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Levi Ch. 04: No Longer A Boy

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Levi and Dr. Teach finally get together.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 12/26/2011
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This is the final installment of the Levi series.


Nathan and I had been doing great over the last eight years and so had Levi. Levi was still with Jason and they were husbands without the paper. Nathan and I had still not gone through any sort of commitment ceremony mostly due to my hatred of that kind of event. Levi had followed my footsteps and became a physician. I went to OSU and he had gone to SLU but I was still proud of my little boy. The four of us often got together. Nathan has bought out the original owner of the club so he now is the big boss man and the club has gotten a makeover.

Nathan and I took it upon ourselves to make sure every inch of any new hire was up to scratch. We have had a lot of fun making sure the new servers and especially Kyle the new bartender were perfect inside and out for the patrons. Over the last eight years there were some ups and downs. Levi at one time had almost failed out of med school and Jason had spent three months in another man's embrace but all is well that ends well. Nathan and I had a couple knock down, drag out fights over our relationship but we have managed to keep everything pretty even and we love each other and are intelligent so we always make it work.

It was Friday night and I was off from the Hospital as was Levi. Being Friday night Nathan was going to be at his club all night and I was going to join him along with my grown up Levi and my other surrogate son, Jason. We hadn't all been together for the better part of two months. The night started off great. The drinks were going down just right and we were all really enjoying each other's company. Levi and Kyle were discussing the possibilities of adopting a child and Nathan and I were really encouraging them to do so. I couldn't have been prouder of the way my beautiful little Levi had turned out. He was still one of the most gorgeous guys I had ever laid eyes on. His skin just as pale and milky smooth as it had always been and of course his gigantic dark eyes peering out from under coal black hair.

Jason was a good looking boy himself. Jason looked a lot like me I thought but Nathan disagreed. Nathan always said Jason looks like the actor Chris Pine. Either way he was definitely cute. I was watching Levi and Jason discuss the possible adoption with enthusiasm when it happened. An ear deafening explosion and then I saw nothing. I knew nothing, I felt nothing.

"Hello, sleepy head." The first words I heard when I awoke. "Who are you?" "Dr. Teach I would think after nine years you would know my voice. It's me, nurse Vicky." She replied. "Where are they? Where is my family?" "Dr. Teach, just rest and I will have Dr. Merck in here in just a jiff."

I definitely didn't like this. I could tell already I wasn't going to have any lifelong debilitating injuries so I just wanted to know about everyone else. I did a quick scan and I figured I had a broken clavicle, some broken ribs, a pnuemothorax (collapsed lung) and possibly a broken arm. It was hard to tell if the arm was broken because it was splinted from the clavicle injury. I laid there hating the suspense. I knew they had to be okay. There was no reason at all to have to lose a single one of my loved ones. I knew that they would receive great care too. One of the perks of being a doctor is getting great care and out of our family unit of four, fifty percent were doctors.

Dr. Merck entered the room and was all business like usual. I always admired Dr. Merck. He was an extraordinary doctor and I felt, like me, he was rather detached emotionally. He was always straight to business and clear. Dr. Merck proceeded to tell me the extent of my injuries and I was dead on minus the broken arm; the arm was fine. At the end of his diagnoses the door opened and my heart jumped thinking it must be one of the others but just as quick as my heart jumped it plummeted. Not only was it not Nathan, Levi or Jason it was the hospital Chaplain. I immediately teared up. I fought my sadness with all the energy I could muster; I had to know who made it and who didn't so I just fought the sadness.

"Christian, I know you aren't religious but you know it is policy to keep a Chaplain close by when news isn't good. Your lover's club was bombed. The news and police are speculating it was perpetrated by the radical Baptists of the Westboro Baptist Church in response to the state's upcoming vote on same-sex marriage. The fatality total was twenty-three including Jason and Nathan. Levi is out of surgery and will have a full recovery. He suffered a lacerated spleen and liver, bilateral pnuemothrax, bilateral hemothorax (blood fills lungs) and six broken ribs. You will be able to see him tomorrow. You are looking at about a four day stay and I think Levi will be here for seven or eight days. There is nothing I can say but 'sorry' Christian. I'm going to leave you with the Chaplain don't hesitate to call me for anything." "Thank you, Dr. Merck." Was all the reply I could muster.

I excused the chaplain and wept alone. In one night half of my family was taken from me. Nathan, my lover and partner for 8 years and long time friend before that would never pierce me with his perfect cerulean eyes again. His classically gorgeous face and wavy blond hair would never rest on the pillow next to mine again. He would never scold or laugh at me again. I was consumed with sorrow. I couldn't get the image of his smiling face to leave me alone. Every time I closed my eyes I could see him and nothing had ever hurt so much, nothing.

