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Limited Dating Options Ch. 09

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Waverly and Wynonna have to deal with Willa's betrayal.
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Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/26/2016
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"Wynonna!" Waverly screamed a few times, pretty much ever since she left her vehicle, and ran over to her sister, who was sitting in the snow.

Waverly then slowed down and then stopped directly behind her, unsure what to do or say, then in a tiny voice Wynonna confessed, "I killed her."

"Yeah." Waverly murmured softly, before adding bitterly, "Everything's not on fire, and also a live, so I figured."

"I killed her." Wynonna repeated softly, "I killed Willa."

Cautiously approaching Waverly told her sister, "It's okay."

As if she didn't hear Wynonna laughed, "There isn't even a body."

"It's okay." Waverly repeated softly as she got down behind the other brunette.

"I shot her. I shot her in the head and killed her. I killed our sister. I killed Daddy. I killed them." Wynonna sobbed.

"It's okay." Waverly said for the third time, trying to embrace Wynonna from behind, only to be pushed back onto her ass by her sister who turned around and glared at her.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Wynonna screamed, pointing Peacemaker directly at Waverly's head, before adding coldly, "Seriously Waverly, leave! Leave Purgatory, leave the state, leave the fucking country, I don't care just run away as fast as you can and never, ever tell me where you are so I can't hurt you."

"You'd never hurt me." Waverly said softly but firmly, crawling forwards.

"I just did." Wynonna wept.

"You're trying to protect me. Everyone knows that doesn't count." Waverly said softly, pressing her forehead against the barrel of the gun, "You're always protecting me. It's what you do."

"I can't even protect you from me." Wynonna laughed hysterically, lowering the gun, "I've defiled you. Over, and over, and over again. I knew it was wrong, and I did it anyway. I always do the wrong thing, and most of the time it doesn't matter, because I just hurt myself, and people who suck just as much, but you Waverly, you deserve better."

"Snap out of it Wynonna!" Waverly demanded, scooting forwards and cupping Wynonna's face so she was forcing her sister to look at her, "You just saved the world. Or at least this entire town, I'm not sure on the details, but the point is, you just saved a whole boatload of people. That makes you a hero."

"Willa was right." Wynonna murmured, "I'm a monster."

"Fuck Willa!" Waverly exclaimed, finally getting her sister's attention.

"Waverly?" Wynonna frowned, blinking in confusion.

"We both did." Waverly just couldn't avoid laughing at the absurdity of it now, "We fucked her, saved her, welcomed her in every way that we could, and she still betrayed us. She tried to kill us, multiple times, and made it very clear we were nothing to her. So fuck her Wynonna. In the, burn in hell, way. She was the monster, not you."

"How can you say that? Why are you here? Why do you love me?" Wynonna wept, "I killed them Waves. I killed Daddy. I killed Willa. They were our family, and I killed them."

"They sucked." Waverly said simply, "Daddy was an accident, but if he came back and tried to kill us like Willa did, I'd be proud of you for having the strength to put him down. And I am Wynonna. I'm so, so proud of you. You save the world."

"Fuck the world!" Wynonna spat, "Fuck this town and everyone in it! Fuck everyone in the whole God damn universe! I did it for you Waverly. I killed our sister for you."

"Because you love me." Waverly pointed out with a soft smile.

"I shouldn't." Wynonna whimpered.

"Did Willa tell you that?" Waverly asked, although she felt she already knew the answer, which was only confirmed by how Wynonna looked away, prompting Waverly to push, "Did she tell you it was wrong? Tell you it was gross, illegal and you'd end up dragging me to hell? Well guess what Wynonna, I've heard it all before. From you. So fuck you too. Fuck you! Fuck you for believing that backstabbing bitch. Who, let's not forget, was in love with a Revenant, and tried to kill every one of us, and maybe the world, because if so, she is in no position to judge us? But she was always a cold-hearted bitch. You just can't see it because you loved her. But don't do this. Don't give her this power over you. Don't let her turn what we have into something ugly."

There was a brief pause and then with tears in her eyes Wynonna turned back to her sister and began, "Waverly-"

"No!" Waverly cut her off, "I love you Wynonna. I'm in love with you. I've always been in love with you. I can't remember a time I wasn't. No matter what you said, no matter what you did, you've always been the hero of my story. Don't let her take that away from us. Don't let anyone. Don't give into your worst instincts. Please Wynonna, fight. Fight for us. Fight for our happiness. Even if it means fighting yourself."

