his hand again as I thought this over. "...... Let's find out..."

"Yes," he agreed.

Letting go of his hand, I picked up the bottle of clear liquid from the bedside table. It was a strong painkiller intended to help him be as comfortable as possible until the end came. That said, it hadn't really been helping him. Using a needle and syringe, I prepared four times more than the maximum safe amount to take, then I injected it into the port on his IV tube. He watched me with a light nod.

Once I was done, I considered tossing out the needle like I was supposed to and using a new one. Then I decided that that was ridiculous in this situation. Preparing a new extremely unsafe dose, I examined my left arm and wondered which vein would be best. I wasn't a medical professional, and I had no idea what would happen if I screwed up. Eventually, I decided on a vein that looked big enough and easy enough to poke with the needle.

After I was done, I set the syringe aside and shifted until I was laying in bed with him.

"Love you Matt," he murmured, his voice already sounding a little far away.

"I love you too, Dean," I assured him as I kissed his temple. Holding his hand again, I shifted us both until we were snuggled up. Then I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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Exluke1Exluke112 months ago

Wow. All Dean needed to say was.. I wonder what death is like? How close they were for Matt to know exactly what that meant. You did very well to so quickly draw the readers in that we felt so deeply for them and the love they shared. One has to wonder though… if they hadn’t married women, would neither of them been so sick from the substances that they used as crutches to deal with their temporarily hidden love for each other.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wasn't expecting to cry ;^;

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer12 months ago

OMG, I'm still tearing up as I write. What a magnificently beautiful love story with an equally beautiful bittersweet ending. There's no way a five-star rating can come anywhere near to being enough for this story.

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