Jason, the boy that made our family complete was gone. I could now only think of how Levi must be feeling. I remembered back to eight years ago when I watched Jason make love to Levi for the first time. It was one of those perfect days I always promised Levi and now it seemed like it was lost forever in the bottom of a sea of hate. I didn't want to wait to see Levi. I wanted to see him now. I wanted to hold him. It was now more than ever he needed me to be strong for him and guide him but I myself knew not what to do. I silently cried myself to sleep thinking of a picture that was taken of all four of us in the top of the Arch in St. Louis. It was a perfect moment that would never be repeated. I felt lost.

It was 10:34am when I awoke and I started pounding on my call button. Nurse Carla entered the room and I told her to take me to Levi. It was done. I was rolled into the room and Levi was still asleep. I told the technician to leave me. I positioned myself next to the bed and grabbed Levi's hand. I would just hold his hand until he woke up. For the second time in less than a decade I looked upon Levi's broken body. I was at a complete loss for words. I was almost happy he was still asleep because I didn't know what to say to him. I knew he already knew about the others and I was grateful I didn't have to tell him. It was the better part of an hour before Levi awoke.

"Christian?" Levi's barely audible whisper. "I am here, Levi. What can I get you?" "How about a do-over? Turn back time and let us do last night differently." I chose to ignore his answer. "We are going to be in here about a week, Levi."

Before I could finish my thought I broke down in sobs again. I was thankful he was alive but at the same time I was pissed I was alive. I would have gladly traded places with Nathan or Jason if given the chance. I didn't want the pain of losing them. I didn't want to ever have to see Levi hurt again. I was destroyed. Levi and I spent the whole day together in mostly silence and the day after that and the day after that. I was discharged and I went home to wait for Levi to be discharged. I would have stayed in the hospital with him but he was not only grown up now but he was a doctor and I wanted the time alone.

The loft felt cold and uninviting. I walked to the bedroom and I could smell Nathan in the air. I laid on his side of the bed, buried my face into his pillow and cried once more. I passed out in that position and slept for fourteen hours. When I awoke, I was still lost and I could still smell Nathan. I laid in bed and made some calls. I arranged for an assistant to move in by the week's end. I called my attorney and told him I wanted to settle Nathan's affairs immediately. I called the detective back that had left his card at the hospital and set up a meeting with him. When I was done tending to business that had to be done I curled up on Nathan's side of the bed and decided I would never a shed another tear. No matter how much it hurt to think about my darling Nathan, I was done crying.

When my new assistant showed up with Levi I was happy to have him home. Perhaps his presence would make my empty loft feel less chilled. He was tired upon his arrival and I took a nap with him in my and Nathan's bed. I slept on Nathan's side and decided I would from now on always sleep where my late loved one had slept. Levi and I awoke to knocking on the door. It was the detective.

Detective Scott Hill was a nice enough man. He showed sympathy and was very patient with us as he asked a series of questions. Neither of us had seen anything suspicious and were of no use to his investigation. When I asked the detective about what the news had said regarding the Westboro Baptist Church he confirmed it. Pastor Fred Phelps along with six of his family members had been arrested and arraigned. I thought to myself even if they were convicted and punished to the fullest extent of the law I would not feel justice had been served.

Over the next five months Levi and I healed on the outside. The pain and damage we had suffered in our hearts was still apparent. We had both gone back to work at the hospital. I of course was named the beneficiary of all of Nathan's holdings. That included the rubble that was once the most popular gay club in the city. I started rebuilding it at once. No one would stop gays from dancing in my town. I sank almost every dollar of the insurance payout into it. It was to be called "Our House." It was a good project. It kept my mind busy and I was happy to be building a monument I knew was deserving of those lost.

Levi and I had been confiding in each other a lot and both of us were pretty lost. He was working non stop as was I. We both still were sleeping in my bed. I enjoyed having the company at night. I had grown so used to sleeping next to someone it was hard to fall asleep alone. Levi had told me the same thing. In just a few short months "Our House" had its grand opening. Homosexuals marched through the city in numbers greater than that year's Pride Parade. It was a beautiful sight. Thousands of homosexuals had come from out of state to pay their respects to those who had fallen victim to the Westboro Baptist Church. We made national news coverage for over a week. The corners of my mouth lifted into the first smile I had on my face since the explosion. Nothing was more beautiful to me than all of those homosexuals marching for our family. With the help of Pastor Fred Phelps, same-sex marriage was only took the senseless death of my family.

All persons arrested and tried for the murders were found guilty. Everyone seemed to look upon that as a victory. I just drank bourbon and revisited the memory of the last time I saw Nathan, I had been living in my memory a lot.