Another pause and then with tears streaming down her face Wynonna whimpered, "I don't want to hurt you, like I did them."

"You won't." Waverly insisted again.

"You're just a kid." Wynonna quipped.

"No I'm not." Waverly dismissed.

"Seriously, Waves, I-" Wynonna began again.

"The only way you could hurt me, is if you leave me again." Waverly said firmly, cutting her off again.

Yet another pause and then showing Waverly had made progress Wynonna lowered her head and mumbled, "I still killed her."

"She gave you no choice." Waverly reminded her, and then when Wynonna snorted the younger brunette insisted, "She made you choose, her or the world."

"She made me choose between her and you." Wynonna corrected bitterly, "I meant what I said Waves. I'm no hero. I don't care about the world, and I certainly don't care about this town, but you're in it, so she made me choose between her and you, and I will always choose you. Every time. I promise."

"Prove it." Waverly challenged, before stopping Wynonna as she tried to kiss her, "No, I didn't mean-"

"Sorry." Wynonna lowered her head in shame.

"No, I'd love nothing more than to make love to you on our sister's grave, as one final fuck you from me to her, but I know that will mess you up, so I just want to go home and cuddle." Waverly quickly explained.

Wynonna laughed, and then softly said, "I don't deserve you."

"You just saved the world, and you still think that?" Waverly laughed softly in disbelief, gently stroking the tears out of Wynonna's face.

"I'll always think that, because it's true." Wynonna quipped, allowing Waverly to help her up.

Waverly opened her mouth to disagree, but not wanting to push her luck she simply smiled and said, "Let's go home."


One week later...

Waverly was worried about Wynonna. That was nothing new of course, but this was different. This was Wynonna trying to deal with the biggest betrayal possible, followed up by actually having to kill Willa. Shooting their sister in the head like she was a God damn Revenant, so Wynonna said. And given her history with depression and self-hatred it was nothing short of a miracle that she didn't disappear in the middle of the night to God knows where in the name of protecting Waverly, despite Waverly repeatedly telling her that was the last thing she wanted.

Well, there was one thing worse, something she couldn't even bear devoting a second to thinking about, but more and more she feared that Wynonna would be suicidal, something she made a joke about only twice, the first resulting in Waverly crying, and the second involving her grabbing Wynonna's face and making it very clear if she did it, Waverly would follow suit.

It was a speech Waverly feared she would have to give again given how Wynonna had acted over the past week. Of course it wasn't a surprise she could barely eat or sleep, but the truly shocking thing was that the infamous alcoholic Wynonna Earp didn't touch a drop of alcohol. Instead she just spent hours staring off into the distance, allowing the pain, despair and self-hatred to wash over her as her self-imposed punishment for what she had done.

Which broke Waverly's heart, but she honestly wasn't sure how she could stop it. Or more importantly help Wynonna. So she stayed as busy as she could around the house, while of course calling in sick to work so she could keep an eye on by far her favourite sister, while cursing the other sister's name.

Then it happened. Not Waverly's biggest fear, thank God, but a very close runner-up, as she woke up one day to find Wynonna nowhere to be found around the Homestead, leaving Waverly to spend a few hours running around the town in a panic. After all, Wynonna could be doing the thing Waverly feared the most right now, somewhere where Waverly wasn't around to stop her.

Then as she was in the process of breaking down and crying Waverly finally received a text from Wynonna, telling her to come home. Which of course she did immediately, although to her surprise she didn't find a drunk or suicidal Wynonna. And she didn't find her alone, as Nicole and another woman were there waiting for her.

"Hey Waverly." Wynonna greeted hesitantly, the other women not daring to do the same.

Fuming with rage Waverly stormed right up to her sister and asked, "Where were you? Why didn't you return any of my calls, or texts? Or at least leave a note? For God sakes Wynonna, I've been worried sick!"

"I know, I know-" Wynonna began.

"Do you?" Waverly snapped.

"I, I do." Wynonna said apologetically, adding when it was clear she was being allowed to continue, "You know me... I get fixated on an idea, and then I get so consumed with it I don't think about anyone else around me. Even the most important people in my life. Especially the most important people in my life. God Waves, you're the most important person in my life, no question. There was never any question, not of that. And I just, I didn't think. But then I, I finally realised what you must be thinking, and I hated myself for it. More than you could ever know. Or at least I could ever tell you. So I ran home, but you weren't here, and I just, I didn't want to explain myself on the phone, or in a text... and... I... I'm just so sorry."