Levi and I decided it was time for a vacation. I had appointed Kyle the acting manager of "Our House" and Levi and I went on a four month vacation. We traveled the world. It was exactly what I needed and I know Levi was really coming out of his sorrow too. We were healed by no means but we found solace and comfort in the arms of each other. We talked and talked and talked some more. It was really nice. We had discussed how neither of us had been remotely interested in sex or getting remarried. We always slept in hotels with a king bed rather than two beds. We had a symbiotic relationship. When we returned home from our vacation I knew God must love me. I was unpacking and for the first time in nine years I was looking at clothes in the closet that weren't Nathan's or mine. Levi had moved all of his clothes to my closet.

I just stood there staring into the closet and I knew how much God loved me. God had seen it fit to give me someone else. I was given Nathan and he was stripped from me. Now God had given me Levi to love until he saw fit to take him. I was grateful. I poured a bourbon and lit a cigarette. I finished both in record time and I finished unpacking and took a shower. When I got out of the shower Levi was laying in bed with a folder. I slid under the covers next to him with a fresh bourbon. Levi kissed me passionately and handed me the folder.

I loved feeling his warmth on my body. I loved feeling his lips on mine. I wrapped him up in a tight hug and I never wanted us to part. I felt great. This was a great moment. Levi pulled back and said, "Open it." I undid the fastener and inside the folder was an application for a marriage license. Levi had just proposed to me. Little fucker, he knew I would want to be the one that proposed.

I accepted Levi's proposal and we set a date to have a ceremony at "Our House." We had become somewhat like local heroes around the city. The turnout was huge. I told Levi since I was pushing 38 years old we should be old fashioned and save it for our wedding night. Levi agreed to this idea and even though he was only 28 years old he had lived the life of an old man. We had the grandest wedding the city had ever seen, gay or straight.

We decided to wait on the honeymoon since we hadn't been back from our last vacation long. So when the reception was done we went back to the loft and it was time to consummate the marriage. We slowly undressed each other one article of clothing at a time. We were kissing deeply and rubbing our smooth bodies together like we were trying to start a fire. It had been over a year since either of us had been with anyone. Levi took my dick into his mouth and started giving me one of the best blow jobs of my life. He was a master of the deepthroat. We switched and I loved the taste of Levi. The beautiful pale skin of Levi was like an aphrodisiac. I was hypnotized by him. I wanted to kiss every inch of his silky skin and I think I may have come close. We took our time with each other. We enjoyed each other on a level that was pure. For the first time in my life I let someone cum in me without a condom and I came in someone without a condom. We slept.

We awoke and kissed. It was beautiful. Levi had this to say, "The night I met you I was told you were the best fuck in the city. You are only the second person I have slept with and I still believe it."

***This is it for Levi. I loved these characters more than any others perhaps but I would like to move on. To those who took the time to read the Levi series, thank you. I hope you enjoyed Levi's story. I am working on two other stories right now and one is a true story. I look forward to hearing your comments/criticism as always. Please feel free to email me via the CONTACT tab on my profile.

Thank you to all who have already taken the time to comment. Nothing means more to me than knowing what readers think of my work. Much Love and Live Proud!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Kinda rushed

There were so many details glossed over since this story kinda accelerated a lot at the end. Leaves the reader with many unanswered questions. Did Christian nor Nathan ever fuck each other raw and cum inside? I know they were both very promiscuous before they settled down, but were they monogamous or did they both continue to fuck others - it seemed like they did all the servers and bartenders at the club?? Why did Jason and Levi split for 3 months (did Jason cheat on him)? How did they get back together and how did conservative Levi forgive him? Apparently Levi had no sex with anyone during this time? If Christian never saw a need to marry Nathan, why did he feel so strongly about marrying Levi? What happens to Christian and Levi - they were both young men at the time of their wedding with much life ahead of them - hopefully. These characters were so rich, they deserved more story and development than 4 chapters. Well done writing though. Made us want much more...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Levi and Christian

A lovely story - so sad but true love wins out in the end. The build-up till Levi and Christian finally mate with each other was so erotic. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Currently in tears

This was such a good story. I felt emotionall connect to all characters other than Jason who really wasn't developed much. The feeling of loss washed over me and I just cried like a baby. The end was kinda quick, seemed like it was ment to be a summary of the time inbetween the deaths and then their sudden marriage, but in general I think it was amazing

SexySquishySexySquishyover 12 years ago

I think the story was raw and passion filled. When you face loss and sorrow with someone it's normal to lean on them. Levi wasn't his biological son and the attraction was always there. I like to believe if the tables were turned Nathan and Jason would have done the same. I like that you had a vision for your story and stuck with it. A very good series..

sowhat_14sowhat_14over 12 years ago

it was the sadiest chapter ever,i hate hateful crimes ,it was a happy ending but i didnt feel like it really was ..its like they feel safe with each other not wanting to be apart so they will get married ,but i love it ..its very creative and has something that happend and will happen till the day we die is that love always win no matter what ,i really hope u will write another stories soon....

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