There was a brief pause, then Waverly sighed, "I'm not sure what to say."

"You could say you forgive me?" Wynonna pushed hopefully, before pointing out, "You always do."

"I know." Waverly grumbled.

"And, I hate to use this card, or be able to use it, but... I did just kill my sister, so I'm in a shitty state of mind." Wynonna pointed out, before quickly adding, "And I know she was your sister too, and it isn't fair, but I told you repeatedly I should be locked up, and you still insisted I stay when I try to leave, so..."

Panicking for a moment Waverly glanced at their guests and mumbled, "Erm, Wynonna! We have company."

"Duh..." Wynonna frowned, before realisation hit, "Oh, no need to worry. Haught has finally been properly filled in about what's going on around here, and Rosita is a Revenant."

"Hi." Rosita greeted, "Nice to finally meet you. Nicole has told me a lot about you."

"Nice to meet you too." Waverly smiled, before turning back to Wynonna in disbelief, "Wynonna, how and why is there a Revenant in our house?"

"Pretty simple spell actually." Wynonna shrugged, "Nothing to it."

"And the why?" Waverly pushed.

"She's my... she's my girlfriend." Nicole explained hesitantly, quickly adding, "And for the record, I'm not thrilled that you just confessed to murder right in front of me, but..."

"But no body, no crime?" Rosita offered dryly, before grumbling, "And for the record, I'm not thrilled that you hesitated to use the G-word in front of your ex."

"Oh, I'm not actually her ex. Technically, we never dated." Waverly pointed out, before quickly adding, "But that doesn't-"

"Could have fooled me." Wynonna grumbled.

"Maybe in another time-line?" Rosita offered.

"A what now?" Wynonna frowned, before groaning, "Is that a thing? Like, a thing I'm going to have to deal with? Because Buffy stuff is one thing, but-"

"WHY IS THERE A REVENANT IN OUR HOUSE?" Waverly screeched at the top of her lungs, and instantly felt embarrassed for it. Especially as there was a brief silence, which was deafening, and seemed to last longer than it did, before Waverly finally added with a squeak, "Sorry, you seem nice enough, and all, but..."

"Aren't I supposed to be your sworn enemy?" Rosita offered, rather light-heartedly for the subject matter, "Long story short? Not all of us Revenants are keen to squander our second chances on a war with the descendants of the man who killed us. In fact, I'm an old friend of Doc's, who was basically just caught in the crossfire. Nowadays I just try and keep my head down, and do some good, so it's less likely one of the Heirs will shoot me. And, for the record, I don't particularly want to be here, but I promised Wynonna wouldn't come after me, as long as I didn't do anything warranting that, if I came here and helped her out. Also, Nicole promised she'd have my back."

"And I will." Nicole promised, before explaining to Waverly, "And just to be clear, we started dating after I found out about you and Wynonna."

"Yeah, don't worry, sweetie, I'm just a rebound." Rosita grumbled.

"I didn't say that." Nicole insisted, "I've never said that, and I'm sorry if I implied that. I just... I wasn't expecting anything real right after Waverly, And you were the one who said you didn't want anything serious."

"Yeah, well... it's kind of easy to get attached to you." Rosita admitted softly, before quickly adding, "But only because you're amazing at giving head."

"Sure, whatever you say." Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Speaking of head..." Wynonna grinned, wanting to make that joke, but also wanting to explain herself before she upset Waverly even more, "That's also why they're here. BTW. As a gift to you, or a punishment for me. Or more likely both. Whatever way we do it. I mean, no offense Haught, but... you know..."

"No, I don't." Nicole grumbled.

"You will." Wynonna chuckled nervously, before continuing, making it fast so no one could interrupt, "Well, the thing is, Waves... you wanted to add Officer Hottie here to our relationship, but I wasn't keen, because I was afraid you would leave me for her. And part of me wanted that for you, so you could have a normal life. Which was the last thing I wanted to do, but I was trying not to be selfish. But, as it turned out, that would've been better than the alternative I came up with. Anyway, now Hot Stuff has moved on, maybe we could all have some fun together some time? Like, you could have all the fun, and I'd have to watch? Or you can watch them fuck me up?"

There was then a deafening silence for a few long seconds, maybe a full minute, as everybody tried to digest what Wynonna had just said, before Rosita laughed, "Wait? This is an orgy? Man, I wish I would have known this before, I would have bought my orgy pants."

"Seriously Wynonna?" Nicole frowned.

"I'm in, by the way. If anyone cares." Rosita quipped, "Fucking an Earp is way better revenge anyway. Especially like this."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Nicole snapped.

"I... I..." Wynonna stammered, before lowering her head and admitting, "I don't know."

If it had been anyone else, Waverly would have been mad. Hell, if it would have been her last boyfriend Champ she would have been furious, and there was no doubt in her mind in that case, it would be only because he wanted a foursome.

However, this was Wynonna Earp, and she was due for some self-destruction. Wynonna was clearly in pain, and was not sure what she should do, and when that happened, she tended to do really stupid things. In fact, this was not even close to the worst. So, considering what she went through, the younger sibling was filled with pity and understanding for her older sibling. Something she needed to make very clear to her, right now.

So, in almost a Zen-like state, Waverly calmed everyone by softly telling them, "It's okay."

"It is?" Wynonna asked cautiously.

"Uh-huh." Waverly insisted softly, "You've been through a lot, and your over due for some self-destruction. Unless..."

"Unless..." Wynonna frowned.

"This is a gift for you, not for me." Waverly explained softly. "Just think about it... I'm content. In fact, I have never been more content in my whole life. I don't want anything else, except to make you happy."

"You make me happy." Wynonna quickly insisted.

"I know..." Waverly groaned, "But I cannot give you everything you want, and that's okay."

"You do." Wynonna insisted, "You give me everything I actually want. Everything I truly need. I don't need..."

"To be fucked in the ass?" Waverly offered softly.

There was a brief pause, and then Wynonna lowered her head, and admitted softly, "I... I hate the fact that I gave her that. And you hate it too, don't deny it."

"I won't." Waverly promised, "Which is why I want to give you whatever you need. Whether that is just for tonight, or a regular thing."

Another brief pause, then Wynonna smiled softly, "I don't deserve you."

"I often think the same thing." Waverly confessed softly.

There was a brief pause, where the two Earp sisters just stared into each other's eyes for a few long seconds, then Rosita turned to the redhead and asked, "Can you translate from Earp to English?"

"Sometimes." Nicole grumbled, "But not now."

"It's real simple." Waverly admitted, with unusual confidence, as being in control for once gave her a weird feeling of power, "Wynonna bought you here, because really... she's the one who wants to be fucked. See, we both love it in the ass, but Wynonna is a greedy butt hog, who wants my butt all to herself. And honestly, I love that. But I'm a total bottom, who doesn't want to fuck her butt, and would probably suck at it if I tried. So, that's where you two come in. You're going to take turns with this little slut's slutty little ass. And feed her the juices. Oh, and you can spit roast her! Maybe a DP? No, I got it, we can make this slut air tight! Oh yes, I'll wear one cock Wynonna can ride with her cunt, and the rest of you can fill her ass and mouth. How does that sound?"

"Perfect." Rosita purred, almost immediately.

"Are you sure about this?" Nicole cautiously asked, after a few long seconds.

"Oh, you can leave at any time, if, if you want." Waverly stammered, feeling like her old self again, before quickly adding, "And you Wynonna, of course. We can stop at any time you want."

There was a long pause, one of the longest yet, and then Wynonna admitted with a blush, "That sounds great, actually."

"Yeah?" Waverly grinned.

"Yeah..." Wynonna admitted bashfully, before questioning, "So... what do we do first?"

"That's up to you." Waverly said softly, before cautiously adding, "But if you're looking for suggestions, how about I prepare your ass first?"

"Sounds good to me." Wynonna grinned.

"Well then, take off your clothes, and give us that ass." Waverly challenged.

"Gladly." Wynonna quipped, before quickly doing as she was told.

Wynonna could admit, if only to herself, that she was nervous. Something which had to be embarrassingly obvious to everyone else, and she wasn't exactly giving a seductive striptease or anything, and what was worse was that she kind of blushed when Rosita shot her a teasing smile while grabbing a strap-on and attaching to herself.

To be fair this was outside of Wynonna's comfort zone, and the one time she had stepped out of it, well, it had ended very poorly. But that was kind of the whole point of doing this. To replace that unpleasant memory with a far more pleasant one. So she did her best to return that teasing smile with one of her own, and then get onto all fours on the rug below.

She wasn't waiting long before Waverly got down behind her, grabbed two handfuls of Wynonna's meaty cheeks after one hard double smack, and then followed them with a grin on her face. Which was a move right out of Wynonna's playbook, something that the older sister was about to complement the younger one on, when she rendered the loudmouth Wynonna Earp speechless by taking another move out of her playbook.

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